Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Caught In The Act Courtin' Disaster

***...to put the last first, just got back from Council's meeting...(yay-Ed)...only person there, no Agendas printed/available, Mayor Lee and 2 Councillors absent, they're furiously 'Activating the nearly completed Rail Lands', and then they kicked me (the public) out for their Special Secret Squirrel time together re a Motion Without Notice...(charming-Ed)...give a shreck really...I'm just doin' what I need to do as and when I can...(piss 'em off just by attending?-Ed)...you say it like it's a bad thing...cheers...!!!  

**apologies....had this full post done yesterday, and then computer went schitzo, putting-up a small and very dodgy looking notice asking "Please prove you are not a robot", then something about 'because you've put up so many posts today'...then later the blog refused to save or publish, and I found 50 partial copies of the current post in 'Drafts', then whilst trying to retrieve/post, the computer/blog dumped the lot...(weird as-Ed)...2200 hours 5 hours of work and 1/2 hr of stuffing-about, and all for nought...very frustrating...(cut to footage of lounge-room tantrum?-Ed)...go on then...(at least you maintain the control to fling things that won't break against other things that won't break-Ed)...you mean like shit into this fan...(look, it does get in-Ed)...but mostly straight back out...(I didn't know you had a Dalmation-Ed)...sorry sorry, availees, sorry...been a long, long 24hrs spent largely at the Keyboard of Doing, Losing and Then Redoing all this stuff below...anyhoos***

*Doin' the Robot:...turns out this is actually a thing...(oh gourd-Ed)...and it just happened again, please tick the box "I'm not a robot", etc...mentioned it to someone and they said it's not uncommon...apparently it's some new security protocol thingy with/from Google re automated generation of material...(I've certainly not seen it before on this 'ere blog-Ed)...for those as unawares as I was, it comes up in a 4 inch square window mid-screen, stating/headed, "Please prove you are not a robot", and beneath that, "Since you have made a large number of posts today please prove that you are not a robot by clicking the following checkbox."...and next to that in blue, "Learn more"...underneath that a 'box to be clicked' with "I'm not a robot" alongside that...in the bottom right corner, "re CAPTCHA", with "Privacy Terms" beneath, and below that a final larger 'tick box' with "Proceed" alongside...(you should have taken a photo-Ed)...next time perhaps...

I went via the "Learn more" and found that it was actually a genuine Google site...(or at least it looked like one-Ed)...well indeed, but it did have confirmation stuff about automatic generation of posts, etc, and when I went back to the little notice box and hit the "I'm not a robot" box and then "Proceed" it all went just fine and I've not had another problem...(yet-Ed)...anyhoos, given that it is apparently a genuine thing, it appears that my refusal to co-operate with this notice last evening 'cos I was concerned that it was some sort of Trojan virus thingy, that my ignorance and paranoia combined to guide me toward very effectively if unwittingly deleting my own post...(oh dear-Ed)...*     

So, hello Portugal, Netherlands, Germany and Russia and welcome to this 'ere blog and a series of shocking puns about peeps who get Caught In The Act, through those who get caught-up in The Act, to others whom are Courtin' Disaster, not least of all by gettin' caught in the act...

But First:...how hilarious to see former Nationals Party leader Tim Fischer on WIN TV as part of WIN TV's ad campaign about 'losing your Regional voice if we don't change Media Ownership laws'...(but didn't you say that this entire campaign is about relaxing restrictions so's that those companies like the massive WIN TV can just purchase/own even more media businesses, and exercise even greater power than they already have?-Ed)...I believe I did say that, yes, that is the discourse on the footpath, right there next to the word on the street...(and furthermore, you said, this 'scare campaign' is a disgraceful hypocrisy from WIN TV who have systematically dismantled TV production in Mt Gambier, axing all locally made programs where Mt Gambier once had it's own fully functioning, bustling station with a week-daily, fully locally produced daytime lifestyle show and evening news service, and even a Saturday morning kids show-Ed)...correct again Ed, I said all of that and then some...and now?...(and now there's absolutely bugger-all made here and the station building is virtually a ghost-town-Ed)...

And again, I remind availees that WIN TV are absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, just prior to the March 2006 State Election giving incumbent Member for Mt Gambier, the wholly corrupt Rory McEwen, gave that scumbag a platform to attack and denigrate us parents as being 'Liberal party people...playing gutter politics'...(but in response didn't you/parents go up there to WIN TV and ask for a right-of-reply and were interviewed, etc?-Ed)...indeed, I/parents did organise and do that, but then WIN TV flatly refused to air that interview or even a brief statement that I/we had contacted WIN TV to challenge Rory's gutless deceits, so's Rory's corrupt lies went entirely unchallenged...(almost just like what The Border Watch did in May 2005 when they gave Rory front-page to defend teacher Glyn Dorling and attack you parents as nutters-Ed)...indeed, I've covered both of these thoroughly in previous posts...

