Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Long Week Pushing It All Uphill In Little Steps

And please never forget that this is all about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and the rankly complicit pro-paedophile corruption of your State government and Parliament and local politicians, etc, your Police, your alleged Child Protection System, the Lutheran Church, the relentless litany of deliberately pointless Royal Commissions, etc, etc, ad infinitum...a class of 7 year old kids have been abused and this community covers it up...that's what all of this is about...it's the fundamental reason why I'm writing what you all are reading... 

Hello and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent for Tuesday 27th October 2015...and I am sorry but I do not apologise for having arguably the worst week I've ever had since moving to this extraordinary place called Mt Gambier, way back in 1997/98...(well, regarding this week, you knew this would happen mate, I mean, you start having 'good days' and being 'happy' (for lack of a better term) like you have several times in recent months, and there's gunna' be a price to pay for that somewhere down the line-Ed)...like, if you party now you're going to get a hangover?...(yeah, a bit like that, but there's still more to it-Ed)...remember 'Drug-Shrecked Tuesdays', Ed? all those years ago...(I vaguely recall...but I don't think 'Shrecked' was the term we used-Ed)...seems like several lifetimes ago, but remarkably sage advice for the present...

Never make a life-changing decision on a Tuesday...don't quit a job, end a relationship, whatevs...and it probably wouldn't hurt to give Wednesday a bit of a wide berth as well, major decision wise...after a weekend of tilting Reality on it's ear, Reality would say "I ain't havin' that" and restore the balance 'round about Tuesdayish, and for every high is an equal and potentially greater low...I'm just re-inventing the wheel a bit here because this sort of stuff is well documented I'm sure in various studies of addiction, etc...(whatever your poison, chasing a higher high is exacerbated by a desire to concurrently avoid the resultant lows, an often vicious cycle of escalating consumption of said poison-Ed)...indeed, all that stuff...and whilst what's happening in my life at the moment is vastly removed from that time, the logic applies in the same context when superimposed over my recent week...

(Yeah, all true, but I still think it's far more than just a 'bingey back-lash' because it's not about indulgence and it's inevitable consequences, and by the way, being 'happy' isn't an indulgence, this is about sliding back from a genuine attempt at 'moving forward' toward a better personal outlook/disposition/temper/contribution/whatevs-Ed)...you mean, if you take too-big a step forward up a slippery slope you're guaranteed a bit of a slide backwards?...(indeed, the trick is to not slide back further than you've stepped, and the way to avoid that isssss?-Ed)...um, small steps?...(exactly...but even then, it's still not the entire story in explaining your deep funk this week, is it?...there's also the pendulum thingy where one swings from one extreme to another, again, the idea of a high creating an inevitable low-Ed)...ah yes, but by definition, a pendulum has 2 definable high points and only one definable low...(well technically, yes, good point, but that's not how that metaphor is usually applied, usually one apex represents good and the other not so much-Ed)...you ol' swinger you...

And because the discussion around Mt Gambier and issues like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the farcically flawed attempt to flog-off a slab of the Show Grounds to ALDI, and the Jazz Academy housing stuff-up, Mt Gambier City Council's rank corruption, particularly re the Main Corner and the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, etc, etc and so on and so forth...because those discussions are being had but only in a context where it continues to be 'me' that's the issue, where it's about me and how I apparently conduct myself and how I should apparently conduct myself...(what are you? a flippin' one-man orchestra or somethin'?-Ed)...indeed, but seriously, it continues to be a pitched battle between the realities I have exposed on this 'ere blog, and how hard some people continue to work to make these things not a problem at all by making it all about me and/or my fault...(I've said it before and I'll say it again, you really are quite the bastard-Ed)...apparently...I like to think that I put the 'Star' in bastard...(well technically, everyone who writes the word bastard puts the 'star' in it 'cos that's how you spell bastard-Ed)...are you quite finished? you know what I mean...

Anyhoos, so we come back to the same place, where-in I want to be a Nick Fletcher who is more than the sum of his traumas, more than a personality consisting of and/or derived solely from my personal baggage...the upside of that is, for all my faults and failings, and they be legion, I'm still somehow able to function as a basically polite, respectful, and genuinely deeply passionate person...but unfortunately, even that brief moment of self-congratulation is tainted with the knowledge, with the reality that it simply doesn't matter how I conduct myself...(the second violin's comin' in a bit late, again-Ed)...and it doesn't matter what I say or how I say it, or even how genuinely motivated I am to try and improve my community, eg, by addressing the gross pro-paedophile corruption in Mt Gambier/South Australia, none of it matters 'cos it's always going to be about me, each and every time, about me and how it's me what's the only real problem...

