Monday, October 19, 2015

Alright, Sorry, Let's Try That Again

Hello and welcome to the blog...most genuine and humblest and profusest apologies for the continually disjointed attempt to reboot this 'ere blog...many issues at play here, not least of all an unexpected familial visit...(oh well that's nice then-Ed)'s also nice to be pseudo-busy by trying to engage with humanity as much as possible...(availees, he means 'actually leave the house' and go places and do stuff, like an actual human being does, being an actual being-Ed)...yes, that's what I meant, "being an actual being"...(not just a grumpy ol' bear in a cave-Ed)...yeah, ok...however, the main problem remains with me wanting to even do a post...

Apparently, simply just wanting to do it hasn't been enough to overcome the very confronting and depressive nature of the majority of material that continues to, well...(materialise?-Ed)...well yes, thankyou Ed, 'materialise'...over the last fortnight we've had wall-to-wall Child Abuse Royal Commission deceits...(live from Adelaide-Ed)...indeed, and the same deceits re the Palliative Care stunt, this Gillman Land Sale corruption, etc, and overlaying that, Mental Health Week or whatevs it was called...(oh, Mental Week, we love the Mentals-Ed)...dude, apparently we are the Mentals, remember?...(speak for yourself-Ed) do...

(Ohhh, here we go, do not start that with me again, every time I make a valid point you remind me that I'm not an actual person but merely a confected literary device utilised to engage availees in a discussion rather than lecture at them, and help to set-up your stupid jokes, etc-Ed)...that's right, and don't I forget where was we? ah yes...the most confronting thing of all, the biggest hurdle in doing a post, is getting past the weird feeling that consumes me lately, an unsettling and unfamiliar state of being...(yeah, it's called being happy, ya' idiot-Ed) that what it is! well that makes sense, it would explain why I feel I don't want to change the tone of my day by settin'-down to do this 'ere blog...(exactly! why stuff-up a perfectly good day when you're not sure when the next may be along?-Ed)...indeed, Ed, indeed...and I've had the pleasant misfortune of stringin' a few of those days together lately...(sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)...braise the lard!...

But seriously, it's not like I'm having some sort of party here or somethin', it's all about context...(oh gourd-Ed)...about a context of deep depression and isolation and Intermittent 20 hour Crash-a-thon Narcolepsy, and not great physical health, etc, etc, and my efforts to drag myself toward what others might refer to as 'normality' or the best representation of it that I can manage...(ain't that the truth!-Ed)...and I'm still trying to present an engaging and informative blog as best I can, with a very genuine intent to improve my community, and it's not my fault that achieving that improvement is by definition taking-on a corrupt Council, corrupt State government, dodgy State Authorities, etc, etc...and it ain't 'being a Troll' when your name is Nick Fletcher and you put that name to everything you do and even before that you put yourself right on the stage...(oh yeah, the March 2010 State Election Forum in the Sir Helpmann Theatre when as candidate you were on stage, etc, as well as doing media interviews, etc, not even starting this 'ere blog until January 2013-Ed)...exactly...  

Just A's not 'talking down' (denigrating/criticising) anything if you talk about it at the level where it's actually at, that's called talking about realities steeped in self-evident truths...and I do get a tad peeved when I get criticised by people who don't know what they are talking about, eg, the continuing dialogue against me personally as being a troublemaker who just criticises, and therefore damages, the otherwise good name of an otherwise faultless Mt Gambier...(I just love the way you say "a tad peeved", and then politely unload mercilessly with the scything sarcasm and venomous verbosity of a seasoned professional-Ed)...cheers...even availees who don't particularly agree with some of what I say and/or how I go about it sometimes, etc, having read this 'ere blog agree that there are issues here-in that should/must be addressed/resolved, and then, having met me personally, express a broader understanding of what I say and why I say it the way I do, etc, and most importantly, that sense of someone genuinely driven if far from perfect himself...moving on...

Mal Dives Into Caymans Issue:...(as in the crocodilian 'cayman', sometimes spelled 'caiman'?-Ed), no, as in the dodgy off-shore tax haven but otherwise quite lovely I'm sure, Cayman Islands...(and is 'Mal' the 'Mal' who is my new bestie whom I'm ever so lucky to have as PM?-Ed)...yes, we're talking about Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the issue of his 'investments' in the Cayman Islands, as has been kicked about the floor of the House this past week...and Mal Mal reckons that he's golden 'cos 1) he pays all his tax right, right, right here in Oz, right...and 2) the money he's got in the Caymans he didn't actually know about specifically 'cos he uses a super-dooper agent in Ye Olde London Town back in the Motherland so as to avoid investment Conflicts of Interests...(well fair enough, but I'd still like to see him direct his agent to invest in Oz and/or what benefits Oz, and he doesn't need to know-Ed)...yeah, but that then could still be seen as a COI...(but with the 'global economy', isn't almost any investment in anything/everything likely to be a potential COI?-Ed), there's food for thought...

