Thursday, February 12, 2015

More Council Shenanigans in The Border Watch

Hello and welcome to the blog and yet another piece of trite nonsense from Mt Gambier City Council in The Border Watch as they yet again collude to deceive Mt Gambier Ratepayers...please find attached the wholly self-contradictory article that I just don't have the energy to carve-up...wait, yes I do...don't know why, but the blog has decided to re-format itself, but it's suddenly in a different font me could be I leaned on the wrong buttons or something, dunno...apologies for no post yesterday, but I've been busy running 'round in small circles achieving very's not been much better but there's a bunch of stuff goin' down, so here goes...

When I say nothing, it has been put to me that there does seem to be a degree of reactionary actioning of certain things about the town in the wake of making an appearance on this 'ere blog...thankyou, I agree that there is certainly some of that happening...the most obvious example would be the action on the Rail Lands, an issue that I have been hounding Council about from long before this 'ere blog The Mount Gambier Independent was conceived let alone realised...this truth is self-evident in the many documents going back to 2005 that I've posted numerous times...

I've apparently been gettin' slagged-off again...(no never? say it isn't so-Ed)...about the 'lies' I've apparently told about Council's agenda for the Rail Lands site, that I call the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, which involves Rezoning the site for Commercial and/or Retail...unfortunately I have misplaced the photocopy I took years ago of a page I happened across that showed a 'Rezoning Map' for the Rail Lands that described it as 'Retail' after a 'Rezoning'..I believe that this should be in the Government Gazette or some such but I can't find it...apols, but it's irrelevant, the site has been Rezoned, and I have at least 2 proofs...

Proof One is attached, being page 207 from the City of Mt Gambier Development Plan as 'Consolidated' 28th August clearly shows the Rail Lands and businesses backing onto that from Margaret St, identified as no.7, collectively described as "Railway (Commercial) Local Heritage Policy Area"...proof Two is the word of Council's own Director Operations Daryl Sexton, whom I bailed into a metaphoric corner at the Council's 2013/14 Budget 'Consultations' held at the Library...(orr yeah, I love this story, go on-Ed)...indeed, I've covered this in posts from the time, namely CBC Part II: Send In The Clowns may 27th 2013...(hilarious-Ed)...

Not really, but still, yes a bit...I had repeatedly questioned about the Re-zoning issue without even a response, then, just before the 3rd/4th/whatevs of 5 meetings, I asked Daryl directly several times if the site had been 're-zoned to Cmmercial/Retail', he said no repeatedly, but flinched, so I asked 'has the site been re-zoned?'...Daryl broke out his bestest bunny impersonation to counter my questioning headlight, and together we waltzed toward his glorious answer...eventually..."yes" says Daryl...(ahahahaha says Ed-Ed)...indeed...'to what?' ask I...long pause, and, "City Centre"...and when asked what that means, "Retail and Commercial"...

It is also put to me that the attached The Border Watch article has materialised in response to the relentless hammering I've given this issue on this 'ere blog...I agree that it is rather suspicious that such a massive issue involving such massive expenditure would not feature as news for 2 weeks after the January 2015 meeting...this is a huge financial burden that Council has just plucked out of thin air to try and justify borrowing another $10million, to follow on from the $6m that they borrowed and spent in 2013/14...

I was going to shred this article as being yet another gross TBW misrepresentation of the actual discussion, because it's just wrong, but then it outs itself...this 'Centre' will not "deliver an indoor aquatic centre" the Council meeting the discussion was as described late in the article, namely, that there will be no pool, ever, because of the cost, and that contradicts the articles own opening the Council meeting the discussion was about the 'possibility of a wet area', and 'this will rule out affording an all-year Aquatic Centre, ever', as per the comments attributed to Crs Richardson and Perryman later in the article...(hilarious-Ed)...

Councillor Steve Perryman's argument that a pool will cost Ratepayers a fortune is a completely vacuous and decitful construct to justify not doing it and ignores the fact that Ratepayers will be paying to cover that $10m he/Council are angling to borrow to build this ludicrous Rec Centre...(you mean in the same way that Ratepayers pay a fortune for the Main Corner operating costs and heavily subsidise the supposed private business that exclusively operates the Commercial Kitchen and Function Centre, all of it built/paid for with Ratepayer's money?-Ed)...exactly...

This article is a farcical distortion of what happened in that meeting, yet another TBW journalistic debasco that trips itself up with the volume of deceit there-in, not least of all by spelling out that deceit in the article itself...(it's almost like Council has got to such a level of corruption and deceit that one cannot actually report what happens without lying-Ed)...indeed...

Premier Jay Weatherill has unleashed yet another JW ÜberPlan on a long suffering South Australia...(what? another one? wasn't there just a new plan announced last year and then another recently?-Ed)...well yes and no, yeah, there was that big bucket a' bollocks about the 'Transport Plan' that was mostly about Adelaide, and then the 'Plan' for Health Services which is also about Adelaide, but that's not so much a 'plan' as a 'Deconstruction'...(and didn't we just have a '30 Year Plan' or something?-Ed)...yeah but that was specifically about Adelaide...(so they are all plans for SA then, because Adelaide is SA as far as Adelaide's concerned-Ed)...nice...

I am fed-up to the few back teeth I have left...(Chemo-casualties?-Ed)...pretty much, yeah, lost a couple, but still chewin' steak, albeit gently...anyhoos, fed-up with the Weatherill Labor government trotting out bullshit blue-sky distractions one on top of the other as they desperately try to paper over the fiscal crevasse opening-up under Adelaide due to their corruption and deliberately try and distract from the bastardry of dismantling Health Services, as per the recent announcement of the proposed closure of the Dawes Rd Repatriation Hospital and Emergency Services in 3 major suburban hospitals, etc, is just crass and insulting...(and then a Royal Commission about Nuclear Energy-Ed)...strewth...

(A question: if Wind shreckin' Turbines are so shreckin' fantastic, then why do we need 50,000 of those freakin' things, and nuclear?-Ed)...excellent point, but I think it's more about the immediate future and turning SA into a 'nulear dump', the planet's nuclear toilet...( from the world's quarry to a very impressive latrine-Ed)..such poetry Ed, I weep...and just on that point, I note that the National Health and Medical Research Council is stating that there isn't evidence about Turbines and Health Issues because the testing hasn't been done, but instead of just slaggin' off those expressing concerns, the NHMRC is now calling for proper testing to be done re Noise Emissions and possible associated Health Issues...(kudos NHMRC-Ed)...

Feedback: yes I agree that SAPol (police) may have a red-hot go at trying to say that I was served a Summons re my court hearing of February 3rd 2015 by adding it to the 'Second Summons'...they didn't serve me though, as stated, the first I knew was during a phone call on Wednesday (Feb 4th) morning when I was told I was in The Border Watch re my alleged failure to appear at a Court hearing...

And yes, of course it is exactly the sort of thing I'd immediately post about, and yes, there's no way known that I just wouldn't's a crock...I have no choice but to pursue this because it's such a critical point, not least of all because 1) I've lost 'one adjournment' without even having a hearing, and 2) and far more concerning, that the Summons itself states that a 'warrant for arrest' can be issued if the respondent (me) fails to show...  

Tomorrow: The Show Grounds To A Halt Sale

Just the latest stuff re the proposed sale of a chunka' the Show Grounds to Aldi...(outrageous-Ed)...ain't gunna happen if I can help it... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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