Tuesday, December 15, 2015

My Cot Case Court Case

Howdy in Turkey, Russia, Hong Kong and Syria...(Turkey? I thought they were officially blocked from 'social media' stuff like bloggers, etc?-Ed)...well so did I, so do I, sort of...it was certainly the case that President Erdogan had recently banned this 'ere blog amongst many others, but my li'l statistics page thingy says otherwise...(and one from Syria?-Ed)...yep, a single 'availee' in Syria apparently, and one in Honkers, and a whole bunch from Russia, Portugal, the USofA, etc...(that is mildly bizarre-Ed)...indeed, it is a little bit bizarre to think that people across the globe are availing themselves of this 'ere blog...cheers y'all...and excuse me if my vocabulary fails me a little today and the word 'bizarre' occurs very, very frequently, but when it comes to my Court case, what other word will suffice?...

Whilst I've given-up obsessively monitoring my own statistics pages like what I used to 2-3 years ago when I first started doin' this 'ere blog (January 2012), I still occasionally cruisely peruse my own news about availee's views ('Comments') and who from where is reading what post when, simply because it's interesting...off blog, feedback has become more of a norm than a stand-out, and it's been almost wholly positive, particularly the stuff about how poorly I was treated when trying to volunteer again for the Mt Gambier Show...(it's odd how the littler things sometimes really grab people, isn't it?-Ed)...I think it's because most nearly everyone can identify with the scenario, coupled with the reality that many people have seen me there doin' my volunteer thang...(and they've seen you politely wade into the Show Grounds/ALDI Land Sale debasco (debacle/fiasco) and stand-up at that meeting and be partially responsible for stopping that bullshizzle transaction, to the obvious betterment/benefit of Mt Gambier-Ed)...well I like to think it was the right thing to do...

In many respects and as bizarre as it sounds, I've had one of my 'best weeks' for a long, long time, followed rudely by a rather average weekend...(and thus Nature restores the balance-Ed)...whatevs...which brings me again to acknowledge the life of extraordinary privilege and relative security that I 'enjoy' as a Disability Support Pension recipient and Housing Trust (Housing SA) tenant...and there's a whole bunch of stuff goin' on here in my life that's directly relevant to the disintegrating state of this State when it comes to issues of Social Support and Social Justice, etc...a soon-to-be post will be SA - Privatising Poverty...(oh yay, some true Christmas cheer at last, hurrah-Ed)...I'll do the sarcasm 'round here thanks...

Hear My Tears: when mid-post I'm momentarily pole-axed by the radio's latest offering and I sob for the terrible death of a young girl who's parents repeatedly took her to hospital after a bad fall but who died after multiple failures to diagnose her internal injuries...followed immediately by the report of a young boy who drowned in a neighbour's pool...and as saddening as these stories are, it wasn't either that really tore me up and finally got me all a sookin', for oddly these things made me think of a recent trip on Mt Gambier's intermittent Public Bus when a small boy hopped on with his Mum and was banging the floor with his hand and then I noticed he had a cane and was hitting to hear what it was like around him because he was blind...the driver (bless him) deliberately stopped the bus just short of the final stop and told the boy to push the 'stop' button, which his Mum directed him to...

He hit the button and the buzzer rang-out as the bus lurched gently forward that final few inches, the brakes hissed, and then so too the door pistons, and the bus settled slightly as it does and the doors whooshed open with that noticeable change of pressure, etc...it all happened in a moment and the kid went off, squealing with delight, leaping up and down, laughing and smiling so hard the top of his head threatened to detach, the most amazing joy from the simplest thing...we all feel super when our kids laugh, etc, but I have never heard such joy ever in my life, may I hear the like again, this random incident has done more to 'improve my attitude' than anything I could possibly conjure myself...can't even type about it without the welling swelling turning to tears burning down flushed cheeks...not ashamed to say that on the day it left this ol' hippy walkin' down the street with tears sheetin' down 'is face...(you bloody hippy-Ed)...

I do not apologise for the random and raw emotion poured into these last 2 paragraphs for I cannot ignore these realities that literally slap me into shape with the simplest, harshest, clumsiest of all realisations, 'there but for the grace of God'...and I don't care if it is simplistic even jingoistic to think this way, and I'm fairly sure that God doesn't really give a rat's what I think anyways, but it helps me to continue to try to be the better if not quite extraordinary person I am capable of being...(a man more than the sum of his traumas?-Ed)...exactly...a man what gets it done because unfortunately it needs doing...(he means this 'ere blog, availees-Ed)...damn straight I do, that and so much more...(giddy-up!-Ed)...but I digress, let's move onto the Court stuff...but first a lame disclaimer...   

