Monday, August 31, 2015

The Leaning Power Of Visa Checks

Howdy y'all to a very brief post that covers some old ground still warm from the last time I poured my wrath onto it...(and why not-Ed)...and why not when everyone is gettin' all bent outta' shape about the rank Fascism of this farcical 'Operation Fortitude' in Melbourne...(well technically it wasn't actually in Melbourne 'cos the protests on Friday 28th August 2015 stopped even the press conference that was to announce 'OF', and so 'OF' never was-Ed)...but it was meant to be exactly what it looked like and it was meant to happen across Melbourne across this weekend...(yeah fair enough-Ed)...

The newly formed, quasi-military Border Force were going to trawl through Melbourne with the Victorian Police and were going to stop people 'randomly', and lean on people 'randomly', using their powers to 'check visas'...(and 'random' only if you ignore the obvious inference of inherent Racial Profiling of visa checks-Ed)...that's certainly a reasonable inference...and PM Abbott and the Border Force boss Roman Quaedvlieg and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, et al, were all bailing as fast as when the whole thing was cancelled, and nobody knew nuthin', and it was all just a storm-in-a-teacup...(and it took less than 24 hours for a junior media announcement writer to cop the blame for 'a poorly worded release'-Ed)...indeed...

And supposedly no Minister was informed and definitely not the PM...(you type that as though you don't believe it-Ed)...and then oops someone did send the press release to Minister Dutton's office but Peter "I Know Nuttin'' Dutton reckons no-one read it...(ok, that's just bollocks-Ed)...and then it turns-out that it was sent twice...(oh dear-Ed)...and now PD Nuttin' is back-trackin' furiously about that as well and the official Liberal line is that it was all just a standard operation targeting taxi drivers, nuthin' to see here, it's all fine...(just fine-Ed)...and so on it goes, nothing but lies and denials from the militaristic PM Abbott, lies about his pet project, the Border is an inconceivable non-reality that PM Abbott was not fully informed about this 'OF' before it happened...

And what really convinces me that he knew was the sly, smug way he kept responding to questions on the issue with "nope"...and not once but over and over, "nope, nope, nope" wasn't 'no, sorry, I don't comment on operational matters', or 'no, I was not aware', or any other kind of 'no', it was "nope", and "nope" through a sickeningly smug grin that says he knew all about it but there's definitely not a paper-trail to his door let alone desk...don't take my word for it please, Interweb search the bit of press conference where PM Tones gets his "nope" on...and everybody's screeching about 'Fascism' and 'this is Orwellian', and 'not in Australia', etc, so let me tell you the tale of a young man named Nick Fletcher who, here in South Australia, last year had to get written permission to even speak to his family despite the fact he hadn't even been charged with something...(wow-Ed)...   

But first we cross to the panel, who this evening are discussing the decision by Dyson Heydon to not step down as Commissioner of the Trade Union Royal Commission...and on tonight's panel we have Dyson Heydon...(good evening-DH), Dyson Heydon...(pleasure to be here-DH)...and errr, Dyson Heydon...(penguin-DH), gentlemen, what do you think of your own decision to not sack yourself today?...(genius-DH)...(I concur-DH)...(have you come about the croutons?-DH)...ummm okay, but aren't you concerned about appearances of a possible bias in getting to decide your own position, particularly given the other appearances of bias re your long relationship with PM Abbott and your upcoming involvement in the now infamous before it's even happened Liberal Party fundraiser where you're a guest speaker?...(no-DH)...(no-DH)...(aubergine-DH) you won't be reconsidering this decision?...(no, we are as one on this-The Dyson Heydons)...(I'm not-DH)...(splitter!-TDHs)...        (a nod to Monty Python)

But I digress from the main story, namely a reminder that;
1)   SAPol raided my home on May 8th 2014 and seized my laptop, stating that I had transgressed legislation I cannot identify because that itself might be a breach of the legislation...deadset...and repeatedly stating "expect to be charged";
2)   as a result my Legal eagles...(that's 'lawyer' for you non-legalistic types-Ed)...had to write to the un-nameable head of the un-nameable Authority...(hence known as The Banana Lord of Club GoGo Bananas-Ed) ask if they, the Leagles, were even allowed to talk to me as a client;
3)    and after 2 letters specifically requesting information about/explanation of the legislation, The Banana Lord provided that official consent...and I'll just quote it again because it certainly bears repeating...

