Monday, September 7, 2015

Just Stuff About Nonsensical Realities

***doin' a lotta' apologisin' of late to genuine availees, but I'm genuinely still tryin' to keep going forward, 'moving forward' and all that, but still having days where I sit down to do this 'ere blog and simply can't and get-up and don't come back to it for 24hrs or's just a Thang...(a sortta' ragey kinda' depressivey kinda' exhaustionish Thang...the sortta' Thang that one might expect to see from someone who has for 13 years fought tooth, nail, and last shreds of sanity to try and get something done about the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that runs this sad, sick state-Ed)...indeed Ed, and today was nearly forfeit to that exact same Thang courtesy of the absolutely tepid story on the ABC Local Radio about Child Protection Week...(oh dear gourd-Ed)...oh yeah, and there-in was all the usual vacuously inane hypocrisy from the ABC who are absolutely complicit, upto and including at a national level, absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

When Shove Comes To Push-Back:...I am a huge supporter of the ABC and local media like The Border Watch...(oh yeah, I'm readin' the love-Ed)...wait for it, wait for it, and it's this support that fuels a good part of my rage toward them because they have an absolute obligation to fulfill their often self-promoted position as responsible, independent and important purveyors of knowledge to local communities...(yeah, fair enough...but most of your displeasure is about the way they've shoved you, shoved you repeatedly upto and including once too often, and then the way they whinge, bitch and moan when you gently shove back-Ed)...absolutely...(and can I just say that, for such a gentle man, you do a very good line in pushing back-Ed)...cheers...

So's genuine availees will please excuse me my repetitively raging indulgences and/or repeated bloggy absences...(and the days where the two are indistinguishable 'cos the anger and disappointment and depression just make it personally imperative to walk away for a day or three-Ed)...yeah, all that too...and to everyone else who's tuning-in to see what sin they can accuse me of next, what heinous crime I've supposedly committed now...(eg, talking about stuff-Ed)...indeed, the gross aberration of talking about stuff...well, welcome one and all...

And yet again apologies that this post did originally start to be about my Court stuff and never got near it and maybe tomorrow, yeah?...(I'll believe it when it happens-Ed)...but this Child Protection Week shizzle threw my's anyhoo, here's where I started and then I'll finish with some other stuff...cheers...***)

Howdy y'all in India, Ukraine, China, and Aotearoa (New Zealand)...just a quick post to dot point my Court stuff as best I can given the bizarrely all-encompassing yet completely undefined legislation that I'm being prosecuted under, legislation that makes literally everything 'illegal' should the State decide to prosecute...(wow-Ed)...indeed, but some quick feedback first...(*and yet another 'Network Error - another computer on this network has the same IP address', etc, notification has just popped-up...(don't the cops still have your laptop what they done seize when raiding your home on May 8th 2014?-Ed)...yep...your point?...(just sayin'-Ed)...*)...(***and yet another "Network Error", etc, today 7th September***)

In my own defense, because it's come-up yet again, again, it is not my fault that someone screwed-up the Jazz Academy student housing stuff in those Public Housing units...apparently the push is on to hang-it on me that I've 'damaged' the Jazz Academy and somehow threatened it's future, etc, as part of the broader agenda to denigrate and discredit me personally, and potentially also to justify this push for student housing in town somewhere, but all I did was literally point at it...(via this 'ere blog-Ed)...via this 'ere blog, and say 'hey, that doesn't look right, what's goin' on with that then?', and it all went to crap...even I don't believe that this 'ere blog has the power to shred and dismantle any such deal/issue/whatevs if everything was hunky-dory, if everything was bonza mate...(maaate-Ed)...clearly there was a whole bunch of shonky shenanigans goin' on re that housing shizzle...

