Friday, May 6, 2022

Main Stream Media Are The Real Whores In Australia

Howdy dear apologies for the terseness of the title, but we will explain our position re the language...Sex Workers are people who provide sexual contact as a paid service...(no probs, just people working-Ed)...Prostitutes is a more colloquial term for the same...(still no probs-Ed)...Whores is a derogatory term for same, and often applied to women as a term of 'misogynistic' abuse...but for the purposes of this post...(and as we apply the term in general life, eg, non-gendered-Ed)...exactly, 'whores' are the sort of low-brow cretins masquerading as Australia's Main Stream Media...with very few exceptions, the men and women of the Oz MSM are immoral, unthinking whores whom, for their own personal benefit, prostrate themselves before their rancidly pro-LNP paymasters...(those sort of dim-witted pro-LNP sycophants and courtiers whom readily screech abuse at anyone Labor/Greens/ Independent, but dutifully ignore the vast litany of LNP Rorts/Corruption/Failings-Ed)..indeed, those whom self-righteously pursue the least little issue in attacking Labor/Green/Independents, but let PM Scummo and his phalanx of corrupt stooge colleagues in the Liberal/National Party just coast through virtually unchallenged...   

I know we've down this same path numerous times in recent posts...(it's just about the only thing we've covered for several months now-Ed)...fair enough, and that's 'cos the details of policy and priorities, etc, all those discussions are subjugated by the bloated pro-LNP bias of those 'reporting' it...and so we have the vast and rancid Murdoch media, the (Liberal Treasurer) Peter Costello-controlled Channel 9, and the Stokes-controlled Channel 7...(and the LNP-infested national broadcaster ABC-Ed)...arguably the worst 'cos they're meant to be at least impartial, and by reputation, were once even 'Left-leaning'...but those days, if they ever really existed, are now long gone as evidenced by the raft of former Murdoch minions, as you describe Ed, now infesting the ABC...our understanding of the Election, the issues/policies the concerns/aspirations of candidates, etc, etc, all of that must be deciphered/discerned from within the wantonly distorted maelstrom of 'whoreish reportage'...                                    

General Language Warning:...and 'whores' in the sense that they are accepting payment, they are employed, to thoroughly fuck democracy in this country...(and indeed have been fucking-over democracy for decades really, especially via the rancid fathomless Murdoch cesspit-Ed)...yep, and as is our democracy thoroughly fucked-over by these 'whores', so in turn are we, as the ever-suffering citizens of this pseudo-Democracy, so are we too thoroughly fucked by these whores...(and not forgetting those numerous whores who are not operating under some sense of duress, like fearing for their career should they speak-out, etc, but rather who willingly whore themselves out to whoever will pay them, eg, the drooling, mewling halfwits spewing their wildly distorted 'opinions' on SKY News or in The Australian-Ed)...indeed, it's one thing to 'whore' under duress, it's entirely something else to want to be a 'media whore'...(and something even more 'else' to take such vacuous pride and delight in being that whore-Ed)...again I immediately think of various pro-LNP luminaries from SKY News whom are wholly taken with a sense of their own wonderousness...  

There's no better example of how distorted this pro-LNP 'reportage' is than the whole 'gaffes' discourse, where-in if Labor's Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese forgets a percentage rate, or the exact specific wording of a policy, it's an actual screeching, yelling hyena-pack baying for blood...(and actual weeks of re-reporting that 'gaffe', and constant commentary about how Albo's lost the election 'cos of it, etc-Ed)...yeah, all that...but when Scummo blatantly lies, doesn't know/erroneously massively misquotes what the Jobkeeper rate is, says "Mr Speaker" to a journo 3 times in a minute, his Ministry is embroiled in yet more gross corruption/abuse scandals, eg, the $500k pay-out to a staffer re the Tudge/Frydenburg Sexual Assault case, etc, etc, etc, with all these 'gaffes' in play, and there's barely a fucking whisper in the MSM...(and all this current 'silence' after years of proven Corruption/Rorts/Sexual Assault Scandals in the LNP, but the media 'whores' go ballistic about Albo's minor 'gaffe' 3 weeks ago-Ed)...yep, media whores doing their level-best to drive the narrative against Labor/Etc, and protect/promote the LNP... 

