Monday, January 13, 2020

Reinventing Venting

Howdy dear availees and welcome to a very committed whinge about a range of issues...just realised it's a full week, actually 8 days, since the last post and felt I should get something covered previous, I'm still finding that days are slipping into weeks, weeks into months, slipping, slipping, slipping into the future...(as the song goes-Ed)...still trying to push forward and keep informed, etc, but it's a hard row to hoe, in the same context that many people experience, namely, in the current environment of Institutionalised Federal Political Criminality and Incompetence, just trying to know what's going on inevitably leads to confusion, anger, depression, brimming hatred, etc, etc...(and then you've got to deal with the fact that you're trying to keep informed via the rancidly complicit reportage of the Main Stream Media and ABC-Ed)...and if that weren't enough, there's the bloody-minded denials and deliberate, wanton stupidity of the Right Wing ignoramuses whom cannot and/or will not accept the role they have played in this disaster by voting for these corrupt politicians who are failing us so spectacularly, and/or continue to defend and support here's a few choice pieces to chew over, again from a partially-drafted post from some months ago...

On an issue we've covered previous here at TMGI, there's this story, which I'll just introduce and suggest that y'all check-out further via the Interweb if you want...***

BREAKING: #Adelaide court THROWS OUT charges winemaker Kenneth John Baker, right, used his sheds as a clan lab to produce meth - because prosecutors still haven't finalised their case, 15 months after his arrest.

***...(ah yeah, this exact same thing happened with a group of 5 Meth dealers in Mt Gambier in May 2019-Ed)...indeed it did, and simultaneously was about to happen to charges against a married Mt Gambier teacher who had been raping one of his female students...(which was being very politely reported as Persistent Sexual Exploitation-Ed)...indeed, because Multiple Statutory Rapes of a Minor just doesn't have the same ring to it, does it...(and what's happened with that case?-Ed)...good question Ed, 'cos it seems to have just disappeared...(now there's a surprise-Ed)...I very much hope that I've somehow missed the reportage of that teacher getting convicted and gaoled, but I fear that the more likely outcome is that that case has just 'gone away', not least of all to protect the school/organisation involved, themselves multiple Child Abuse Cover-up offenders...(you don't mean it's, you know who?-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, and I've intensely Interweb searched to no avail, but just in case that 'trial' is ongoing I'm going to hold back from identifying that school/organisation...but rest assured, once I've established the reality of what I fear has happened, that that case has been 'dropped', I will fulfil my promise to go hell-for-leather on that school/organisation, etc...

Last post we went to great lengths to cover just some of the extraordinary conduct of PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison...and sometimes you happen upon a Tweet/message/story that so perfectly encapsulates the sentiment that you wish you'd said it ya'self, so here 'tis this...*** 

It was planned for ages, it was planned for six weeks. It definitely isn’t Hawaii. It definitely was Hawaii. I’ll rush back. I’ll have a MaiTai and watch the sun go down. I promised the kids. I wanted to surprise them. I wanted family time. I wanted my QAnon buddy. I’ll burn for you. You’ll burn for me. We’ll beat them in a canter. I’ll count them twice. I’ll give you $11m. (Its yours anyway and I have given it to you before when it was also yours) I am comforted you need me - we don’t. Its such a tragedy, cracks Angus and I up. Fucking hilarious!
This deadshit has more front than a rat with a glod tooth. He has to go. We can’t even trust his lies for consistency.
@ScottMorrisonM must go along with his corrupt forging, lying, stealing, kiddy-fiddling, sex tourism, climate denying, rolex wearing, dual citizen, coalhuggingMurdoch loving, franking credit, racist, IPA cult.

