Friday, August 28, 2015

Please Indulge Me - I've Earned The Right To Indulge

(Well, if you've earned the right you don't need to ask for permission, and if you've earned that right to be indulged, you're not being indulged and/or indulgent because you've earned the right to be indulgent and therefore you 1) don't need permission to 2) ask for that which 3) doesn't exist...that which is earned is not an indulgence-Ed)...oh sweet baby cheeses, don't start in with me, I was just trying to be polite to the plebs and at least pretend I was asking them and concerned about their opinions and their well-being blah blah before just plowing into whatevs I intended to post anyways.........errr, is this thing on already?...(arrr, yup-Ed)...did we just post that last bit about pretending to be polite?...(ummm yep, and that bit just then asking if we just posted that first bit...and um, all of this as well what I is typing-out right now...look-Ed).......well what do they expect from a bloody politician anyway, respect and the truth?...

Hello the USofA, the UK, the UAE, and of course you all else, okayee...(yeehah!-Ed)...apologies for not moving onto and/or grinding over the Rail Lands today, but once I got to readin' last weeks post with it's attached letter from that prize scumbag, the then Crown Solicitor, Simon Stretton, well, I read that letter, again, and it brought me to here and so here t'is...(isn't Stretton a Magistrate or some shizzle now?-Ed)...yeah, and your point?...(no point, just sayin'-Ed) you're not going to have a go at me about 'oo oo you can't say that about a Magistrate, 'cos it's contempt of Court, oo oo'...(well firstly, I don't go "oo oo", but yes I was talking about other's observations that what you say/post/whatevs about the SA Courts/Judges/whatevs is regularly if not always Contempt Of Court-Ed)...yeah, fair point Ed...

Fair point because you're not quite wrong, more half-right...(sortta' like your humour really-Ed)...sorry?...(well it's wit is nearly always quite 'wrong', and clearly the work of a half-wit-Ed)...really? and that's your attempt at humour I suppose?...('til somethin' better rocks-up, yeah-Ed)...anyway...yes, various peeps, including the occasional lawyer, have gone all breathy and exasperated about my various contacts/correspondence with the SA Courts, eg, my letters to the Chief Magistrate re the appointment of that crassly corrupt pro-paedophile lawyer Bill Morris to the Judiciary, and my refusal to appear before him re an alleged Speeding Fine because of his definable pro-paedophile corruption re the Liddy assets theft...(there you go again-Ed)...yes, there I go again, stating the absolute facts about a person, a person who happens to be a Magistrate...

Check for yourselves Bill Morris's personal physical involvement with the theft of convicted paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy's assets...Bill went to his mate Peter's house and stole the Court-seized antiques, etc, and committed this theft at the direction of Peter's lawyer, that other prime scumbag and State protected murderer, Eugene Magee...(wow-Ed) indeed, and wow not because I'm being a raving loon spewing-forth nonsense and libel, but wow because it's all true...a drunken Magee murdered cyclist Peter Gilchrist, ran Mr Gilchrist over in the street and then drove off and was then wholly protected via a series of corrupt SAPol (police) officers, his equally corrupt lawyer brother who drove Eugene back through the murder scene, subsequent farcically corrupt Inquiries and Court hearings, including a Royal Commission and a review by the Legal Practitioners Conduct Board...and before that Eugene was Peter's lawyer...

And Eugene did tell Bill to commit that theft of those assets, and they both knew they were stealing items seized by the Court after Peter's conviction, seized so as to be sold and the income dispersed as compensation to Peter's victims...even Channel 7's Today Tonight have run this stuff, tracked down some of the stolen property, etc...Contempt of Court?, I say 'render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's'...if you act contemptuously expect contempt...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...virtually everything I've personally witnessed of literally every aspect of the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary is just rank, often pro-paedophile corruption protected by threats of retribution for daring to talk about the corruption...for example, why wouldn't I be highly contemptible of a Court process that I'm involved in, when I find out that it even exists the day after it's already started, and even then via a phonecall with a third party, as they've read it in The Border Watch...(again, wow...I don't know what else to say other than wow-Ed)...  

