Saturday, August 8, 2015

(sorry 'bout this)...Tennis Anyone? Whatta' Racket! No-one Served But Cop This, the Balls-up In Your Courts

...(and so you should apologise, that's just appalling-Ed)...what surprises me is that I didn't think of the 'Whatta' Racket!' bit the first time I used that title...(indeed, not like you to let such a blatantly obvious and stunningly awful pun slip by un-accosted-Ed)...just not on my game sorry...but anyhoos, under repeated request to explain my Court stuff a bit better, here goes nuthin'...

Gone Surfin': and immediately happened upon an Interweb site about Wrongful Convictions and stuff that goes through, amongst other cases, the farcical conviction of Bradley Murdoch for the alleged murder of Peter Falconio...reckon I've covered this shizzle before, and this case is frighteningly flawed...regardless of what sortta' prick he may or may not be, a man has been convicted of murder on what appears to be zero forensic evidence (no body, no weapon, no crime scene, etc) and on the word of the person possibly guilty of that murder, Joanne Lees, Mr Falconio's girlfriend and travelling companion...

Coupla' years back there was a long ABC/BBC Radio report about this case that listed-off these gaping holes/concerns, including the screaming row the couple had at a motel the night before/of Mr Falconio's alleged disappearance, a fight about Ms Lees' alleged affair/s, a raging argument that witnesses reported 'stopped suddenly'...when Aboriginal trackers were taken to the alleged road-side murder/abduction site, they could find no trace of any third party or a scuffle, or anyone running/hiding, no dog prints, etc, etc, nearly all of the elements of Ms Lees' story were dismissed as fictional...after failing to provide an ID of her alleged attacker she suddenly picked Murdoch from a newspaper article once she was back in England...the whole thing reeks...check it for yourselves on the Interweb...

Whatta Racket!:...obviously, given my current predicament where-in the State is using it's various Authorities/Agencies/whatevs to try and get me via a similarly farcical investigation/prosecution process, given that sense of 'Get Nick Fletcher Regardless', with all that goin' on, you'll forgive my paranoia and delusion when obviously any rampant railroading of alleged suspects has a personal aspect pour moi...(and fair enough too dude, look at all the stuff on this 'ere blog that Authorities have just completely ignored in choosing to come get you, not least of all, all of these self-same Authorities' corruptly complicit compliance with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, a cover-up that has been openly run from the Premier's Office, the head of SAPol, the Attorney Generals Dept, et al, since it first kicked-off in 2002-Ed)...indeed...and now these same rankly corrupt Authorities are comin' after me for talkin' about their corruption...of course I'll get a fair go...

Welcome To Dot Point: as I try to explain this shizzle without actually saying who, what, why, where, when, and/or any number of whatevs...I have repeatedly asked in numerous places for specific direction as to what I can and/or cannot say, but due 1) to the massively broad and yet wholly undefined legislation, and 2) the precedent nature of my case,  it's not actually possible to give/receive that advice because there's nothing there to refer to, nuthin', anywhere...(I'm gettin' that headache again already-Ed)...sorry dude, but what can I do?...(no no, I understand, hardly your fault...I mean, if you've been to your local Member, Troy Bell, and even he can't help because Liberal Party lawyers won't even advise him about this ridiculous legislation, well that's not your fault-Ed)...are you sure? seems everything else is my fault 'round here...(move on-Ed)...movin'...

I've also been asked to post documents, etc, but the best I dare to offer are the direct quotes re the legislation as covered in the first 'No-one Served, etc' post last week, and various other quotes as necessary, but I simply cannot post whole documents...sorry, but hey, trust me buddy, I'm a politician...(the Anti-Politician-Ed)...

1) On May 7th 2014 two SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption* detectives attended my home and said I'd said some stuff on my blog, this 'ere blog, about a State Authority and/or it's actions, whatevs, they wouldn't say exactly...I refused to be interviewed and they left...I went down to Mt Gambier SAPol Station next day the 8th and the Ds showed me a page of legislation on a computer screen and said 'you've done that', and when I asked what 'that' actually meant, they replied 'dunno', we're just here to gather evidence for the DPP' (Director Public Prosecutions)...*I don't know why Anti-Corruption were/are doing this 'cos I ain't facing any charges re actually committing any 'Corruption'...

Following legal advice, I again declined to be interviewed (May 8th) by the Ds and was then told about a SAPol Search Warrant for my we all went back there/here...the 2 SAPol detectives showed me the 'Warrant' which was/is actually an anonymous, open-ended document, valid for 6 months, that gives 'go anywhere, do anything, whenevs, wherevs, whatevs, if they feel like it' powers to SAPol officers...a perpetual Search Warrant with no name on it, no address, as issued by the SAPol Commissioner not a Court...(well that's just Fascism-Ed)...indeed, and I asked repeatedly for a copy of this farcically frighteningly omnipotently powerful piece of crumpled paper, but was repeatedly denied...

