Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hello, I'm A Large Angry Hippy

Hello Venezuela, Ukraine, Aotearoa (New Zealand), and Lithuania and welcome to the blog...and I say hello to Ukraine unsure that it's reaching anyone because, as 'Turkey' and 'Moldova' suddenly disappeared from the blog statistics, so too now has 'Ukraine', approx 2 weeks is possible that there's some blocking happening ala Turkey, but the conflict in Ukraine seems to defy every 'ceasefire' and it could be availees are too occupied with the terrible reality around them to waste time on my rantings and First World Whinges...

But I won't apologise for the angry post that follows...everywhere I went today, everything I heard/read/saw/whatevs, it was just Child Abuse from pillar to post...from relentless reportage of the multiple Knox Grammar abuse issues, to Carol Ronken of Bravehearts discussing that and the Royal Commission and institutional responses, etc, etc...through to Michael Atkinson and Jay Weatherill in the news and repeatedly running into Lutherans in town today, etc...

I'm already knackered after a very long week and a bit...(make it 10 days-Ed)...fair enough, and still recovering a bit from the Thursday 19th February 2015 Land Sale meeting...I had 20+ 'panic attacks' during the day as it came and went in waves and I convinced myself it wasn't important so I needn't go, and then pendulummed back to why it was, over and over...not much fun...and it's just a matter of gettin' there and doin' it...(but don't you do it well-Ed)...well thankyou, but it's a calm confidence largely borne of stressed-out exhaustion...(fair enough-Ed)...which segues nicely into following on quickly from yesterday's self-justification stuff about the Disability Support Pension and my struggles to get back in the game...

I am very much getting myself back in the game, but it remains a constant battle...for example, the Mayoral Forum in October 2014 was massively confronting, getting on stage and speaking in front of a room full of people, but it was also very familiar ground in that I expected the vast majority to already be predisposed to disliking me and likely to discount what I said just because it was me sayin' per previous posts, I have grown somewhat accustomed to existing/functioning in a room full of people who hate me...(sorry, did someone say sanctimonious pack of self-important pricks?-Ed)...well I wasn't just talking about the Lutherans, but yes...point being, I'm trying...(very-Ed)...very hard thank you, and some days strip days more off me for my efforts... 

Jazz Academy Stuff students already start arriving for the Official Orientation Day tomorrow (Friday 27th February 2015), it's been put to me that I'm wrong about those students being 'dormitoried' in the new housing in Harrald St, because that housing is apparently all Public Housing of some description, which would then render irrelevant my concerns about this issue...(but hang on, that's what was reported in both The Border Watch and by James Morrison was clearly stated in TBW that it was "Harrald St" and stuff about '15 houses together in 2 cul-de-sacs is a perfect set-up for us' (paraphrasing Mr Morrison)...if this is not the case, why report it so specifically? there's no question that it was those specific houses in Harrald St...and if not there, then where?-Ed)...all good questions, but one at a time...

Straight-up and unfortunately, given the repeatedly and drastically conflicting info I have before me, I'm currently less sure than I was a month ago about this student housing stuff, and potentially completely wrong...I thought and/or have posted that there had been some degree of collusion dating back to early 2014 that allowed someone to build 20 homes knowing that in 12 months time Mr Morrison would stroll into town seeking accommodation for the Jazz Academy students, and would snap-up all of these all seemed a little convenient that there were exactly the right number of empty brand new houses sitting there waiting for Mr Morrison to lease/rent...

It would make sense across various points if this was simply one reality with some peripheral rumouring, but there's specific contradictions.....for example, the discourse that says these houses were/are some sort of Public Housing for the Housing Trust (Housing SA)/AC Care/whoevs, that would explain quite a lot, starting with the idea/my observation that it was 'brave' to start building 20 new homes in early 2014...if these were all contracted to/by/whatevs Public Housing, then it's no gamble to construct...(with you thus far-Ed)...and obviously, if these are all Public Housing homes, then there's been some confusion not of my making...(indeed, TBW and Mr Morrison have created that confusion with their specific statements...unless that's true, that jazz students are going in those homes-Ed)..indeed, but it was emphatically put to me that they're not...

(Hang on, wasn't there a big Real Estate agent's sign out the front of those homes?-Ed)...yes, yes there was, why?...(why indeed, why would Public Housing require a leasing/rental agent? surely Housing SA or Anglicare or whoevs would handle distribution of those homes-Ed)...fair point...and what about those people already renting in 5-6 of those homes?...(gourd, don't ask me-Ed)...mate, it's way confusing...I cannot proffer a sure position on this, but felt it was important to acknowledge the very specific statement what I was this space...   

