Wednesday, January 28, 2015

SBC, What Is Wrong With This Town?

(Quite frankly it'd be a whole lot quicker to cover what's right-Ed)...excellent point succinctly made...hello Venezuela, Japan, Indonesia, and the United Kingdom and welcome to the blog...very concerned to see on my 'statistics' page that availees in Ukraine had just suddenly stopped and then one or two per day...other countries' availees have disappeared suddenly off the blog and then returned in dribs and drabs...and just checked again now and a few more availees from Ukraine, cheers to y'all...also, a bunch of posts have 'shared' themselves back onto Google-share, after 100's had mysteriously 'un-shared' idea...

Apologies for no post yesterday, all my bad though because I forgot that Council had, for whatevs reason, moved the usual meeting from Tuesday 20th January to last night the 27th...did stuff during the day and was gettin' organised to do some posting, get dinner, etc, but then remembered and had to dodge-off down to the meeting...and I was the only person home latish and well pissed off...(ah no, did ya' get the wrong night again?-Ed), I mean I was the only person in the public gallery, there was a full house of Councillors and assorted staff, a The Border Watch reporter, etc...

(No-one from the ABC? surely the ABC attends Council meetings?-Ed)...nope, remember, we've been through this, if the ABC don't go they cannot/will not know about things they don't want to know about, it's an absence motivated by a desire for the plausible deniability of ignorance...(don't go can't know can't be held to account for failing to report-Ed)...yes, further kudos to the Mt Gambier ABC for it's commitment to not seeing what they don't want to see, on behalf of their mates on Council...

And as predicted in this 'ere blog, last night Council passed a Motion to begin organising to apply for those funds former Mayor Steve...(maaate-Ed)...was discussing on the ABC last week...and when I'm right I'm right...(even if it's usually because what you're sayin' is so bleedin' obvious-Ed)...ok, fair that context we are unfortunately both right...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, I was right in that I predicted the fiscally hemorrhagic realities about to be unleashed on Ratepayers by Council, as per former Mayor now Councillor Steve Perryman's ABC interview, and you're right because it was bleedin' obvious the moment that he said it...

I have very much earned the right to ask, what the shreck? where are the people in this town whom apparently give a damn about it? I didn't see any of them there last night, not fair enough I've missed meetings from time to time, but no-one at all? really? no-one?...apparently many people in this town are reading the blog, and I appreciate that many of them simply aren't in any sort of position to address the issues raised here-in, but what I saw last night was just about the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life...a pack of rabidly corrupt people organising to steal $millions more off Ratepayers by borrowing $millions and then defrauding great chunks of as usual...and not one person showed-up...(wow-Ed)...indeed...

(Yeah, and what does SBC stand for?-Ed)...when I want to swear exotically but not actually I always say 'ah, bocconcini'...('bocconcini', still not with you-Ed)...bocconcini is one of the Sweet Baby Cheeses...

The Human Jellyfish Grew A Spine: and roared like a mouse from his Ivory Tower...(what are you talking about-Ed) bestie, the former The Border Watch Editor and now City Councillor Frank 'The Ghost' Morello, another massively corrupt stooge...(indeed, arguably the stoogiest corruptest stooge in a roomful of corrupt stooges-Ed)'ll get no argument here champ, rolled gold stoogage...well he suddenly grew a spine last night and sortta' confronted me...(bullshit-Ed)...nah nah, it's true, last night in the Council meeting, Frankie mate...(maaate-Ed)...suddenly wheeled around and glared at me sayin' 'did you say something?' (or 'what did you say', something like that)...

(Ahahahahhaaaha ahahhaaha ahhaa ahaaa ooo-Ed)...yeah, I know...must admit that in the moment I was briefly shocked...Steve Perryman had just finished running through all the usual rhetoric about his Motion to start preparing applications for those grants from the National Stronger Regions Fund...and a bunch of bollocks about how Council is going to review it's Long Term Financial Plan and Strategic Plan and they've decided their Budget and Finances are just fine...and as first proposed just last week, suddenly Council is going to look at a 'Regional Recreation Centre' that 'might have a wet area'...but not one single word about where all that money is coming from...