***...(whaaa?-Ed)...okay, sure, that's from several weeks ago, and he's making references to a whole range of issues, but here's a quick guide...Scummo went to Hawaii and his office openly lie-denied it then he told openly conflicting stories about when that holiday was planned and how he'd promised his kids, etc, and how he was gunna' rush home but instead sat on the beach and reportedly also went to New York...(and now he's saying he was gunna' go holiday on the NSW South coast but had to go to Hawaii when he changed the dates-Ed)...and then that he was on his way to India, which is in the opposite direction, etc...Scummo said that he would "burn for you" after his re-election...'we'll beat them' refers to the relentless lies about Australia's Emission Targets, lies based on dodgy accounting using past 'credits', etc...the promise for $11m for fire-fighting was a repeated promise from 2 years before...Scummo's self-infatuated twist on how angry Ozzies were that he'd pissed-off on holiday, 'they're comforted I'm back'...he and Angus Taylor were filmed laughing on their way into a meeting with fire-fighters and victims...the rest is self-explanatory, but if you need explanation, just Interweb search it...("rolex wearing"?-Ed)...for example, refers to the incident where Stuart Roberts, Tony Abbott, and Ian McFarlane accepted $250,000 worth of expensive rolex watches from a Chinese billionaire...(ah yeah, and then claimed they thought the watches were fakes and therefore that made it ok, etc-Ed)...not just okay, fine, just fine...

And in the previous post we covered a bunch of stuff about Scummo and his apparently deliberate gross mis-handling of virtually every aspect of the current National Fire Disaster, and how his own self-approved self-promoting TV ad had so spectacularly back-fired...(not least of all by dot-pointing all of the things that he'd been embarrassed/forced into doing by the Twitterati-Ed)...indeed, and a discussion about the apparent/potential reality that Scummo's happy-clapping Pentecostal belief system about the Rapture, etc, was the genuine motivation for his inaction and incompetence and arrogance and indifference, eg, going on holidays in Hawaii...(that was a long post and even then we missed a coupla' key points-Ed)...yes we did, and there's now a bunch more stuff, literally everyday Scummo finds new and exciting ways to be a deceitful, duplicitous prick...(yay-Ed)...we missed, for example, his initial comments about how volunteer firefighters "want to be there", and that they don't want to be paid, etc...then later he's succumbed to Twitter pressure to pay firefighters because they're spending weeks and even months away from work, and now he's constantly running that self-congratulatory line about how he's paying, but the reality is that very few will actually qualify and almost no-one will get the full $6,000...(for example, self-employed contractors and farmers, etc, who will struggle to prove a specific loss, they'll get Sweet FA-Ed)...exactly...(and isn't $6,000 a pitiful amount for some who have been on duty for weeks and even months?-Ed)...indeed, why not a base daily payment?...(and aren't some people being refused Centrelink support because official maps exclude their fire-ravaged areas-Ed)...yep, there's a raft of instances where people cannot get support now, are getting minimal support, and/or will struggle to comply with criteria for 'compensation'...

And Scummo continues to focus on this 'post disaster' stuff rather than acknowledge the failings that have led us into this "absolutely unprecedented crisis"...(and Smoko keeps saying that too, firstly, that every preparation was done, second, it's all a State-based responsibility, and third, he's very keen to again deflect from his failures to listen to experts who repeatedly warned him that this exact scenario was imminent, he's denialist-diverting by saying that 'the magnitude of the damage is because these are "unprecedented fires"-Ed)...yep, he really hammered that point in the farcical LNP Scomo Promo interview he did with David Speers...(that was a rolling catastrophe of an interview-Ed)...yep, and we'll discuss it shortly...anyhoos, as you say, one is an abject lie, two is shameless blame-shifting, and three, this 'unprecedented' catch-phrase is exactly as you describe, trying to shift the focus away from his original lie about preparedness...(I also enjoy the way he tries to dismiss that advice of multiple former Fire Commissioners, etc, and denigrate them personally, by smugly, smirkingly stating 'I prefer to listen to current Commissioners/experts'-Ed)...Smirko, Scummo, Smoko, take ya' pick...(geez, every time I see that sickening smirk I just wanna' wipe it right off his smug denialist face-Ed) and about 23 million other Australians...(no wonder that have to send a squad of Riot Police with him to his disgusting photo-op drop-ins at fire-affected communities-Ed)...and of course carefully organise people who will actually shake his hand, not be physically forced to do it...

