Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Putting The Re-Boot In

Hello and welcome to TMGI...gotta' say that doing this posting/blogging 'once and a while' is really not working for me...I keep missing stuff, forgettin' probably more, then churning out overly long posts that keep repeating...(and overly long posts that keep repeating-Ed)...and whilst I like to think that I've still brought some humour to some recent posts...(and I'll continue to flog the Dead Joke Zone until I'm hoarse-Ed)...overall, I feel that I need to approach this whole posting/blogging thing as a full-time endeavour...

In many respects I'm doing that anyway with my 18hr/day media addiction, eg, buying a little transistor radio to carry with me, which then allows indeed demands a series of totally hilarious 'tranny' jokes, not all of them mine...someone recently commented that I had my radio with me and I said 'no, it's just the voices in my head are so loud you can here them as well'...(classic-Ed) tries frequently...however, not blogging for a few days makes it very hard to come back to, that constant sense of having to 're-boot' the way I'm thinking and functioning...I really need to force the discipline of much shorter daily posts and remove that returning confrontation stuff, etc...(so back to looking at it as a full-time job?-Ed)...pretty much I's, moving forward always and moving on now... 

And just how hilarious is it to watch Labor's Anthony Albanese defending Liberal Christopher Pyne re the 'Entitlements' scandal that is currently embroiling our Federal parliament...(it's nearly as hilarious as watching mining $$$gazillionaires Twiggy Forrester and Gina Rinehart protesting on the streets of Perth in opposition to the then Labor federal government's Mining Tax-Ed)...another know you've hit a nerve when the billionaires are protesting on the streets...nearly as hilarious was the befuddled almost blustering confusion of Mr Pyne that he needed to explain/defend flying his family around the country on the Taxpayer's dollar...(in Business Class too, mind you-Ed)...indeed, not a scintilla of contrition from Chris 'Tidy Gentelman's Perm' Pyne, no concept of just how selfish and self-important he is, how 'entitled' he feels he is in his greed, selfishness, and self-satisfaction...(it's a self-perpetuating upward spiral of avarice and self-adoration-Ed)...that's an interesting perspective, but I prefer the term 'prat', what a prat... 

(And speaking of rorting public funds, entitlements, etc, don't forget of course that Mt Gambier City Council gave Mayor Andrew Lee and CEO Mark McShane blank cheques to go to China-Ed)...oh yes, indeed, and that's not an exasperatedly exaggerated summation of a vaguely vague process, I sat there and watched Council vote to quite literally sign those 'allowances' before the details were even provided...there was no itinerary or costings provided, etc, Council just voted 'yes, off you trot, it's only Ratepayer's money'...I continue to be bemused, amazed, and dismayed...(often simultaneously-Ed) the cavalier and almost always corrupt ways that Mt Gambier City Council chucks Ratepayers money about...(usually at each other-Ed)...and in that context, no, I have no idea what the shreck is goin' on with Council's shenanigans re 'artworks' for the Rail Lands site...

I try to educate myself on these issues by going to meetings and trying to believe/ follow what The Border Watch says about these/any issues, etc, and specific to the Rail Lands Retail Agenda debasco (debacle meets fiasco) there has been so much Council deceit/corruption/incompetence, again, that it warrants a full post all it's own, again, tomorrow...(oo oo, maaate, I forgot to tell ya', they were down there yesterday diggin' metre deep trenches right through the (apparently dead) lawned area at the Bay Rd (West) end, and putting in 5-6 inch plastic piping-Ed)...that might be to try and address the flooding in the main plaza area bit, ya' know by draining that water to Bay Rd, the same way they did at the back of the buildings just there...unbelievable, tomorrow...

*And not a word of a lie, Council on the ABC this very morn...(well cock-a-doodle-do Nick-Ed)...crowing about the Rail Lands Artsnessness, and not a word that I heard about the Old Station nor the massive and destructive earthworks/trenching gouged right through the Rail Lands grassed area...(sorry what?! you don't mean where they rolled out $200,000 of pre-grown turf?-Ed)...well the bulk of it yeah...check the pics tomorrow dude, it's shreckin' outrageous...(I'm speechless...I've watched Council regularly and royally rort Ratepayers, railroad the truth, and roundly root the Rail Lands beyond repair, but this is extraordinary...and at what cost?-Ed)...I know Ed, I know, what can you say?...(tomorrow?-Ed)...

