Monday, October 12, 2015

No-one Ever Accused Me Of Being Sane

**(Deadset, I reckon the closest anyone's gone is that time that person said that they found it remarkable that you would be capable of being so normal given what they knew of your early childhood and issues there-in-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed, and anyone with a C-grade Psychology degree from the Uni of Pigsknuckle, Arkansas, can see the realities in my vague references to various traumas, and can see the evidence that presents itself in my conduct, personality, etc...(and most explicitly on this 'ere blog-Ed)...again indeed, don't take a rocket surgeon to see that trauma and it's effects are largely what drives me to pursue issues, and most manifestly my mostly almost manic conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up... 

I don't crack jokes when I talk about 'Lack Of Self-Esteem' issues...(yeah ya' do-Ed)...well ok maybe yes I do, occasionally...(even the title of that early post, 'Self-Esteem - The Issue I'd Love To Have' is a gently self-mocking but scythingly accurate joke-Ed)...yes, ok...(and Post 150, 'Nick Fletcher, The Nut That Wouldn't Crack'-Ed)...ok ok, you've made your point...(and all that jibberish about a young man who lived his life on a bit of a "drug-fuelled egomanic rampage", and still remains a bit of a "ManBear StuffPig"-Ed)...yes, alright alright, enough already, but I don't make jokes about others in that same context...(no, fair enough-Ed)...

Beyond that, as regular availees would be aware, for some time now I've struggled with just doing this 'ere blog...I have tried to back-off a bit, but that just makes it more difficult to keep coming back, so's I've made some executive decisions based on what I feel I have to do...(and that is?-Ed)...what needs to be done...I am ultimately irrelevant in serving the purpose it appears I was somewhat 'destined' to...(is this the stuff about how it's all 'nuthin' but a Thang'?-Ed)...indeed, there's nuthin' to be done other than to do it, so here's the Thang...

Being Emphatically Empathetic:...The Mount Gambier Independent will be returning to a daily-post format with 5 posts per week...I'll be approaching TMGI as being my employment, and engaging with it as a full-time job...(but you're already monitoring the media umpteen hours a day, every day-Ed)...true, but not in the attentive way that I should be, it's been more out of a belligerent refusal to back-down, and many issues have come and gone without me addressing them here-in...and how many times have I been listening to something on the radio and just zoned-out and/or walked away, not least of all because I'm just sick of the lies and deceits and depressingly massive corruption involved...(yeah well that's happened heaps-Ed)...I've burned-out, burned-out to the point that zoning back-in is really the only away we go...**

Hello and welcome to the blog y'all...and I'm sorry to kick-off today with such a confronting, bordering on abusive, clearly quite arrogant, almost sort of ultimatum thingy, but, if you can't read the realities here-in in this 'ere post, and then accept them for what they are, then I think we're both wasting our time here on this 'ere blog, and I'd thank you to take your business elsewhere sir/madam...(settle down, settle down-Ed)...ok, ok, I'm joking mate, anyone who doesn't want to read this shizzle can check out any time they like...(but they can never leave? this what we've come to? ultimatums and poaching The Eagles lyrics?-Ed)...almost, just tryin' to bring some sort of humour to at least some of this 'ere blog...(fair enough, but maybe we could try a bit harder next time-Ed)...fair enough...

Fascinated to read that The Border Watch newspaper was planning to 'stream live via their Facebook page' the Palliative Care Forum held at the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre last Wednesday evening...(wasn't that cutting of Palliative Care Services in Mt Gambier reversed just this week?-Ed)...indeed...(and we just covered that in the last post?-Ed)...sure...(and I believe you already eviscerated the entire debasco (debacle/fiasco) as being a rankly cynical and clearly constructed manipulation of the citizens of the South East, a manipulation executed using a vital Health Service-Ed)...indeed, but you're missing the point here Ed...(which is?-Ed)...which is, if The Border Watch can live-stream this forum, why don't they live-stream Council meetings once a month?'s literally as simple as setting-up a camera...(perhaps we should do it?-Ed)...interesting idea Ed...