Please Note: that whilst I have initially received some great support/advice re these charges/counts, the whole shmozzle has disintegrated into a fragmented farce and I am now quite literally forced to represent myself back here in Mt Gambier, and I don't have any specific direction from anyone as to what it is I can and/or can't say about my hearings/case, other than some broad verbal requests that involved lots of "probably shouldn't" and "possibly might be a good idea" and the like...(and of course the bizarre legislation itself that says talking about anything anytime is potentially a breach, etc, etc-Ed)...and therefore I cannot be held responsible for any accidental amateurish transgressions of this ridiculous legislation and/or it's equally ludicrous attempted prosecution as li'l ol' I attempt to sort this shizzle out...(bizarre doesn't begin to describe it, but very does-Ed)...whaaa?...(very, with bizarre second-Ed)...oh, you mean 'very bizarre'?...(exactly, very bizarre-Ed)... 

And I have been left literally no choice but to defend myself as best I can via the only option I have, this 'ere blog...(and enter stage right on a horse called Irony because the cause of the strife, this 'ere blog, is the only respite, the offense is the defence-Ed)...and the best offence I can offer is to stand and defend...(one could almost say that the offence as charged is the defence as stood-Ed)...well, if one wanted to be a whimsical annoyance flippantly filling-up precious paragraphs with precocious pretence, one would probably say something exactly like that...

On Thursday 10th December 2015 I had my latest hearing re the 20 (19?) counts I'm charged with re allegedly breaching section ** of the **** Act...(and all the "***" are because you can't actually name the legislation because by definition of the legislation itself, merely mentioning the fact that the legislation is being enacted indicates the involvement of the State Authority involved, and even just talking about that Authority acting as it supposedly should, even that is a breach of the legislation?-Ed)...that's a very long and rather extraordinary rhetorical question, but yes, the best 'advice' I've had re this problem of identifying said Authority is that I "probably shouldn't"...(wow, only you could make the 'said Authority' actually the un-said Authority-Ed)...well cheers, but technically it's the bizarrely undefined yet all-encompassing nature of the legislation that makes it potentially unnameable, nuthin' to do with me...(other than you're the one being prosecuted re this ludicrous legislation via this farcical precedent case-Ed)...well quite...

And so it is, with a whimper not a bang, this hugely important precedent case re this extraordinarily powerful and sweeping legislation for an omnipotent Authority whom I "probably shouldn't" name, has got itself all in a flap and come home to roost...(not quite with you sorry-Ed)...after the 11th (12th?) adjournment of my case last week, the Magistrate has returned the case from Adelaide to the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court to effectively begin again early in the New Year 2016...(you're not serious?-Ed)...absolutely...(so nearly a year after it started, it's been in Court a dozen times, including to Adelaide and back, and is now gunna' start again, back here?-Ed)...basically...(and because you've been refused Legal Aid Funding, you'll have no legal representation down here either?-Ed)...apparently...(because the South East Community Legal Service, who most excellently advised/helped/represented you here in the MGMC, and have thusly markedly restored your faith in the ability of lawyers to actually represent their clients best interests, they cannot possibly handle the enormous workload requiring numerous staff at great cost, etc, this case generates/requires?-Ed)...exactly, it's why it was moved to Adelaide, potentially headed to Canberra...

(And what happened to the 'pro bono' representation that you were supposed to have in Adelaide?-Ed)...no idea, never met or spoke to them and they have apparently "withdrawn" from 'representing me', but not before producing a wholly irrelevant yet definitively corrupted document claiming to be a "privileged communication" allegedly prepared on my behalf, and that alleges to be 'advice' re my case...(is that the solicitor who refused to talk to you and refused to negotiate/sign that "solicitor/client agreement" contract thingy that JusticeNet SA told you in writing that you had to negotiate/sign before the solicitor/firm could/would represent you?-Ed)...yep, that's him...now he's circulating some fraudulent document claiming to be 'legal advice' prepared for me re my case...