And even then Scummo manages to thoroughly screw it up, eg, during a carefully choreographed stop on Kangaroo Island, he outrageously and ignorantly declared how great it was no lives had been lost...(the day after a father and son had been killed-Ed)...and when some-one told him, his immediate and clearly disingenuous response was 'I was talking about the fire fighters'...(that's absolute crap! he clearly didn't know or had even forgotten-Ed)...yep, classic Scummo, don't apologise, don't admit fault, just belligerently bluster ya' way through, spew rhetoric, and quickly go onto something else...and in that Speers interview/promo, he doubled-down on that tactless and dismissive lie by repeating and defending it, 'I was talking about fire fighters...(but they were fire fighters! they were caught in a fire front whilst returning from fighting other fires-Ed)...indeed, and Scummo would know that, particularly after the debacle of the original statement and denialist-lie to try and excuse that statement...(and yet he goes on national TV and repeats and defends that lie???!!!-Ed)...that's our Scotty, no shame, no respect, no responsibility, it's all about Scotty, mate...he's also very keen to re-define people's anger with him as 'their trauma and/or emotion', and he's vowed to "not take it personally"...(but people are furious with him personally, and not just with his initial failures and Climate Change denials, etc, but with his woeful response to the crisis, eg, buggering-off to Hawaii!-Ed) no mate, it's not Scummo's fault, and according to him 95% of people have been just ecstatic to see him...(sure, and that's why he needs a bulkily conspicuous protection squad-Ed)...well quite...       

Scummo also congratulates himself for providing $20million to lease/rent 4 more heavy water bomber planes, but he was advised early last year to have at least this many available early and it's been exposed that there are at least 8 planes on offer from the USofA, but that Scummo has not taken-up that offer...(whaaa?!-Ed)...and similarly he has failed to accept offers of help from several other countries, eg, Denmark, France...(but why would you refuse to accept this vital help-Ed)...because you're a Rapture-Captured nutjob? or perhaps other 'conspiracy theories' are applicable, eg, clearing large tracts of land held in National Parks and removing rural/regional communities for commercial forestry or farming or Fracking or other mining enterprise...(or a combination of these-Ed)...gourd knows mate, given a litany of lunacies to choose from, does that make any of them accurate/true?...(true-Ed) Scummo just such a self-obsessed megalomaniac so wholly consumed by his own huberis, etc, that he has refused to listen to anyone, and then when events prove him wrong, he simply cannot accept that he has failed so completely?...(and so he stubbornly refuses to act to rectify his mistakes/failures-Ed)...and never, ever admit fault and certainly never apologise...

Language is easy to be 100% accurate with the benefit of hindsight, but the moment I saw Scummo furiously self-promoting his (then) upcoming interview with the 'new' ABC 'journo' David Speers, I knew that it was going to be a carefully choreographed denialist, revisionist cluster-fuck...(and boy, they didn't fuckin' let ya' down did they?-Ed)...End Language they shreckin' did not...lies, denials, refusal to answer specific questions, relentless un-challenged rhetoric and fake statistics, etc, etc, over and over and over, ad infinitum, it was a disastrous one witty scribe described, 'you can tell when Scummo's lying because he gives overly-long answers whilst not actually answering the questions'...(spot on-Ed)...and Speers, freshly recruited across from the rancidly unhinged Right Wing Sky News channel, he just let Scummo go for it, it was pathetic and disgraceful and typical of the wholly compromised ABC...(well maybe Speers had no idea what he was talking about and therefore couldn't challenge any of it?-Ed)...mate, I use the very generous 'If Nick Knows Scale' of political knowledge, in that I'm a relative novice so if I know what's happening, I quite rightly expect a supposed political journo to know...(hmmm, fair enough-Ed) when I know that this bare-faced deceit about 'meeting our Kyoto/Paris/Carbon Credit commitments at a canter' is a cynical lie backed by dodgy accounting utilising previous 'credits' to fudge the current figures, etc, then I expect a 'journo' to challenge that constant lie from Scummo & Co...(and not just challenge it but destroy it once and for all-Ed)...exactly, because a lie allowed often enough inevitably is seen to be the truth...      

