Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Rail Lands And The Bus Shelter: A Modern Farci-tale

Hello Brazil, Ukraine, Canada, and all new availees in Montenegro again, cheers and welcome to the blog...uber-cheers for the support/advice off-blog about learning to enjoy life a li'l bit better than perhaps I have of late...(if by 'of late' you mean for a decade-Ed)..well quite, and to 'let-up' on myself a li'l more than I have on occasion...(if by 'on occasion' you mean like ever-Ed)...yes, thankyou, you've made your point...(my point beingggg???? what?-Ed)...that it hasn't all been every moment a waking nightmare, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been a hellish grind on a good day...(it's like you can read my mind-Ed)...and some people even suggest that they reckon it's alright if I do maybe only one or two posts per week while I get my shizzle together because the blog is in and of itself quite important...(and that right there's some pretty amazing praise, and not least of all because of some of it's sources-Ed)...absolutely...

Others have suggested to me that, what with the nearly 3 years committed to trying to address such manifestly unpleasant issues yet still produce a readable and engaging blog...(thankyou-Ed)...what?...(thankyou, you said readable and engaging, and that's me, Ed, a confected literary device utilised to engage availees in a readable debate that's not just preachy doomsdaying-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, anyhoos, some suggest that 800 posts on this 'ere blog and the stack of vacuous defamation threats I've accumulated...(and this extraordinary 20 (19?) counts/charges you're facing re this 'ere blog!-Ed)...and yes, that was my next point, ta', my current debasco of a Court case re 'talking about stuff' that is apparently all fine, apart from me talking about it being fine on this 'ere blog, that's a crime, apparently...what with all that, some suggest that I've gone the hard yards so very often enough to have earned the right to do what I want when I need to for a little while so's to ensure that I keep going until I can go properly again...(and fair enough-Ed)...
Still, ain't too proud to admit that it's been a very, very long week or two, again, and it is what it is, and sometimes that means losing days at a time to the stress and resultant tiredness, etc, and for every crest there's a fall...and that's just the shizzle goin' down in my own life and/or re this 'ere blog, without looking to the external media...(and to really confuse the issue, there's been good days that didn't need spoilin' by doin' this 'ere blog-Ed)...well that was the crest I was referring to, but yes, some days simply settin' down to a li'l bloggin' is still just proving a burden to hurdle...("a burden to hurdle"? trying to get over that which ones' self carries? good luck with that!-Ed)...cheers, and awayyyyyy we go...

Any week with a Council meeting in it means effectively 2 days lost, it's a real day-long grind to just go there and sit silently through that manifestly corrupt nepotistic circus...and then I'm just thoroughly over the whole damn thing for a day or two...and last week with the Frida Briggs 'Child Protection' forum/seminar thingy on that same night, I literally didn't sleep that night then lost 3 days going on 4...(and then it's Crash-out Narcolepsy for 36-48 hours?-Ed)...sometimes, it's more just a case of I go until that happens, and when it happens it happens good, and I do some serious sleeping...and last week there was also the relative deluge of familial visits that chewed-up a bunch of time, including the undisguised joy of catching-up a bit with my child back briefly from university...(woohoo!-Ed)...indeed, including a lovely trip to the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter debasco (debacle/fiasco) to stand in the pissing rain and howling wind, and so that's today's post topic...

(Mate, I agree that the Bus Shelter corruption and subsequent 'stand in the weather shizzle' is worthy of much more attention on this 'ere blog-Ed)...absolutely...(and I love the adjectival puns about a "relative deluge of familial visitors", nice-Ed)...thanks Ed, I try...(indeed, but I thought we were doing Rail Lands again today and the associated rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, not least of all because of the small fortune Council spent on the official 'Activation' of 'The Rail' back on Sunday 15th November?-Ed)...but Ed, the LN Bus Shelter is yet another manifestation of both Council and It's/their corruption, as collides/culminates in the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(ah yes, I do beg your pardon, please continue-Ed) fact, I would submit that the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter intricately defines the institutionalised corruption of Mt Gambier City Council...(indeed-Ed)...

(You of course refer to the two issues of 1) the  hyper-dodgy 'Two Different Tenders' process, and 2) the RLRA that drove the need for said Tender at all-Ed)...absolutely, 1) Council distributed a Tender Plan locally that included a very large, long wall along the back of the shelter, but then rejected all local bids as being too expensive, and instead chose a Queensland the current backless marquee bears testament, that 'cheaper winning bid' was re a different Tender for a different project ...(a sexy backless number-Ed)...and then of course there's 2) the Rail Lands Retail Agenda which I have thoroughly defined repeatedly over many, many posts...Council has since 2004/05 planned massive Retail/Commercial development on that site, and has relentlessly lied about it, up to and including the farcical $10million Parklands Concept Plan of November 2011, etc...