SAPol then seized my laptop and left with it, still saying "expect to be charged"...(yeah, why did they keep saying that?-Ed)...'cos I just kept asking, as witnessed by the person I was fortunate enough to have present, and it was literally the last thing the Ds said when leaving, "expect to be charged"...(so 2 Adelaide based Anti-Corruption Ds have come to your home in Mt Gambier, 450kms away, to raid your home with an anonymous Search Warrant, said 'ít's all about this but we don't know what that is', and then took your laptop and left without charging you?-Ed)...yep...I then heard nothing from SAPol other than a response to my Legal Eagles requests for info...on August 12th 2014 SAPol's Prosecution Services Branch emailed my Leagles, sayin' amongst other things;
     "I will advise if and when charges are to be laid, or a determination that charges will not be laid.
      The assessment of the laptop may be vital to determine this.
      If charges are to be laid police will serve your client with a summons to attend Mount
      Gambier Magistrates Court" 

2) Obviously I went to Leagles for advice (in May 2014) and my first question was 'are you allowed to talk to me because the relative legislation seems to say that no-one can discuss any issue even vaguely related to these charges?' first my Leagles laughed, but then sobered-up (just jokin', just jokin') but then agreed and had to write to the relative Authority's head honcho to ask for permission to even speak to me even though I hadn't actually been charged with that line through a few times just to let it sink in...I haven't been charged with anything but need written permission to get legal advice...(*due to the possible breach of the associated legislation I have to refer to the Authority involved as Club GoGo Bananas and said honcho as The Banana Lord)...                                                                                                      
On July 2nd 2014 my Leagles wrote to The Banana Lord askin' many questions, including;
     "Is he entitled to talk to his family and friends so that he can gain their support in relation to his
      investigation and is he allowed to talk to a lawyer for the purpose of legal advice and assistance?"
to which TBL responded, on July 14th 2014, referring these questions to SAPol, and further stating;
     "I am also unable to give you legal advice and therefore cannot answer the questions that you
      have raised in your letter.
      I think they are matters that Mr Fletcher must consider upon advice given to him by you."
...(wow! and charming!...ask TBL for advice/guidance about TBL/CGGB legislation, particularly the issue of 'can a lawyer even speak to their uncharged client', and the response is 'you figure it out and you tell him'-Ed)...indeed, and this woefully inadequate and inappropriate response inevitably generated a second letter from my Leagles...

This time TBL responded with an "Authorisation pursuant to section (??) of the CGGB Act (date)";
     "In accordance with section (??) of the CGGB Act (date), I authorise Mr Nick Fletcher or a
      legal practitioner acting for Mr Fletcher to publish, or cause to be published, information the
      publication of which is otherwise prohibited by section (??) of the CGGB Act, to such persons
      as is necessary for the purposes of advising or assisting Mr Fletcher in relation to the current
      investigation and/or prosecution of Mr Fletcher in relation to an alleged breach of section (??)
      of the CGGB Act, or to a person listed below:
          A member of Mr Fletcher's family;
          .  A friend of Mr Fletcher; or
          A medical practitioner who is providing care to Mr Fletcher."

And that right there is official written permission to deal with Leagles, and/or talk to my own family and/or friends, and/or even a medical practitioner, regarding a situation where I hadn't even been charged, proving unequivocally that yes, re this legislation, one needs to have written permission from TBL to even be able to talk to your own family or a lawyer even if you haven't been charged but might's a corruptly ludicrous nonsense... 

Please note that this "Authorisation" very carefully avoids directly addressing the issue of a lawyer needing written permission to speak to their client...(even an uncharged client-Ed)...indeed, avoids that very awkward issue...(well attempts to avoid, but you've just pointed it out-Ed)...fair enough, but there 'tis, decide for ya'self whether or not that 'Official Permission' includes/directly refers to 'speaking to a lawyer'...(and beyond that, you, Nick Fletcher, you need specific written permission to speak to family, friends, and/or a medical practitioner even though you've not been charged with anything at that time-Ed) many people in South Australia, under any conditions, have had to get written permission from a State Authority to even be able to talk to their family?...let alone in the context where they hadn't even been charged?...(it is truly bizarre-Ed)'s purely Fascism...

Since the SAPol raid of my home on May 8th 2014, I received no contact/information from any Authority, nothing anyways that has not been in direct response to my Leagles requests/letters...and this just above (August 2014) was the last thing I heard at all from SAPol before I found out, via an unrelated phone call on February 4th 2015, that I was in The Border Watch being reported as having 'failed to attend my Court hearing' of the day before, Tuesday 3rd February 2015...(well that was a bit stupid, missin' your Court hearing-Ed)...I didn't even know it was happening because I wasn't Summonsed...(sorry what?!-Ed) heard, I wasn't even Summonsed...(yeah, actually I do know that, I was just workin' the dramatic tension stuff-Ed)...and I appreciate the effort, but movin' on...

Two Crunchy Serves Of No-one Served:...SAPol were required/supposed to serve me the Summons, but didn' did any serving, so No-one Served, once...(there's ya' first serve of Crunch-Ed)...I/no-one received the Summons, so no-one was served, so No-one Served, twice...(nice and Crunchy, if it weren't so incredibly serious and potentially catastrophic for you, given that it says on the actual Summons that you can be arrested for failing to attend-Ed)...indeed...(so's it would be nice to know that Crunch Time (the hearing) is actually happening before the event, not via the media the day after it's happened-Ed)...yes Ed, that would be nice...     

And apologies to keep trawling the same ol' grounds so much, but to build a clear picture of this otherwise  unfathomable mess, that takes some repetition and cross-referencing...just a quick review and then an immediate Part II to follow, had my home raided, etc, May 8th 2014, and told repeatedly "expect to be charged", and then again in August 2014 'we'll tell you if or when charges will be laid', and then absolutely nothing until I find out via TBW on February 4th 2015 that the matter was in Court the day before, Tuesday Feb 3rd ...(wow-Ed) indeed...

Tomorrow: The Actual Court Proceedings

...(nowhere fast as best I can tell-Ed)...yeah, and I've recently been refused Legal Aid therefore currently technically have no lawyer/barrister to help defend this wholly corrupted, undefined legislation, via a Court case that's been moved to Adelaide, 450kms can just hear all the Justice happenin'...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...

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