And it all came to a stunning crescendo for me this week when I went to the Mt Gambier Show Society to renew my lapsed Membership (I joined last year to attend those ALDI meetings) and to offer my volunteeringness again...(would that be your 4th show now volunteering?-Ed)...would have been my 5th actually, having started in 2011 when I put in some photos and they asked and/or I offered to help pin them up, etc, and that led to moving tables, hanging things up then takin' them down again, setting-up sheep-dog yards, fixing fences, etc, etc, then packing away and cleaning-up, right through to doing the dishes after the volunteers luncheon because that's just how I flippin' roll mofos, deal with it...(indeed, only a coupla' weeks ago there was that lady who said hello to you as being 'her man who does all the dishes', and it was that conversation that reminded you to get in there and pay your Membership-Ed)...true, thanks for reminding me Ed...

It was also put to me by someone that the MGSS were keen to get more volunteers and had said as much, leading to that person telling me...given that I felt my efforts were noticed and that they were required and welcomed...(and that you had specific experience with doing all the photo judging stuff, albeit hardly rocket surgery-Ed)...yes, given all that, I was naively even foolishly unprepared for the latest manifestation of what has become a standard mode of functioning for me, being denied and/or decried by people who are the problem, and yet again I am blamed, this time for sorting out the mess the Show Society got itself into...

I remind availees that I attended that October 2014 meeting at the Show Society, and what I witnessed was a deadset dodgy disaster wrestled politely to the floor and hog-tied by a handful of private citizens, myself being one...somehow, via a rankly corrupted process that has never been explained/investigated, the Show Society had somehow got itself involved in selling an un-valued block of Showgrounds land (the prime North East corner block fronting Jubilee Hwy/Pick Ave) for approx $1.2million, less than a 1/4 of what it was worth...and I don't give a damn how people now try to redefine that debasco (debacle/fiasco), that October 2014 meeting was scheduled to be a 'Vote To Sell' meeting, and the only thing that stopped that happening was the whole thing being publicly exposed, largely due to a private letter in The Border Watch...and I was second, even third in that line of people involved, but apparently my name has been front and centre re apportioning the blame...

(But I don't understand, how can you be blamed for stopping a bad thing from happening?-Ed)...if you're Nick Fletcher, by being involved at all...(nice-Ed)...by showing up...(yes, I get it, it's you-Ed)...by expressing an opinion in a quiet, intelligent and informed manner...(ok, you've made your point-Ed)...

I attended the Show Society office Monday morning 19th October 2015 to pay my dues and offer help, etc, and happened to happen upon Society President Peter Woodroofe...and I only mention Peter specifically as confirmation of the following conversation because it was conducted largely by him on speaker on his phone, with another MGS Society 'official'...unfortunately, the people I usually work with/for were away this year, and so Peter contacted said unnamed 'official' to ask when/where they needed a hand...it was very politely stated, on speaker, that my help was not required this year, they had enough volunteers...(but Peter was on the ABC Local Radio just this Show Saturday morning October 23rd, and a goodly part of that discussion was about the importance and/or requirement of volunteers, and of how the Society was always pushed to get enough volunteers and always keen for new particularly young Members and/or volunteers, etc, etc-Ed)...I know, I know...

This is what I exist with every day for years now...I've long ago given-up responding to various public calls by local service groups for volunteers/members to join, because I know as fact that there's people blocking my involvement by using my reputation against me, albeit a reputation largely manufactured from nothing and designed to discredit me and denounce what I talk about on this 'ere blog...the agenda is to deny me any positive contribution that might make me look good, and isolate and discredit me regardless of my behaviour...and I've had this Chinese-whispers, back-stabbing, character assassination shizzle hurled about behind me for a decade plus, because 1) the St Martins Cover-up is so bad no-one can tackle the realities of it head-on, and 2) on the rare occasions anyone's had a go at me to my face, I've politely but succinctly put the record right...(dude, ain't that the truth!-Ed)...

