Sunday, November 1, 2015

Things I'm Apparently Wrong About

(Today's post being about the Rail Lands?-Ed)...sorry?...(you keep saying that 'Tomorrow's post is going to be about the Rail Lands Retail Agenda', but it never is-Ed)...ahhh right, yes, sorry 'bout that, but other stuff keeps coming-up...(I mean yeah sure, you repeatedly mention the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and the relentless litany of deceits, the nepotism, and farcically incompetent management of the site-Ed)...sure...(the $2million that Council borrowed and then literally buried on the site via wholly unnecessary groundworks-Ed)...ok...(and the refusal to spend money on the Old Station because it's in the way of the RLRA-Ed)...yeah...(spending $100,000 on 'Activating The Site'...what does that even mean?-Ed)...ok, ok, I can see you're upset about it...(upset?! it's a bloody disgrace across the board, yet another corrupt disgrace from a disgracefully corrupt Council-Ed)...sure...

(It's a bloody disgrace that Council has openly and repeatedly lied to the community about Council's genuine plans for the site, namely the RLRA...bloody disgraceful that they would borrow money to pursue that RLRA...and abso-bloody-lutely disgraceful that The Border Watch has abjectly failed to hold Council to account for it's multiple deceits about the Deed and/or the Easement, or the continuous grand-plan announcements that then just disappear, eg, the November 2011 $10million Parklands Concept Plan, or the sudden appearance and equally sudden disappearance of 'Stage 4', or the $20million Regional Recreation building, or the Skatepark and Rage Cage, etc, etc, etc...over and over again TBW has failed/refused to report the realities of what is happening...failed to the very definition of complicit, corruptly complicit-Ed)...well, feel better now for gettin' that off ya' chest?...(mmm, yes I do actually, ta'-Ed)... 

(And you're not fooling anyone with that pseudo-sarcastic sycophantic suck-up to availees in the title-Ed)...sorry?...(that stuff about 'I'm Wrong About Stuff-Ed)...yeah?...(well anyone even vaguely acquainted with this 'ere blog and you're alleged 'style', recognises that tone of typing as being indicative of the fact that you don't think you're wrong at all, you're just havin' a sarcy-shot at those whom question your abundant wisdomings here-in-Ed)...ah, you know me too well Ed...(well, to be fair, I am just a confected literary device utilised to create discussion/dialogue rather then lecturing, and whom exists solely in your mind-Ed)...fair enough... 

We See big in the news these last weeks, with several stories about the detrimental impact of extensive clearing as proposed for the South East coast...the day after I last posted about this, the PIRSA rep was in the news in a much more conciliatory mood, as opposed to the confrontational approach previous whereby he rudely challenged people to provide scientific proof of damage, testing/science that obviously hasn't been done before the government approved the clearing...(and it's to go from Beachport all the way South to the SA/Victorian border, a huge stretch of coast-Ed)...indeed, and PIRSA is still stating that key areas/pockets will be protected/exempted, but this denies the well-discussed reality that weed is not confined to 'patches', but will come and go as it pleases albeit at the whim of the tides/waves/weather...more on this issue soon...(and how is it that you were wrong about this?-Ed)...well I wasn't, I'm not, sorry...(moving on-Ed)...  

Bringing Down The House:...I officially have absolutely no idea what's going on now with those houses in Harrald St that were declared Jazz Academy Housing earlier this year...(is that the houses where The Border Watch very specifically reported that 3 students per house at $150 per week per student, etc, were going in there, but then it suddenly went all pear-shaped only weeks from Term I starting, and those students ended-up elsewhere?-Ed)...that be they, well apparently now some of them are for sale...(all of them-Ed)...all of them? how do you know that...(it's here in this huge ad in TBW from Friday 30th October 2015-Ed)...oh, right...(and it's also been mentioned,, so it's not exactly a secret then...(nope-Ed)...let me see that ad please...

Wow, full double-page feature, ummm, "...impressive 15 home estate at 36 Harrald St..."...well that is those houses all right, and it is all of them, but I could have sworn that at least some of them were meant to be Public Housing and that some Public Monies had gone into their construction, and that was my understanding from well before the Jazz Academy Housing stuff kicked-off...apologies if maybe I've got it wrong somehow about the Public Housing stuff, and I readily admit that I don't know what's going on here, but it continues to be something that others have raised with me, and that given the debasco (debacle/fiasco) earlier this year, something that continues to 'stick-out' as being somehow just not quite right...which segues nicely into...

Run Of The Mill the impending sale via auction of the old Blue Lake Oat Mill in Margaret St, a 'heritage' building that backs onto the Rail Lands, literally abutting the fence line of the Southern Boundary...much has been made of the fact that this building/site opens right onto the fabulously revamped Rail Lands, but a cursory examination of the 2 sites immediately highlights the 'deceit by deletion' of the reality of this 'adjacentness...ness' as it happens on the ground...a brief glance at the plans for the Rail Lands would immediately reveal that Council has moved the Rail Easement right onto that Southern Boundary so as to clear the site for the massive Retail/Commercial development Council continues to pursue, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, but a naive novice would probably have no true idea of the implications of the possible return of rail services to/through the Rail Lands site, and that would be a rail line only feet from the building, denying any access at all to the entire site...

