Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Seaweed Stuff And Some Other Nonsense

Hello Brazil, Costa Rica, Portugal, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog...just a quick post to continue my push toward a daily post again...and again, cheers for the support re my personal 'journey' through what can only be described as a very original landscape...(how so?-Ed)...because I guarantee you that there's no-one been down this path in any, way, shape or form, because dude, there ain't even a bleedin' path most of the time...(well if there's any path at all it would suggest nay confirm that others had been this way, hence the path-Ed)...could have been animals...(what, like a ManBear StuffPig maybe?-Ed) re-use that timeless joke, 'I resemble that remark sir!'...(sure, but don't we have a post to do?-Ed)...indeed, and awayyyy...

Riddochulous Shenanigans: at the Riddoch Art Gallery has culminated in the sacking/disbanding of the Board...(it would seem that those stories talked at your head by others, those stories may well be true-Ed)...strewth, narrow it down a bit will ya'? there's a dozen issues re the Riddoch and Main Corner, etc, some my own and those of others...(well the stuff people have been sayin' about the Riddoch getting politely given the arse outta' there, out of the recently renovated Kings Theatre, so's that the Morrison Jazz Academy can be expanded into that space...that stuff-Ed)...ah yes, that's indeed some peoples' belief as to the genuine motivation they believe to be behind this current disintegrating debasco (debacle/fiasco) with the Riddoch...(and it would potentially give the Main Corner Facility leasees complete control of the entire site, Main Corner/Town Hall/Kings Theatre et al-Ed)...I think they effectively already do...(ah yes, the good ol' Main Corner, just another rankly corrupt process/project from City Council, hooray-Ed)...mmm, hooray indeed...

I've previously had a bit of a whinge about the amount of money that the Riddoch receives annually from Mt Gambier City Council, but that's always been in the context of what equal funding could do to provide a slightly more adequate public transport service in Mt Gambier...(please, allow me...we've just had another 3 days of no buses at all in Mt Gambier, South Australia's second city after Adelaide, the state's largest Regional centre, and not even a bloody bus, from 1700hrs (5.00pm) Friday until 0900hrs Tuesday, not a single's a bloody disgrace and shows yet again, in clear fashion, the abject contempt that the Adelaide-based, Adelaide-focussed Jay Weatherill Labor government has for Regional SA-Ed)...indeed, there's free buses to Adelaide Oval or wherevs when it suits Adelaide, whatevs the hour, whatevs the day, yet no Public Transport in Mt Gambier on public holidays or weekends...

My original point though, is that if Council provided the equal funding for public transport that they do to the Riddoch Gallery, approx $60,000 per annum (2014), that would easily fund a daily bus service...(and even a Christmas Holidays bus to Pt MacDonnell, then Browns Beach, and back-Ed)...indeed...and I've been catching the bus at least once a week just to support the service and show solidarity with my peeps on the street who rely it...I maintain that it's the equality of how we provide all of these basic services that defines us as a society, and it's a fairly common belief...starting with Education, Medical/Dental, etc, Child Protection obviously, and Public Transport because mobility is a fundamental 'free-er' that facilitates people goin' places and doin' stuff and opens-up a world of opportunities, including employment...(it's all fairly straight forward really-Ed)...moving on...

I'm fully stoked that Mt Gambier Hospital has had it's Palliative Care Service re-instated, but in my cynical li'l world it reeks of a nasty little political stunt from Labor...this absolutely reeks of a $200,000 per annum set-up for an otherwise uncaring and corrupted Labor government to have a compassionate peg to hang their empty souls on come Election's just offensive for Health Minister Jack Snelling to blame Federal cuts and state that he's "restoring funding" because he's 'not going to stand by and watch South Australians suffer due to Federal cuts'...(but he made those cuts, as the Minister, he made those cuts-Ed)...oh indeed, and now Jack The Lad's only taking time-out from praising his own wondrousness to be praising-up Liberal Member for Mt Gambier Troy Bell, and Troy's praising-up Jack, and it's all about what a great community Mt Gambier is, etc, etc...the whole thing just glares at me, literally yells at me as being a deeply cynical stunt from shallow, nasty people...

This 4-person Palliative Care service costs a total $200,000 a that to the $3million that Labor has spent thus far on expensive advertising for their ludicrous Reforming Health nonsense...(with more advertising to come-Ed)...indeed, $millions in months with yet more to come...and Reforming Health is a disastrous nightmare Adelaide will yet live to experience if not long enough to regret...(wow, you are in your happy place today, aren't you?-Ed)...not particularly, just lookin' at the loomin' reality of unavoidable consequences of the Privatisation of Public Health Services as per the Profit-Guarantee Contract that Labor has entered into re the new Royal Adelaide Hospital...I can't even contemplate a post re this Health System shizzle 'cos it's Jacob's Ladder sortta' stuff, straight down the ladder into a mire of depressing realities of collapsing/cut services everywhere across the state as everything goes to finance that PG Contract..(sweet baby cheeses, now you've depressed me as well-Ed)...see what I mean?...(I do! I do!-Ed)...     

Seaweed Lies Upon The Beach: but PIRSA's deadset pissin' right in my ear...(woah, steady on big fella-Ed)...steady-on nuthin', I'm absolutely rabid about the rank deceits of my government and it's various stooge-like operatives, and it's nothing short of rank lies wrapped in abuse in what is being spewed-out by PIRSA re concerns about the potential environmental impacts of wholesale seaweed clearing from beaches near Kingston, here in South East SA...(yes, and I can see the large, angry, hippy in you gettin' all fired-up-Ed)...damn straight, that bloody clown from PIRSA (Primary Industries SA) on the ABC Radio the other morning was a belligerent tool, brusquely brushing aside any criticism of this ludicrous and corrupted decision to grant a massive seaweed products export license, a license allowing the complete clearing of (reportedly) 50-70kms of shoreline...

