Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Howdy And Apologies

Howdy dear availees all around The Rock, apologies for a long hiatus and a very brief interim post...had a fairly traumatising few weeks and simply couldn't face doin' this 'ere blog...(is this the stuff about your recent Court appearance and SA Corrections commitment to the bare-faced Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher?-Ed)...partly, and indeed that's the title of our next post, already partly done...(is it the bare-faced criminality of the Scott 'Scummo' Morrison Liberal National Party government?-Ed)...yeah, again partly, and that's certainly front-and-centre of what's really knocked me down for a bit...(well I know you've had a coupla' really heavy things happen in your personal life recently, not least of all just this past weekend-Ed)...yeah yeah, all relevant, and possibly I'll discuss that stuff at some point, but it's one specific thing that's really rocked me and simultaneously ripped the rug out from under any sense of hope and optimism I might have been clinging to...(strewth! sounds really heavy man-Ed) is, and as a result I've been trying to stay 'informed' by spendin' lots of time on Twitter, etc, but I've then spent minute-for-minute de-briefing on Youtube with favs music, 8 Outta' 10 Cats Does Countdown clips, and cheesy funny animal videos...apart from that it's been sleep, eat, wash, very occasional gym, and lottsa' dog park...(yay, I love dog park-Ed)...and so does the doggo...

I'm incredibly lucky that a coupla' months back someone talked me into getting another doggo, 'cos on a number of days recently dog park is the only thing that's got me outta' the house, and as a consequence, also to gym, albeit only a coupla' days a week...

Language Warning:....the Court stuff that Ed referred to was an extraordinary but hardly unexpected traipse down Pro-Paedophile Corruption Lane...(dude! wasn't that Corrections prosecutor guy one very, very angry young man?-Ed)...indeed Ed, he's a complete fuckin' prick...End Language Warning...(whoa, dude, tell us what ya' really think!-Ed)...that's just the tip of the iceberg mate, and if I ever am allowed the opportunity to explain it to him to his face, I'll be tellin' him all about it...(yeah, the Magistrate wasn't real pleased when you had an albeit polite go at him from the witness box-Ed)...yeah, not her fault, Her Honour was relatively restrained given that she's probably not accustomed to people speaking-out like that...(well I'd reckon it's hardly the first time, but fair enough-Ed)...and in my own defense, 1) I'm so used to being forced to conduct my own defense, having been forced to do it for over 2 years, including against the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...(sure, I can see that-Ed)...and 2) it was a perfectly reasonable question/statement about the self-conflicting stupidity of Corrections own Affidavit as opposed to his bizarre, angry demands that I be gaoled, and what the implications of those demands truly represented...and his angry, angry attitude was sickly symptomatic of his deeply corrupted and punitive intent...anyhoos, read all about it in tomorrow's post mate...

The one thing that has really floored me, and bought so much sadness into my life, was an interview on the ABC/BBC News Radio about the Bushfire Crisis...(so it was about the rank criminality of the Scummo LNP-Ed)...I see the point you're making there, you're comenting about the litany of failures and corresponding denials and deceits from Scummo and a coupla' LNP Ministers, eg, David 'Little To Be Proud Of' Littleproud...(well those who weren't effectively invisible for several months, eg, Home Affairs Oberleutnant Peter 'Spud' Dutton-Ed)...indeed, him and dozens of others, but we digress...the interview was effectively about one particular fire, and specifically about a coupla' firies who had been killed in that fire, and the interviewee was the father of one the firefighter's...I didn't catch his name but the name of his son was mentioned in the interview...whilst I am deeply disturbed and dismayed by the father's comments, it is still an appalling situation for all involved so I have deliberately chosen to not include the names here...

