Thursday, February 6, 2020

Just Like An Actual Journalist Only Better

Howdy dear availees in Aotearoa...another very, very long week just passed and another even longer one ahead...(ah that's right, you're back in Court again aren't cha'?-Ed)...indeed I am, and it's all very confusing because I've been provided an Affidavit by Corrections that completely contradicts what they were saying and doing to me back in late 2018 by agreeing with everything I was saying back in 2018...(whaaa?-Ed)...mate! that is the very bestest, clearest summary I can summon, and all will be made simultaneously more confusing and yet clearer when we next meet tomorrow for a proper post...("proper post"?-Ed)...yeah, this here is self-evidently a very short directional post to alert dear availees to another particular blog/article...(so you're not the "actual journalist" referred to in the title?-Ed) no, I know y'all are thinkin' that I'm talkin' about myself, and, well, not this time, I mean sure, I do consider myself to be very much a 'journo' of sorts, but this person leaves me in the shade with their extensive researchings, etc...(yeah, but you've been doin' this 'ere blog since January 2013 and have worked to the point of physical and mental exhaustion-Ed)...sure...(and you always were and continue to be absolutely self-scrupilous in matters of fact and detail!-Ed)...yeah, that's true...

(Mate! you've been at the very eye of the storm that is the rankly Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Political Retribution hurled your way by SAPol (police), SA's Labor and Liberal parliaments, and the Judiciary-Ed)...with a coupla' notable exceptions, but yeah...(a Political Persecution personally instigated by the rankly corrupt Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander-Ed)...sure, all true, and all well worth re-noting, but today we're just here for a quick shout-out to someone else's work...(and indeed it's a shout-out well-earned and well worth while-Ed) let's doooooooo it!...dear availees, rather than cut-'n'-copy this article to this 'ere blog, it deserves to be viewed where it actually resides...(here here! I mean, there there, you know what I mean-Ed)...and regular dear availees will be familiar with the journo/author...(indeed they will-Ed) without further ado, please to be goin' to, and check-out her latest piece on the extraordinary financial shenanigans that is the self-serving James Morrison and the bizarre 'Charity' status of Generations In Jazz...(is this about all the Sexual Assault of students stuff that James seems to not just condone but actually support?-Ed)...ahhh, that gets a mention, yeah, but it's predominantly about the very 'interesting' financial connections within this supposed 'Charity'...(mate! how the shreck does GIJ get 'Charity' status?-Ed)...dunno' mate, it's a beauty though ain't it?...(but it's a private business enterprise that profits specific people within that organisation!-Ed)...I know, I know...

I also refer dear availees to the other articles that Ms Duncan has produced regarding the murky funding streams and other financial dealings of the Morrison Academy, GIJ, other Morrison businesses, and his various 'associates'...admittedly, I had to re-read some stuff to get my head around the intricate web of deals and dealers, and I'm not entirely sure I understand some bits, but I absolutely encourage dear availees to give it all a red-hot go...(heyyyy, there's our dodgy li'l mate 'Bouncin' Billy DeGaris, he gets a guernsey-Ed)...several times in fact...(hmmm, if I ever need it, please don't hesitate to remind me to not piss-off young Ms Duncan-Ed)...done and done mate, and I'd ask for that same reminder from you...(it's a deal-Ed)...and I'd like to think that just occasionally people say much the same sort of thing about us here at li'l ol' TMGI...(mate, you know they do-Ed)...yeah, I do...cheers y'all...

Tomorrow: It's Off To Court We Go

And then that post about the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre deceit-laden rort-fest...(literally every day and in literally every way, it just gets better and better-Ed)...or worse and worse, depending on how you look at it, eg, if you're one of the long-suffering Mt Gambier Ratepayers who is gunna' get lumbered with many decades of payin'-off this huge pile of FARC...(fair enough-Ed)...itself just one of Mt Gambier City Council's litany of manipulations, deceits, and outright lies...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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