Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Words Come Back To Hug Me Part II

Hello Denmark, India, Thailand, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday but my Internet just cut-out twice last evening and then wouldn't save, etc, so I wasn't going to risk doing a post only to lose it, again, because that's very, very annoying...also 450-500 posts have been 'Google un-shared'...whilst it's likely hacky shenanigans, this could all just be part of the woeful Interweb connectivity shizzle that comes with living in the Western version of the Arse-End of Nowhere...(yes, Interwebbily that is quite the case-Ed)...well quite...Oz is apparently globally 44th Interweb-wise and falling, so it's hardly surprising that here in AEN land that we can't get a decent Interweb connection...

Also a bittuva' cut-and-paste post today but again I don't really have a choice 'cos I want to address the attached articles at length and it's quicker and more accurate and factual if I just say, 'here 'tis'...(and fair enough-Ed)...currently belting down outside so I'll pop past the Rail Lands and do a post re the flooding that I already know would already be happening down there...(*laters-and it hasn't let me down-photos tomorrow*)...also please pardon that I'm not taken with a particular sense of any humour just at the moment, not least of all because of the continuing attacks on civilians in many countries...

The justification for such attacks is usually mired in constructs of 'they did this to us first and probably worse', all participants do it, and many of these conflicts go back hundreds of years...I don't know enough about any religion to comment particularly other than the obvious that putting bombs on children or intellectually disabled people and using them to unwittingly attack markets, etc, in whatever cause, in whatever name, this is the insanity only of men not of any god...and we as a Nation/people need to carefully consider when we state as fact that we're right, they're wrong...this 'you're either with us or against us' stuff gets frequently used by Western leaders too...(and often it's 'you're not with us enough'-Ed)...indeed...

For example, it's simply neither appropriate nor sustainable for our PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott to bleat about how we (in Australia/the West) are somehow an innocent retaliator rather than a willing participant even aggressor...just days ago I caught the tail-end (ABC/BBC Radio?) of just such an observation from Funky Tones where he was bemoaning how we are the relatively innocent, unprovoking victims of terrorism, etc...(but aren't we spending $500million on flying bombing missions over Iraq and/or Syria?-Ed)...sortta'...

Firstly, the $500m is only 'seed money', just the kickin'-off point for an extended as yet undefined campaign, undefined as to duration therefore cost, nor as to envisioned outcome...and secondly, with Oz soldiers currently involved in operations/missions in Afghanistan, over and possibly in Iraq and/or Syria, etc, what ever the justification/reason, we as a country have a physical military presence in these conflicts...it is therefore hardly an illogical consequence for someone, somewhere to consider us the enemy...bottomline, I don't care what justifications people come up with for killing each other, none of it is justifiable...but I digress...

Imagine my joy when the sheer moronicism of the 'Looks Like A Men's Urinal Toilet Seat Re-developed Adelaide Oval' came home to roost last night on the wings of a pitiful bitta' much needed rain...the T20 Big Bash Cricket had to be completely called off after originally being reduced to T10 then even T5...I'm not a particularly vindictive person but I laughed out loud at the precipitational personification of what a fat slab of fiscal fornication Labor has unleashed on Sow Straya by selling off $1.5billion+ of the South-East Forestry Estate for only $670million, to pay off the SA Cricket Assoc $90m debt and build a ludicrous open-air stadium right on top of one they already had...may it piss my venom as manna from heaven every single time...(such angry poetry-Ed)...it's just about the only thing that get's me movin' these days poetry wise...

And just quickly, the whole New Hospital/New Oval shizzle is a vastly corrupt whim mired in bolstering Labor Party support with massive and unnecessary infrastructure projects...more jobs that don't really exist, to prop up Union support for a Labor Party every bit the Liberal Party it claims it isn't...(indeed, when they stand still I can't tell them apart-Ed)...indeed, and especially as pro-paedophile partners in this sad sick state of burgeoning irrelevance, good ol' SA...(angry much?-Ed)...just gettin' started...650+ posts, and I'm just gettin' started...(dude, that's a ManBear StuffPig size chunka' angry right there-Ed)...quite...