I so want there to be a scandal involving the weirs in Lake Alexandria...(ummm, I think they're called 'locks' not 'weirs' as in 'Lock 1'-Ed)...fair enough, what about the weir in Adelaide that keeps the Torrens River backed-up to create the artificial pond thingy that Labor just built a $40million bridge across to get to the farcically extravagant Adelaide Oval?...(yeah, that's a weir...classic Adelaide too, $40m for a bridge across a fake lake, when there's already a bridge right there 100m away-Ed)...indeed, and didn't someone recently accidentally open that weir or leave it open or there was a 'hacking' or some such?...(yep, that happened about a year ago I reckon, maybe longer-Ed)...actually it was February 2009, and it was allegedly an "electrical fault"...(super-Ed)...and I want to describe that Weird Weir Malfunctioning Controversy as Water Gate Gate......(with jokes like that, it's no wonder people hate you really, is it?-Ed)...they only hate me because I'm pretty...(pretty insane-Ed)...sorry?...

Just Not Acceptable:...the levels of Public Service nepotism recently exposed/alleged by Today Tonight...claiming that basically all dept heads, CEOs, etc, are Labor-aligned appointees, but that the nepotism goes well down the line to mid-level staffers, etc...(but that means you get Labor idealogues and/or corrupt stooges advising CEOs, etc, who themselves are functioning to appease their Labor can that be good for SA?-Ed)...well obviously it's a disaster, you get policy and advice re that policy and it's all one-way traffic...I'm fortunate enough to have met genuine public servants, but they're very rare fish in a very murky puddle...  

Feedback: is not always positive and recently I had some 'opinions' put to me about this 'ere blog, my conduct, etc, from someone I respect as being a highly intelligent professional in their field, and who's opinion I have sought/appreciated at times...however, when it comes to the paedophile stuff, particularly the rank institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption exposed/defined by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, it can be like talkin' to an Adelaide public servant...(you mean they just don't want to have that discussion because the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines Adelaide is naturally the no.1 thing to be ignored if you're going to have a career in anything in Adelaide/SA-Ed)...pretty much...time and again I've run into these terrified public servants and/or furious parent-blaming executives/politicians/police/whatevs as they run in fear of the reality that their weakness and selfishness allows, South Australia is run by paedophiles for paedophiles, and Mt Gambier is the worst of a terrible bunch...

Apparently, according to my recent "interaction"/feedback;
1)  I completely over-rate the importance of this 'ere blog and it's not worth doing;
2)  because I'm/it's at best 'like a pebble in the government's shoe';
3)  I say 'not nice' things (about people) that are my "opinion";
4)  my belief that the Labor state government will simply change the law to 'try and get me' re this 'ere blog, etc, that belief apparently makes me "paranoid and delusional"...
...shortly after that I just hung-up...(fair enough too, no-one needs that-Ed)...actually, it was extremely cathartic and positively re-enforcing because it allowed me to critically 'defend' myself/my actions/whatevs, and do so conclusively and emphatically but calmly...(before hanging-up on them?-Ed)...yes ok that wasn't great, but no-one's perfect...

To paraphrase my own responses, I pointed out that despite my 'saying not nice things' I continue to push through an avalanche of vacuous, as yet unrealised 'Defamation Threats', 1) and, and 2) because, the blog allows me to say and do things in a context where the local media/politicians/whatevs are doing everything they can to denigrate and/or silence me...(so you're saying that the blog has allowed you to both 1) confront these issues, and then 2) stare-down those multiple resultant threats-Ed)...exactly...

My example was that 1) the blog was important/worth doing because it allowed me to publish the letters from then Premier Mike Rann and Families Minister (now Premier) Jay Weatherill where-in they refused official investigation of the St Martins cover-up by the then Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan, letters that 2) ain't no-one's bloody "opinion", they're bloody factual proof by their own hands that these Premiers knew/know about St Martins, had spoken to Comm Mullighan, etc, as far back as August 2005, and 3) that my mate, lawyer Billy DeGaris...(Billy, maaate-Ed)...good 'ol Billy was/is also right in the middle of that cover-up... 

And so in the context of this feedback, I do not apologise for yet again posting the attached documents because I clearly need to explain more thoroughly that Premiers Mike 'SA Into The Ground' Rann and Jay 'The Shiny' Weatherill know/knew/whatevs about the St Martins Cover-up and are explicitly complicit...(and your maaate Billy-Ed)...ah yes, Billy...Billy, Billy, Billy...ya' gotta' love a town where people like Bill DeGaris thrive...

Day After Tomorrow: My Court Stuff As Best I Can In The Context Where Potentially Everything Is A Crime, Because;

Tomorrow: Is This Unbeshreckin'lievable Rail Lands Stuff   

Puttin' the 'Putin' in 'Puttin' The Boot In'...just a silly sentence I wanted to use about what the world has to say about the Russian leader...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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