       "          Authorisation pursuant to section ** of the **** Act (date enacted)

         In Accordance with section ** of the **** Act (date enacted), I authorise Mr Nick Fletcher or
         a legal practitioner acting for Mr Nick Fletcher to publish, or cause to be published, information
         the publication of which is otherwise prohibited by section ** of the ****Act, to such persons
         as is necessary for the purposes of advising or assisting Mr Fletcher in relation to the current
         investigation and/or prosecution of Mr Fletcher in relation to an alleged breach of section ** of
         the **** Act, or to a person listed below:
               -  A member of Mr Fletcher's family;
               -  A friend of Mr Fletcher; or
               -  A medical practitioner who is providing care to Mr Fletcher."

This 'Authority' is dated July 28th 2014...and 'Authority' is required because the vastly sweeping, all encompassing nature of said legislation makes saying virtually anything about anything potentially a breach, and necessary even though I had not yet been charged with anything...and my last email from SAPol, also generated by info requests by/from my Leagles, was on August 12th 2014, stating;
       "I will advise if and when charges are to be laid, or a determination that charges will not be laid."
...and thus confirming that I still had not been charged at that stage...(and next thing you know it's February 4th 2015 and you're finding out that you've supposedly been charged at some point, because it's reported in The Border Watch that you supposedly missed your Court hearing the day before, Tuesday 3rd Feb 2015, a Court hearing you weren't even Summonsed to by SAPol and were therefore unaware of-Ed)...indeed... 

So the upshot is that I required official written permission to speak to a lawyer, my own family for shreck sake, and friends, and even a medical practitioner, I was required to get official permission even though I hadn't been charged with anything...(wow-Ed)...indeed, where 'wow' means 'sweet baby cheeses, that's rank Fascism'...official permission to even be able to talk to my family...(and again, wow-Ed)...

And I'll further remind availees that that SAPol raid of my home in May 2014, polite as it was, was conducted with the 'Authority' of an entirely anonymous SAPol Search Warrant issued by the SAPol Commissioner to his/her own officers and current for a 6 month period...there was no address, no name of the suspected perp...(the Dirty Perp-Ed) details what-so-ever...not even the Commissioner was named specifically, just 'The Commissioner' followed by a scrawl...this document gave 'go anywhere, do anything, seize whatevs, whenevs' powers, effectively omnipotent and unchallengeable powers to go wherever and do whatever on a whim of the bearer SAPol officer...(outrageous-Ed)...and, again, was not issued by a Court but by the SAPol Commissioner themselves...from total power to total control to totalitarianism...

So this is a small slice of what has been happening in SA over the last 15 months re the extraordinary legislation that I cannot even name...(ludicrous-Ed)...

Tomorrow: The CSO/TRB Stuff 

The second half of the letter I started into the other day re the Teachers Registration Board and the Crown Solicitor, etc...

Just Laughable: the farcical ads from WIN TV that people need to speak-out to save their local news/tv/whatevs services...(but WIN TV closed their Mt Gambier station purely on costs and we get a half-arsed 90 second news service as supplied to WIN TV by The Border Watch...farcical doesn't begin to describe this ad campaign-Ed)...but hypocritical does, hypocritical describes it's all about those whom already own most of everything trying to get their grubby hands on the rest via revised/relaxed media ownership laws...'save your coverage' is the excuse for more bare-faced greed from the very people who have already axed our services and cut our jobs...sod off WIN TV...(you just hate WIN TV because they're absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...I try to be rationally hateful in my furious rage...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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