I have not 'potentially damaged' anything, the whole thing was clearly a top-heavy card-house of corruption and/or incompetence and all I did was breath on it and it collapsed, and bottom-line, I'm not even sure what exactly actually happened...all I know is that they were built using some public money and were/are meant for Public Housing, but it was very specifically reported in The Border Watch that JA students were going in there, 3 to a home, at $130 per week each, with Interweb connected, etc, etc...I went past there a couple of times to check it out and once spoke to a resident in the driveway, but they didn't know anything about JA students either...I don't know why there was a huge For Lease sign out the front either, particularly if 1) they were for Public Housing, be it Housing Trust/AC Care/whatevs, and/or 2) the housing was already supposedly taken by JA doesn't make sense...

Aiming High When Kickin' Heads:...please note that I didn't/haven't named the Realtor who had that sign up because for all I know they were an innocent party in this farcical shenanigans, possibly co-opted unwittingly into yet another dodgy Mt Gambier real estate deal...(you mean in the same way that Malseeds were manipulated and ripped-off by SERDE and Herbert Real Estate in the highly corrupt sale of the SERDE building to corrupt lawyer Bill DeGaris...Billyyyyy-Ed)...yep, Billy...hello Billy, still waitin' for you to make good your multiple written threats to sue me for telling the truth about 1) this farcically corrupt sale and 2) your rank pro-paedophile corruption re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(are you imputing that Billy's an incompetent coward who's only skills are complicit corruption re protecting paedophiles and then slinging gutless defamation threats about?-Ed), I'm stating it outright...

Please find attached the hilarious complaint that Billy lodged with Google to have my original posts of March 26th and 27th 2013 re his corruption pulled down...(hilarious? I'd say a laughable confirmation that what you've been saying is/was true...I mean, the opening line alone...whatta' joke-Ed)...indeed Ed;
     "The process involved in the sale of the building, whilst unusual, was not corrupt, and not a favour
       for a mate."
...(ahahaaahhahaa...'whilst unusual wasn't a deal for a mate'...ahahhhahhaa-Ed)...and all rounded out with 11 equally hilarious "imputations"...(mate, I don't know that I've ever seen you 'impute' anything about anyone...I've seen you name specific public officials as corrupt, and often pro-paedophile corrupt, and name corrupt acts directly, eg, virtually everything that comes out of Mt Gambier City Council, eg, the $345,000 that former Council CEO just 'took' from the Main Corner Project-Ed)...I concur Ed, 'impute' is really quite the insult considering how specific I am, how careful I am to get my facts straight, how I apologise for and correct any possible mistakes/errors, and how I fend-off the plethora of gutless 'defamation threats'... 

Furthermore, I don't understand how and cannot see why there would be a push to put JA student housing/accommodation on the Oatmill site...(or anywhere else in the CBD-Ed)...indeed, but apart from the Oatmill's adjacent carpark, there isn't a single metre of free ground, meaning that this accommodation would require massive renovation and possibly/probably demolition of at least some of the Heritage listed buildings...(well that wouldn't be a problem I'd reckon, what with the rank corruption of other Heritage issues around town, eg, the removal of part of the Kings Theatre re the Main Corner debasco (debacle/fiasco)-Ed)...indeed Ed, and the massive holes carefully gouged in the side of the building to accommodate the cross beams for the 'Annex/Entry' thing that no-one knows what it's for, etc, etc...Heritage Whatevs SA looks like yet another nepotistic mates-club doing deals for each other and bullying everyone else into submission...(whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)'s all a bloody disgrace...      

(***and that's as far as I got, so here's some stuff...

The ICAC: continues to bring the hilarity into my world with 1) some bizarre nonsense about a dude whom allegedly tried to set-up fake identities to access and/or sell state government info, and he pleaded-down to a single charge...whatevs...but secondly, I see ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander again in the news bangin' on about how he reckons his own legislation is too 'secretive' and needs modifying so's he can share all the good news with us plebs...(bollocks!-Ed) it's true, I read it in The Advertiser...(no, not you, bollocks that the ICAC Commissioner needs any change to his own powers to address any 'secrecy' issues...nobody other than Comm Lander is responsible for what does and doesn't get publicly aired, these are decisions made at his discretion, eg, the farcically corrupted alleged investigation by ICAC of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine, where-in everything about a 2 year investigation of the clearly defined nepotistic corruption committed by Jennifer Rankine, everything is suppressed-Ed)...excellent point...

