Saturday, October 3, 2015

Caught In The Act Courtin' Disaster - Part III

***apologies, again, for yet another long break in blog...still trying really hard off-blog re my personal stuff, and will continue to push back into blogging full-time, ie, 5 days a week...not too proud to admit that I just really haven't wanted to do any posts recently because of the problems with finding anything positive to say about, well, anything really, and I've been having some 'good days' I didn't want to spoil with all this shizzle...(closest thing I've had to a holiday in 15 years-Ed) too Ed, me too...but here we are and here we go***

Hello Japan, Ireland, Vietnam, and Netherlands, again, and a big shout to y' all else, and welcome to the blog...because I want to cover a bunch of my own stuff in this one post I'm just gunna' kick-off...previous posts in the CITACD saga were about the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography trial and the only recent reportage I've seen/heard is from the recent late August 2015 announcement from the Magistrate that he was toddlin' off on hols, over 4 months after retiring to consider his decision re Bernie's trial, a trial that started 4 years after the then (April 2011) Acting Police Minister for Premier Mike Rann's Labor government, was arrested on multiple Child Pornography charges...

I've predicted a decision handed down in writing whilst the Magistrate is away, which is apparently allowable/legal, with an exoneration highly likely, but nothing yet...this is undoubtedly a Courting Disaster as our Judicial System is Caught In The Act of being a Court In the Act Of protecting a paedophile myself...(and I-Ed) currently Courting Disaster by writing about this stuff and inevitably criticising the Courts, etc, whilst myself embroiled in my own Courting Disaster as a result of getting Caught in the Act...(strewth-Ed)...but first...  

Flight Of The Rail Lands Corridor:...just hilarious to see Mt Gambier City Council still fully flogging the dead horse called Millstone that has become the Rail Lands Saga, or as I call it, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...amongst a plethora of recent and/or repeated deceits is the big announcement that the Rail Corridor through Mt Gambier may be used as a Walkway/Bike Path... (recent? but wasn't this all discussed at those Rail Lands public meetings back in 2005 and again in February 2006?-Ed)...well certainly discussed by the vast majority of attendants, but flatly refuted/refused/denied by Council who proposed several different plans for massive Retail/Commercial Development, and in particular refuted by Council's then CEO Greg Muller...

(Ohhh yeah yeah, I remember, that February 2006 meeting, the time you asked 'where are the Parkland plans for the site like what everyone wants put there, bro?...and Greg actually just sat there, gripped by apoplectic paralysis, just glaring at you for several seconds before he could gather himself and respond that 'there was no public interest in that idea'-Ed)...indeed, which was met with an audience-chorus of 'bollocks, it'd be way choice, give us one of them parkland thingies'...and after those meetings, nearly 6 years of delays, deceits and inaction, until the vastly disingenuous November 2011 $10million Parklands Concept Plan launch, and then again a revolving litany of lies about the Deed, the Easement, etc... more tomorrow...

(Yeahhhhs, look, can I jump in here quickly?-Ed) away...(well, this stuff with the whole Rail Lands Debasco (debacle/fiasco), it's like so many things covered in this 'ere blog, if it wasn't so sad and steeped in City-crippling corruption that has denied Mt Gambier many services and public facilities, and denied well into the future if not permanently, eg, an all-year Aquatic Centre, if it weren't so corrupt and fundamentally rooted, it'd actually be almost funny just how farcically incompetent has been City Council's handling of the Rail Lands-Ed)...well 'Keystone Cops' funny, sure, but it's not just incompetence, it's a 'Corruption Business Plan' as taught in 'Corrupt Business Practices 101', to start a project with no defined plan, no set budget, and just plough-up a perfectly safe and perfectly-draining site without any surveying, etc,'s a license to keep just dolling-out cash to mates...start something that's undefined and then just keep pouring Ratepayer's money into it, eg, the Library, the Main Corner, etc...all that tomorrow... 