During the 2014 Mayoral Election campaign, The Border Watch heavily censored my standard, requested by TBW candidate contributions and all but censored me out of their coverage of the Forum where-in I had  politely politically pantsed all the other candidates, etc, etc as per previous posts from October/November 2014...(that was hilarious when TBW's Anelia Blackie suddenly swung 'round and started interviewing the back of that person's head rather than talk to you standing right there-Ed)...indeed, hilarious...and the Mt Gambier ABC censored me right-out of the Election completely...(well at least the stout yeomen and yeowoman of Mt Gambier can rely on their local media to keep them fully and accurately informed about important local issues-Ed)...unless of course it's about/ and/or nvolving Nick Fletcher?...(unless it's Nick Fletcher-Ed)...the ABC hasn't ever mentioned my Court stuff, least not that I've heard...

Read The Just Fine Print: because this bias, censorship, and general corruption is apparently fine...(just fine?-Ed)...super-fine when it comes to pulling the wool over Mt Gambier's collective eyes...and so when the ABC or TBW put out the call for interesting stories and/or say 'contact us', that call comes with a series of Fine Print conditions, the first and foremost of which is Rule 1, Unless Of Course You're Nick Fletcher...and this is the wall I ran into last week at the Show, and ran into it with my arms by my side because I didn't see this one coming...even after 4 years of volunteering and dealing with those glaring half-wit Lutherans I'm guaranteed to run into there but still never bringing my politics with me, and busting my back if not a knee, etc, etc, this is still how I get treated because it's me...and I'm sick of it...

And the really crushing reality of this is as described previous...I have worked extensively with this unnamed senior 'official' and they have seen how I contribute, up to and including my politely intelligent efforts at those ludicrous ALDI Sale meetings...this person has seen for themselves exactly how I conduct myself, and yet they have still managed to work themselves into a place where I'm the problem and I need to be denied and I need to be ever so politely told to sod off...and this is my perpetual reality, here is Nick Fletcher the walking target for Mt Gambier's corruption and shame...and you should be ashamed...look at St Martins and tell me that every person in this town shouldn't feel shame...I do...

I didn't go back to the Show until Thursday morning, just to check if they needed last minute help, and they were sort of ok, and I literally had one other thing to do, so I went and did that instead...previously, I wouldn't even have asked the question because for 4 years I've been there for several days either side of the Show, just doing whatevs was needed doing, but this time the enthusiasm was beaten out of me and I just didn't want to be there and I left...and I doubt I'll go back...didn't go to the Show either, probably won't again...

And this here, this is my future in Mt Gambier...it's never going to matter what I say or do and/or how I say it, etc, because the corruption in this town will always work to make it my fault and/or make me the problem...(and yet here you are doing it again, dragging yourself off the floor and going again-Ed)...yeah, I've had a truly shockin' week and I'm really strugglin', but that doesn't mean I'm giving-up anything, least of all this 'ere blog...(get in my son-Ed)... 

Tomorrow: Rail Lands And The Continuing Deceits From Council

WIN TV 90 Second News In An Adbreak:..tells us (last evening) that Council has, via the Rail Lands Development and Management Committee effectively granted itself and/or the RLDC and/or the Rail Lands Activation Team, all of which are Council, a "six figure sum" for "activating the $4.5m site", with $100,000 for some "minor improvements" for the Old Station and something about "start-up initiatives", etc...(but how do WIN TV know what happened at that Council meeting, if, as stated during several of that 90 seconds, WIN gets it's stories from The Border Watch, and the Press Gallery was empty at the last Council meeting?-Ed)...dunno, via Council's Minutes online I s'pose, rang Council and asked, whatevs...

And twice in a coupla' weeks I've managed to almost stagger 'round the Crater Lakes sort of...(oooeee, way to almost achieve, sort of-Ed)...yes, I know it ain't exactly breakin' any records and I sure as heck won't be runnin' no marathons this side of a knee replacement, but it's the actual application of literal philosophising...I am actually/literally putting one foot in front of another in a series of small steps...(albeit still going in small circles...because if you walk the Blue Lake or Valley Lake you're going in a circle, literally-Ed)...yes, thankyou...(but at least with the Crater Lakes walks you get to spend at least some of your week pushin' it all downhill...'cos it doesn't just go 'round, it goes up and down as well-Ed)...terrific...(walk on sir-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...

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