Wednesday, October 14, 2015

More SA ICAC Stuff

Hello and welcome to a very short, sharp post with large attachments from today's The Advertiser newspaper...(yay-Ed) was that or a post with large chunks of The Border Watch...(yay-Ed)...again I don't really have much choice because the articles largely self-explain...and please excuse me for not apologising for not doing the Rail Lands today and/or getting a post up yesterday, I was having a bit of a 'sleeper'...(is that one of those semi-depressive episodes where you just sortta' crash-out for a day or two, moving from a couch-snooze to a nanna-nap to a couch-snooze reprise, etc, over and over as you attempt to catch-up on weeks of broken sleep patterns?-Ed)...yeah, kinda' like some sort of Run-Into-A-Wall Narcolepsy, and for years now I've basically accepted and functioned around these days...

Not apologising for nor asking permission to say the things I do in the ways that I do...can't say it often enough, and in my own defense, if availees ever feel I've strayed into a bit of a self-indulgent whinge, please do review this 'ere blog and cut me the slack I've clearly earned...(well I think that you unite large sections of the community with your behaviours-Ed)...well thank you Ed...(I mean, large sections of the community are clearly drawn together in their mutual hatred of you-Ed)...oh very amusing I'm sure...(you have your own li'l jeer squad-Ed)...ok thankyou...(and they even have a li'l catchcry for you-Ed)...right...('get your torches and pitchforks'-Ed)...yes, I'm Shrek and I live in a swamp by myself, and it's not me that has a problem, it's the world has a problem with me, etc, etc, you are just hilarious...

No apologies for failing to 'entertain' today with witty alliteration or pithy observation, for having no humour about me today, because all I got today is scalding, seething contempt for this crassly corrupt State of Decay and it's Debasco (debacle/fiasco) Spawn, the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(dude, I get ya', I hear where ya' comin' from, I too was just listening to this farcical findings from the ICAC re the wholly corrupt $100million Gillman Land Sale-Ed)...well I was referring to the article attached below, yet another extraordinary piece from Commissioner Bruce Lander, he whom makes the rules about disclosure, yet again pseudo-complaining about the problems with disclosure rules of his's a farcically self-evident nonsense that has played out across numerous cases, eg, the complete exoneration of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine via a 2 year 'secret' hearing...

(And of course there's the current cases of the Public Board member who has had their identity suppressed, versus what's being done to former Forestry SA CEO Adrian Hatch, who is being royally hung-out to dry by the ICAC/State, with his name/picture/charges all over the media-Ed)...indeed...and Mr Lander decides what does and/or doesn't get investigated, etc...apart from the clear contradiction of what's being done to Mr Hatch and Commissioner Lander's statements, I'm personally aware of several issues currently 'suppressed' under ICAC legislation, and in each case it's the victims of the corruption involved that are the ones under pressure from/being harassed by Authorities, whilst the issues/cases involved are stuck in a corrupt stasis...obviously, given the multiple suppression issues re the ICAC legislation, I cannot identify these cases...     

The second article is just mind-numbingly depressing and yet unavoidably critical...please note the extensive diatribe from the Magistrate about how these are 'real victims', etc, which is just a crass attempt to address this exact criticism as repeatedly levelled at the Judiciary in South Australia as they routinely give convicted paedophiles Good Behaviour Bonds, Suspended Sentences, etc, etc...(strewth dude, I've just read that article, and you're right, I can't believe that he gets a Suspended Sentence...and it makes you wonder don't it? this shreck walks free for this stuff, so just exactly how bad is the offending of the many hundreds of paedophiles in our gaols, eg, our quaint little establishment here in Mt Gambier-Ed)...well indeed Ed...

(And thank goodness the local ABC Radio has put my mind to rest with their recent excellent pieces about the Mt Gambier Gaol and the hundreds of paedophiles and sex offenders there-in and the amazingly generous amounts of wondrous counselling they get that makes them all betters, and none of them move here, etc, etc, and everything's fine, just fine-Ed)...your sarcasm is not lost on me Ed, and indeed I was about to refer to our previous posts re the ABCs' stories about the Mt Gambier Gaol and the allegedly extensive and fantastic programs for sex offenders and/or paedophiles provided to some interviews/articles, these programs have also been identified as being the reason inmates are moved, again, here's a Magistrate citing 'lack of counsellling' as justification for no actual gaol time...

In both these cases/articles my opinion is fundamentally irrelevant because the truths are self-evident...  

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands - Maybe I Will, Maybe I Won't

(Nice, working the dead-joke zone by self-mocking one's own failure to produce a post re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, a post promised so very often recently yet delivered so infrequently-Ed)...ironic really, considering 1) the number of times that the RLRA has already featured on this 'ere blog, and 2) the vast array of projects that Council has promised for the Rail Lands, none of which have eventuated, eg, Stage 4...(ahh, Stage 4, I love Stage 4, the 'extra' Stage what suddenly appeared and then equally suddenly disappeared-Ed)...indeed, and which was supposed to include the oft promised Sound Shell and access through to Margaret St/Aquatic Centre, etc..

(And what about the 'abandoned' iconic Old Station Building what's just been left settin' right there whilst $4.5million approx has been spent around but not on it!-Ed)...indeed Ed, that was part of Stage 4...and most recently, announcements about proposals/plans for a 'Rage Cage' Sport Court and Skate Park, have also been reversed...(and what's this stuff about Council's Rail Lands Committee not having a quorum and then half of them don't show for the last Full Meeting, etc?-Ed) idea mate...(well get one by tomorrow will you please?-Ed)...sure...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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