The Great White Open is a fundamentally undeniable reality that the LNBS exists because City Council didn't want anything getting in the way of the RLRA...end of story...

In seeing-off one of my visitors at the LNBS Tuesday morning 'round 0800hrs, we had the collective pleasure of each other's cold, wet company...(and a good whinge was had by all-Ed)...indeed, as the reality of the pointless disaster that is the LNBS 'Shade Shelter' was driven home by a stiff, bracing wind and drifting showers...passengers and particularly drivers were/are completely exposed to the vaguaries of even slightly inclement cold/wet weather, and completely exposed to extreme wasn't even a particularly nasty morning Tuesday, but still unpleasant enough to stand there exposed, particularly for the several elderly people waiting...and then the Universe reached out and gave me one of those li'l pats on the head as an ABC Local Radio announcer showed-up to see off a passenger, and ended-up standing only metres away...and so it was that as I explained to my departing visitor the rank corruption of Council re the ridiculous tent we were standing under, an ABCer was standin' right there coppin' an earful...(hilarious-Ed)... 

And my visitor commented that in other places the Bus Station is right at the centre of town, like at Portland or Warrnambool where it's right at the Rail Station, not 'stuck in the middle of nowhere', etc...and I explained the connection between the RLRA and Council's refusal to put the Bus Station where everyone wanted it, namely, at/on the Rail Lands, particularly utilising a renovated Old Rail Station, but Council refused because they don't want anything compromising their ongoing plans for development on the Rail Lands...and then I explained the 'Two Tenders' how we laughed, hee hee hee, ha ha ha...(nod to The Young Ones BBC TV)...and the ABCer was privy to it all...(still hilarious-Ed)...

And so there you have it, even a brief sortie to affect a simple farewell is laden with the craven indulgences of Council and their mates as we all stand on Jubilee Hwy exposed to the weather whilst the classic Old Rail Station is left to rot...($4.63million they've spent on that Rail Lands site and not one cent on the Old Station, it's a bloody disgrace-Ed)...absolutely...and just to prove myself even righter, here's the article (below) from The Border Watch from March 2006 (immediately following the meetings of 28th February 2006 where Council presented their plans for the huge expansion of the Lakes Plaza), clearly stating what I witnessed myself at those meetings, and as was again defined when Council first mooted the LNBS as it is now...there'll be more to come on the Rail Lands in near future posts, but this li'l scenario does perfectly illustrate the harsh realities of the damage done by this rank Council corruption...

Instead of a modern, weather-proof central Bus Terminus at a beautifully renovated Old Station, with all the adjacent amenities of the Lakes Plaza (food, cash, indoor toilets, etc), we have this bullshizzle tent aways away out on the wrong side of Jubilee Hwy, literally miles from's an embarrassing disgrace...       
Tomorrow: Country Cabinet - The Bureau Of Lies

Riddle Me is it that the Upper House seat vacated 2 weeks ago when 'disgraced' MP Bernard Finnigan was allowed to resign from Parliament following a 'Guilty' verdict re one of the two Child Pornography charges he finally did face this year...(on charges dating back to his arrest in April 2011-Ed)...indeed...even when one gets past the rankly corrupt conduct of this case as Bernie sat there in the Legislative Council for 4 and a half years voting on matters and drawing a full parliamentary wage and associated superannuation, allowances, etc, whilst his case went through 30 adjournments, multiple Courts, etc, how is it that that MLC position just suddenly reverts to the Labor Party and becomes our charming Premier's 'pick'?...(good point, 'cos back in 2011 Labor/Premier Mike Rann immediately dumped Bernie from the Party, albeit whilst preaching 'innocent until proven guilty', etc-Ed)...indeed...

And every breathless exasperation and vehement condemnation re Child Abuse that escapes those thin lying lips is defined irrefutably as soulless hypocrisy by his own rankly corrupt behaviour...Premier Weatherill is just the latest pro-paedophile Premier in a sad, sick state collapsing under the weight of Labor's gross corruption and associated incompetence, and Mt Gambier is just a mimicking microcosm of that self-same wonder the State's so fundamentally rooted...(sweet baby cheeses, you might have had nearly a week off, but you're still a very angry not-so-young man, aren't you?-Ed)...mate, it ain't nuthin' but a Thang...

 I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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