(I love his overall defense though-Ed)...what? the stuff about how he's been real lucky like, in business and that?...(yeah, that bit, but more the actual excuse re his wealth-Ed) mean where he said 'Mal Mal ca-ching ca-ching mucho De Niro'?...(you're mad...but yes he did actually say 'yes, I do have a lot of money'-Ed)...mucho De Niro ca-ching ca-ching...(stop it-Ed)...alright, tell us then, what did Malcolm say to excuse the fact that he's got cash stashed in the Caymans?...(he stated that he was unawares where some of his money was invested because he's got lot's, can't possibly know where it's all invested-Ed)...fair enough, I guess...(no no, you're missing the point, his defense is 'I've got so much money I don't know what I'm doing with it'-Ed)...ah yes well, when you put it like that...(I do and indeed I have, put it like that that is-Ed)...yeah, that's a bit of a rich mouthful for his fellow Ozites to try and stomach, given the Liberals apparent joy in hammering low-wage earners, single mums, the unemployed, various social services, etc, etc. leaving increasing numbers of people counting cents and scrimping and scraping for basic utility bills and food, rent,    

Feel The Earn:...'The Earn' is the feeling of accomplishment that washed over me the other day when I crested the 400+ steps of the Valley Lake walking path, and everything hurt and my li'l legs were a' burnin', and due to the alignment of the track, looking down at the steps, etc, as you get to the top of the stairs, the whole Valley Lake/Mt Gambier vista opens-up before/below you, and it's quite spectacular...and as you feel the breeze in your face and feel the stair-raising burn in your flabby ol' legs, you feel you've earned the view before you...(ah, and so you 'Feel The Earn'-Ed)...exactly, and well worth a 60 second pause to reflect...(how long since you went that way?-Ed)...10 years, probably more, and stiff and sore for days after, but the fact that I could do it at all is a huge if still very careful step forward as far as my knackered ol' knees are concerned...(yay-Ed)...and clear evidence that my off-blog efforts to get a bit fitter, as frequently referred to in previous posts, have achieved at least a bit...

Some Truly Marblous ÜberUnderPartybussing:...(whaaa?-Ed)...give me a chance, give me a chance...'underbussing' means to shaft a colleague, as in 'throw them under the bus', as per recent tit-for-tat pleasantries between our new PM Malcolm Turnbull and the man he ousted, Tony Abbott, both masterful ÜberUnderbussers in their own right...(yeah, with you thus far-Ed)...and at a recent 'celebration' in Parliament House, Canberra, a party apparently re the deposing of Tones, during that deeply respectful soiree, on the Taxpayer's dollar, thanks for comin', your invite's in the mail......sorry, sorry......during that party, at sometime, somehow, a fairly stout marble table had chunks allegedly 'danced-off it', as found by cleaners the next day...(nice-Ed)... 

Only thing is, it was the outgoing Tones who threw the li'l shindig...(sorry what?-Ed)...yeah, it's reported that it was Tony Abbott and/or his supporters who were the party in question...(but didn't they lose? I'm pretty sure they lost, and PM Mal Mal is the proof-Ed)...yep, dunno, it's some sortta' wake though if it was Tone's posse whom trashed it...regardless, it's great fodder for a stumbling Labor Party, and a case of self-inflicted if unintentional ÜberUnderPartybussing from the Libs, collectively throwing each other under the bus by throwing a party that for all intents and purposes celebrates the deep divides in the Party...(hoorah!-Ed)...and further reports are that 1) the table's wholly rooted if not completely shattered and 2) tropherial and/or triumphal bits have been showing-up in people's offices...(and huzzah!-Ed)    

What's Fishy About Gillman?...(well his gills I'd suggest, taboomtish-Ed)...just gobsmacked to hear the latest farcical statements from all concerned re the wholly corrupt $100million Gillman Land Sale...the Independent Commission Against Corruption has shown it's true colours, it's true purpose, in investigating this massively corrupt deal and then effectively excusing those responsible...excuse me, but I'm not wasting column space trawling through the multiple layers of clearly evident corruption re this entire situation, eg, the multiple offers from other companies that were ignored, the complete lack of a valuation, followed by the total lack of public tender, followed by a closed Cabinet decision to sell, right through the ICAC investigation that effectively blames those forced to conduct this sale, whilst concurrently completely exonerating Minister Tom Koutsontonis, Premier Jay Weatherill, and the Labor government en masse, other than to pathetically pseudo-chastise Tom for his profane bullying of Renewal SA personnel, and ultimately blames those being bullied...(wow-Ed)...  

If y'all have the time and energy and are so disposed, please just Interweb any of the media coverage of this farce, but please try to access the Today Tonight (Channel 7) stuff because they cover the various other offers made, the actual value of the land, $400m, and a bunch more...(that The Advertiser article last week wasn't too bad-Ed)...Gillman is as rankly corrupt as the South East Forestry Sale and subsequent 'privatisation' of Forestry SA here in Mt Gambier...(or the Mt Barker Land Rezoning-Ed)...and/or a bunch of Labor government corruption...they're not even trying to be subtle anymore, it's just open-slather now, with an ICAC designed and functioning to help cover the tracks...disgraceful...

Show purchasing a Mt Gambier Show Society Membership for only $30 (adult) which gets you access both days (this Friday23rd-Saturday24th October ) and free on-site parking...a day ticket costs $15 and no parking...Membership means you can go both days for events/fireworks/whatevs with near-by's great value and a great way to show support for the Show Society at the same time...anyone can join and there's kid's memberships, etc...available until close of business Wednesday evening 21st October...  

Tomorrow: I Just Can't Say It

(You want to say 'Rail Lands' don't you, but you're too embarassed 'cos you've promised it repeatedly and yet deliver never-Ed)...orrr fair go, I have covered it extensively and repeatedly and have proven beyond discussion that Mt Gambier City Council's one true plan is the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(fair enough-Ed)...not to mention the absolute bollocks they're coming-up with now re the neglected Old's going to take multiple posts to cover the extensive local coverage of this ludicrous project........and shazzam! right now on Today Tonight (Adelaide) another story re the Gillman Sale...check it out now...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

PS: Check-out Mt Gambier City Council's new 'drone' promotional video with night-time fly-through of the Rail Lands Palm Trees, etc...hilarious...I can picture tourists trying to find these features with no hope because in the cold hard light of day it looks like a waste land lined with decaying buildings...(and at what cost?-Ed)...dunno'...and what happened to the all-conquering $700,000 'Volcano' movie that Council produced only 4 years ago?'s a sickly corrupt and costly joke from start to finish...

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