Monday, December 21, 2015

Got Some Stuff Goin' On Don't Cha' Know

And here's some of it...howdy to Andorra, Finland, the Philippines, and Canada, and to y'all else elsewhere also and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent...I will genuinely apologise for the nearly 7 day hiatus, but I genuinely didn't realise that it had been a whole week since the last post...(well 6 days, not a full week-Ed)...wellll, a touch pedantic Ed, it's as good as a week...and the sweet irony of the simple joy to be found in not actually thinking about this 'ere blog at all for nearly a full 48 hours...sure I've still got the TV news a runnin' and my li'l tranny hummin' and there's stories whizzin' to-and-fro, but it doesn't seem like 6 full days since the last post 'cos I've effectively lost 2 days just not thinking about this 'ere blog...(and yes, that is a 'transistor radio' he's got hummin' folks-Ed)...

And sorry to keep dredging-up the same ol' issues in trawlin' for a flock a' sheepish self-justifications, but I do consider that not thinkin' about this 'ere blog is exactly the place I want to be able to be, and a massive positive when it comes to continuing...(it's somewhat indicative of your current position/existence I feel, when that last ridiculous sentence makes perfect sense...I mean, clearly, repeatedly re-self-traumatising by cryingly scything and swathefully raging for page after page, of mentally renting and hissingly venting, of painful recollections and self-imposed isolation, none of that does ya' much good-Ed)...indeed, and I want me back, a me that still does a fairly decent blog but exists beyond it and/or without it, not solely to produce it...I am a man, I am not a blog...(you're a ManBear StuffPig if I remember correctly-Ed)...yeah alright thankyou, I was trying to be a little more esoteric and visceral about it all, but when you're right Ed......

JusticeNet SA have now officially dumped me via a bizarrely disingenuous and erroneous letter that very carefully quotes tiny parts of what I've said to them, albeit usually well out of context, but for the greater part appears every bit as corrupted and betraying as the ludicrous 'legal advice' they quote as being their justification for dumping me...(charming!-Ed)...indeed, and this letter also has all the same shizzle about how it's a "Privileged Communication" and why I musn't even mention that they've advised me let alone discuss that 'advise'...(but the whole thing's as crooked as a dog's hind leg! this 'legal advice/communicatin' thingy is a corrupt piece of bollocks that reads like it's been drafted and produced to be used against you!-Ed)...well indeed Ed, it's quite the mark of the degree of arrogance and corruption at play that these clowns would so crassly attempt to betray me and then vacuously threaten me with 'oo oo, you can't talk about it'...(laugh I nearly-Ed)...

I re-iterate, that JusticeNet SA appointed some clown lawyer to my case, then threatened me in writing to 'accept him despite his unacceptable behaviour or else no lawyer for you matey', and has now chosen to run away and try and hide behind this rankly corrupt document...(what was that hilarious line from JusticeNet SA?...something about 'a lawyer doesn't need to speak with their client to produce a legal advice'?-Ed)...not quite Ed, but it's certainly implied given that said lawyer refused to even speak with me and/or sign the requisite 'solicitor/client agreement', etc, and JusticeNet SA know all that...what JusticeNet SA actually say re this 'Privileged Communication' nonsense re this vacuous 'advice' is;
     "This applies even if you say (the law firm) never acted for you - the advice was, nevertheless,
       legal advice provided for your benefit. Please note that this principle extends to this letter and
       to our previous communications with you."   

(Seriously, some hack lawyer appointed by JusticeNet SA can, without contacting you or ever actually officially representing you, this clown can churn out some farcical piece of nonsense claiming to be "for your benefit" but that is clearly prepared on behalf of the Prosecution, and then they all collectively threaten you with 'the Prosecution will use it against you if you talk about any of this'?-Ed)...that's about it Ed...(what a rancidly corrupt load of bollocks-Ed)...well really Ed, what did you expect to happen from such a corrupt state? fair and judicious proceedings?...(well no, of course not, I mean, who in their right mind would 1) engage in a pitched battle with these wholly pro-paedophile corrupt Authorities for over 13 years as they collude to cover-up the gross abuses committed against 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002, and then even more stupidly, 2) expect these same corrupt Authorities will treat you reasonably now?-Ed)...well indeed...

I'll say it again...I have at literally every juncture done exactly as was asked of me by the South East Community Legal Service, upto and including pleading Not Guilty at the May 2015 hearing when I initially refused to plead at all because we were still receiving documents/affidavits from Police was the SECLS's initial excellent help that saw me again following their advice to make every effort to just stand back and to let these lawyer persons in Adelaide do their thing...with SECLS no longer involved, and despite my multiple concerns and attempts to address these concerns, here we are, with this debasco (debacle/fiasco)...  

I was aware last week that this JusticeNet SA letter was going to say the things it does because, as self-referenced by JNSA, I discussed it with them via phone on Tuesday 8th December 2015, after receiving this 'Privileged Communication' from the lawyer just on close of business Monday 7th...(so you've never spoken with this lawyer, etc, and 2 days before your next critical hearing, they send you pages of conflicting nonsense?-Ed)...exactly...and give me time, I will appropriately redact all of these documents and post them and availees can decide for yourselves what's real 'legal advice' and what's a carefully constructed betrayal of the alleged client...I don't take kindly to being threatened, particularly by those whom claim to be helping me...(you don't say!-Ed)...well yeah I do, I just did...