This also segues beautifully into my self-justificationings about why I do this 'ere blog, and my belief that it has played some small part in generating this wholly deceitful Palliative Care stunt...people do tell me and to a degree I obviously agree/believe, that my blog...(our blog sir-Ed)...whatevs, this 'ere blog does have an impact on local politics...(well all ya' did was breath on the Jazz Academy Housing Fiasco and that fell apart-Ed)...yeah, and I did get Council to reverse their ludicrous ban on recording Council meetings, there's my involvement in stopping the highly questionable Showgrounds sale to ALDI, and numerous other issues, upto and including the current farcical Court proceedings against me, itself a political outcome of doing this 'ere blog...(I've said it before, you really are a bastard-Ed)...cheers...

Seriously though, given the deeply traumatising and confronting realities that have been rolled-out this week behind a wall of official deceits and manipulations re both the Palliative Care farce and the intensely corrupt Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission, there is very little here to be flippant about...two things, 1) I don't blame people for being deceived by theses agendas/programs of officially carefully choreographed corruptions, it's exactly why these things are being conducted in the manner that they are, with that exact intent, to deceive...2) I can only say that I saw this Palliative Care stuff coming weeks if not months ago, but chose to not say a word for genuine fear of cocking-it-up for everyone else...(sorry? are you suggesting that this 'ere blog is so influential that mentioning something about a particular dodgy situation may well influence that outcome-Ed)...yep, that's exactly what I'm suggesting...
Where To Start?:...(with the latest Rail Lands deceits from Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...yeah, good point, supposedly was goin' to be today's post...the Rail Lands Retail Agenda is another issue on this 'ere blog that is not open for debate...I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mt Gambier City Council has one plan for the site, and that is massive Retail/Commercial development, everything else is an abject lie...and so it is with the PC and FCARC opinion is my opinion, but in these situations my opinion is alone but rampant in a field of ugly truths...

I had my suspicions right from the announcement that Palliative Care was being completely cut, but those suspicions were swamped by the realities of the Weatherill Labor governments' relentless dismantling of Regional Health Services to prop-up Adelaide-based services, in a Health System broken, broke, and beyond redemption...(oh you're not on again about the massive expense to South Australia of this Private Profit Contract re the New Royal Adelaide Hospital, as covered in previous posts re the Privatisation of Health in SA?-Ed)...ummm, yes...but as this 'protest process' progressed, those suspicions resurfaced, and soon I was quite confident/convinced/whatevs that this was a set-up, but I chose to not discuss/expose/challenge it because I genuinely feared stuffing-up what I believed was about to be reversed anyway...

Obviously unprovable, I can only ask that availees believe me on this point...I saw this coming, was convinced weeks ago that it was a rank deceit, and events have proven me right...(unfortunately-Ed)...indeed...and again, please pardon the ego, but yes, I do believe that this 'ere blog does have enough influence to affect the outcome of this particularly nasty li'l stunt...I genuinely chose to not even mention this situation for fear of rooting-up what I believed was about to happen anyway, the return of Palliative Care, and in that context I don't care how or why it was returning, I just didn't want to get in the way...

As covered previously, this Palliative Care circus is a nasty little stunt designed to cover a range of credibility issues of all the major players involved, and whilst I don't for a moment claim full or even majority credit/blame for it happening, this carefully manipulated situation conveniently addresses many of the issues I've raised in this 'ere blog, involving many of the players I've identified...when I hear/see Liberal Member Troy Bell praising-up Labor Health Minister Jack Snelling, and vice-versa, and Jack 'The Rat' stating how he's 'not going to standby and watch Federal Health Funding cuts hurt Regional patients', etc, etc, and everyone's praising-up the wonderful community spirit and community effort and 'yay for you Mt Gambier, you managed to get this service returned', etc, etc, these things confirm to me the reality of what I claim...