(Mate, I've read that 'advice', and it's 7 pages of spuriously irrelevant nonsense and erroneous dribblings that bears almost no resemblance to your actual case, and appears to be written on behalf of the Prosecution!...in a word, it's crap-Ed)...well quite...(the 'advice' re the reach and application of the **** legislation is so farcically wrong that one can only assume the lawyer hasn't actually read the shreckin' **** Act!-Ed)...not a great look is it...(that or they are deliberately misrepresenting the realities so as to try to stuff-up your case!-Ed)...indeed, now I think you're getting closer to the mark...you tell me Ed, a solicitor appointed by JusticeNet SA, who I've never met and refuses to speak with me and has never acted with my consent, direction or approval, who in short is not and never was my representative in any way, this person produces a rankly erroneous document that completely betrays my case, only days before the next critical hearing...(wow, it's either massively incompetent or rabidly corrupt-Ed)...indeed...

And JusticeNet SA have now said that I must not talk about this "privileged communication" because the Prosecution will then possibly have access to it and use it against me...(but it's a corrupt and irrelevant piece of fiction from some clown you've never met or even spoken to, who's just made shizzle up!-Ed)...and that's why I will post it and let everyone see exactly what good ol' Mr Lawyer has had to say because he ain't my lawyer, never has been and never will be...this 'document' is a fraudulently deliberate misrepresentation of the realities of my bizarre case ...I have expressed all this to JusticeNet SA via phone, but they will not help me anymore citing this 'advice' as evidence my case does not meet their 'criteria' anymore...(but it did meet those criteria because JusticeNet SA initially ran it past a barrister who said 'yep, this dude's defence has merit', and it was following that advice/opinion that JusticeNet SA agreed to help you-Ed)...I know, I know...       

(So you've done everything that was asked of you re trying to get this case into the correct Court and some proper legal representation, etc?-Ed)...as was asked of me by the SECLS, and I was happy to follow that advice, although obviously I didn't ultimately have much choice, again, because the case is so humongous and requires a whole flock a' Leagles far beyond anything the SECLS could possibly afford to do...(but how can you not automatically qualify for proper Legal Aid if the State is prosecuting you?-Ed)...the Legal Services Commission is flat broke but their official explanation is 'no gaol time, no funding', and there currently is only a huge fine attached to these extraordinary charges...(and why has it been moved back to Mt Gambier when you've been repeatedly advised that it could/should be heading for the High Court on Constitutional grounds?-Ed)...mate, you tell me...

(Alright then, sure, I ain't no lawyer with no book learnin' nor nuthin', but I do reckon that it looks like an un-prosecutable case based on bizarre and undefined legislation that all concerned would rather just quietly collapse, well away from Adelaide-Ed)...well that's a very real possibility well argued, but given the bizarrely random nature of the way that this case has progressed thus farly, it's just as likely I'll get a 'Guilty' thrown at li'l ol' unrepresented me, thus forcing me to spend years more pursuing an 'Appeal' process...whatevs...

At this point, literally all I know is that I handed this over to Adelaide based lawyers, as the SECLS asked me to do, and I repeatedly hung-back as per requested by SECLS, and initially it looked potentially ok, but then I end-up with some nutter claiming to be my lawyer but who refuses to even talk to me, etc, and this clown tries to completely sabotage my case with a bizarre document riddled with gross errors and outright falsehoods, errors and falsehoods that I could have corrected for him if he'd bothered to talk to me...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands, Probably, Or That Bizarrely Corrupt 'Advice' Letter

And just as I finish today, on the good ol' ABC Radio, a story about how a lucrative contract has been awarded to the company that employs a certain Ms Winter-Dewhirst, daughter of Premier Jay Weatherill's right hand man, the $550,000 per annum Dept of Premier and Cabinet CEO Kym Winter-Dewhirst, who is of course husband of Sandra W-D who has previously featured on this 'ere blog as the head of ABC Adelaide/SA who back in 2007 officially refused the ABC running any stories about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and on comes The Shiny Man himself, Ray Jay, to casually wave it all away as being perfectly appropriate and unimportant...(wow, so much pro-paedophile corruption and rank nepotism, it's almost like a meeting of the Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...almost...

This news follows recent announcements that a raft of senior Weatherill appointees are to get massive pay rises, eg, SAPol (police) officer now Head of Education and Gourd Knows What Else, Mr...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison there (The Mighty Boosh BBC TV), he's suddenly getting $50,000 more per year...(and they say corruption doesn't pay-Ed)...not in SA they don't, in SA they're queuing-up sayin' 'pay me to be corrupt, oo oo, pick me pick me'...(again, sounds just like a Mt Gambier Council meeting-Ed)...indeed... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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