Thursday, October 22, 2015

Baggage For Personality Suits The Head Case Style

**And since I started this post Tuesday arvo, the news has broken that senior National's Senator Bill Heffernan has been 'provided a list of names of paedophiles by police', and that this list includes 'senior people' upto and including 'a former Prime Minister'...he has further claimed that he 'cannot get anyone to look at it'...I just didn't want to deal with this immediately because it's such a direct and specific reminder of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and it's made me a very unhappy li'l blogger, and we all know the age-old saying, 'Don't Blog Angry Now'...this report is a jarring and stark reminder of the St Martins Case and the levels of complicit pro-paedophile corruption evident in South Australia and particularly in Mt Gambier...

Since the removal from St Martins School of teacher Glyn Dorling (June long weekend 2002) parents have fought against a wholly corrupted Lutheran Church and a wholly corrupt State system, particularly at the levels of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, the pathetically complicit Liberal Party, SAPol (police), the multiple other Authorities involved, eg, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, the various Parliamentary Inquiries that parents gave evidence to, etc, etc, on and on, over and over...since it happened, for over 13 years now, I and other parents have been openly attacked and routinely betrayed for trying to get formal action against Glyn Dorling, the man who has abused dozens if not hundreds of children at St Martins...

Everything I have experienced of the St Martins situation screams pro-paedophile corruption...from former St Martins' Principal John Alexander and the Lutherans, former Premier Mike Rann, current Premier Jay Weatherill, current Speaker/former Attorney General Michael Atkinson, Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, etc, etc, etc...right on through to the current Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, another crass and emotive manipulation of traumatised people that has refused/failed to look at either the St Martins Case specifically, or the Lutherans at all...after 3 years of operation...and multiple trips to Adelaide...and parents have lodged submissions about St Martins, etc, etc...they all know the exact if broader realities of the abuses committed by Glyn Dorling at St Martins, and yet they all refuse to acknowledge those realities, and when pushed, immediately attack's sickly corrupt, and this is what you are Mt Gambier and South Australia, this is your civic leaders for you...

And I don't withdraw at all from my recent observation that the world might somehow have come to consider Mt Gambier to be "a rancidly corrupt backwater run by paedophiles", not least of all because it's partly a quote from what others have had to say to me, what locals have had to say to me, given the evidence I have provided on this 'ere blog...others have said to me, repeatedly, that what I've blogged about the pro-paedophile corruption I have personally experienced, backed-up as it is with documentary evidence, eg, letters from Premier Rann and Minister Weatherill refusing to allow Commissioner Ted Mullighan official involvement, the front page from The Border Watch from May 6th 2005 where they gave the then Member Rory McEwen carte blanche to attack parents, etc...(the letter from Comm Mullighan to lawyer Bill Degaris identifying/confirming all of the stuff about C Mullighan's and DeGaris's involvement-Ed)...yep, that's a classic...other people have said to me that what they've witnessed via this 'ere blog, is clear evidence of a paedophile ring operating at the highest levels, both in Mt Gambier, and SA, ie, Adelaide...

And this is exactly the bewildering situation Senator Heffernan has stumbled I had set-out Tuesday arvo' with the most very bestest intentions of a Rail Lands post, and instead I've had to just walk away for a day or so...(and slip in a quick visit to Council along the way-Ed)...indeed, and with the benefit of hindsight, availees can see the mood I'm headed into Tuesday evening when I tried to complete that/this post, post the Council meeting, with the Heffernan revelations/claims fresh in my mind...I've let it be as was written because I pulled the plug Tuesday before it went into self-censorship territory...(but, by stopping for that reason, aren't you self-censoring anyway?-Ed)...yes alright thankyou...hoped you'd missed that slight contradiction, but I maintain that it's better to just bail, rather than wind myself-up with a bunch of stuff I can't even use...(fair enough-Ed)... 

And please excuse the pretentiousness of this post's title, being as it is a self-quote from some poetry what I done wrote a long, long, long.......long......long......long time ago when I did that sort of hippy bollocksness, and it very much applies to what I'm currently trying to achieve in-and-of myself, my current attemptings at 'self-improvement', if you will...I want to be a Nick Fletcher who is more than the sum of his traumas...(dude, self-realisation's a bitch ain't it-Ed)'re telling me?! I've had nearly 30 years of this nonsense...

