Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Caught In The Act Courtin' Disaster - Part II

Hello Finland, Ecuador, Barbados, and Ireland and welcome to the TMGI...(yo!-Ed)...and hello Ed...it still bemuses me greatly that 1) people across the planet sometimes read this 'ere blog...(cheers-Ed)...and 2) that I can read about that on my li'l statistics page thingy...to all involved, I continue to move apologetically forward with this 'ere blog, aware that I've left several recent posts half-finished, eg, the one re the letter from the former Crown Solicitor Simon Stretton where I actually am half-way through eviscerating that particular litany of abuse, denials, lies and bare-faced threats for exactly what it is...(uh uh, come on, you promised, not another diatribe about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, we're sticking to the Courts stuff today, get that sorted-out, yeah?-Ed)...sure...I did promise that...

However...(here we go-Ed)...I would argue that the rankly legion and clearly deliberate failures of the Crown Solicitor/Teachers Registration Board Inquiry (March 2003-November 2004) into "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling is a Courting Disaster of the highest order, where-in a self-investigating self-invested CSO/TRB Tribunal completely exonerated a grooming paedophile and justified that finding by accepting Dorling's defense that the kids were forcing themselves on him and he couldn't stop them...(point taken mate, sorry, that CSO/TRB hearing/finding is indeed a screaming indictment re Court decisions and the conduct of the Crown Solicitor, etc-Ed)...indeed, theirs is corrupt conduct to protect a paedophile teacher, and corrupt conduct compounded by 1) repeatedly threatening me, but then 2) refusing to meet me to sort it out...and now Simon Stretton's a Magistrate...charming...

I would further argue...(geez, didn't see that comin'-Ed)...that the litany of betrayals and failures associated with parent attempts to pursue legal action against St Martins/the Lutherans and Glyn Dorling, are an irrefutable indictment of all concerned...every lawyer that betrayed, every lawyer that lied, and the Court system that acted to support and allow this deceit and betrayal...more than happy to discuss with anyone involved, any of the lawyers, the Courts per se, who-so-ever's stupid enough to show-up...(ooo, callin' people 'stupid', that's gettin' a little bit beyond 'push', almost to 'shovey'-Ed)...yes, and?...let's all get together you Legion of Legal Champs, lets all get together and have a great big public hearing...(well that's a cheap shot 'cos ya' know that ain't ever gunna' happen-Ed)...a great big hearing about how/why I'm wrong and how/why I say bad, wrong things, and how/why I'm the problem here...(not just here, oi!-Ed)...

The point I make Ed, is that I have earned the right to demand this satisfaction, this public resolution, because I have endured a decade plus of direct threats and bullying and harassment and abuse and denigration, etc, etc, from these gutless clowns as they 1) corruptly act to knowingly, willingly protect a "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher, and then 2) act even more corruptly to hide that original corruption...(and I'd suggest that the 'original corruption' as you describe it, was actually preceded by a self-protecting, wholly corrupt pro-paedophile 'System' that acted to protect Dorling in acting to protect 'Itself'-Ed)...fair point Ed, and cover-ups like St Martins don't just happen by accident, let alone in a decent State, in a clean 'System'...sorry, I'm off again aren't I?...(a bit, but it's quite understandable given the circumstances, dare I say it, given the context-Ed)...and you know how I love a good context Ed, but moving on...

To quickly review CITA Part I, it was about the Bernard Finnigan trial, a trial recently back in the news because the Magistrate had announced he was off on holidays until November 2nd 2015... in April 2011, whilst Labor's Acting Police Minister, Bernie was busted by SAPol (police) on numerous Child Pornography charges...then followed 4 years of adjournments...(30 adjournments for gourd sake, 30!-Ed)...through numerous Courts, and the charges have been changed, dropped, re-instated, etc, etc, over and over, until finally in March/April 2015 the case finally hit Court, albeit with only 2 charges remaining...then in April 2015 the Magistrate retired to consider his decision, then ne'ery a word merry or otherwise, until this announcement, and now he's choofed-off on hols...(charming...again-Ed)...

And Bernie was effectively Caught In The Act by SAPol (police), and that's then turned into a Courting Disaster lasting well over 4 years with the Court In The Act of fudging this along without resolution, and I myself continue to be possibly Courting Disaster by talking about what a disaster this whole sorry saga has been from start to, well, whenever it eventually finishes...if it ever finishes...and that's the main point today, I think it will finish, and very soon...

(Soon?...we'll still not get a decision now until at least November 2nd?-Ed)...no no, and call me a cynic, but I'd predict that we'll know before then...(well now you're just talkin' nonsense...how can we find out whilst the Magistrates away on holidays?...what's he gunna' do, send us a bloody postcard?-Ed)...yes, exactly that...(you're the only 'card' around here mate, you jolly japester, a postcard indeed-Ed)...that's what I said...(and you're not laughing either are you...you're serious...you're honestly saying that he's going to send a postcard-Ed)...well not quite a postcard I'm sure, but a written decision delivered whilst away on holiday is certainly a possibility...(it is? is that even possible?...the look on your face is telling me 'yes'-Ed)...apparently it wouldn't be unheard of and/or inappropriate for a Magistrate to be physically absent for whatevs reason...(Mardi Gras darling-Ed)...whatevs, to be absent and still hand-down a written decision...