Fundamental research by PIRSA and/or a large group of brightly dressed individuals alighting from a very small car...(you mean like clowns?-Ed)...either of these groups conducting the most basic research would confirm the widely known local/anecdotal evidence that that seaweed is a critical part of a massive food-chain, and that removing it will cause irreversible collapse of that's a basic biological reality that weed-banks like these are riddled with food-source invertebrates like maggots, various cetaceans...(cetaceans? cetaceans are whales, dude, dolphins and shizzle? I think you mean 'crustaceans' as in things like crabs, oysters, etc-Ed)...yeah yeah, whatevs, tonnes of maggots, lice-thingies, crustaceans, whatevs, all live in/around that weed and they are prey for other critters, and/or birds, and/or marine species,'s fundamental, school-grade biology stuff about ecosystems...

That seaweed is not surplus to requirement, it is a Foundation Food-source, and it is widely reported and understood that there are multiple fisheries reliant on that Foundation Food-source, and others that may be directly affected or damaged as a result of wider ecological/environmental affects, eg, the Southern Rock Lobster...again, it's basic biology, when ecosystems suffer a massive basic change like removing all that weed/food-source, the effects reach out into every nook of that ecosystem...(has anyone asked themselves or anyone else for that matter whether or not the sudden strange run of huge bluefin tuna close to shore off Pt MacDonnell might be a result of the massive Geelong Star super-trawlering it's voracious way along our coastline, hoovering it's way through local baitfish stocks out in deeper waters where the tuna usually cruise, thusly forcing the tuna in-shore?-Ed), no idea, but interesting theorisationing Ed, very interesting...

(Just an aside whilst we're making-up words like 'theorisationing', I was reading where our close mate new SAPol (police) Commissioner Grant Stephens, he of the Paedophile Taskforce fame whom knew/knows about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up but didn't/wouldn't/won't do anything about it, as covered in multiple previous posts, he described the proposed privatisation of sections of SAPol, eg, personnel supervising SAPol holding cells, even though those cells are currently repeatedly used as 'overflow cells' for an over-loaded gaol system, our man Grantly denied that this was privatisation, instead calling it "civilianisation"-Ed)...classic...     

What a bloody disgrace for the PIRSA rep...(actually it was/is Sean Sloan, Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy-Ed)...right, ta'...what a typical disgrace it is for a government rep to belligerently challenge people in this ludicrously brazen way, in such an aggressively confrontational and blusteringly bravado-bloated bullying...(what way? what do you mean? you haven't explained what he said-Ed), sorry, he said that 'if anyone has any proof that this massive clearing will cause any damage, then provide it to us re our Feedback thingy we're doing now, and we'll look at it, but apart from that, what's ya' problem? PIRSA doesn't have one' (paraphrase, but bloody close)...(so he's saying that people who want to oppose this massive industrial clearing of a great swathe of coast, those people need to provide the scientific evidence to support their claims/concerns/opposition-Ed)...indeed, and in a context where PIRSA are clearly full-steam ahead in support of the proposed clearing...

This bears a remarkable resemblance to the argument/justification that Wind Turbine proponents use in refuting claims of health problems re Turbines, namely, 'there's no evidence that Turbines cause any health problems', said in a context where they know that the evidence doesn't exist because no specific testing has been done...(and now PIRSA is saying 'you show us the evidence that this clearing will cause problems', said in a context where they know exactly what the damage is likely to be, and yet clearly don't want to acknowledge that, as part of their equally clearly defined support for this outrageous proposal-Ed)...and it was the belligerent way that this Gauntlet of Denial was flung down by Sean that really pissed me off...

(And that's just the basic foodchain stuff, we haven't even covered the environmental impacts of erosion and dune reduction, etc-Ed)...indeed, or the much discussed plans for 'food grade kelp products' which can only be done with kelp harvested live from the ocean, not stuff bulldozered off a or out of the water this weed is critical to it's environment, indeed it is the environment...the whole project is a disaster that no longer needs to look for somewhere to happen 'cos it's happening right here...

Just Quickly:...and in the same 'This Must Not Be Allowed' context as this Seaweed Clearing, the latest coupla' things I've seen from Beach Energy (whom are planning Fracking (TMNBA) in the South East) have talked about Beach 'consolidating' by selling interests in Romania, Tanzania, and elsewhere, and/or investing further in the Cooper Basin, but ne'ery a word about, ne'ery a mention of the Otway Basin or the South East or nuthin', not nuthin'...(what does that mean?-Ed)...not entirely sure, could be having second thoughts, could be they have plans to continue but they're just trying to 'fly under the radar', trying to avoid flak from greenies, etc...    

Tomorrow: Even I Don't Believe The Latest Rail Lands Stuff

ÜberUnderbussing Master recently shafted PM Tony Abbott shows the amateurs how it's done...having repeatedly stated that he won't be leaking or briefing or throwing anyone under a bus in retaliation for the rank betrayal of his mates and Ministers, Tony has been quick to point-out that the Liberal policies are exactly the same as before, etc, and his belief that he would have won the next election, etc, but my fave was during a radio interview when Tones stated that politics "is a game of Snakes and Ladders, and I hit a snake"...(ahahahaahhaaa, classic, saying his usurper and new PM Malcolm Turnbull, saying Mal Mal is a "snake", but without actually saying 'Mal Mal's a snake'-Ed)...I wonder if he came-up with that zinger by himself...(does that make Mal Mal the Usurping Serpent?-Ed)...wacko! it does now Ed, excellent, Mal Mal the Usurping Serpent...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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