Issues Of personal shizzle simply don't come into it when the realities are seeping almost daily onto our newses and even just a vague awareness of this reportage must be a jarring and glaring, even frightening affront for those who want to try and live in South Australia...for example, recent reports re the new Royal Adelaide Hospital have, apart from exposing the raft of major problems with the still unfinished facility, moving patients, etc, has also strayed very near the truth I've previously defined about Labor privatising Health via their 'guaranteed profit agreement' with the private consortium building the RAH, and the devastating results this is having for every other aspect of the SA Health Service...across the board, from hospital closures to service cuts and staffing reductions, etc...(tell' em about all the bloody problems those shreckin' Wind Turbines are causing-Ed)...well yes Ed, that is one critical issue for SA, and indeed, as recently evidenced, one that affects the National Energy Grid...  

There have been multiple recent reports, eg, several on Channel 7's Today Tonight program, that have specifically dismantled the lies from Turbine proponents about how terrific Turbines are, specifically focussing on the intermittent and unreliable nature of Energy Production...last week (week before?) there was zero, count them, zero electricities being produced via Turbines, which forced SA to access/acquire that power from Victoria, which had a domino affect on other areas in Victoria and New South Wales...another main problem, the intermittent and problematic production/supply and massive cost of power directly compromises business investment in SA because companies can half their energy costs just by being in Victoria or NSW... 

Wipe Your Feet On The Math:...'cos there's no way of getting around the sucking quagmire of debt that this Rann/Weatherill Labor government have cast SA into with their openly Fascist pro-Turbine corruption, which is only mildly slighter than their rank, institutionalised, pro-paedophile the math with the '40% Renewables' already installed/producing in SA (that's pretty much all solar and Turbines), which means that at any given time of optimum/maximum energy production from 'Renewables', SA still requires 60% from elsewhere...and then when it all goes to heck-in-a-handbasket like it did the other day, and it's stinking hot and there's no Turbine production at all during the day/night, and very minimal battery/solar energy available, etc,etc, that demand for base-load energy rocketed to well over 90%...

(Apparently some Turbines were even drawing power from the grid, not an unusual occurrence in these circumstances-Ed)...indeed, and this sudden massive drop in local energy production, forcing as it did a hugely increased demand for Victorian Brown Coal-fueled power draining across to SA via the Interconnector, had multiple affects, including price spikes in SA and up the East Coast...(where does Canberra get it's power when SA needs Victorian Coal Power? the same source, Victoria?-Ed)...dunno' exactly, s'pose it's something like that...(and what about the constant transmission losses of daily supply from Victoria to Adelaide, and how that raises costs to consumers?-Ed)...another good point Ed...   

Not A Word Of A Lie:...but hardly surprising given just how many crass pro-Turbine infommercials that the supposedly bipartisan ABC have been running lately, that just now there was yet another mind-numbingly droll stroll down Deceit Street with the Australian Wind Alliance, and yet another 'Dorothy Dixer' interview about the latest Jamestown Turbine development, currently underway...(is that the one that's producing for Canberra ACT, over 1,000kms away, the one we've discussed just recently?-Ed)...yep, that's the one...and the AWA dude was bangin' on about how this $77/kw rate is the lowest price paid ever for Wind Energy, etc, and it's all about the ACT gettin' it's 'Renewable Credits' to meet it's target, etc, etc, and it's all about the jobs for the region, etc, and it's all just fantastic...(but it's not, Turbines are proving to be a complete disaster for the economics of SA...and what about stuff like the massive losses during 1,000kms of transmission between source and market?-Ed) probs Ed, wasn't specifically mentioned other than a reference to the National Grid...

(But it is a problem, it's a huge problem in numerous ways, as witnessed with the recent widespread blackouts in Adelaide, the sudden price spikes as described above and why they happened, and where does Canberra plan to get their 'Leccy when the wind don't blow in SA causing these price spikes, etc, etc?...just look at the multiple stories about unpredictable but constantly spiralling prices for consumers, our reliance on pleasant weather, etc-Ed)...I know Ed, all great points, and I can only direct availees to Today Tonight for a more complete run-down, and I'm sure that some of the other written articles are findable on the Interweb, etc... 

What's particularly complicitous about these ABC pro-Turbine stories are the couple I've heard, again involving the AWA, where-in these critical issues are raised purely that they may be casually dismissed as irrelevant or wrong...according to the AWA 'SA has always had high electricity prices, it's nuthin' to do with Turbines', etc...issues re the Fascism of SA's Turbine legislation have been well defined here-in this 'ere blog...(even if you do say so yourself-Ed)...but ne'ery warrants a mention during these discussions...and Health Issues are just being ignored now, other than the usual references to 'a lack of evidence that Turbines cause health problems', a carefully deceitful misrepresentation of the lack of appropriate testing where-in no testing means no evidence either way, a mis-claim dimly regurgitated by various ignorant commentators...(it's a bit like those moronic Memes that compare Turbines to domestic windmills, mocking people who oppose their visual impact and/or comparing them to the visual impacts of Coal mines, etc-Ed)...indeed...  

Couldn't Stand The Weather: by Stevie Ray Vaughn used to be just about my favourite song, but now it's the anthem for Electricity Supply in the most critical times, when it's stinking hot, if it gets too hot Adelaide's substandard supply/distribution systems collapse leading to preemptive 'rostering' of power, ever-so politely re-named Load Shedding 'cos that sounds so much nicer than the truth of 'Rationing', rationing what's done via deliberate rolling blackouts at times when even the production/supply of that power is drastically compromised by reliance on distant base-load production in another State, production/supply itself already under maximum demand up the East Coast at these times...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Some More Stuff Dudes

In closing, please find attached some feedback someone was good enough to get to me, and feedback in that they pointed to the last line first and said, "...that's why you need to keep going, that's're functioning at the intersection of law, publishing and social media with the blog", which I found to be most supportive and even flattering... 

Just A Thought:...are consecutive things consequentially sequential?...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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