(And knowing you as I do, knowing that look on your face, as I do, you think that that's exactly what's gunna' happen here with the Bernie trial-Ed)...you know me as well as I know myself Ed, because it's exactly what I reckon is going to happen...it would suit many people's purpose should this decision be delivered whilst the Magistrate is away aways somewhere...(why?-Ed)...to get the trial over with and any criticism/fallout/whatevs all done before the Magistrate returns...(but that only really makes sense if the decision is really controversial-Ed)...you mean like exonerating Bernie despite the evidence, and simply walking away from the ludicrous 4 year process, etc, all without proper explanation?...(oh my gourd, you've put a lot of thought into this-Ed)...nope, it leaps furiously off the page clawing at me, screeching it's conspiratorial shenanigans right in my face...it is a self-evident potentiality...

And in what's as close to a plan as I can muster, I've deliberately left this observation/prediction until the week when I think it's likely to happen, about 3 weeks into the Magistrates hols, with 4-5 weeks for the furore to blow itself out, and then back comes said Magistrate and on goes South Australia, supporting and protecting paedophiles wherever and whenever possible...(and if it takes 4 years, 30 hearings, and then an absentee exoneration, well it's all just part of the rich tapestry of pro-paedophile corruption that blankets SA-Ed)...yay...

So that's my prediction, may I live to see me proven wrong...(you mean that whilst you consider that this is a deliberate set-up to distance the Magistrate from a Bernie exoneration and it's subsequent fall-out, you'd much rather be wrong and see Bernie convicted whenevs/howevs that actually happens?-Ed)...that pretty much sums it up...may I be wrong...this also leaves a heap of other Caught Courtin' things to cover so's I'll dedicate a further post to them bits,

Tomorrow: CITACD Part III

Doing The Bus Stop:...the Liberal Party have re-developed, redefined and deployed an exciting new piece of political munitions, the Underbus, which carefully slays the one person ahead of you whilst selectively mowing-down half of those left standing behind...(nice-Ed)...and so, so hilarious to see Liberal's Scotty 'ÜberUnderbuser' Morrison throw his alleged close mate, former PM Tony Abbott, right under the recent leadership bust-up by spewing forth allegations that a straw-clutching Tony offered him (Scotty) one of his (Tony's) last attempts at a Captain's Pick, namely that Scotty would be Treasurer and Deputy PM if he backed Tones...but Scotty wouldn't be a party to that particular attempted pick-up line...(I'll no take it Captain!-Scotty)...and so, in denying that new PM Malcolm Turnbull offered him those positions in a similar deal, Scotty ditched Tones right Underbus by stating he (Tones) had himself intended/attempted to Underbus 'Smokin' Joe Hockey' (Treasurer) and Julie Bishop (DepPM)...(sweet-Ed)... 

Redefining Push Comes To Shove:...is the Aussie Parliament, particularly re the possie of PM...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, with the recent trend to deposing 'elected'* PMs, it's become the norm that the person who pushes to the front of the line, does so only to get shoved under the next bus...(I wish I was a cartoonist 'cos I'd draw a picture of a very smug Malcolm quipping wittily to his amassed media chums whilst swanning about a bus stop, furiously selfieing himself, and gushing about the wondrousness of his beloved 333 Route, whilst a maniacal Tony bears down on them all in a careering double-decker bearing that number, with Conductor Joe swingin' from the rear step-Ed)...you write a beautiful picture Ed...and now Tones is puttin' the boot into Scotty too...(it surely is gettin' crowded under that there bus-Ed)...                           
(*note please, that in Oz we technically elect individual politicians with an understanding that Candidate ??? is the leader of that Party and will therefore be PM should they have the numbers, but the actual PM is the decision of said Party, not voters...personal popularity of a potential PM might gain general support for that Party, but the PM remains the will of the Party) 

Not A Word Of A Lie:...that I don't read/watch/listen to rabid Right-wing nutter Andrew Bolt because he's a pig-ignorant shock-jock who takes obvious pleasure in being belligerently biased and deliberately offensive...this year I've read maybe 2 paragraphs in total, and what a hilarious enlightenment it's proven to be...first time, it was a randomly chosen paragraph in a long rant about the falsehoods of Climate Change, etc, and Andy cited extreme and unseasonal flooding in New South Wales as proof positive that Global Warming is a myth...(but isn't the increase in these sort of extreme/unusual weather events exactly what boffins are stating as a proof and/or consequence of changes to global weather patterns?-Ed)...absolutely, except in AndyLand of course where proof of what it really means is in the one-eye of the beholder...

Months later I waded into the middle of another mind-numbing Boltathon, again randomly picked a paragraph, and this time he was sarcastically spruiking his affections for 'a good conspiracy theory', including, and I quote, "...flouride, the Jews, and 9/11."...(wow, I didn't realise that "the Jews" were a conspiracy in-and-of themselves-Ed)...well that's because you're an intelligent and balanced observer...(well at least when compared to this clown I am-Ed)...I told you, it's all about context...but then knackers took it to a whole new level of pant-wetting hilarity in his recent list of reasons why we don't owe Syria/Syrians not nuthin', stating that 'we are not bombing in Syria'...and this article/list was printed in The Advertiser/Sunday Mail on the very day it was announced that our Airforce was going to start bombing in Syria...(yeah, there's nuthin' funny about any of that really is there-Ed)...not really, more bitter, biting irony than any actual humour...

I'll pull stumps here, and wish y'all well...I am Nick Fletcher, and that's Ed...(cheers-Ed)...and he's also Nick Fletcher...and thus this is my blog that is our blog that is my blog...cheers and laters...

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