Sunday, August 16, 2015

This Week's New Plan From Premier Weatherill - Rogering Democracy

(Actually it's called 'Reforming Democracy', not 'Rogering'-Ed)...oh, I'm so sorry...(no no, I can see how one might confuse the rank Fascism of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government with the complete dismantling of Democracy-Ed)...well one only need look at the Fascism of the Wind Turbine Interim Development Plan in 2011 when Premier Mike Rann summarily removed the ability to oppose Turbine developments by legislating to remove the right to access the Courts...(yep, that's some phat Fascism right there bro'-Ed)...and that because Mike's brother didn't get to slam dozens of Turbines on top of Allendale East, just South of here...

(That's right, I'd forgot that...a local farmer, Mr Paltridge, royally rooted-up the corruptedly conflicted Grant District Council and the Rann government and developer Acciona (a company involving Rann's brother) via the Environment Resource and Development Court, and then Mikey spat-it bigtime and shazzam! there's the rank Fascism of the 2011-DPA-Ed)...exactly, and then further removed any remaining Court options with a Visual Amenity clause that disallows affected neighbours any right/ability to oppose 120m+ high Turbines only 1km from there home, even closer in some instances, if there's a hedge of trees somewhere there-abouts...(I like Mr Paltridge's work-Ed) do I...

Ooo, forgot to say hello...howdy to Aotearoa (New Zealand), China, France, and Ukraine and y'all else and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent yet again...cheers for the most encouraging feedback...even the serve I recently copped was distantly based in a place of caring and concern...(geez, distant? you got bloody good eyesight mate-Ed)...nah, not really, just accepting of others imperfections 'cos ultimately I ain't perfect, not even close, not really sure what that even means anymore...anyhoos, heaps to cover, so's let's get started...

More ICAC Hilarity: as a senior Adelaide public servant is semi-exposed as facing charges (a single charge?) after being the subject of an Independent Commission Against Corruption investigation...(what does 'semi-exposed' mean?-Ed) means that the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander has wielded his quite extraordinary powers, powers to completely control the media, etc, wielded those powers to stop local media naming this person...the media themselves/Itself/whatevs are reporting that they cannot report, literally stating 'we know who it is but we can't say'...ludicrous nonsense...

(But what about that local bloke from down this way, Adrian Hatch, the one from Forestry SA, he was fully exposed as facing charges under/after ICAC-Ed)...indeed...(he was immediately named, even before a Court hearing, and had his picture plastered across the news and papers, etc, it's a bloody joke-Ed)...and you've forgotten the 2 year long attempted 'Secret Hearing' by the ICAC into Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine...(I ain't forgotten nuthin' champ, was just drawing a very long, deep breath before kickin'-off on that one, but now I don't have to...2 years, stopped for a year, everyone's exonerated on suppressed 'evidence''s a deeply cynical and concerning joke of an investigation process-Ed)...indeed, and us plebs weren't meant to hear nuthin' of it, not even that an investigation had happened...(I just can't stop laughing-Ed)...

Further Hilarity Ensued: when I read Mr Peter Greste's comments about this sort of 'secret hearing', where-in he described them as 'the death of democracy'...(hang on, Greste, is that the journalist dude who recently spent over a year in Egyptian Courts and gaols along with his 2 Al Jazeerha colleagues, Mohamed Fahzy and Baher Mohamed, and was then released/deported?-Ed)...yep...(and he reckons that our SA ICAC structure/powers/functioning are 'the death of democracy'?-Ed)...yep...he went on to say that had there been secret hearings in Egypt, we'd never have seen him again...and some other general comments about 'letting the light in stops corruption', etc...

Fell Off My Chair Laughing: to hear some senior ABC journo/correspondent holding forth about a different Aussie journo 'in twouble mister' somewhere's overseas, namely Alan Morison, who, along with local journo Chetima Sidasathian is facing Criminal Defamation charges in Thailand for apparently re-reporting parts of a previously published 'mainstream' article re the Thai Navy and it's role/functioning, particularly re boat refugees...(as I understand it, diss'ing the Royal Thai Navy infers/equates to diss'ing the Thai Royal family, and that's a nono with a capital punishment, 7 years potentially-Ed)...indeed, I'm not sure of the details, but you're certainly in the ballpark...(hang on, "no Criminal Defamation", but didn't the South Australian Crown Solicitors Office repeatedly threaten you with exactly that, Criminal Defamation?-Ed)...well spotted, Ed...(and does that mean that the CSO threatened you with a non-existent law?-Ed)...good question Ed, but we both know that law does exist in SA, remember?...