Mr Speers should also know Scummo's self-congratulatory lies about this being the first time that the Defense Forces have been mobilised to help in a National Disaster...(but what about all the times that the Army/Navy/Airforce have been on the ground during floods and fires previous?-Ed) point exactly, it's common knowledge, but apparently Speersy don't know...and through-out this interview/promo Scummo is furiously trying to re-define the focus of any discussion by shifting it away from his responsibilities and what he/the Liberals were repeatedly warned about, eg, those Fire Commissioner warnings...he's carefully and repeatedly talking about 'learning lessons' and 'adapting to a changing environment', and the classic 'we at the LNP believe in climate change'...(whilst multiple LNP Ministers continue to denounce it as 'Green propaganda alarmist nonsense', eg, Craig 'I Ain't As Stupid As I Look' Kelly on BBC TV News last week-Ed)...yep, and the LNP have tried to dismiss that train-wreck interview as not relevant because it was supposedly just Craigo's opinion, etc...(but the BBC have stated that they asked for a Minister and what the LNP sent them was Craigo-Ed)...indeed...(and only weeks ago Deputy PM Michael 'I'm Completely Sane, Really I Am' McCormick publicly denounced Climate Change as being the fevered imaginings of inner-city lunatics-Ed)...well, if anyone's qualified to identify what genuine lunacy is, it's our Mikey-boy, we love 'im...

(I love Smoko's smug smirking denigration of the former Fire Chiefs, as repeated in this Speer's interview-Ed)...and Scummo certainly seems to enjoy himself whilst doing it, and I love watching that sickening smirk while he says it...I also particularly love how he's deliberately trying to do the Overcome With Grief Voice Breaking Stutter thing...(yep, that $190,000 Empathy Training is really bearing fruit-Ed)...if only Scummo wasn't such a soulless and pitiful actor...(yep, if there's one thing worse than an uncaring, smirking incompetent at the controls, it's a clearly confected fake and failed incompetent attempt at empathy-Ed)...I've seen him give it a coupla' goes now, and pathetically fail each time, it's so obviously fake that he should just give it away as a lost cause...(the way he has to large areas of Australia?-Ed)...yeah, just like that...and while he's at it, he can give-up the responsibility-denying divertionary crap about how this is a "Natural Disaster", there's clearly nothing 'natural' about the scale of these fires, it's just another attempt to divert people's attention from the LNP's rank failure to heed the very specific multiple warnings and advice from early 2018, and  in some instances advice/warnings going back many years, eg, the Garnaut Report from 2008...

Even as I listen, the ABC South East Radio is giving free rein to Ross Hampton of the Forestry Products Association arguing that it's National Parks fault that's there such big fires and 'experts in their ivory towers', and railing against increased National Parks, etc, and then on comes Member for Barker, Liberal Tony Pasin, co-chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Forsetry...and he doesn't disappoint, straight into spruiking Scummo's farcical Royal Commission announcement, immediately followed by blithe platitudes about brave firefighters, etc, and back to Scummo's agenda of denying culpability about the past fsilings that got us into this disastrous situation and instead shifting to 'learn lessons' and 'load reduction', and then a classic appalling dog-whistling Liberal shot at 'those who culturally don't want management programs'...(yeah, I notice that he very carefully didn't actually say 'Greens', but that's the reference he's making, alluding to and fueling the absolutely false Right Wing narrative that it's 'The Greens' who have stopped appropriate hazard reduction burns, etc, and are therefore to blame for the current NFD-Ed)...despite clear evidence to the contrary, eg, there are bugger-all Greens in state Parliaments, there are issues of gross under-funding of Parks, etc, and NSW Fire Commissioner Fitzsimmon himself saying it's an issue of diminishing 'windows of opportunity to burn' due to shorter, drier Winters...and then Tony's on to how the Federal government show leadership, and something about using the supposed $2b Fire Fund for phone towers to improve coverage and therefore safety...(but in NSW, the first casualty was phone/internet communications, surely a radio-based system is preferable-Ed)...well exactly, dunno' what he's on about there...   