And what was it that I found so disturbing and saddening?...the interviewer asked about Scott Morrison's holiday to Hawaii mid-crisis...(his extraordinarily inappropriate jaunt to Hawaii?-Ed)...yeah, how many holidays did Scummo have during the crisis?...(well only one during the actual crisis, but it was his second or third for the year-Ed)...fair enough...(and then there were the litany of straight-out lies from his office and Scummo himself-Ed)...absolutely, all the lies about how he wasn't in Hawaii, and then about how it was suddenly planned, and then the self-contradictory lies about how it was actually planned aways back and he'd promised the wife and kids, and then that it was his original intent to holiday on the NSW South Coast...(and then that he went to Hawaii because it was on the way to India, which it clearly isn't-Ed)...indeed, 'cos he planned to flog them (India) more coal...(whilst refusing to accept there was any connection between pollution (coal) induced Climate Change and the catastrophic fires at home, etc-Ed)...yep, all that stuff, and then lied that he was rushing home early when he actually went to New York to visit his mentor and ongoing Paedophile Protector, fellow professional god-botherer Brian 'We Have A Problem' Houston...(Scummo pretty-much can't open his sneering, smirking gob without lying through those thin, pursed lips, and his cronies ain't any better, they are collectively committed career serial liars and professional political criminals-Ed)...indeed, the whole disgraceful episode is a definable litany of inexcusable lies...

Please do pardon my apparently unrelated venting, but this litany of lies is directly relevant to the substance of my dismay and distress...the interviewer asked about the interviewee's opinion of Scott Morrison and his conduct, etc, and the answer was devastating...'the PM is a great guy and really sympathetic, he was really genuine and understanding'...(what? but Scummo is arguably the most disingenuous person in Oz, for shizzle's sake, he had to have $190,000 of Empathy Training-Ed)...yep, and this father either didn't know that or he simply chose to ignore it...and then he was asked about the Hawaii holiday...(do I want to know?-Ed)...the father said that that was fine, that Scummo/everybody deserves a holiday sometime, and that he'd promised the family, and then, that it had already been paid for...(wow-Ed)...yeah, and it went on for a coupla' more seconds but I was literally deafened by that last comment, not sure what I missed, if anything...(I don't know what to say-Ed)...well quite, I was left literally reeling, my brain-box grinding through the gears as I tried to process what I'd just listened to...this man's son had been killed, and there he was regurgitating the Scummo excuse menu, a menu wholly comprised of self-serving lies and political deceits...does one tear rolling count as bringing tears to my eyes?...(I get what you're saying, and exactly what you're feeling-Ed)...indeed...

And once I'd gotten over the initial shock, I was immediately consumed by a sense of hopelessness and depression that has only partly receded...if this man could lose his son, in these circumstances, and then just trot-out the LNP/Scummo line of deceits in excusing their collective failures, etc, then what hope that the broader community were willing to and/or even capable of holding Scummo and pals to account...(well one hopes that these were comments made largely in ignorance of the facts-Ed)...but that's what I'm saying, this was clearly the line that the Main Stream Media and the ABC, et al, had allowed Scummo to promote and pursue without being held to account, and that it was only Twitter that put any sort of real pressure on Scummo/the LNP, before those realities trickled into some areas of the MSM...(and the Murdoch press and Sky News, etc, true to form furiously defended poor ol' Scummo, etc-Ed)...absolutely, ignorance is the one thread that I cling to in understanding this father's specific statements and attitude, but in the broader context, it's a deeply concerning insight into the mind-set of those who either cannot, do not, or worse, simply refuse to believe the realities they are being shown about Scummo and his Criminal Cabal that is the LNP...

If a man who's son has been killed can so submissively and/or ignorantly just spew out the deceit-laden LNP rhetoric, what hope for the rest of us?...(and do we read into it anything about the ABC/BBC News Radio running an interview with an openly pro-Scummo father, but not anything from other parents/families who have lost loved ones?-Ed)...unfortunately, given the ABC's spineless pandering to Scummo and the LNP, it is not an unreasonable question, but one that I cannot answer...

Tomorrow: Corrections SA Commits To The Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution Of Nick Fletcher     

(So what's that about then?-Ed)...really?...(nah, only joshing, it seems fairly self-explanatory-Ed) absolutely is, it's as obvious as Corrections conduct itself...a brief synopsis, Corrections supposedly accepts that my Mental Health issues preclude me from doing Community Service within their very specific structure, but then argue that that justifies demanding that I be sent to gaol instead...(for a non-gaolable offence-Ed)...exactly...(and have waited 18 months since supposedly accepting your official diagnosis, etc, to pursue the issue-Ed)...yep, and despite the shizzle they put me through at the time, eg, refusing to accept that diagnosis, etc,'s a definably corrupt and retributional attack stemming from the original "Malicious Prosecution" of my "bizarre trial" and the original source, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse is a continuation of the rancidly corrupt and undisguised Pro-Paedophile Political Retribution for doin' this 'ere blog...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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