And imagine my further surprise that the beleaguered Potato Processing facility just immediately adjacent the Kimberley Clark Australia mill at Millicent now has great big new signs on it saying NF McDonnell (and Sons)...(orrr gourd, not the same NF McDonnell and Sons that's been gettin' the preferential 'Judas Goat' payments from their Labor mates via the lion's share of the $27m Forestry Fund bollocks?-Ed)...that be they...if I recall that plant/site was originally constructed with some public funding, immediately failed, and at some point since has become the property of NF McDonnell...and I must check if their employee 'Gordon Bignell', whom pulled down my original post re this Judas Goating, is any relation to the current Forestry Minister Leon 'Biggus' Bignells...

And sure enough, Biggus is in The Border Watch today having his li'l photo-op at NF McDonnell Mill, flanked by McDonnells, one of whom is the one what was on the cynically manipulative Forestry Roundtable...and even surer, Biggus's announcement that McDonnell Industries (NF McDonnell and Sons) are getting yet another $1million from the latest $4.5million being dribbled out, of $20m worth thus far with another $7.1m to come...(yay-Ed)...but I digress,,,

Of several issues to be covered under MWCBTHM, I've chosen the Drug Counselling one because of the volume of material to cover as presented in just one edition of TBW, attached below, and having just read it all through again, really it does say it all for itself as I've been covering in this 'ere blog...one counsellor for the entire South East that an official spokesperson' claims is part of a robust and thorough Drug/Alcohol Counselling service that is also apparently catered for/supported by alleged Mental Health Services, but not one word of detail...

I note that the spokesperson's references to various services do not include any specific site, contact number, etc, or even a name, just an unaccountable list of agencies...(and wasn't the Mental Health referral service shut for 6 weeks back late last year?-Ed)...yeah, why?...(so if they're doin' the DA stuff as well, then that was also shut-Ed)...orr right, good point, but I couldn't say specifically...but I do note that there's no spokesperson comment re this brand new MH facility out at the Mt Gambier Hospital, what is apparently ready to use but won't be until April 2015 when Country Health SA is miraculously gunna' have 15 staff appear from somewhere to operate it...

I also note there is a very brief reference to providing services to the Mt Gambier Gaol and people released back into the community, and this massively increasing gaol population will itself put a huge strain on local Health Services across the board, be it Mental/Dental/General/whatevs...a massively expanding gaol, an 'Ice' epidemic, no Child Protection Services, virtually no Mental Health services, weeks to get to see a doctor, months if not years to get into the Dental Service...(yay for Mt Gambier-Ed)...take these headlines and apply it to any aspect of Health Provision in Mt Gambier, and it fits like a hand-size glove......

Don't really know Troy Bell, and he is officially an Opposition Liberal politician, but I've still seen more from him in 9 months as our local member than a decade of rank Labor stooges...(and go on, say it-Ed)...nope...(Nicholas, now come on-Ed)...alright already......(well?-Ed)...well, this is exactly the sort of local issue that it is good to see TBW tackling head-on, not least of all because it'd get bugger-all attention anywhere else...(unless it's on some scurrilous TV current affairs program-Ed)...indeed...and actually this supports my position that TBW have a position of not just great influence, but also the responsibility that comes with said influence...(it's always about you and why you're right, isn't it-Ed)...if I say so...

Just in closing, a Judicial Review by the Supreme Court has absolutely caned the Labor government's recent 407hectare Gillman Land Sale to Adelaide Capital Partners as being "irrational" and "unlawful" and "ignorant" and I think it was also 'non-sensical', etc, etc, but the Court has failed to officially call the deal corrupt and/or void and so the contract still stands...more on this laters...

Tomorrow: MWCBTHM Part III

What people are sayin' about the Jazz students all suddenly moving into 20 conveniently vacant brand new homes all in one group...and watch the rumours fly...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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