And the crowning glory to the pinnacle of manipulation on this mountainous deceit, was the involvement of that rank deceiver and 3rd Rate Hillbilly lawyer, 'Hill' Billy DeGaris...(oh ouch-Ed)...ouch nothing, he's a rankly corrupt rank incompetent and I'm sick of his lies and threats...(and fair enough-Ed)...if I needed any further confirmation that this entire PC shenanigans is a deliberate stunt from a wholly corrupted State parliament where Democracy silently rots in the corner like the lifeless carcass it has become in South Australia, the thundering confirmation that indeed I'm right, it is the classic line from Billy-boy at the forum, that this was "grass-roots democracy in action"...(sweet baby cheeses, what a load of bollocks...and who the hell appointed that shonk as 'Master of Ceremonies'?-Ed)...gourd knows...

Even the timing/conduct of the 'televised' forum reeks of set-up...because Minister Snelling announced that these cuts were to be reversed, and made that announcement the day before (2 days?) the forum, it went from being a baying display of displeasure to a far more conciliatory affair with all the associated manipulations about what a great community Mt Gambier is, etc, etc...(broadcast effectively world-wide-Ed)...indeed Ed, broadcast to a world that might otherwise possibly come to believe that Mt Gambier is a rancidly corrupt little backwater run by paedophiles...(and where on Earth would the world come-up with that idea?-Ed)...can't imagine Ed, can't imagine...

Just For The Record:...anyone who has read the blog or knows me, whatevs, knows that when I deride and denounce this PC farce for being the deeply cynical manipulation it clearly is, that I very carefully, specifically blame those who constructed it and those who are immediately complicit, namely the politicians involved, and Bill DeGaris, etc...and I do it carefully because there are many genuine people involved who have had their very genuine concerns and genuine effort to support their community, etc, who have had their own genuine commitment and extensive endeavours manipulated back against them in the machinations of a wholly corrupt State...

And never forget 1) the extraordinarily important service that our corrupt State is playing such cynical games with, Palliative Care, and 2) the triflingly pitiful sums involved, namely $200,000 per annum...this is the contempt that your State government has for you as citizens, a contempt spread thickly across a range of pointless, complicit politicians and their related stooges and chronies...cynical I may be, but tell me I'm wrong that this entire situation is a stunt...     

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands, I Swear...In The Good Way

ÜberUnderpartybus:...the hilarity keeps on comin' from the Federal Liberal Party, where-in new Prime Minister Malcolm 'The Usurping Serpent' Turnbull unleashed his own personal smarm-offensive on a NSW Liberals Party meeting last week, but unfortunately for him, even as he expertly wielded that most insidious piece of political ordnance, the Underbus, it horribly back-fired...seguing seamlessly from profuse praise for the man he royally shafted as PM, Tony Abbott, whom was settin' right there in the front row, new PM MT tried to shift focus onto the Labor Party dysfunction with comments about how the Libs aren't controlled by factions...(what?! they just had an internal bunfight where one lot backed Mal Mal, whilst others backed Outgoing Tones...a vicious split right through the Liberal Party, based on factions-Ed)...indeed...(and they haven't stopped slingin' each other under the bus since-Ed)...well quite...

It was rather amusing to see the Party room jeering their new PM when he trotted-out these li'l gems...(a Liberal PM jeered in a Liberal Party function, by his own people...when's the last time that happened?-Ed) idea, but I can't imagine it happens very the Liberals have turned Underbussing into a Party game where everyone can play...(as long as they're being fiercely loyal to their leader, whoever that might be-Ed) on...(and I think it needs to be observed that Mal Mal was so inspired by Tones totes amazeballs leadership that he (Mal Mal) was inspired all the way to shoving Tones aside to give it a shot himself-Ed)...shazzam!...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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