Mr Morrison was on the ABC Local Radio yesterday discussing the arrival of students and staff, good enrollment numbers, plans/hopes to expand, etc' (paraphrasing), but I didn't hear the accommodation stuff's not mentioned in the ABC Radio's brief on-line article re that interview either...Mr Morrison also said that this Jazz Academy had been brewing for the 2 decades that Generations In Jazz has been running, but he was very specific about the recent and specific time-frame for organising this course/campus/whatevs, and identified it as "18 months"...(sorry, I don't see the issue there-Ed)...this would take these specific plans back to a time before Mt Gambier City Council raced to rip down the Old Hospital building, a building that would have been a perfect campus/dormitory...(omg-Ed)...we'll look at this issue at some time soon, but now this...

A Great Day For Democracy: possibly somewhere, but it wasn't South Australia, because that career pro-paedophile slug of a human being, former Labor Attorney General and current Speaker (of the Lower House), Michael Atkinson has banned a member of the public from parliament for life ...(ahh, Atto, the good ol' rat-fink corrupt bastard at the heart of the Sr Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...the corrupt AG who took children's and parents statements as made to Flinders Child Protection Service as organised by parents, took those statements and gave them to the Lutheran's lawyers for them to edit out any bits they didn't like-Ed)...I'll just say that again...

Michael Atkinson, as Attorney General, took our private statements off the appropriate authority, FCPS, and handed them to the Lutheran's lawyers...(whatta' scumbag-Ed)...indeed, an absolute sub-human thermometer as to just what control paedophiles have over all 3 arms of governance, the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judiciary...and a big shout-out to his charming but fundamentally incompetent wife Jennifer Rankine, until recently herself the Education Minister...AG Atto also controlled the Crown Solicitor, who were absolutely complicit in the Teachers Registration Board/CSO hearing that exonerated "text-book grooming paedophile" (FCPS) teacher Glyn Dorling...

It was also Michael Atkinson's personal and 'free' lawyer Tim Bourne who, along with local lawyer Bill DeGaris, was central in the betrayal of myself re Court action against the Lutherans and Dorling...I'll leave it to other parents to say what they think of Mr Bourne's handling of the situation...he betrayed me the same way Billy-boy did...(and Timmo was promoted to the Parole Board at that same time, November 2004-Ed)...just reward for his excellent work on behalf of Michael Atkinson, his one true client...(corrupt much?-Ed)...only entirely... 

(So we've got that slug as Speaker, and Jennifer hiding on the back bench, hiding away from the abject pro-paedophile disaster that was her presiding over the SA Education System...and oh gourd, look out, here comes whats-'is-face to save the day-Ed)...who?...(ummmm-Ed)......(Tony-TH)...Tony......(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison there...the T-Man, Harro', Tones, the Tonester, come on skipper...(we haven't even taken the drugs yet-The Real TH from The Mighty Boosh, BBC TV) you people mind? may I have my blog back now? ta'...we refer of course to former SAPol officer TH whom Jay Weatherill appointed to run the Education System in the wake of the farcical DeBelle Inquiry...

Regular Blog Guest: and 'former partner of Labor Minister Leon Bignell', Sandra De Poi has lost her Defamation Case against the Sunday Mail (weekend version of The Advertiser), whom she tried to sue for their article about her with a photo of her in fake Family First t-shirt, handing out fraudulent how to vote cards, etc, and identifying the '$10m bonanza she enjoyed on the Workcover Board whilst also running a company that provides those services and generally benefitting through her connections with Labor'...(but that's all true-Ed)...I guess it is...covered in previous early posts...   

And now Premier Jay Weatherill, another prime player in the St Martins Cover-up, he's apparently suing the Liberal Party for some bollocks on some flyer/ad/whatevs and a massive whatevs all round mate..look forward to seeing you in Mt Gambier for the Jazz Academy launch Jay, you pro-paedophile shreck...(he's suing because the ad thingy says that he knew about the rape of an 8 year old girl whilst Education Minister, a charge he was exonerated of by the farcical DeBelle Inquiry-Ed) that the stuff that was emailed to Jay by a staffer, but that miraculously disappeared out of the system, just after it got to Jay's desk?...(that's it exactly-Ed)...charming...

And again, what does it say about Polite White Society in South Australia that our charming Premier and the Speaker of the House are both entirely complicit in covering-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School?...(yay for South Australia-Ed)...

Tomorrow: The Show Sale Concerns

Apols I didn't get there today...I tried, honest, just got blind-sided by all this Child Protection shizzle...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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