Equally hilarious, these repeated statements from (Lower House) Speaker and former Labor Attorney General Michael Atkinson, that the Daws Rd Repatriation Hospital protesters camping on the steps of Parliament House, do so with his 'permission and forebearance', because they 'lower the tone and gravitas of the Institution'...(deadset?...from the stinkingly corrupt rat at the heart of the St Martins Cover-up, who, as AG, took children's and parent's interview statements from Flinders Child Protection Service and handed them over to Lutheran lawyers, Piper Alderman, who duly altered/edited/censored those statements and then handed them back, all actionable evidence carefully removed?-Ed)...yep, that stinkingly corrupt pro-paedophile prick, please don't excuse my language...(no, you're right mate, I understand...so he's holding forth about how the behaviour of others lowers/damages the reputation of the Institution of Parliament?-Ed)...yep...(wow, well I guess he'd know, given that his very existence let alone position as Speaker is a shattering indictment of the entire State of South Australia, let alone it's pro-paedophile Parliament-Ed)...indeed...

Still Laughing?:...'cos whilst matters in Adelaide re the Independent Commission Against Corruption are hidden behind ICAC Suppression Orders as issued by ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, eg, the current farcical case where a Public Board member is arguing that the ICAC rules don't apply to him because of his nepotistic appointment by his mate Mike Rann, etc, all details about this person, the Public Board involved, the specific allegation/charge, etc, all these details are suppressed, meanwhile here in Mt Gambier there's no such respect/luxury/suppression for former Forestry SA CEO Adrian Hatch, who yesterday pleaded Not Guilty to a single charge in the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court, and then is named in the media today...(charming-Ed)...again, the obvious disparity re disclosure is self-evident, as is the control that the ICAC Commissioner wields...

I further re-state my belief that this disparity is a deliberate attempt to address concerns about these 'Suppression Powers' and how they have been applied by ICAC Comm Bruce Lander to cases like the near-entirely suppressed exoneration of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine...(what a farcical joke that is-Ed)...indeed...my point being that Mr Hatch is gettin' hung-out to dry by the ICAC to try and give the ICAC some credibility on this 'suppression' stuff...I also repeat my concerns that several very high-profile issues/cases appear to have just 'disappeared', and I am aware, as best one can be given the bizarre circumstances, that one huge local case looks to have been consumed and suppressed by the ICAC, which means, given the relevant bizarre ICAC legislation, I probably cannot/should not even identify that issue/case...(wow-Ed)...we apparently live in a Democracy don't ya' know...(but if you're not sure that it's been hoovered-up by ICAC couldn't you just talk about it in a future post without actually mentioning ICAC?-Ed)...oh, most excellent point Ed...(and furthermore, if ICAC hasn't publicly declared these issues to be like the school Cormorant*, Right Out Of Bounds, then how's anyone to know to not talk about it?-Ed)...I think I love you Ed, you monkey-genius...
                                                                                                    *Monty Python - Meaning of Life

Caught In The Act Part I:...is when SAPol raided the home of Bernard Finnigan in April 2011, seizing several computers/devices and arresting Bernie on multiple (20?) Child Pornography charges, and this raid/arrest occurred because SAPol knew that Bernie was accessing those sites...somehow a TV News crew were there, and hence there's footage of Bernie being led to a police car and driven away, etc...and the reason this is such a huge story? Bernie was the Mike Rann Labor government's Acting Police Minister at the time of his arrest...Bernie was Acting Police Minister...(yeah, yeah, you've been through all this before, but why is this CITA Part I?-Ed)...well SAPol didn't just randomly lob on his door step, they went to his home specifically on that issue because they knew he was accessing those sites, therefore Bernie was effectively Caught In The Act...(ah right, of course-Ed)...

Caught In The Act Part II and III: is the farcically corrupted progress (and I use the word 'progress' in it's loosest definition) of Bernie's case through the South Australian Courts...arrested in April 2011, the case has since been through multiple Courts of different jurisdiction, before a range of Magistrates, including a panel hearing of 3 Magistrates, with multiple changes to the charges before most were dropped completely, some re-instated then dropped again, etc, etc, over and over, for a total of 30 adjournments across a full 4 years...(strewth-Ed)...and when the hearing does finally commence, there's only 1 SAPol witness, only 2 charges, and the Magistrate suppresses all relevant details, eg, the names of the Interweb sites that Bernie searched, etc...and then in early April 2015 the Magistrate retired to consider his decision...(you have mentioned that occasionally before too-Ed)...and other than that, there has been a deathly silence ever since...(until last week-Ed)...until 2 weeks ago, the first week of September 2015, when the Magistrate suddenly declares he's off on holidays for 2 months thanks very much if you don't mind...(wow-Ed)...back on November 2nd 2015 or there-abouts...

