Friday, July 8, 2022

Alexander Downer Should Be Gaoled, Bernard Collaery & Witness K Must Be Compensated

Howdy dear availees and welcome to a super-brief celebratory post that is also a scathing critique of the Criminal Cabal that is the Liberal/National Party, and in this instance, the definable corruption and 'criminality' of the then Foreign Minister Alexander 'Old Curly' Downer...(yeahhhh, let's get stuck in-Ed)...let's...

I/we, that is 'Australians', apologise unreservedly for the general rank corruption of the LNP and specific to this incident, Alexander Downer, for Alex/the LNP using our security services to 'bug' the East Timorese parliament during discussions/negotiations about the distribution of Natural Resources in the East Timorese region...(as has been repeatedly proven and never appropriately prosecuted, Alex, mate, ordered that illegal surveillance/spying not in the National interest of Australia, but for his own personal benefit, and on behalf of his soon-to-be employer Woodside Petroleum-Ed)...yes he did, and immediately upon losing the 2007 Federal election. 'Old Curly' mate had a massive 'I'm not going to tolerate the humiliation of being in Opposition' hissy-fit, spat his big fat silver-spooner dummy, quit politics, and went straight to work for Woodside...

This is absolutely about our National Security, but it's about the criminal mis-use of our Security Services, not about the exposure of that mis-use.

Alexander Downer committed Industrial/Commercial Espionage on behalf of his soon-to-be employer.

The 'spy' who exposed this rancidly corrupt Industrial/Commercial Espionage, as committed by our then Foreign Minister, was subsequently charged with breaching National Security laws...(that is clearly not a breach of National Security, what Downer did is the only true criminality involved here-Ed)...indeed, as I just said...(oh yeah-Ed) I recall that person, Witness K, pleaded 'Guilty' to some of those charges...Witness K must have their 'Conviction' quashed and be appropriately compensated...not open for debate, no discussion needed, what that person did in exposing that Commercial/Industrial Espionage was 100% in our best National Interest...(well it's no shreckin' wonder that various nations, especially in the Pacific, have such disdain/dislike for us, the LNP are bare-faced lying criminals!-Ed)...exactly, why would you engage with, let-alone trust, a nation you know behaves like this...

It was 2018 when the relentlessly compromised (then) LNP Attorney General Christian 'Just Imagine For A Moment I Didn't Rape Her' Porter proceeded to lay those charges...(the LNP then used multiple spurious arguments about 'National Security' to argue, sometimes successfully, that Bernard Collaery and Witness K should be prosecuted in secret-Ed)...including denying Collaery access to documents being used against's the epitome of Fascism, as being committed by a rancidly corrupt LNP government that constantly bleats about 'The Rule of Law', and/or 'A Rules-Based Order'... 

Now the new Labor government's Attorney General Mark Dreyfus has announced that the charges against Mr Collaery are to be of yet, no word about what's to happen re Witness K's 'forced Guilty plea'...

In my opinion, Witness K's 'Conviction' should be quashed/removed, and they and Bernard Collaery generously compensated for both their financial losses and their stress/trauma related to being 'illegally' prosecuted by a corrupt LNP government.

But let's allow the former East Timorese President Xanana Gusmao to speak his truth to this situation...


Couldn't have said it better...note Mr Gusmao 1) doesn't actually name the "previous Australian Prime Minister", 2) identifies the 'bugging' as being "undertaken for commercial purposes", 3) states that under Labor there has been "prompt action", and 4) that this discontinuance is "just and fair. It is the right decision"... 

The next most obvious step is to drop all supposed 'charges' against Julian Assange...STOP PROSECUTING WHISTLEBLOWERS.

PS: Just being reported that serial Child Abuser John William Hardy has been convicted and gaoled for multiple cases of abuse against young boys....he had previous convictions and did gaol time in New South Wales, before moving to Kangaroo Island and insinuating himself in a 'Church community' there...I haven't been able to establish exactly which 'Church community', but the Lutherans have a big presence on KI...(and there was that Child Abuse Cover-up scandal involving KI Lutherans aways back just prior(?) to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up kicking-off in June 2002-Ed)...which makes it all the more likely that the Lutherans are involved again...Lutherans have a long and definable history of protecting their precious shreckin' Church by turning a communal blind-eye to Child Abuse, attacking those whom report it, etc... 

Tomorrow: James 'Jimmy Trumpets' Morrison Dumps Mt Gambier

Yeah I know we promised this post last time, but unlike 'Jimmy Trumpets' it ain't goin' nowhere fast...(and Morrison?-Ed) a rat out of an I ain't sayin' that Morrison's bailing from Mt Gambier just because he's been exposed as a serial supporter/protector of at least 2 Rapists, but I reckon it's a fair issue to canvas as it relates to the collapse of his precious shreckin' Jazz Academy, and his subsequent/concurrent divesting of local properties, etc...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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