And it's widely being reported and increasingly addressed the deliberate attempts in the MSM, ABC, and particularly multiple 'bot and/or troll accounts' on 'social media' to deliberately manipulate and misrepresent the data and thusly distract and deceive on behalf of 'Climate Deniers', by spreading false stories about the current fire disaster being the fault of arsonists...(and also that it's the fault of 'Greenies' who have stopped appropriate fuel-reduction-Ed)...yeah, or a combination of both...MSM has been absolutely appalling in giving un-challenged airtime to lunatics like Barnaby Joyce, and the ABC has also allowed a lot of this stuff to go unchallenged...and yet again, even with the bots/trolls,  it's been Twitter and the like that have held the line against this wave of disinformation, effectively identifying and countering this deeply cynical and corrupted narrative...(and again, FC Fitzsimmons himself countering these claims by stating the facts, a relatively small percentage are deliberate arson-Ed) I said, everyday is a constant battle against the deliberate misinformation and denial and deceit, not least of all from Scummo himself, so I'm sure we'll back on this topic again later this week, but that's enough for now...

Tomorrow: A Thorough FARC Post

I know that I've repeatedly promised a post about Mt Gambier City Council's relentless campaign of deceits and manipulation as they force-feed Mt Gambier Ratepayers the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre, so here's a brief teaser, and I absolutely promise this as the next post...MGCC has only just posted in The Border Watch last Friday 3rd January 2020, their intention to apply for State Government approval for development of the Olympic Pk site...(sorry what?! they've spent a small fortune on a dodgy 'public voting process', external consultants and architects, gourd knows how much time of Council staffers, etc, and now, nearly 2 years into the process, now they're applying for Development Approval?!-Ed)...yep...(and there's nothing at all cynically conspiratorial about hiding that official public notification of intent to apply, etc, hiding that in TBW 2 days after New Year when many people are away and/or busy with other holiday activities, etc-Ed) no, gourd bless, just because it's a classic political manipulation to try and hide things in the media by dropping them late of a Friday or immediately before a public holiday, etc, that doesn't mean that's what the perpetually corrupt MGCC is doing............(are you waiting for me to say something?-Ed) no, just saying, I'm sure it's just a complete coincidence.........(and?-Ed)...and nothing, that's all.........(?-Ed)...and that's why we're gunna' call the next post, Puttin' The FARC Before The Horse...

But it does remind me of that hilarious Australian Electoral Commission exoneration of the Liberal Party/Gladys Liu/Josh Frydenberg for deliberately using AEC purple livery on signs at polling booths at the May 2019 Federal Election...AEC Purple signs, written in Chinese, that stated that "the correct" or "the right" way to vote was Liberal...(wow-Ed)...and prepare to be further 'wowed', because that exoneration, qualified as it was with statements about 'potential illegality', etc, was justified by the bizarre statement that those signs 'hadn't influenced anyone'...(but how the shreck would the AEC know that? did they speak to every voter?-Ed) no, that's the AEC 'opinion'...(wow, just wow-Ed)...indeed, and we ain't done yet...(gourd spare me-Ed)...'cos that exoneration was dropped mid-afternoon on Christmas Eve...(of course it was, shreck me-Ed)...and the AEC is a completely Independent Authority, not at all complicit, colluding, or controlled by the LNP...(well now you're just taking the piss-Ed)...well quite...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...(exactly how much 'Notice to Apply' are MGCC required to provide the long-suffering Ratepayers who are gunna' get lumbered with paying for this $40m+ FARC White Elephant? how much notice and where and how soon, etc?-Ed)...dunno' mate, but I will try to find out and include that in the post...(cheers-Ed)...laters...          

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