Friday, September 11, 2015

Child Protection Week, Apparently

Hello India, Georgia, Ukraine, and Indonesia and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent and possibly the most rankly hypocritical piece of political grandstanding that even this sad, sick State can produce, Child Protection Week...(what? the State that legislates to make children vulnerable, preys on it's children with institutionalised regularity, and attacks parents so as to defend and protect paedophiles!-Ed)...well I'm not sure whether that's a question, a statement, or just a rant...(take ya' pick!-Ed)...I'll have 'All Of The Above' for 800 points thanks Ed...(wise choice-Ed)...

And y'all 'll excuse me if I have a bit of an angry stress-out (with associated fruity language) about the fact that from Sunday 6th September to the 12th September is/was Child Protection Week, and with-in that week also falls RUOK Day re depression, and Out Of The Shadows Day re suicide, and the whole dialogue is about reporting and speaking-out and caring and asking and such and there's our illustrious leaders spewing all these usual platitudes, and yet these same clowns openly attack and harass and denigrate me for the heinous crime of genuinely acting to address the gross and institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption of our Child Protection system, indeed, of the entire state of South Australia...(I knew you were a complete bastard-Ed)...ta', high praise indeed coming from you ya' git...('ey, 'ey, settle...focus...get ya' anger back in it's box-Ed)...

And 'cos I ain't barely heard not no-one else say it this week, there are clear and definable psychological traumas that often if not always result from abuse experienced as children, particularly sexual abuse, and these abuses impact on, exacerbate, and/or straight-out cause major depressive conditions, drug addiction issues, relationship/trust problems, self esteem issues, etc, etc, upto and including suicide...I'm not a medical practitioner of any description, but these issues are well researched, documented, etc...      

I try to listen to the ABC as much as possible, and I heard next to nothing about Child Protection issues apart from 1 main story/interview from Monday...(best part of stuff-all in local newspapers The Border Watch and/or The Advertiser either-Ed)...well particularly when you consider the vast number of high-profile paedophile cases in SA in the 12-18 months, and/or the issues re the Mt Gambier Gaol...(ah yeah, all those ridiculous propaganda pieces from the ABC Mt Gambier about how all the sex offenders get vast amounts of super-dooper therapy/counselling, and not one of them moves to Mt Gambier when released, and hardly a one re-offends, and there's no drugs due to super-dooper policing, etc,'s gotta' be the superest-dooperest prison on the planet, yeah?-Ed)...well, if you were to believe the ABC, yes, superest-dooperest...

And quietly sliding by entirely un-accosted by uncomfortable questions from the local media, again, the very quiet announcement that the gaol is going to be "double-upped" from the proposed 500 prisoners re this recent series of rapid and massive expansions...(sorry, do you mean that these expansions up to 500 inmates is the "double-up", or is it going to be 1,000 inmates total?-Ed) I understand the dialogue coming from the Labor government, the strategy is "heaps more beds but no new prisons" to be achieved by "doubling-up" in existing facilities, and that this decision comes into effect after the current expansions...(so that means?-Ed)...that means 1,000 all up...(yay-Ed)...

I did read some stuff about Queensland based Child Protection Advocacy group Bravehearts trying/wanting to open an office in Adelaide/SA, and some minor bits and pieces, but pretty much bugger-all compared to the time spent on, for example, yet another extraordinary ABC infommercial, today, about somebodies Home Handyman book or some went on and on...(and you'd know!-Ed)...well quite..(oh, and don't forget those extraordinary interviews about refugees, etc, with Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin, where-in Tony just couldn't say often enough how amazingly "compassionate" the Liberal Party is...not once or twice, but over and over-Ed)...indeed, this wasn't even a traditional ABC 'Dorthy Dixer' interview for which they're so famous, this was just 'off you go Tones, knock ya'self out mate'...(ah, the Compassion of lucky we are to have the amazingly compassionate Liberal Party to slash funding for health, education, and destroy what's left of manufacturing in Oz, etc, whilst attacking the unemployed, those like myself on the Disability Support Pension, etc, etc, and thusly  teach us 'leaners' what true compassion looks like-Ed)...such obvious sarcasm does not flatter you sir...