But the quintessentially perfect example of this rancid pro-LNP bias 'whoring', especially in the ABC, is evident in the wholesale non-reportage of the Parliament Prayer Room Sex Worker Scandal...(where-in serving Liberal politicians, including the then Defense Minister, were engaging young male sex workers to attend the Federal Parliament's 'Prayer Room', to provide sexual services to said political whores-Ed)...this has been openly reported and discussed, etc, across Twitter and/or Independent Media like FriendlyJordies who broke the story, but in the whoredom of our MSM?...(I'll take 'How Much Is Sweet Fuck All' for $200 thanks-Ed)...well done that man, but SFA really doesn't responsibly encapsulate the full extent of the rank whoreness at play here, 'cos said former Defense Minister Christopher 'Mincing Poodle' Pyne, as named in the "leaked report", he's been all over the MSM in the weeks since that Inquiry was leaked/reported...(as has the also named in Inquiry/report LNP Assistant Minister Tim Wilson-Ed)...sure, for example, both have been on Ch10 The Project, but the real whoring has been done by the ABC, where-in the Poodle has been all over the ABC, making multiple appearances on multiple programs, eg, Afternoon Briefing, alleged comedy/current affairs show Tomorrow Tonight...(let me guess, and not one single mention of, let alone question about, the Prayer Room Gay Sex Worker Scandal-Ed)...crickets, a biblical-proportion locust swarm of crickets...(the proverbial deafening silence-Ed)... 

And so it continues with the latest installment of the Education Minister Alan Tudge Scandal...(well off-again/on-again/off-again Education Minister, no-one seems sure what his current position is, not even his boss Scummo-Ed)...sure, but the Tudge Scandal and the 'secret $500k pay-out' to his former staffer Rachelle Miller, a scandal that has now blown-out massively to envelop the Treasurer Josh Frydenburg, where-in Josh is alleged to have assaulted Ms Miller a decade ago when he was a junior Minister...not one fuckin' word in the pox-ridden MSM, despite wide-spread coverage in Independent that point, here's the links to articles in the most excellent True Crime News Weekly and Kangaroo Court of Australia...the TCNW article is behind a paywall, but I've included it anyways 'cos it confirms the article exists, shows the dates, etc...

Yesterday was another rabid whorefest as CH9 minion Jonathon Kearsley screeched abuse at Albo, and numerous other self-important incompetents joined-in...just Interweb search that clowns' name or go to the Twitter feed #ThisIsNotJournalism...(I love the descriptor being used to describe Oz MSM, 'Churnalism', as in churning out absolute dross-Ed)...absolutely hilarious if it weren't so accurate and so serious...anyhoos, gunna' pull stumps here and try to enjoy the rest of my day...after this...

In the interests of at least attempted balance, I have seen some very limited, very isolated instances of the MSM/ABC actually trying to hold the Scummo LPN to account, but these few and far between incidences really only serve to highlight 2 things...1) how rarely this actually occurs, and 2) that these attempts relate to actual instances of Corruption/Rorting/Scandal, unlike the 'Albo Gotcha' attempts that try to generate some sort of faux-outrage rather than report the wantonly corrupt realities that self-define the Scummo LNP...(a perfect example, the ABC Four Corners report this week about the $1billion+ awarded to Aspen Medical without any public tenders, not re-reported at all in the MSM, and not even covered on the ABC News itself-Ed)...this level of whoring is genuinely surreal...(indeed it is-Ed) we acknowledge that there a minute minority of reporters who do occasionally have an actual go at the Scummo LNP corruption, but the vast majority of reportage is pro-LNP propaganda and proliferation of the LNP agenda... 

In that context, and as indeed we ourselves function here at TMGI, when faced with abuse and/or 'Defamation Threats, and SAPol (police) and/or other legal harassmentings, etc, etc, our conscience is clear and so our purpose remains strong and we do not take any personal issue with said abuse/harassment...(well indeed, have learned to the degree that we now consider it to be a sign of achievement, a source of pride, we are obviously getting right amongst it if we can generate such responses, particularly official responses like the "bizarre trial" with the ICAC Persecution stuff-Ed)...exactly, if you're in the MSM/ABC and you ain't conducting ya'self as described above, then you ain't gunna' be offended 'cos it ain't about you...(if anything, you're gunna' be embarrassed and driven to achieve better outcomes from your peers and/or employers-Ed) a perfect world, that's exactly how our criticisms/observations will be received...

Tomorrow: Revisiting The Rank Corruption Of My ICAC Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution

Just on account of because...(and also 'cos Federal Senate aspirants Rex Patrick (incumbent) and Nick Xenophon (former Senator) have both been in Mt Gambier this week, spruiking their political wares-Ed)...well quite, and with Nick we have an extensive history re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and with Rex we have mutual interests with 'Whistleblower' protections and an appropriately structured/empowered Federal ICAC...(well your life is effectively a text-book study in how a politically-corrupted ICAC can and will be used to attack and punish a 'Whistleblower', and all stemming from the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yeah, and what a jolly jape it's been/is... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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