Caught In The when one finds oneself facing charges for talking about a State Authority allegedly doing what it's supposedly meant to do, and yet one cannot identify the Authority or specifically name the Act under which one is charged, because that 'identifying' is (potentially) in-and-of itself a breach of the 'Act', and where-in saying anything and or everything potentially may be a breach of said Act...(yep, that's sure gettin' Caught In The Act alright-Ed)...and thus this one (l'il 'ol me) is currently (potentially) caught whilst the case itself is somewhat floundering...(whilst also thus forced to resort to 'pseudonyming' the Authority, and so the Authority becomes Club GoGo Bananas and the Head of CGGB is the Banana Lord-Ed)...indeed, CGGB and the Banana Lord...

Thus Farly:...2 SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide came to my home on May 7th and 8th 2014 and seized my laptop, repeatedly stating "expect to be charged", re something/s I'd allegedly written on this 'ere blog about the CGGB and/or the Banana Lord...via my pro bono Legal Eagles, and without having yet been charged, my Leagles were compelled to write to the Banana Lord (twice) asking about whether or not I was even allowed to discuss the 'case' with a response to the second letter, I was granted official written permission to speak with my family, friends, a medical practitioner, and lawyers...(so even before being charged with anything under the CGGB Act, you were/are required to have written permission to talk to lawyers, your family, and even a doctor?-Ed)...yep, and I've put that official Banana Lord written Authorisation in full in a recent previous post...(extraordinary...and not even charged yet?-Ed)...not at that stage...

From August 2014 neither I nor my Leagles heard not nuthin' from SAPol, the Banana Lord, not no-one...not nuthin' from not no-one...then on Wednesday February 4th 2015 I found out via a phonecall that I was reported and pictured in The Border Watch newspaper (page 3 with photo) re my alleged failure to appear for my Court hearing...I was completely unawares of any hearing because I had not been charged and/or Summonsed...with hindsight, it appears that the Mt Gambier Court issued a Summons on or about January 7th 2015, but Mt Gambier SAPol failed to Serve that Summons...I have covered all of the shenanigans of my multiple bizarre encounters with SAPol officers from those few weeks across February/March 2015 in posts of that time...

I wrote to The Border Watch about the failure to Summons me, and TBW buried their response on page 11 of TBW Friday 6th February, not printing my letter but publishing that I 'claimed' to be unawares...I have also previously established that the issue of the Summons, my non-appearance, etc, must have been raised in that first hearing, with TBW sitting right there, so they knowingly printed that falsehood about me, deliberately deleting the known fact that exonerates me completely, and then even when I wrote to them, continued to knowingly misrepresent the facts...(and regardless of all that, in printing 'claimed' they openly acknowledge that they have failed to check the alleged facts of their own erroneous reporting-Ed) on, but the initial error is a deliberate deceit designed to denigrate and discredit me, so why rectify that if its your genuine intent in the first instance?...(good point-Ed)...

TBW's corruption on this issue was further compounded when the March 2015 hearing opened with my Leagles stating outright that I hadn't been Summonsed to the first hearing, and Magistrate Foley responded outright "yes", and then 'and a second Summons was issued and you're here now, what do you want?' (damn near a quote) and TBW's alleged reporter was sitting right there, right next to the ABC's reporter...(the ABC? are you sure? I've never heard this mentioned on the ABC....and aren't you 'banned' from the ABC anyway?-Ed)...well talk about answering your own question, but rather than 'banned' I'd use the more accurate term 'censored'...I'm being censored out of the news by the ABC Mt Gambier/Adelaide as part of their ongoing corruption re their complicit conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(extraordinary, you really are a bastard-Ed)...apparently...

This very brief March hearing was adjourned to April 2015...despite their alleged reporter being right there when Magistrate Foley clearly conceded and thus confirmed that I hadn't been Summonsed, good ol' TBW again reported that I "claimed" not receiving a Summons...TBW and the ABC were again present at the April 2015 hearing and therefore saw the SAPol Prosecutions officer come across to my Leagles just before the hearing (where-in I had been advised/politely pushed by my Leagles to plead) and hand-over a thick roll of documents/Affidavits/statements...they then saw/heard Magistrate Foley accidentally read-out the first charge of my 20, thus naming in open Court the CGGB because it's written/included as part of the charge...Mr Foley was halfway through the second charge when my Leagles pulled him up stating that I was pleading Not Guilty, not Guilty...(not Not Guilty?-Ed)...yes, Not Guilty...and then I pleaded Not Guilty...again, nothing on the ABC and deceits and deliberate errors in TBW...