One of the most confronting things I face in every and any day...(in every and any week let alone Child Protection Week-Ed)...well true, unavoidably confronting everyday of every week, is that virtually every media report about anything contains footage/interviewage/whatevs of some corrupt sack-a-crap directly involved in covering-up the gross abuse of dozens of 7 year old children at St Martins...interviewer and/or interviewee, over and over, again and again, issue after issue, day in day's a constant grinding on a very raw nerve...(and you've got some nerve sir-Ed)...for example, just listening to ABC Mt Gambier exposes me to Stuart Stansfield whom has taunted and mocked me, laughed at me...or going to a Council meeting and there's the rankly corrupted Frank Morello and the wholly corrupt Steve Perryman, two of the key players in the St Martins Cover-up and currently Councillors in the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...(run into Rory McEwen at the supermarket-Ed)...indeed, another good example...

With this Time Zone Change Debasco I've had to listen through multiple interviews with Martin Hamilton-Smith, Rob Kerin, and Rob Brokenshire, all of whom I have personally explained the St Martins Cover-up to, and whom have all promised action but then produced nothing but more cover-up...(yay-Ed)...

Former Liberal Leader Rob head of Primary Producers SA, is just another soulless traitor to this state, just another corrupt politician wholly complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up who has then been appointed to a plum position by the Labor government...if you trust anything Rob Kerin has to say on any issue, then more fool you...(but no more a fool than you-Ed)...good point well made Ed...having already met him here in Mt Gambier in September (October?) 2004, in February 2005 I met with Rob in his 'Opposition Leader's' office in Parliament House, Adelaide, and he was all 'gee whiz that's terrible, I'm right on it, no probs', then took until early December 2005 when he asked a single question in Parliament, and the then Premier Mike Rann reportedly just got up mid question and walked everytime I hear this corrupted halfwit mouth-breathing his way through yet another vacuous ABC interview about PPSA issues, all I hear is another rankly corrupt pro-paedophile politician who has done very nicely thanks very much after being complicit in the St Martins cover-up, just another SA politician spewing out the Labor Party line on whatevs...(you don't like Rob Kerin very much do you?-Ed)...prick!...(hey, don't blame me-Ed)...not you, that Kerin idiot...

(Didn't the exact same thing happen when former Speaker Peter Lewis, hounded from that position only weeks before by his pro-paedophile colleagues in both Liberal and Labor, raised the St Martins Cover-up at the Parliamentary sitting in Mt Gambier in May 2005?-Ed)...most excellent point Ed, across several points in fact...1) just before Mr Lewis rose to name both St Martins and teacher Glyn Dorling, Rory McEwen walked down to and spoke with Mike Rann, and Mike got up and just walked off backstage somewhere, and 2) when Peter Lewis was stood-up there exposing these terrible realities, of which they were entirely aware via us parents, the Liberal Party all just sat there in complicit silence...not one bloody word...what a bloody disgrace...

And the ABC's effort for Child Protection Week is pretty much one pathetic pseudo-interview on Monday (mentioned last post) where-in some clown from Centacare or Anglicare or whatevs rabbited-on about a range of issues, lurching from Foster Care to Child Protection and back again, inanely bangin'-on about what great services we have in the South East and how Mt Gambier is in a prime position to lead the way in demonstrating to other communities how a community can unite to protect it's kids...(bollocks! and who the shreck are the Catholics or the Anglicans or whoevs, who the shreck are they to tell anyone about Child Protection issues?...institutonalised child abusers telling us what we should do...piss-off!-Ed)...indeed Ed, but the real kicker was the comments about how 'we shouldn't criticise CP Workers because that damages faith in the system and stigmatises/traumatises CP workers themselves'...denigrating as troublemakers those who question the system...

In My Reality: the Child Protection reality that Mt Gambier has brought to the Universe, is the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff, Honest

I was going to do my Court stuff today, honest, but this got away from me, as it does, often...(I thought you were in Court today, up in Adelaide?-Ed)...well technically and legally yes, but physically I was here in the Mount, having been excused (from attendance today) by the Magistrate at the last hearing in June 2015...and I'm enjoying the very liberating Trust Freefall of being represented by Legal Eagles, some of whom I've not met personally 'cos they're in Adelaide, I'm here, etc...(fair enough-Ed)...and at this point in time I'm waiting to hear what's gone-down today...