(Of course, that 2008 Criminal Defamation trial against the Child Protection Volunteers/Activists from former Speaker Peter Lewis's time as, well, the Speaker of SA's Lower House, back in 2004/05-Ed) on...when the rank pro-paedophile corruption in SA was briefly exposed, the Mike Rann Labor government rabidly attacked the Speaker and the Whistleblowers, and politically forced those charges back into the SA Courts after the original Court hearing threw them out...whatta disgrace...and just a quick jibe at the complicitly pathetic Liberal Party so's no-one's under any illusion that SA is a democracy by name alone, and has been as far back as I can fathom, a pseudo-Democratic State...and that's why I call it a Fascocracy...a Fascocracy run for and by paedophiles...(yay-Ed)...indeed...

But The Clowning Glory: in a cavalcade of hilarity, and yes that does say 'Clowning', the one interview/report that rendered me hilaritically apoplectic, that had me twitching on the floor furiously evacuating from every orifice...(orr dude, too much information-Ed) no, if I'm goin' through this, you're comin' with me...was the classic Stan Thompson ABC Mt Gambier 'Dorothy Dixer' interview with Jason Newman, until recently the Party President of the Northern Territory CLP government...(you mean the Country Liberal Party what done depose elected leader and NT Chief Minister Terry Mills whilst he was overseas, and replaced him with Adam Giles?-Ed)...yep...(and then tried to shaft AG via the Police minister/cops/whatevs, but Gilesy said 'get stuffed, I ain't goin' nowhere',  and then it all just sortta' went away again? that absolute bastardisation of Democracy?-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...(and has been a revolving door of Members leaving then returning, etc?-Ed)...all of that and then more...

And Jason was jovially crowing about what a hard worker he is, etc, and particularly his love for the machinations of politics and all the dodgin' and weavin' and shizzle...(and by that he clearly means the betrayals and the deceit and the crappin' all over Democratic processes by stabbin' elected leaders in the back and appointin' your own, etc-Ed)...well I wouldn't know because the pathetic ABC interview didn't even mention these extraordinary shankings of Democracy...but even then, even in this cavalcade of self-indulgent self-congratulation and blissful ignorance, the true mastery of Stanley re ignoring the bleedin' obvious, even after having not even mentioned these coups, The Master closed with 'what are your plans here in MG?', to which Jason replied, 'orrr, no plans, just gunna' wing it'...(bollocks! the whole interview was about how he loves the political bullshit and wouldn't be without it, etc...there's no way on gourd's green earth that he's 'just gunna' wing it'...absolute bollocks-Ed)...absolutely, and not one word from Stan...(oh well done Stan, setting another benchmark in Mt Gambier journalism-Ed)...

And to round out all the hilarity today, I've included one of the several letters from the SA CSO...just another in a large pile of purely political threats and harassment and bullying from this rankly corrupted organisation that is well onboard with the Rann/Weatherill/Liberal support for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(good ol' SA , hey? good ol' SA-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed...please note the dismissive denigration hurled my way 'cos I ain't got no book-learnin' 'bout none a' that there lawyerin' stuff, followed by the bare-faced threat to go me for "defamation", as made by the very Authority that would prosecute that threat, a threat made in an attempt to cover-up It's/their own corruption...(and a big yay for the CSO-Ed)...and of course the closing lines about "the crime of criminal defamation"...  

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Debasco

I wish I had nuthin' to say about the Rail Lands in that that would ostensibly mean that there were no problems, but it's a disgraceful disaster...everyone who has been involved should be sacked, particularly those Councillors on the 2010-2014 Council and the alleged Council professionals who produced this massive stuff-up...the rank incompetence is beyond's a corrupt and embarrassing joke...(now tell us what you really think-Ed)...maaate, you should see the photos, what a debasco (debacle/fiasco)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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