Thursday, September 3, 2015

Today's Weather - Everything's Fine, Just Fine

***please excuse disjointedness of this post, it's been repeatedly reworked over many weeks, shelved, redone, etc, etc, and shelved's a sortta' 'feedback post' too so it covers stuff from previous's a bit all over the place but there's some interesting stuff here I hope..cheers...***

***Why Bother With This 'Ere Blog?***
...Hello and welcome to the blog...not a day passes that I'm not conflictedly confident about the impact that this 'ere blog is having, and why that's such a sad thing...(oh gourd, we're not off on another rambling diatribe about how corrupt the media are and what a scything inditement it is that this 'ere blog is the voice of reason and accurate reportage in this community...mind you, I tend to agree that it's an atrocious state of affairs when the The Border Watch and the ABC South East continually operate with such intentional deceit and collusive corruption-Ed) long as you don't lose sight of the fact, Ed, that it's you, me, and this 'ere blog what's the only real problem...(speak for yourself-Ed) are...(***what with Ed bein' a confected literary device I use to create discussion, use to set-up jokes, etc...(I feel so used-Ed)...and so I***)

There's Ya' Problem Right There:...and that's why I come onto this 'ere blog and unload on certain people like Rory McEwen, Grant King, Greg Muller, Bill DeGaris, Steve Perryman, et al, because these people are the problem...(aaah, there's ya' problem right there mate, all them super-dodgy clowns rortin' and stealin' and coverin'-up paedophilia and such-Ed)...indeed Ed...and yet, somehow, it's all apparently someone else's fault, namely this one, somehow it's my fault that these corrupt people are destroying our community with their greed and fraud, etc,'s come 'round again that it's my "fault" about the Jazz Academy student accommodation stuff-around...(***more tomorrow because it's happened yet again***)... the TBW's latest 'article' re my Court stuff...(you mean that farcically flawed piece of journalistic jetsam that they tried to float recently, and that you ever-so politely eviscerated a few posts back? the one full of wrong dates and deliberate lies?-Ed)...well that hardly narrows it down, but yes, that's the one, from TBW Thursday July 2nd 2015......(and the feedback?-Ed)...oh yes, sorry, someone commented to me how well written and how balanced that article was, that it didn't seem to attack me the way some other stuff in the local media has, particularly in TBW...(I'm sure they were thrilled when you explained the multitude of faults and failings there-in-Ed)...over the moon...(do you mean mad almost beyond lunacy?-Ed)...almost Ed, almost...

Once I'd explained that the dates are wrong, the inferred 'Dirty Perpness' of putting my actual name as my criminal alias, (Nick), and the deliberate and repeated lies about my 'failure' to appear for the initial hearing, lies that are 'defamatory' because 1) TBW know they're wrong, 2) they are therefore deliberately printing falsehoods, 3) TBW is doing it deliberately to try and discredit me...(well stop whinging about it and sue the idiots-Ed)...I can't see what that would achieve, particularly in a State where the Judiciary is so corrupted and collusive, particularly with their extraordinary pro-paedophile attitudes/decisions...(yeah, fair the very least, even if you ignore the vast raft of 'Suspended Sentences' and/or 'Good Behaviour Bonds', etc, handed to Child Abusers, it's impossible to take the SA Judiciary seriously with that rankly corrupt pro-paedophile unit Bill Morris as a State Magistrate-Ed)...unfortunately, that's a very accurate and fair commentary...     

(Are you also talking about the rank corruption of the Regional Development Board whom launched what turned out to be a 5 year Defamation case against Robe Council and/or their representative/s, just because RDA were politely and appropriately asked to explain what it is exactly they (RDA) do with the multiple $millions of taxpayer's money that the government give them, apparently without any accountability?-Ed)...yep, that's the sort of corruption I'm talkin' about...(geez, that Court action must have cost a small fortune-Ed)...absolutely Ed...banks of lawyers farting about for years as Taxpayers and/or Ratepayer's money was heaped-up and burned, all in the name of hiding what? corruption?...who knows...I openly if not happily question Grant King's appointment to positions at both RDA and the Health Advisory Council as being heavily corrupted appointments, and the conduct of the RDA as being simply by definition wholly corrupted...I've gotta' bunch of people literally chewin' my ear off re the rank corruption and fraud, eg, at Green Phone...(yeah, they're not happy about that, are they?-Ed)...not happy at all Ed, not happy at all...

There are Monarchies, there are Hierarchies, there are Meritocracies, even Democracies, and in South Australia we live in what I call a Corruptcracy...(***I recently saw a program describing Vladimir Putin's governance of Russia and the wholesale theft of state assets by Putin and senior officials/oligarchs/whatevs, describing this as a Kleptocracy...(Kleptocracy...I like for me-Ed)...apparently works pretty well for Putin and Pals too***)...Corruptocracy - when one has proven one's corruptability and/or willingness to engage in corruption, one is heavily promoted regardless of actual professional suitability/credibility...the more corrupt you are, the more readily complicit you are, the more likely you are to be promoted...enter people like Grant King...and he's just one of a plethora of wholly questionable Labor appointments across the State...