In closing this half-post tangent, I ask that availees access this story about Senator Heffernan's 'paedophile list' claims/statements...sorry, I don't have a copy, but here, in the Senator's understandable bewilderment, this is where I've lived for well over a decade, overwhelmed by the insane reality that the State I live in acts to protect paedophiles, and it has taken a massive toll on me, my health mental and physical, my familial relationships, my finances, my social connections, etc, etc...and for many years I have accepted that I have effectively chosen to wear that abuse and that trauma, etc, by choosing to pursue 'justice' re St Martins...(and even then, I think you could quite easily replace "by choosing to pursue", with 'unable to not pursue'-Ed)...fair enough, either and/or both, suits we go...**)      

Hello Russia, India, Brazil and Indonesia and welcome to a post about the Mt Gambier Rail Lands...(yaaaay, at last-Ed)...alright, alright, settle down...indeed I have promised this post many times over, and my failure to deliver means that there's literally a queue of Rail Lands posts to be rolled out in future because Mt Gambier City Council just can't seem to get enough of deceiving the community via the wholly complicit The Border Watch newspaper...every other week there's a huge Rail Lands article or even articles, and/or a big front-page announcement, and blah blah blah whatevs because it's almost all lies, and TBW just trots it all out without questioning any of it or addressing the multiple contradictions/lies/failures...anyhoos, where to start?...(may I suggest, as usual, at the beginning-Ed)...and fair enough...

But First:...went to Mt Gambier City Council's meeting last night...(**actually on Tuesday 20th October, now Thursday 22nd...and apologies again for the break again, but I keep moving toward the 5 post week, cheers...back to the post**)......Council's meeting last night...(oh dear-Ed)...indeed, and they didn't let me down...(mate, I don't know how you do it-Ed)...well, I get in my little car and I drive down there and I go in the door and...(no no, I mean how do you sit there through all that nepotistic corruption and sanctimonious self-congratulation without screaming abuse at someone-Ed)...silence is easy when speaking can/will get me banned from attending...(fair enough, but still, what's the point if you can't say anything?-Ed)...well, 1) because I need to be there to know what's happening, not least of all because 2) Council's Minutes are corruptly unreliable and inaccurate, regularly getting attendances/apologies wrong, completely changing the subject matter, etc, and 3) if I go and see/hear/note what happens, then I can come onto this 'ere blog and cut authoritively crook about it...and I mean real crook...

And indeed, I'll have to return to doing a proper 'Council Meetings post' after each one because I haven't even covered the September meeting yet, and in amongst that is so much Rail Lands bollocks that one really won't believe it...(well this one believes it, I was there sir!-Ed)...apart from that, the rankly corrupt former Mayor and now Councillor Steve Perryman continues to be having yet another go at some sortta' game of 'Provoke The Hippy'...(orrrr not still-Ed)...yeah yeah, still and/or again...(well it seems to make him happy-Ed) remember when he twice tried to physically intimidate/provoke/pick a fight with me at the 2013/14 Budget meetings?...(as in those posts about 'My Paranoia vs My Ego or An Epic Fail' stuff, back in mid 2013?-Ed)...yep, that's the stuff...(classic-Ed)...well he continues to be havin' yet another go in the same vein, where-in he comes past me wherevs, say, whilst I'm standing out in the foyer bit, waiting for the Council meeting to start, and he pretends to warmly greet me, 'Hi Nick'...(ooo, saying hello, provocative-Ed)...yeah yeah...

Now he and I both know what I think of him for his explicitly complicit rank pro-paedophile corruption re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and his rankly corrupt conduct as Mayor, and I like to think I know what he thinks of me for constantly talking about his rank pro-paedophile corruption re St Martins, etc...(he's a charming individual no doubt-Ed)...well last night he had a go at dragging Councillor Greco into the middle of it...(ahhh, is that what all that was about? I wondered what was goin' on there-Ed)...indeed, and I mention this specifically because I certainly don't blame Councillor Greco, because even if it was some sort of complicit contrivance of which he was aware, it's still exactly as I describe it, Cr Perryman dragging a newby (Cr Greco) into his (Stevo's) ongoing crass attempts to discredit me...I'll cover all this soon in a Council Meetings post...(yay-Ed)...I'm not being condescending when I say I felt/feel a little sorry for Cr Greco because he looked like a bunny caught in the headlights...moving on...

