Sunday, September 27, 2015

What's Large, Angry, And A Hippy?

*apologies for brief 5 day hiatus and brief post, but still moving forward and here we are and here we go...cheers*

Hello Canada, Romania, India, and Portugal and to y'all else out there, welcome one and all to this 'ere blog...cheers to the fantastic feedback re this 'ere perpetual piece of angry literature that I've been suggested might go by some other names, eg, The Hippy Critical Report...(nice-Ed)...The Frequently Odd and Angry Shot or that one of mine from many posts ago, Crazy Like A Fox News...(yeah, I like the a self-deprecating bad pun about 'hypocrisy', nearly as much hypocrisy itself-Ed)...yeah, sure I ain't claimin' to be any sortta' angel or nuthin', but I'm not too sure about that, where-as the 'Angry/Crazy' stuff is quite relevant and stuff that I've covered in many posts...

I appreciate that it is apparently conflicting, but it isn't hypocritical or even contradictory for me to talk about a complete lack of self-esteem in posts like Self Esteem: The Issue I'd Love To Have, and also how generally gentle and relatively shy I am, etc, and then elsewhere talk about issues of bewildering arrogance and mega-ego...(I believe the terms you used sir, were "drug-fueled egomanic rampage", and, "ManBear StuffPig", if I'm not mistaken-Ed)...ah now well, there you go Ed, putting my words in your mouth again...(your mouth sir-Ed)...yeahhhs, my mouth, but that's only because you're a confected literary device...(your confected device sir-Ed)...ok, ok, that's enough homaging BlackAdder BBC TV thankyou, let's move on...please understand the concurrent realities that a true and thorough lack of self-esteem can produce the pure arrogance of which I'm occasionally capable...(I'd believe it-Ed)...well yes Ed, but that's only because you know it to be true...

And whilst these two concurrent, occasionally convergent realities may rule my own little personal parallel Universe, and that arrogance and stubbornness is partly involved in how and why I produce this 'ere blog, none of it makes not a jot of difference re the factual content of what I write...sure, there'll be occasional mistakes and/or omissions, but I guarantee that it won't be the sort of agenda-driven deceits riven through by rank self-interest as witnessed with the local media...(speaking of which, did you hear those ABC interviews re the WIN TV campaign SaveOurVoice-Ed)...some of it, yes, a dude from RMIT and one from WIN TV...(yeah, and the RMIT bloke was criticising the campaign as disingenuous and being about ownership laws, but the WIN TV dude was all 'it's about keeping local content' which is apparently under threat because other media "are infiltrating our market", his words, making it financially challenging to produce local content, etc, issues allegedly amplified by 'Reach' and/or 'Two Out Of Three' rules re ownership of TV, Radio, and Print interests in the same market, etc, etc-Ed)...your point?...

(Well, he seemed very much to be refuting claims like yours that this was about allowing big media organisations to get bigger and more powerful by buying media outlets they currently can't, eg, print interests where they already have TV and Radio, and controlling more markets, etc-Ed)...hardly surprising from the WIN TV dude, and I maintain my belief that this is 1) a self-evident hypocrisy given the way WIN TV has all-but shutdown the Mt Gambier station, with their current "local content" a 90 second news service in an ad-break, with 2 items, as provided by The Border Watch...(strewth!-Ed)...and 2) a campaign duplicitously misrepresenting the genuine intent, which is to promote removal of these restrictions...that's my opinion, that's what I reckon is really happening...(I did though hear campaign spokesperson Tim Fischer give you a big shout-out-Ed)...I very much doubt it, unless when you play his audio backwards it says in warbling, moany tones 'Die Dirty Hippy, Die'...(nice, but no, he just keeps stating 'how important our local media units are', and you are one loose unit after all, one loose local media unit-Ed)...ta'...

**just running this stuff now on ABC News 24 re the Federal (pixillate) Inquiry into (pixillate) issues re Ownership Laws, etc, (pixillate) and the (squelch) piss-poor Digi-(pixillate, freeze)-tal TV reception (screech, squelch) in Rural/Regional (pixillate) areas, areas, areas (freeze, pixillate, squelch)...(no signal)...and how (squelch, pixillate) annoying it (freeze, pixillate, squelch) is trying to watch (pixillate, squelch, no signal) missing most of (squelch) trying to watch...(that's a great paragraph, written to convey just how annoying it is trying to watch anything when the program/reception keeps (squelch)......don't do that please-Ed)...what do you mean (squelch, pixillate)?... (I mean don't do that and put (squelch), that, don't put that (pixillate), or that...don't do that, don't put anymore 'squelchs' or 'pixillates'-Ed)...sorry (squelch)...the 2 issues of ownership and reception were linked in saying that with changes to ownership comes better Regional coverage via improved investment, etc, but it reeks of disingenuous justification for law changes...**

