Monday, December 28, 2015

Some More Fundamental Realities

Hello Brazil, Pakistan, Luxembourg, and Zambia, and welcome to the Fund A Mentally festive post for 2015...(mate, Christmas was 3 days ago, and no-one needs what I suspect is going to be yet another verbosely rambling herd of Self Justifications shambling about the horizon in mock self-mockery?-Ed)...hold ya' horses, just saying that it's the 'Festive Season' and all that, if you believe in that sort of thing, and I've had what passes for a great week...(sorry what?! I thought I saw you type 'a great week'?-Ed)...or what passes for one, in context, a 'week-off' that was damn near a holiday...and in that context I don't need to apologise because I have so gone the very hard yards so very, very many times, and resultantly had so very many very, very average weeks...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

Today's is unquestionably a briefish and introverted effort, but it's an effort none the less...and good week or no, this past few weeks has been a perpetual avalanche of predictable propaganda via a wholly corrupted media, and out trot the stories about what great work the Lutherans are doing, and your standard Yuletide ABC interview with Rory McEwen about what a top bloke Rory is...(I believe this year's was Rory bangin' on about what great work he does for the kiddies with the motorcycle Toy Run-Ed)...oh yeah, it's all about the kiddies for Rory...I mean, sure, his corruptly complicit collusion and rankly pro-paedophile conduct re the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, sure that makes Rory look like a rancidly corrupt pro-paedophile politician, but really, he's all about the kiddies...(mmm, and just a suggestion of sarcasm lingering in the after-palate, delicious-Ed)...

Feedback:...has my back these days far more often than critic's blades in the many ways I've received support for 1) doin' the blog, and for 2) not doin' the blog...(and it's just so, so you to take a perfectly nonsense sentence and present it in a context where it makes absolute sense-Ed)...well actually, I haven't explained yet, but thanks, yes it is a perfect metaphor for my life in the apparent contradictions of "doin'/not doin'", where support/feedback is about easing-off a bit on this 'ere blog and/or myself, because apparently me just doin' the blog is considered potentially a very important thing to hopefully be continued...cheers y'all...(yeah, I'll cheers that too-Ed)...

It says a fair bit about my life where-in 7 days of not doin' this 'ere blog is the closest thing to an actual holiday that I've had in more than a decade...just sayin'...but when it comes to the Fund A Mental Fund, namely that fractional percentage of the Social Security bill that slides my way, I maintain the right to recognise the support I receive via the Disability Support Pension and Public Housing (Housing Trust/Housing SA)...we all can look at and learn from the reality where my Australian Poverty Level income is a global luxury...but I have suffered more than enough and worked hard enough to have a clear conscience now about 'qualifying' for the DSP, and that right there, that's where I've crossed that line from indebted gratitude to qualified justification...(I'm holding a fair to raise money for the FAMF-Ed)...the FAMF?...(the Fund A Mental Fund-Ed)...oh ai? and you're having a fundraiser for it?...(yep, a Fund A Mental Fund Fun Day-Ed)...nice...(probably on a Sunday-Ed)...funtastic...

The Holy Grail Of Poisoned Chalices:...or am I just a mug?...(nice-Ed)...and no, I did not attend the Xmas Day 'community' lunch that was moved from the Main Corner...(melodious arrgharghhaaaargh-A Chorus of Angels)......ummm, the lunch that was moved from the Main Corner...(arrgharghhaaaargh-ACoA)...ok, come on, angelic heraldic choralling? really? is that going to happen every time I mention the Main Corner?...(arrgharghhaaaargh-ACoA)...alright, I asked for that...the luncheon that was going to be run by the Lutherans at the, at the, that was moved to the St Pauls Catholic hall place/thingy...had put my name down 'cos I got my wires a bit crossed and thought that the Lutherans weren't doing it 'cos of the move, etc, but anyhoos, long story short, my walking into that room is not something I particularly wanted to do to the attendees...(since when did you give a stuff about upsetting the shreckin' Lutherans? I'll just jump right in here and mention the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up!-Ed)...yeah, ok, settle big fella', I didn't want to upset the punters, the patrons, the guests...  

I've long become accustomed to if not yet quite comfortable with not going unnoticed upon entering a room, even a big room...(like a school gym for example-Ed)...errr, yes I s'pose...even in a big room full of people...(say like 300 people in a school gym-Ed)...that sounds like a very specific number in a very specific place Ed...(that's because I'm specifically referring to the Country Cabinet farce down here back in November, when you walked into a room full of 300 pro-Labor shonks, stooges, cronies and sycophants, and managed to cause all manner of ructions merely by appearing, shazzam!-Ed)...well yes, that was kind of very amusing, but imagine that same reaction or something similar in a polite community luncheon thingy...(yes, there's a time and a place, isn't there, and Xmas luncheon ain't either-Ed)...indeed, but the fundamentally undeniable reality is that time and my own conduct have proven that it ain't me that's the problem...(and ain't that the truth, I'll give ya' that one-Ed)...ta'...