(Can I do my joke here?-Ed)...sure, hurry up...(I say I say I say, this Magistrate suddenly hoofing-off to Ibeeeeetha or Bali or wherevs, causing much consternation and confusion, it reminds me of the very sad case early last century where that famous Circus, who's name escapes me, they had to cancel their show when they lost their main attraction, the world famous death-defying Dynamo, the Exploding Man, when he unexpectedly went-off on holidays-Ed).........are you quite done?...(argh, they're oldies but they're goodies-Ed)...if you say so...

(Anyhoos, so's absolutely nuthin' for nearly 5 months, then he's off on holidays...that very unfortunately looks almost exactly like complete contempt for the people of South Australia-Ed)...what it looks like Ed is CITA Part II, the entire proceedings are the wholly compromised actionings of a deeply compromised apparently pro-paedophile Judicial system in this sad, sick, rotten State we call home...here is your Courts getting Caught In The Act of apparently acting to protect a paedophile, a paedophile who was Acting Police Minister...(strewth, I take your point, it does look like far more than just rank incompetence and/or barefaced contempt from the Judiciary, it is clearly an orchestrated campaign to not reach a decision that appears otherwise inevitable...you're right, the Court's/Judiciary's own actions show them to be Caught In The Act of deliberately stalling this case...but what's Part III?-Ed)...

Part III Ed, is a terrible pun based around the fact that the Court has been Caught In The Act of being a Court (Engaging) In The Act (Of Apparently Covering-up Paedophilia)...a Court In The Act of...(oh very nicely done sir...a shocking pun that almost but not quite distracts from the realities of the gross corruption of appropriate process that epitomises this case, a case that exposes the true nature of the control paedophiles and/or corrupt pro-paedophile actors have in the South Australian Parliament (the Legislature), within SAPol (the Executive), and the Judiciary, (um, the Judiciary)-Ed)...and which unfortunately segues beautifully into...

CITA Part IV:...being the rank pro-paedophile corruption of our State government, a government wholly compromised by the depth/breadth/history of paedophiles in their ranks...the Mike Rann Labor government only stopped bleating about how Bernie was "innocent until proven guilty", stopped spewing that line only long enough to immediately turf 'im right outta' the Labor Party...(and Bernies's been settin' there in the Legislative Council (Upper House of State Parliament) ever since, as yet another alleged Independent-Ed)...indeed, drawing down a full-time Taxpayer funded wage with associated multiple benefits, allowances, superannuation, etc...(super-Ed)...

Ya' don't have to travel far in this 'ere blog to find ample evidence of the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the SA Labor Party...(perhaps as far as, say, those recentish posts containing the letters from Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill blocking Comm Ted Mullighan from officially investigating the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...indeed...and there we slide seamlessly into CITA Part V, via the pathetically complicit silence from the SA Liberal Party re this Finnigan debasco (debacle meets fiasco) and the St Martins Cover-up, etc...

CITA Part V:...is the Unified Bipartisan Parliamentary support for paedophilia as witnessed re the St Martins Lutheran School case...all complicit, all corrupt...this is your State Parliament, South Australia, all wholly committed to ultimately protecting paedophiles because as an Institution and as it's constituent Parties, all are completely compromised by the rank pro-paedophile corruption and attitudes that contaminate their past and control their present...and previous corruptions so bad that they demand even worse corruptions to keep them hidden...(and previous corruptions unaddressed guarantees further similar corruptions-ed)...good point Ed...in my reality, the St Martins case is clearly not just about hiding these horrendous histories, this is about the contemporary paedophile control of South Australia and maintaining that control...and onward spiralling downward, lower and lower, and there at rock-bottom you'll find the SA Parliament...whatta' disgrace...   

Tomorrow: CITCCD Part II

(But we didn't even get to any of the 'Courtin' Disaster' stuff-Ed)..ok, how about, say, the whole Finnigan farce is a Courtin'(g) Disaster, and by writing about it and criticising the Judiciary, well, I'm Courtin' Disaster myself...2 in 1, there you go...(cheers-Ed)...one does what 2 can...(is that a dig at me about being a confected literary device, not a real boy?-Ed)...not a dig mate, just a gentle reminder that you, Ed, you don't actually exist...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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