And so to this corrupt scumbag Simon Stretton...please find attached again (page 1 of) the letter from last weeks post...I'll go through it point by point, paragraph by paragraph, so's y'all can have a goodly understanding of just what sort of corrupted gutless scumbag he is in knowingly, professionally protecting a "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher, Glyn Dorling, by openly, repeatedly denigrating me and threatening me for speaking the truth, whilst himself routinely lying, and then finally refusing to meet me to sort it out...(whatta' joke-Ed)...indeed, but a major career accelerant I'm sure...

1)  "...your further letter...attached to it..."...acknowledges that I/parents repeatedly wrote to the Teachers Registration Board and/or the Crown Solicitor about their corrupt handling of the Glyn Dorling TRB/CSO Inquiry...Ms Ronken is/was with the Bravehearts Child Protection advocacy group, who also wrote to Simon/the CSO, and the TRB, various politicians, etc...

2)  and more downplaying/undermining of my concerns about actual actions/events by referring to them as 'complaints'...the CSO/TRB routinely refused to respond to the many letters I/parents wrote expressing our concerns about their farcical handling of the Dorling case, letters that began long before the hearing actually did because we could clearly see the gaping holes and rank failings of the CSO/TRB case, eg, picking only 1 relatively innocuous charge, 'Heads On Lap', and flatly refusing to call a single witness from the school except for 1 teacher who was Dorling's defense witness...(what?! they didn't even call Principal John Alexander to explain why Dorling was suddenly removed from the school on the June 2002 long weekend?-Ed)...nope...(and none of the teachers/staff who had witnessed Dorling's behaviours and told parents, etc?-Ed)...nope...(well how corrupt is that from the TRB and the CSO?-Ed)...very...

The relentless denying and/or lying and/or just plain ignoring by the CSO and TRB, is referred to here as "...responded in some detail...", the TRB/CSO initially told parents in May/June 2003 that John Alexander had refused to co-operate with the TRB/CSO, denying access to St Martins and any of the school's staff, etc, but then years later there's all this bollocks about how an extensive investigation ruled-out any potential witnesses and/or evidence, including John Alexander himself...(I see nughthink, naaarthink-Ed) rankly corrupt whichever is the truth...if the TRB/CSO were blocked/refused thus denying them critical evidence/witnesses, then they just let that happen and did nothing about it...(pathetic-Ed)...and if they did do any sort of investigation/interviews within St Martins, how pathetically incompetent and/or rankly corrupt to come away with absolutely nothing...(pathetic and/or corrupt, whatta' choice!-Ed)...   

3) Going to maintain the cover-up, and here's how and why...

4)  The CSO repeatedly lied to us parents about processes, often failing to even follow through on those lies, and led us into an absolutely corrupt TRB/CSO hearing...the entire proceedings were a farcical debasco (debacle/fiasco), with the actual hearing (June -November 2004) being openly run by Dorling's lawyer Stephen Lieschke, Premier Jay Weatherill's busisness partner..."conscientiously", bollocks...CSO lawyer Jen Olsson was an irrelevant and incompetent co-conspirator in a wholly corrupt hearing...and more lies about the lies parents were told by the CSO...

5)  'Give up hippy'...

6)  "It is quite wrong to say that any evidence was ignored."...lie, Simon, a dirty, stinkin', rotten lie from a stinking liar...long before the hearing started, I repeatedly wrote to the TRB and CSO about the thick dossier/file of complaints about Glyn Dorling that John Alexander repeatedly showed parents in June 2002 after 'removing' Dorling, complaints that spanned Dorling's entire tenure at St Martins, complaints allegedly starting in his first week at the school...the TRB/CSO were aware of this file and deliberately ignored it...the TRB/CSO knowingly refused to access or even mention this file because it conflicted with, compromised, and ultimately contradicted their pre-arranged agreement/decision to exonerate Dorling...if the TRB/CSO had acknowledged and tabled this file of complaints from across several years, it would have completely contradicted Dorling's excuse that the kids in 2002 were out of control and forced themselves on him...(wow-Ed)...

