Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Well Here's The Thang, 'Right.

Hello Turkey, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Japan, and China and welcome to the ongoing The Mount Gambier Independent, even if this post is a bit of a stop-gapish re-hashing of some old favourites, it's all about the context...(aughhh sweet baby cheeses, not the bloody context again-Ed)...steady on, it's all good, it's about putting into context TMGI and how it all is nuthin' but a Thang...(well?-Ed)...and that accepting that I don't particularly want to be doin' this 'ere blog anymore doesn't make me a bad and/or weak person...(but here you are doing it-Ed)...and that's the Thang right there...

I have no problem finally accepting that currently I do not want to be doing the blog because I find it deeply depressing to constantly drag myself back into the sad, sick reality of what is happening in this state, and particularly when I have been working so hard to 'adjust my attitude' in positive ways...(and again, but here you are doing it-Ed)...and I will continue to do it, and I will get more 'frequent' again, etc...and most importantly, I can look back over this 'ere blog with a relatively clear conscience in that I have triumphed over many foes, both internal and external, and if there are any mistakes at any point they are few and far between and genuine rather than malicious...(go you good thing-Ed)...

And cheers availees, because the reality to be gleaned from this desire to retire from doin' this 'ere blog is exactly as Ed has identified...(I what sorry?-Ed)...where observed 'but here you are doing it'...(I don't get it-Ed)...Ed, I have finally accepted that I don't want to do this 'ere blog anymore, but yet I still am and have every intention of continuing and expanding, etc...(ohhh, right, yes, you've genuinely moved beyond 'want' and 'self' to just following what appears to be the correct thing to do, etc, and that is continue-Ed)...exactly...and so here's we go as I give it a shot via some old documents, but in a context where these are very relevant and ongoing issues, particularly re this 'ere blog itself...but first...  

The Bernie Chronicles:...lurched to it's inevitable farcical conclusion today as Bernard Finnigan, the former Labor Acting Police Minister when he was busted in April 2011, 4 years and 9 months later has received a 15 months gaol term fully suspended, and instead a $1,000, 3 year Good Behaviour Bond...(wow...and what about the bizarre bizzo with the Magistrate finding Bernie actually Guilty of one count of Accessing Child Pornography, but then deferring the sentencing and not recording a 'Conviction'?-Ed)...dunno, the whole bizarre 'Conviction' issue has been vaguely covered in reportage I've seen/heard thus farly...ah, Justice SA Style, ya' gotta' love it...(but the  'Conviction' issue is basically irrelevant financially because by deferring it the Magistrate has allowed Bernie to resign and therefore hangs onto all his Parliamentary salaries and superannuation, etc, as accrued from April 2011?-Ed)...absolutely, and all future entitlements re that superannuation, etc...(wow with a strewth chaser-Ed) thanks, I'm trying to give it up myself.........(have we just strayed into the Dead Joke Zone?-Ed)...I don't know what you're talking about...bahhhh penguin...

Deadset though, the Police Minister is busted on multiple Child Pornography charges in April 2011 and 4 3/4 years later we get this nonsense...he's been allowed to sit there and amass approx $1million in taxpayer's cash, plus benefits/extras, and then allowed to resign before a 'Conviction' is 'sort of' recorded re the Guilty finding, and then even the 'Conviction' appears to be irrelevant...whatta' a sad, sick joke, and exactly the sort of rancidly bent pro-paedophile reality that I've been existing with for more than 13 years now re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(yay-Ed)...moving on...

The attached documents are self-explanatory as being the vacuous bleatings of a legion of lawyers, actual and alleged...(what do you mean "alleged"-Ed)...well, where it's actual lawyers having a good ol' whinge about what a bastard I am and how my outrageous descriptions of the truth as I have personally experienced it is all just 'defamation' and they're gunna' take action, etc, etc, well I accept that that is those 'lawyers', but where they just say 'my lawyers say I can sue for defamation', etc, well that could be anything, that could be whoevs just makin' it up to force the issue with Google...(fair enough, and I guess the bottomline, the glaring reality is that none of it's happened, none of these threats have been realised-Ed) these are what, well over 2 years ago?-Ed)...yep, the dates are on each one, and I've written in the top corner which post they relate to...(ah excellent, ta'-Ed)...and all of this stuff has been re-worked slightly and/or simply re-posted, and in most cases remains as replaced...

(My personal favourite is the one from 'Bouncin'' Billy DeGaris where he blows multiple valves with a series of hilarious hissy-fits and has the post pulled, and then you posted that letter from Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan to Billy boy, a letter effectively confirming all the technical truths you've posted about by identifying you by name as Billy's client, and asking Billy to help organise/liaise re another meeting with parents re St Martins, etc, etc-Ed)...yep, it's a classic, no question...("not one shred of evidence". ahahhaaahhahhaaaa...ahhh-Ed)...indeed, so here again is that first (and second) 'Pulled Post Justification' from Billy, dating way back to 26th and 27th March 2013, a stand-alone classic...

This is followed by Piper Alderman lawyers with two identical complaints from 2 posts of the same day, 1st April 2013, then one from the Education Dept/Gary Costello from 24th April 2013... (hilarious...2 1/2 years later he's apparently still "considering legal action"?-Ed)...well one doesn't want to rush into these things Ed, and well spotted too...everyone's gunna' sue me, you just wait mister, anytime now...(by that do you mean a very sarcastic 'never'?-Ed)...indeed I do...and then Piper Alderman twice re-submit the complaint from April 1st re posts of 6th and 7th May 2013...and closing-out this post, the complaint from Stuart Stansfield re the post of June 5th here's 4 'complaints' that cover 7 removed posts...

I think that what we can all learn from this is that I'm a bastard, apparently...(and there's a bunch more where these came from-Ed)...well yes, we've only got to June 2013 and there's several others since then, but y'all get the point I reckon, and that stuff can be a future post or two itself...(yay-Ed)...
Tomorrow: The Country Cabinet Stuff

(Oh dear gourd, what a circus-Ed)...I know, I know, but we've gotta' cover it so just chill-out and we'll do your other favourite, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda again real soon, how's about that...(yes, better thanks, much better-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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