(Again, jumping in, why did you plead Not Guilty before you'd even read those Affidavits/statements/allegations-Ed) argument exactly with my Leagles whom were advising/pushing me to plead so as to 1) expedite the case and 2) keep the Court sweet by achieving reason 1)...(but if you hadn't even seen those statements/Affidavits, you've 'pleaded' without knowing what it was you were 'pleading' about-Ed)...well exactly, but the Charge itself is not technically the evidence/allegations involved, eg, someone might claim that you've broken the Law, and it's the evidence that proves/disproves that claim...(yeah, but there might be parts of those statements that you agree with/concede, and as unlikely as it sounds, it might be that you read those documents and think 'fair enough, actually I did do that' and chose to plead Guilty instead...but regardless, why are you getting handed these documents 2 minutes before the third hearing?-Ed)...well, exactly...

Given my belly-achin' about the shonky shenanigans that define the extraordinary conduct of this matter I feel compelled to identify that the handing over of those documents (April) came with a muttered apology and I understand that that officer had herself only just been provided those documents...similarly, the Magistrate reading out the charge and Act was clearly an error where-in he either mis-read or it was errantly written...(whaaa?-Ed)...when arriving at Court, the Clerk writes down on a slip of paper what you're 'pleading'...I saw Magistrate Foley glance down at the slip and start reading-out the charges as though I was pleading Guilty...and then again with the hearings in June 2015 when other Matters conspired to force a series of delays/adjournments and see me literally going in circles around the Courthouse with a very sick dog in the car, etc...just shizzle happenin'...again, all covered in previous posts...

This is stuffing-about that was just stuff happening that stuffed things up a bit...for shizzle...the 2 hearings in June eventually saw the case moved to Adelaide 'cos for some reason my pro bono Leagles here couldn't get me appropriate representation in Mt Gambier...(really? can't imagine why-Ed)...not my choice to move it, had to be moved because it's such a vast and undefined precedent case that no-one would or could's it's been moved to Adelaide so that I could get suitable Legal advice/support/representation, and I've had no choice but to throw myself under the bus of trusting lawyers I've never met as they have tried but ultimately failed to get me Legal Aid, even after Appeal...this process continued through the September hearing and continues even as I's my understanding that I'm excused attending the upcoming October hearing whilst/where these issues are hopefully resolved...

I'll finish here today, and after the next posts re the latest Rail Lands stuff and finishing that CSO letter, I'll come back to dot point the Court stuff with the specific dates, I just wanted to get to the conclusion bit that, from my vantage point, it appears that the people I'm dealing with in the Court, the Magistrate, SAPol Prosecutions, etc, 1) have been involved in but are not necessarily responsible for these problems, 2) are not getting the support they might hope for, ie, this case is clearly being manipulated from behind these people, in what is clearly a Political Trial based on bizarrely undefined legislation, and 3) find themselves as Caught in the Act, the CGGB Act, just as much as I am, but 4) the self-evident realities of how poorly this Matter has been handled cannot be denied, eg, not being Summonsed, getting documents 3 hearings in, etc...

Nearly forgot to mention, I've twice been denied my Application then Appeal for Legal Aid, so no money and therefore technically no lawyers, apart from a pro bono group in Adelaide who are trying to organise something for me...(what a debasco!-Ed)...absolutely...forget that it's about getting me, this is a massively important precedent case re a humongously powerful piece of Omnipotent yet undefined legislation, but I'm being denied even having any appropriate, funded legal representation...(what a farce-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Some Latest Rail Lands Stuff

I greatly appreciate availee's patience with me, persistence with this 'ere blog, and support for the stuff they can see I'm genuinely trying to achieve, both on and off-blog...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...    

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