(And it stopped for a full year as well-Ed)...indeed...(the primo Anti-Corruption Watchdog operates as farcically as all the corrupt systems it's supposedly meant to root-out-Ed)...indeed...and Comm Lander was proudly announcing that in nearly 3 years of operation, he/ICAC has found no evidence of 'systemic or institutionalised corruption'...(ahahahaaaa-Ed)...but here's the real hilarity spewing outta' the ICAC this week...(oh this is a beauty-Ed)...indeed...even though former Forestry SA CEO Adrian Hatch is being openly identified in the media re his alleged ICAC charge...("hung-out to dry" is how I believe you described it, "hung-out to dry to try and give the ICAC some shred of credibility"-Ed)...I resemble that remark sir!...(get on with it-Ed)...

Anyhoos, there's this other dude who is facing some sortta' charge for alleged whatevs as a $45,000 per annum Board member of a Public Board of some description, but Mr Lander has suppressed both the dude's name and the name of the Board...(hilarious...on one hand Comm Lander's suppressing this that and the Rankinely other, and then he's complaining that his own decisions make his own decisions too secretive-Ed)...oh, but that's not all matey, here's ya' puddin'...(ooo puddin', I love it when there's puddin'-Ed)...

Mr Dude is arguing that he ain't coppin' to nuthin' 'cos the ICAC legislation don't apply to him because his mate Mike Rann gave him the job and his other mate Jay Weatherill renewed that deal...(hang on, so's he's not saying that he didn't do whatevs, that he's not guilty 'cos he's innocent like, he's sayin' that the legislation doesn't even apply to him?-Ed)...correct...(that is hilarious, but still, as a Public Board member, surely that does make him responsible under ICAC legislation?-Ed)...true, the 'I'm not guilty 'cos the law doesn't count re me' stuff is fairly funny, but you're missing the point...(well point it out then-Ed)...sure...

Mr Dude is stating that he doesn't fall under the auspices of laws that govern public officials because he didn't get that Board position under normal Public Board provisions/protocols/processes/whatevs, he is stating that it was his personal relationships with then Premier Rann and current Premier Weatherill that got him this position...(omg!-Ed)...yep you spotted it...(omg, he's saying that he isn't technically a Public Servant because he didn't go through the normal application processes, etc, his mates gave him that job-Ed)'s he's sayin' that the ICAC legislation doesn't apply to him because of the rank nepotism of his mates giving him the job-Ed) on...(his primary defense to a charge of corruption is his own, nepotism as a defense against corruption-Ed)'ve stopped laughing Ed...(yeah, that's quite breath-taking isn't it-Ed)...

Tomorrow: The Bernard Finnigan Case

Four years and 30 adjournments after his April 2011 arrest on multiple Child Pornography charges the case finally hit the Court proper in March/April 2015 and the sitting Magistrate 'retired to consider his decision', then a deafening silence for over 4 months, and now, late last week, the Magistrate suddenly declared he was going on holiday for 2 months...(you're shreckin' kiddin' me-Ed) I look like I'm kidding?...(no, no you don' fact, you've got the same look on ya' face as when you ran into Rory McEwen at the supermarket last week-Ed)...not that he'd look at me the gutless prick...   

I am Nick Fletcher and when I run into pro-paedophile corrupt politicians like Rory McEwen at the supermarket I just walk on by 'cos we both know and there's a time and a place and the supermarket ain't it...(go you good thing-Ed)...and the cowardly bastard dropped his gaze and pretended not to see me...pathetic...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and later...

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