Sunday, February 1, 2015

South Australia - The Premier Paedophile State

Hello and welcome to another cut-and-paste post with this stuff I happened to find when looking-up some other that context, this is also very much a cathartic posting 'cos I've had this runnin' round the front of my head ever since because there's so much represented here re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...slight apologies for no post yesterday but not home so a bit difficult...(yay-Ed)...because SAPol (police) still have my laptop, idea what's happening with that...

I don't apologise for going back to the same sick well that is the Institutionalised Paedophilia that defines South Australia...please find attached the ABC Local Radio story from June 2005 and the letter that proves the lies there-in, not least of all from the then Premier Mike Rann...good ol' Mike Rann...I note that this sad sick sack a' depravity has been carefully kept aways away overseas as Commissioner/Attache/whatevs first to London and now Italy and occasionally skulks back into the state...(I'm sure he'll soon receive a senior position with the SA Cricket Assoc or SA National Football League (state level AFL footy)-Ed)...are you referring to the multiple former state Premiers running those organisations in the context of the zeitgeist question?...(sorry what?-Ed)...

The zeitgeist question, as regularly asked across the Interweb and sometimes of me, etc, is 'who was the last South Australian Premier who wasn't a paedophile?'...which runs with the public impression, again as often expressed to me, that it was Labor Premier Don Dunstan who delivered control of SA to the paedophile interests that clearly run it now...(ah, I get it're saying that this is 'zeitgeist' stuff because it's not your specific claim/allegation/whatevs but rather something you've run into many, many times, eg, that press conference held at the notorious gay 'beat' the Veale Gardens in Adelaide's South Parklands where a former Liberal Premier was identified as a paedophile, which then went to the Mullighan Commission in that also notorious document that was publicly released and the Rann Labor government had a go at gaoling the Child Protection Advocates involved-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...

I will note, however, that having been involved/embroiled in more than 12 years of this Labor government helping the Lutherans cover-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old children at St Martins School, and do that with the full and unwavering support of the Liberal Party, SAPol, the Crown Solicitor, Family and Community Services, Mt Gambier City Council, various corrupt lawyers, etc, etc, I fully subscribe to this zeitgeist stuff that SA is a state run by paedophiles for paedophiles, and further on from that, the St Martins case isn't an unfortunate anomaly...

Does anyone honestly believe that the St Martins Cover-up just happened out of nowhere in the middle of an otherwise pure system?...bollocks, St Martins is the window onto the reality...teacher Glyn Dorling was protected for 5-6 years by the Lutherans before he was suddenly 'removed' in June 2002, and I believe this grooming stuff is going on everyday in their schools and that's what the agenda is and that's why people like Dorling get protected...I don't believe for a moment that this was just a 'Business Decision' to protect the Lutheran Church from litigation, etc, they wanted him in that room grooming children to make the kids compliant for future abuses...

I have covered at great length the events of State Parliament's sitting in Mt Gambier on 5th-6th May 2005, and the appallingly biased and complicit conduct of the local media, particularly The ludicrously corrupted as the front page of The Border Watch was (previous posts), the good ol' Advertiser wouldn't touch it, not a word...after months of rabidly ripping down Peter Lewis et al re the paedophile stuff, this happens and TA refuse to touch it...(May 2005? sweet baby cheeses, that's nearly 10 years ago-Ed)...yep, time flies when you're having a state sanctioned cover-up of paedophilia...

Premier Mike Rann lies through his teeth to the ABC, the ABC know full well it's a lie, yet they print/air this...parents had contacted Mike Rann many times, including repeatedly throughout February-May 2005 when I was in Adelaide for Radiotherapy, etc, and often in Parliament House with CPAs and/or Peter Lewis's office (when he was still Speaker), and other parents were repeatedly in Adelaide visiting the Mullighan Inquiry, meeting other politicians, etc, and Mike Rann flatly refused almost daily requests to meet with us parents...he only acted when outed on the floor of Parliament, and then would only talk to one parent, and has lied about all of it...

The ABC also knows/knew that parents had been royally screwed over by a clearly corrupted SAPol whom did no investigation in 2002, in fact refused to, then lied about it every day since...we parents were repeatedly told 'we (SAPol) can't do an investigation because there isn't any evidence', and then SAPol dumped the case (July 2002) without telling parents...(pricks-Ed)...absolutely, dumped it and then started saying 'after investigation, we couldn't find any evidence'...from your state Police Force, lie upon lie upon lie to protect a paedophile...

Even the story acknowledges that "One of the parents...contacted the ABC..."...and I guarantee you it was to remind them of some of the realities that Mike Rann, SAPol, etc, have so thoroughly lied about...also, the letter sent to me by Mike Rann's office is 1) dated February 14th 2004, and 2) identifies that Mikey knows what it's about, and 3) has then made others aware...all of this more than 16 months before he goes in the media and says. 'gee whiz, first I've heard'...bollocks...

I also refer to the many previous posts about the multiple other involvements of Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill in what can only be described as their intimate complicity in the St Martins Cover-up...

I'm just gunna' pull up here and say, if y'all availees haven't already read the 2 years worth of scandalous abuse I've hurled at public officials via this 'ere blog re the St Martins Cover-up, then please go back and run through it...I'll apologise for being a very angry man about St Martins when it hasn't happened...(absolutely-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Back Onto The Rail Lands

For a little light relief, because it's only a corruptly costly disaster like everything else Council does...(yay, you really know how to bring the happy reality don'tcha?-Ed)...mate, just pointin' at stuff that's actually happening and sayin', 'WTF?'...(well technically that's asking not saying, but I do take your point-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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