(I wonder if the Realtor is pointing that out to potential purchasers, and/or is obliged to disclose this potential disaster re access?-Ed)...dunno', but as I stated before, the 'access' is being heavily promoted as a real positive for any future development, and I've yet to hear/see anything even vaguely related to the position of the Easement right there on the doorstep...(well regardless, this is the obvious outcome of the corrupt stupidity of moving the Easement in the first place, it effectively cuts the site into a series of small unusable spaces, virtually inaccessible from Margaret St-Ed)...indeed, and Council have yet to provide the frequently announced/advertised Walkway Access through to Margaret St, the Aquatic Centre, etc...(didn't that get shoved into 'Stage 4'?-Ed)...yep, and then disappeared along with that...(wow-Ed)...  
I Wrongly Claimed: that Bernard Finnigan (former Labor SA Acting Police Minister at the time of his arrest on Child Pornography charges ways back in April 2011) would have that decision/exoneration handed down sometime whilst the Magistrate was away on holidays over the last 2 months, my reasoning being that said Magistrate might then avoid any unfortunate fall-out from this predicted exoneration...(but it hasn't happened and the Magistrate is back on Monday 2nd November...hey, that's tomorrow-Ed)...indeed...and it's already been announced that Bernie will finally find out just exactly how Not Guilty he is on Tuesday 3rd at 1400hrs (2pm local time)...(the first Tuesday in November...why is that so familiar?-Ed)...because it's the day a nation stops, etc, etc, blah, blah, for the Melbourne Cup horse race...(oh my gourd-Ed)...indeed...

(So 1400hrs must be right around the time the race is run?-Ed)...1430hrs apparently...(deadset? half an hour before the race that will massively dominate the news cycle for days either side, and this decision just happens to happen 30 minutes before the gate drops, or whatevs it does, drops/opens/whatevs-Ed)...yep, could there be a better place in the year's news cycle to try and bury a story?...(mate, interstate there'll be more coverage of the lack of coverage and related swathe of cleavage, and/or some foxy filly's frenetic fascinator-fail, any amount of other bollocks...this Finnigan stuff will be lucky to make the news, even if he was Acting Police Minister when SAPol (police) went to his home in April 2011 and arrested him and seized his computer/devices, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed Ed, but the fact remains I was wrong...  

My Court Stuff:...literally can't actually say anything about this at the moment, either way, right or wrong, because I have genuinely no idea what is happening at the moment...given that I've been refused any Legal Funding to defend myself against these extraordinary charges (counts of) I've had no choice but to turn this over to pro bono lawyers in Adelaide, and I currently have no idea what happened at the last hearing, nor where this is headed currently, eg, no-one has explained to me how it is I'm supposed to attend the actual trial 450kms away in Adelaide when-and-if it ever actually happens...(how can you afford that travel if you've been refused Legal Aid?-Ed)...well obviously I can't, it's either $100s for an airfare or days on the bus, which I also can't afford anyway...(but how can you be pursued by the State, which is what is happening to you, and yet be denied basic funding to even be able to attend, let alone get appropriate responsible legal representation?-Ed) tell me Ed, the handling of my case is an increasingly farcical nonsense, but regardless of what's happening to me and why, people should automatically receive funding for these issues of travel, representation, etc...

Woman Sues Google:...very interesting to see that a South Australian Court has found Google liable for comments/allegations/whatevs that appear re Search Terms involving that woman's name...I find this very concerning given the 20 charges (or rather, 20 counts of a charge) that I'm currently facing for the heinous crime of 'talking about stuff', stuff that's apparently all just fine...(and what you're saying isn't defamatory because it's true-Ed) be more specific, I'm facing 20 charges/counts for talking about a government Authority supposedly doing what it's apparently meant to do, and 'publishing' that on this 'ere blog...and that's the crux right there, what's happening to me is about the rankly corrupt and openly Fascist Labor state government trying to stop me, and more importantly, get a legal toe-hold against 'Blogging', to be able to legally stop blogging...this decision is potentially critical, particularly with my case and any others like it...more to come on this I'm sure... 

Things Couldn't Get Worse With The ABC Radio:...I was wrong about that too, because as well as doubling their music rotation, and the changes announced some months ago about 'programming responsibility' being shifted to local producers discretion, etc, the ABC has just announced yet further cuts to news services, and major changes to local programming schedules, including those reductions in news bulletins...cast a discerning eye over this 'ere blog and tell me that we all shouldn't have concerns about yet further alienation from mainstream news services, and an increased lack of responsibility and accountability from the Mt Gambier ABC...

(I note that the ABC Mt Gambier have really been pushing the 'Outside Broadcast' stuff lately, doing numerous programs from Naracoorte, Keith, etc-Ed)...indeed, working very hard to justify their own self-promotional gumph about how they are a cornerstone of the community informing the community in a balanced and unbiased manner, etc, etc...(is this where we insert the Just Fine Print, the bit that says, 'Unless Of Course You're Nick Fletcher'-Ed)...absolutely Ed, if you wouldn't mind...(mind? it's a pleasure mate...the ABC that is completely unbiased and without agenda (Unless Of Course You're Nick Fletcher) in which case you'll be censored out of Mayoral Elections and the news in general, and openly attacked, vilified, abused, taunted, threatened, and generally screwed-over, upto and including being 'banned-off the ABC', apparently nationally-Ed)...I just feel so special sometimes Ed, ya' know? like I get my own special rules and stuff...(I can see how you might feel that way-Ed)...    

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands.......Ah, Whatever

(Top attitude mister, now straighten-up and fly right-Ed)...yeah, yeah, sure, my attitude lacks altitude, but that's because it's grounded in reality...(very droll sir-Ed)...seriously though, you're right to question the likelihood of said RLRA post, but here's to trying...and besides, we did cover some RLRA stuff today re the Rail Easement and the Old Mill sale, etc...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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