Also picked-up re a recent post, 'More SA ICAC Stuff', that Alexander Cullen, given a Suspended Sentence for possessing Child Pornography, had actually "pleaded guilty to an aggravated count and a basic count of producing child pornography" (The Advertiser)...I don't know exactly what that means, but as reported, it would seem to say that he has himself been personally involved in making at least some of the pornography, hence 'producing'...that aside, a Suspended Sentence is a bloody disgrace, particularly with that 'better counselling' justification...moving on...

Rail Passenger Services: stopped running through Mt Gambier in 1990...(check-out the most excellent and extensive stuff re Mt Gambier Rail history as available on/at, a local former rail worker's put a lot of time, effort and devotion into that site...anyhoos, without about $100million to completely redo the approx 200kms of line between here and Wolseley/Bordertown, there's never going to be a train along that way ever again...several years back it's return was briefly canvassed re the proposed Penola Pulp Mill which would have generated tons of freight, but this 'plan' was shelved along with the Pulp Mill...I think it's fair to say that everyone wants to see Rail Services returned to the Mount, but no-one truly believes it will ever happen...

(Pity Mt Gambier isn't in Adelaide, 'cos Adelaide regularly drops $100m+ on projects on a whim, eg, the farcical $160m Q-bahn Extension and associated tunnel that will reduce commuter times by approx 4 mins, if that-Ed)'s quite extraordinary isn't it, the Labor government's got absolutely not nothing for a critical piece of infrastructure for the whole South East of the state, but can immediately find $100s of millions for projects that pander to the instant wants of marginal seats in Adelaide's North East suburbs...

**Absolutest apologies, but for previously explained reasons at the top of the page, I'm gunna' bail right, and say thankyou for your ongoing patronage and,

Tomorrow: My Train Of Thought Says "Choo-oo-woohhhh, Back Onto Goin' Off About The Rail Lands, Again"

(I think I can, I think I can-Ed)...Mt Gambier City Council's conduct of the Rail Lands Retail, I, words, fail...(mmm, succinctly put sir, a few more choice words and you'll have an actual sentence-Ed)...dunno', just dunno' what to say that hasn't already been said and already been proven beyond contradiction on this 'ere blog, namely, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(I take your point, but you've just got to keep on pluggin' away at the current deceits from Council, and in particular this business as surfaced Tuesday evening with Cr Perryman raising the issue of selling the Old Rail Station, referring to it as 'potentially another White Elephant like the Main Corner', and the confirmation from CEO Mark 'McShenanigans' McShane that indeed 'Council can sell-off whatevs we want re the Rail Lands, provided the funds go back into the Rail Lands site' (a very close paraphrase)-Ed)...yeah, yeah...

I have long predicted that Council has no intentions of producing the November 2011 $10million Parklands Concept Plan, nor any vague resemblance of it...(well other than included a massive Retail/Commercial expansion of the adjacent Lakes/Centro/whoevs Plaza out across the Rail Lands site-Ed)...well one effectively buries the other, under a shopping centre, but I take your point that even those November 2011 plans for Parkland with central Sound Shell, etc, exactly mimic the various official plans presented by Council in February 2006 that all show extensive and arguably complete Retail/Commercial development of the site...

I have long predicted that the Old Rail Station's future was far from certain, and that Council clearly has no intention of retaining it because it's right in the way of the RLRA...Council has flatly refused to renovate and utilise this classic building, spending allegedly $4.5million on the Rail Lands and yet not one cent on The Old's exactly where the Bus Terminus should be located, perfectly centralised in a renovated Old Station building, and it wasn't put there because of the Council's talking about tarting the Old Station up a bit with '$10,000, maybe $100,000', whilst simultaneously backing away from spending any money at all on it...(and also simultaneously spending $50,000-$100,000 on "Activating The Site"...deadset, what does that even mean?-Ed)...I know, I was there, still find it hard to believe, and we're still only scratching the surface...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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