Time and time and time again, for years beyond a Shakespearian age, I've knowingly gone into these situations and behaved calmly, quietly, and respectfully, even when under direct attack by frothing Councillors and angry li'l Mayor persons and the ilk...(I still can't believe that the then Mayor Steve 'Maaate' Perryman tried twice to pick fights with you at Council's 2013/14 Budget meetings-Ed)...a perfect example, thankyou Ed, my mate Mayor Perryman aggressively attempting to provoke me into responses that could then be used against me...(and of course, just the 'look' of being rebuked/engaged in these ways by the Mayor, that infers a 'fault' of/with the rebukee-Ed)...absolutely, but the response by moi to these most aggregious impositions upon my fair person sir, my quiet responses have proven to be the winner on the day and every day since!...(hurrah!-Ed)...

So I've been to whatevs meeting, and then done my level best to deal with the fall-out in my own responses to the stress and anger and frustration, etc...(he's talking about bein' a Mental, folks-Ed)...yes ok, very amusing, but I don't have to try to be a quiet, respectful person in those situations because that's exactly who I am pretty much all the time...not that I'm saintly beyond some very fundamental cussin', eg, at the TV news...(or the ABC Radio-Ed)...well indeed, have been known to swear at the radio...(or Rory McEwen-Ed)...render unto Caesar mate, and Rory's more than earned any earful of abuse I could/will deliver...but just 'cos I ain't flailin' m'arms about and frothin' at the mouth in public, it doesn't mean that I'm not 'passionate' in the moment, and even passion fashioned to anger...

But there's a time and a place and Toy Runs ain't one and neither is me fronting to a 'Community Lunch' with the subsequent potential responses/reactions from the Lutherans, etc, etc, and I just don't want to even run the risk of causing discomfort for the attendees...(and worse, people you like might be seen to like you in a public setting, and you've got all that shizzle goin' on about not wanting to be responsible for contaminating other people's lives with the Poisoned Chalice you feel you've become-Ed)...well quite...if there is such a thing as becoming the Pinnacle of Derision and that being considered somehow a positive thing, then, in my community, I have not just potentially reached the Holy Grail of Poisoned Chalices, but may have actually become it...(drink up big fella-Ed)...and regular availees know it to be true that I have readily shunned those I like and for this very reason...

Anyhoos, because I go to these damn official meetings, etc, as best I can anyway, and because I've run as a candidate and put myself up there on the stage in the staring glare of the community, that does give me the right to unwind a little and unload alot, particularly on those whom foolishly goad and taunt and mock and dismiss me, albeit seldom to my face, and always whilst carefully avoiding the actual issues I've raised, all of the issues I've become...and my name is not 'Troll' because my name is Nick Fletcher and this right here, this is my blog and it's where I've been driven by the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the community I live in...(issues you've become?-Ed)...well, for example, these bizarre charges I'm facing re the ludicrous legislation I "probably" shouldn't name, and the farcical passage of this critically massive precedent case through the Courts, etc, bottomline, all that's about me, isn't it?...(well yeah, sure-Ed)...and that case is in-and-of-itself an issue, an issue amongst many related issues, and one that then itself creates numerous other issues...(wow-Ed)...I know, I know... more funding realities are being rolled-out on the Rail Lands as little extra bits continue to appear, eg, some benches and paths and bins and drinking fountains, etc, after Mt Gambier City Council has declared the project officially over/open, and has disbanded their specific Rail Lands Committee and is now planning to refer all future alleged works/costs through other Council committees/budgets, eg, last meeting on December 15th 2015 they were discussing the 'walkway' through to Margaret St...(wasn't all that going to go in 'Stage 4'?, you know, the walkway and the Sound Shell and of course the iconic Old Rail Station-Ed)...oh my gourd, I'd nearly forgotten again, 'shreckin' 'Stage 4', hilarious...(and 'Stage 4' of course followed the deeply deceitful November 2011 launch of Council's $10million Parklands Concept Plan that not-so-mysteriously metamorphosised into the current $4.5m shambles, sans walkway, shell and station works as promised in 2011-Ed)...indeed, the butterfly that became one ugly mofo of a caterpillar...

Availees, for those not already aware, Council suddenly produced 'Stage 4' at a meeting early this year, but then equally suddenly it just quietly went away...(after you made it go away with a scathingly scything indictment indicating that it was a deliberate deceit to excuse and further defer Council's malingering machinations re the Old Station, etc, 'delays' related to their genuine agenda, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, a massive expansion of the Lakes Plaza shopping centre right across the Rail Lands, a plan that has existed since 2005-Ed)...ahhh (sigh) 'Stage 4', hilarious...(I miss 'Stage 4'-Ed)...I know you do mate, we all do, and we'd all love to have a Council that doesn't compulsively lie at such great cost to the community and actually delivers the things that benefit the community not Council's constituent Members and their families and mates...(you really are a very angry man, aren't you?-Ed)...passionate Ed, passionate...  
Tomorrow: Stuff

(Way to not commit to a topic-Ed)'s got to know 'is limitations...

I am Nick Fletcher, you know I am, and you know I give a damn even if none of us is entirely sure why and/or how...and also, this here is my blog...cheers and laters...

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