(Well it's Federal isn't it, the NSRF?-Ed)...yeah, but where is the Council share coming from?'s a $ for $ application, meaning that when Council talks about applying for $10m in funding, as they were last night, then Council has to stump-up $10m first and then they can apply, etc,'s the whole reverse justification thing whereby Council try to justify borrowing yet more money by saying they have to to get this alleged funding...anyhoos, Stevo finishes his rhetoric riddled dribble and up leaps The Human Blamange, Frankie mate...(maaate-Ed)...and he's got his own amendments...(of course he has-Ed)...and I said, I thought to myself, 'oh here we go', but El Jello must've heard me because he wheeled around and said 'what?', glaring at me...

Mayor Andrew Lee immediately told me off for calling out from the gallery, and I had a quiet go back about not being able to record anything and not hearing The Roaring Mouse properly, to which Andrew Lee made some glib quip about how 'I and everybody else can hear him fine'...I replied 'well he's got his back to me' at which point they seemed to realise that they were engaging me in discussion, not me calling out, and suddenly it was back to Frankie's amendments...

And I say 'Frankie's Amendments' in the loosest possible definition in that these are clearly matters well organised between themselves, Frankie, Stevo, et al, whom get together and organise to lay the groundwork that attempts to legitimise the corruption they have planned...this follows the rank corruption of Frankie's first effort in Council late last year...(when he eventually showed up-Ed)...indeed, and immediately introduced super-dodgy rules to ban electronic recording of Council meetings...

(What a brave little man, let's see how he goes out in the street...he ain't called Frank 'The Ghost' for nuthin'-Ed), it's because when he sees me he goes completely white with fear, bordering on translucent, which is hilarious...hilarious because even though I've never so much as raised my hand to anyone, and he knows that, Frankie's own guilt re his complicit role in the St Martins cover-up, that guilt festers into fear comes to own him, and that fear is personified when Frankie runs into one of the parents he's screwed-over re St Martins, namely me...(so his guilt makes him terrified even though he knows you're not going to swat him like the shameful little bug that he is?-Ed)...absolutely, and it's quite hilarious to watch...

The St Martins Paragraph: is where I list off a few names of the public officials directly, knowingly, complicitly involved in helping the Lutheran Church, SAPol (police), the Labor and Liberal Partys, etc, cover-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old children...people like Steve Perryman, his mate Rory McEwen, Premier Jay Weatherill, etc...and then I also mention that both SAPol and the ABC, amongst others, are monitoring this 'ere blog, but not with any intention of addressing any issues here-in, but rather circling over me waiting for me to cock-it up in some way that warrants shutting down the blog, etc...

Biddie Shearing: was recently interviewed on the ABC Local Radio and the opening line was, 'and here's Biddie Shearing Regional Development Australia's Tourism Development Officer...(I still can't believe that ya' know, how the shreck does some-one with her business history get appointed out-of-the-blue to that critically important position?-Ed) does someone with Grant King's disastrous business history get appointed to concurrently run RDA Limestone Coast and the local Health Advisory Council?'s the institutionalised corruption that defines South Australia lived large...   

Anyhoos, 'here's Biddie, who's been travelling the world as RDA TDO doing great touristy things on our behalf'...(deadset?-Ed)...deadset...unfortunately I did miss the next few minutes, so I didn't hear exactly where, what, and/or why this was all about, but whatevs/wherevs/whyevs, that's taxpayers money being used to pay Biddie Shearing...I note that alleged 'celebrity chef' Kirby Shearing has now walked-out on 2 businesses in town...and good riddance as I understand it...

The Rail Lands: featured large last night, again, and again it was Stevo baby with a long Motion Without Notice that was effectively a question to Operations Manager Daryl Sexton about the drainage problems on the Rail Lands, including the statement/question that the flooding (as covered in previous posts and attached below) is the Margaret St building's fault because they don't drain to the correct place, is that right Daryl?'...(to which Daryl replied?-Ed)...'no, that's not correct'...(hilarious-Ed)...indeed, 'no that's wrong because those buildings have always drained that way but we changed it doing the Rail Lands'...hilarious, it was fine but the Rail Lands works cocked it up and now Council is digging stuff up again to fix it...and at what cost?...

For a week now Council has been burying plastic drainage piping behind these buildings and is now extending it out along the edge of the grass/to be paved area, and then out to Bay Rd and along the footpath to rejoin the City drains system, thus running that water into an already over-worked underground system...(and plastic pipes buried under a foot of dirt, that's pretty slap-dash temporary stop-gap measure isn't it?-Ed)...exactly...enough for today, more,

Tomorrow: More Council Meeting Nonsense

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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