(I know we've discussed this before, but I still find it mind-bogglingly corrupt that the TRB/CSO exonerated Dorling and justified that decision by accepting his defense that the kids were out of control and forcing themselves on him-Ed)...there was one decision made Ed, and it was made before the TRB/CSO hearing even began, and that decision was to protect Dorling and therefore the Lutherans and therefore the paedophiles that run this sad, sick state...the only decision the TRB/CSO made was to do whatevs it took to cover-up the abuse of an entire class of 7 year old bastards, may you rot...

There was also a separate failed attempt by a family to sue Dorling/St Martins approx 2 years before the whole 2002 shizzle kicked-off, and the TRB/CSO completely ignored that as well...did I mention The Rotting?...(I think you might have...a bit-Ed)...and The Bastards?...(and The Bastards-Ed)...the TRB/CSO deliberately called/accessed only a tiny fraction of the witnesses and/or evidence they knew to exist because their shreckin' hearing was an entirely corrupt exercise in excusing Dorling...

7)  "You were informed..."...get stuffed Simon you condescendingly corrupt prick...(geez Nick, tell us what ya' really think-Ed) dirty stinkin' corrupt was parent complaints to the TRB in February/March 2003 that triggered the whole subsequent TRB/CSO process that then didn't conclude until November 2004, 21 months March 2003 the TRB claimed to have no knowledge of the events of Dorling's sudden and unexplained removal, to have received no 'notifications' despite the alleged SAPol (police) investigation and/or Flinders Child Protection Service interviews with several kids and families, etc, etc...parents made this happen, we were the complainants and then the witnesses and then, after 21 months, we received a 1 paragraph letter saying that the TRB/CSO had decided to take no action against Dorling, and we were flatly refused any explanation...'You were informed peasant, now piss off'...

(So if you's parents were refused any explanation what-so-ever, no transcripts, no nuthin', how do you know that the TRB/CSO accepted that specific excuse from Dorling about the kids forcing themselves onto him?-Ed)...excellent question Ed...we know because the corrupt TRB/CSO handed Dorling a copy of their 32 page 'Reasons For Decision' which clearly sets this out, calls me a liar, etc, and Dorling used that 'RFD' in his affidavit when parents tried to sue him and St Martins...(ah yeah, and then that prize clown, lawyer Bill DeGaris, handed copies of all that stuff over when he deliberately rooted-up the case and dumped you as a client-Ed)...indeed he did Ed, indeed he did...I/parents have copies of that definitively corrupt document because Dorling used it in his defense and then Billy boy handed it to us...(well done Billy-Ed)...

I'll stop here at the end of page one of Simply Corrupt Simon's letter, and do all the stuff about threats of 'Criminal Defamation', etc, from page 2, all that hilarity...         

Tomorrow: Nailing This Bastard Shut - PMI - IETRTI Part II

And how fantastic to see on the telly that the brand spankin' new super-dooper uber-secure quasi-military Border Force were out on the streets of Melbourne today hauling over random perps for identity checks just in case they were dirty foreigners or the like...(actually that press conference and 'Operation Fortitude' were both cancelled today-Ed)...are you sure? I saw them on the telly...(quite sure...there was a big protest instead and the entire 'op' was cancelled before it began-Ed)...sorry, but I'm gunna' have to call you on this, 'cos I saw with mine own eyes that Border Force were there...(no you didn't-Ed) their very fetching brown uniforms, with that lovely Hindu symbol motif on the sleeve, and they were dragging those dirty hippys over and checkin' their papers and stuff...(and I suppose there was some dude there doing a hilarious Adolf Hitler impersonation as well-Ed)...well now that you mention it...(idiot, wrong channel, that was a doco about the rise of Nazi Fascism under Hitler in 1930s Germany, not live coverage of Operation 'This Is Exactly What Fascism Looks Like'-Ed)...oh, right...  

Please excuse our crude attempts to humorise the bare-faced Fascism that our Federal government tried to roll-out in Melbourne today, but if you can't laugh at the undeniable rise of Fascism as a tool of main stream politics and control, Fascism as applied to you by your own government, well what can you laugh at?...(ummm, something that isn't a terrifying reality dismantling the very Democracy we once had...perhaps something that's actually funny-Ed)...yeah, fair point... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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