(Yeah, what's happened to that Labor stooge Mia Handshin whom Labor made the head of the Environmental Protection Authority despite the fact that she had absolutely no experience in the field?-Ed)...dunno', heard nuthin' recently, but I remind availees that Labor circumvented the established convention of approaching a range of experts to seek their nominations/candidates for a short-list process, etc, and instead chose their own appointee who doesn't technically compromise those conventions because she is a complete novice with no experience what-so-ever in the field...(wow-Ed)...I also remind availees that we also have a SAPol officer...err...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison there, well he's running the Education Dept and/or Families SA, and counselling Families SA staff, etc,'s an absolute dog's breakfast... 

Regional Development Australia, Mt Gambier, looks like an open artery of corruption, perpetuating the State Sickness of syphoning Taxpayer's and/or Ratepayer's money straight into the pockets of corrupt public officials and/or their mates, etc, etc...(who the hell do they think they are? Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...hilarious segue Ed, because it was then (now former) City Councillor Biddie Tietz (now Shearing) who was suddenly appointed as RDA Tourism Development Officer (Limestone Coast or whatevs) and literally first thing she did was hand $140,000 to her close friends at the very wealthy thanks very much if you don't mind Barn Palais, and a Barn rep went on the local ABC Radio glibly stating that the $140k was going to buy some "shiny new taps" for their $million extensions/expansion/whatevs...(just priceless-Ed)...$140k's worth of priceless...

It is absolutely unbeshreckin'lievable and inexcusable that Grant King was appointed to these critical positions with RDA and HAC, concurrently, fresh from the rank corruption of the Green Phone collapse and the disappearance of $millions, a fraudulent failure that remains entirely un-investigated...(well that's because Authorities know exactly what's happened and who's responsible and, again, that's why people get these jobs running RDA and the Health Advisory Council, etc, because of a proven track record of corruption and deceit, and that's who Labor wants because that's how they operate, that's what Labor are, corrupt to the pro-paedophile core-Ed)...ouch...

Just listening to Minister Gail Gago blah blahhing her way through another ABC Radio 'Dorothy Dixer' interview re Labor's latest job cuts to TAFE (Tertiary And Further Education), some 500 jobs to go, allegedly/apparently, and the obvious concern is that most if not all those jobs will be axed in the Regional centres like Mt Gambier, potentially leading to campus closures...(but didn't Labor only a few months ago, suddenly wrench-back over 90% of all training positions and the associated funding, simultaneously stating, and it was Gail sayin' it, 'we don't know what impact it will have on private providers, etc, but we're doin' it anyway'-Ed)...indeed she/they did Ed, dismantled the current system, for all it's possible faults and failings, but dismantled it with an acknowledged lack of knowledge about what they were doing or what it would result in...(so are these job cuts related to that 'wrench-back', or just standard Labor bastardry as they scramble to stem the Budgetry bleed-out that exists as a result of their rank corruption?-Ed)...dunno, both probably...

Just remember what Labor did a few years back with the Shared Services (Public Service) job cuts in the name of efficiency, axing nearly 50 full-time positions in Mt Gambier and even moving some of those jobs to Adelaide, jobs that some families were forced to follow...(and that whilst maintaining a massively unnecessary and unwieldy Public Service in Adelaide of some 100,000, a heavily Unionised support base for Labor-Ed)...orr you're not playing politics are you Ed? you know how much politicians like myself hate it when our counterparts 'play politics'...(you mean whilst you all play politics?-Ed)...exactly, it absolutely shizzles me when pollies use this moronic phrase to try and discredit an opponent and/or their opinion/'s all 100% Playing Politics, 100% of the time...(yeah, it's right up there with don't be confused by "the mere fact of words", State politician Bernard Finnigan's lawyer's defense strategy for Bernie's Child Pornography Trial re the search terms that Bernie had used-Ed)...indeed...(***more tomorrow...and it's unbeshreckin'lievable***) 

(I was stunned to see PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott delivering South Australian Premier Jay 'The Shiny' Weatherill's recent speech to the National Press Club-Ed)...ummm, that was actually Ray Jay himself, Ed, not Funky Tones...(are you sure?-Ed)...'fraid so...(but he was wearing a Liberal blue tie with his shiny expensive suit, and there were all the robotic hand claspings and stilted mannequinnish gesticulations...he looked exactly like The Mad Monk-Ed)...and that was the idea Ed, genuine political allegiance is extinct and in SA has been for over a decade as the completely corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor state government morphs into a Liberal clone out to woo swinging Liberal voters by embracing Liberal policies, attitudes, and mannerisms, most obviously, Privatising everything that moves...

(Yeah, but that Privatisation stuff is not ideologically driven, it's, 1) a smorgasbord of corrupt deals for Labor Ministers and their mates/supporters, eg, South East Forestry Sale, the Gillman Land Sale, Mt Barker Re-zoning, Motor Accident Commission sale, WorkCover, etc, and 2) the only income Labor can generate due to their absolute incompetence as Managers-Ed)...and of course those 2 go hand in hand...for over a decade Labor has been unsustainably propping up the State by corruptly flogging off valuable state assets to their corrupt mates... 

And then of course there's the no.1 Bipartisan issue in SA politics, Hiding Paedophilia...(are you referring to the wholesale unified and rank political pro-paedophile corruption of South Australia's parliament, especially of Labor and Liberal, both parties being riddled with paedophiles, or more specifically to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...throw a dart at the shreckin' board and wherever it lands mate, wherever it lands...

(***and that's why I do this 'ere shreckin' blog***)

Tomorrow: The TRB/CSO Letter       

(***apologies again for what I know is a bit of an average post...'pushing forward still' and all that and plenty of shizzle to come in future posts, please bear with me...cheers***)

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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