In yet another bizarrely ironic chapter to this whole shenanigan, because I had my Legal Aid application denied/refused/whatevs, technically I don't have any lawyers in my direct employ, but still there's a small flock a' Leagles kickin' this 'round the Courts for me as I/they 1) appeal the Legal Aid refusal, and 2) try to figure out exactly which Court should perhaps be handling this matter, given various Constitutional issues, etc...(so you've got Leagles, of some description, some of whom you haven't even met, working 'pro bono' to help you out?-Ed)...absolutely...literally waiting now on a phone call/email/delicious, plump-breasted pigeon called Speckled Jim to inform me as to what happened today, but it's my understanding that another adjournment is/was the almost unavoidable outcome...

This part of proceedings is basically out of my control, and until the Legal Aid issue is resolved, I have no choice but to trust people I've not met (at the Adelaide end), and trust not just people but lawyers...(gasp!-Ed)...something I do have a little trouble with, what given the rank corruption and/or incompetence of almost every half-wit lawyer I've crossed paths with...(didn't you say you'd never needed/used a lawyer until you moved to Mt Gambier in 1998/99?-Ed) do listen Ed...indeed, never needed/used a lawyer until I moved to this town, and since then, wow...the Family Court, the Industrial Relations Commission (where I won) and then WorkCover, Residential Tenancies Tribunal...and then of course the debasco of being sued by Chris Ryan for his farcically and disastrously erroneous 'advice' re the IRC...(that was actually quite hilarious...infuriating but hilarious-Ed)...indeed, Ryan couldn't provide a single document, claimed to have lost stuff, changed computer programs, etc, etc, and Magistrate Paul Rice, he of the recent 'death-threats plot by inmates' fame, he was coaching Ryan from the 2 different hearings...

(And then onto St Martins and the extraordinary pro-paedophile corruption of Bill DeGaris and Tim Bourne and Peter Humphries and Stephen Lieschke and Piper Alderman lawyers and Attorney General Michael Atkinson, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, I just love lawyers, particularly political lawyers...never had a lawyer, never had anything to do with a lawyer...before I moved to this town...but I'm sure it's just me that's the problem...

In contrast, I can only thank 'my' current Leagles for what I can only hope they are doing to genuinely help me...(find out soon enough-Ed)...yeah, and I know it's a big call so early, but for what it's worth, I think they are genuine, I think they've looked at enough of it to go 'strewth'...but it's so much more than is a massive exercise in letting-go, in trust, for me to have completely surrendered this to Leagles...and in a local context it's the smartest thing I've done for a while, 'cos they have been fantastic...(and apart from that, on a purely functional level, can you imagine how ridiculous some of those letters would have looked had you written them yourself, eg, 'am I allowed to speak to a lawyer, even though I haven't been charged?''s a whole different cuttlefish though when those questions are posed by Leagles, on Leagle's stationary-Ed)...well I think it's 'kettle of fish', but I take your point...

And my Leagles know that I have argued/discussed every piece of advice they've given...(I find that very  hard to believe-Ed)...ah, sarcasm again Ed, sarcasm...but I have ultimately followed nearly all of it, eg, when I refused to plead at all at the April 2015 hearing because I/we'd not yet received Affadavits, etc, from SAPol (police) Prosecutions, but my Leagles were concerned about doing 'the right thing by the Court' and insisted I plead something to expedite my case...I refused, Leagles insisted, I relented...sure enough, just as we sit down in the Court, up walks the SAPol Prosecutions officer, hands a thick roll of documents to my Leagles, and minutes later I'm up standing on The Spot Marked X (literally, with masking tape) and pleading "Not Guilty" re undefined charges and unseen Affadavits, etc...more tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and I'd readily sit down in a room with Humphries and DeGaris and Lieschke and Bourne and Atkinson, et al, but I'm sure they'll just have a bitchy whine to Google, again, and try and get this post taken down, again...but anytime gentlemen, anytime...(I think it far more likely you'll get the cops in ya' home again-Ed)...possibly...

To Dear Google:...before you pull-down anymore of my posts, please read this 'ere blog and ask yourselves why 1) I keep saying this stuff, and 2) no-one's actually realising any of their very many 'defamation' threats, threats evident in the very complaints they've lodged with many of these clowns have cited 'advice that Nick Fletcher's post gives me grounds for defamation action'? many?'s a vacuous threat wrapped in a pathetically cowardly whinge...not your fault Google, but this is how you are being manipulated to help censor the unpleasant realities these bastards want each and every case, with each and every one, I have earned the right to name the reality of their corruption...

I am Nick Fletcher...this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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