Also a big cheers for further feedback about this 'ere blog...whilst the availee/reviewer again didn't necessarily agree with some of my opinions/views/whatevs, and did observe that I'm capable of the occasional diatribe veering-off into rant, they also very much appreciated that I make an effort to present something that is relatively readable...(hardly a glowing commendation-Ed)...but still a respectfully truthful one that encapsulates exactly what I'm trying to achieve...(which is?-Ed)...present frequently confronting and unpleasant issues, lovingly marinated in a rich mix of rage and spices, served on a platter of's a bit of a running joke with some peeps I know about the juxtaposition between the quiet, gentle me they meet and see and know and the angry man whom frequently lets go on this 'ere blog...(and well acknowledged too, that whilst you might occasionally let your rage have it's head on the page, in-and-of-yourself, you're a genuinely calm and gentle person-Ed)...well thankyou Ed...

I very much appreciate the continuing support received 'off-blog' re my own personal issues, and continue to work hard at addressing by confronting a few personal demons...(it's true, I was there!-Ed)...and I'll continue to address these many and varied and frequently very unpleasant things as covered in this 'ere blog, including the dialogue about how those who know me know me to be a calm and controlled if angry person, defined by my passion not by violence, and by my ability to still laugh despite all this, and particularly to laugh at myself as much as anyone else might...and occasionally I even make myself laugh when stumbling into a joke without fore-thought...and so, enter The ÜberUnderbusser...

Ü a super-silly word about some supercilious shenanigans from our political Party-pigs, a word I made-up that's rapidly becoming my favourite word refers to the frequently used phrase trotted-out during last weeks Prime Ministerial/Liberal leadership coup, where-in colleagues said/seen to be betraying each another were described as 'so-and-so throwing such-and-such under the bus''s a verb that's a noun that's a vocation that's a strategy that keeps on giving...Verb: To Underbus - the act of betraying a colleague/leader, ie, to throw someone 'under a bus'...Noun: Underbusser - one whom Underbuses...Pronoun/Title: ÜberUnderbusser - the senior Underbusser...(isn't Scotty Morrison the current title-holder for his superb effort of Underbussing exPM Tony Abbott by dishing the dirt on Abbott's offers to Scott of Julie Bishop's and Joe Hockey's positions?-Ed)...almost... 

Sure that's a superb effort, Underbussing Tones with Tone's own Underbussings of Jules and the J-Man, but not to be outdone by any Junior ÜberUnderbusser, outgoing PM Tony Abbott reached out from under said bus and clutched Scotty 'I'll No Take It Captain' Morrison by a greasy ankle, and attempted to drag Scotty under the bus with him, stating outright that Scotty had "misled" the people of Oz by saying that he'd warned Tones of an impending coup for the leadership...(it's like some teen horror flick franchise where the kids think they've just escaped unscathed but the zombie's hand suddenly snatches the heroine by the leg, threatening to drag her down and away, episode after episode-Ed)...nice...

But First And Last:...I note that Melbourne Transport Workers have moved like Mogadoned lightning to agree to not strike during this approaching Grand Final week...(really?...they seemed very committed to strike action, so how have they reached that position?-Ed) striking a deal with the state government...(so, they've agreed to not strike by striking a deal with the people they've agreed to not strike against-Ed)...exactly...(and all that whilst the iron was hot, no doubt-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Back To The Courts

Apart from a quick review/refresher of shenanigans to date, there's ultimately nothing particularly new that I can share re my own Court stuff...(but even just that stuff is bizarre enough-Ed)...some of it certainly is, I'll give ya' that...(I mean, you've got a small flock a' Leagles chasing this 'Legal Aid' stuff down for you via Appeal, whilst acting pro-bono (without charge), but without 'LA', you'll effectively have no representation-Ed)...and indeed that would compromise the whole sorry shenanigans...

Please note that I have been provided no specific directions as to what I can and/or can't say by any Authority, not SAPol (police), the un-nameable Authority involved, not no-one...the closest thing I have is the broad guidelines bordering on personal requests of my Leagles, namely, that I don't discuss the specifics of various documents...(and I think that discussing specific proceedings in/of 'closed Court' hearings is potentially problematic-Ed)...sort of, but anything I'd have to say about that becomes self-evident via future hearings and associated media reportage, etc, and there's some issues that it's incumbent of me to discuss because it balances if not counters what I might say elsewhere...

For example, there were 2 hearings in June 2015...the first was 'closed', no media, etc, and I was there all day, including leaving and coming back because there was a lengthy adjournment due to 'technical issues' which then meant that SAPol (police) Prosecutions didn't have an opportunity to fetch my files from the Police Station before my case came-up, etc, and then later there were phonecalls made to SAPol in Adelaide for further directions, etc, and ultimately the whole thing was adjourned again until June 30th 2015...the whole day was one of delays, one wasted hangin' about the Courthouse, but it was originally a genuine cock-up as can, does and will happen...I'll explain more tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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