Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Snelling-off Of SA Health

Howdy and welcome to the blog for the end of February 2015, and the latest on the Rann/Weatherill Labor government privatisation of the South Australian Health System...apologies for no post for 2 days, had no Interweb connection at all all day yesterday (Saturday), but truth be known I didn't really try that hard, a few times only...on Friday 27th I had a sudden rush of complete indifference, call it a 'massive depressive episode' if that's what works for ya', I just call it a particularly bad day amongst many I genuinely apologise to availees but personally don't care that I missed 'posting'...sat down to do it half a dozen times and just sat here, couldn't do's ain't the best post I've ever managed either, sorry...

Friday was just another day that started with a medial litany of Child Abuse stories, from Jimmy Saville to Rolf Harris, the Headmaster from Knox Grammar and one of the several convicted teachers, etc, etc, and then I ran into one of the St Martins kids from 2002 (obviously now adult) serving at a store, and then another Lutheran at another store...I was pretty much done/rooted/whatevs for the day by 1000hrs Friday, and yesterday was still chocking-down an unhealthily large slice of that depression pie...and that's what happens, the 'Sads' getta' holda' ya' by the 'nads and give ya' a good shake and chuck ya' back down...(and I get left to pickin' up the pieces-Ed)...

Well indeed Ed, on many occasions your assistance has proven invaluable in gettin' back on the horse via the potential catharticism of this 'ere blog, even if you are a confected literary device used to engage availees in discussion rather than abrase with dissertation, to talk to/with availees not 'at' them...(happy to help-Ed)...mate, it's the sortta' help that money can't buy...(even if you could buy any sortta' help in Mt Gambier, such is the deplorable state of Mental Health Service provision...and this is part of the issue with privatisation, in that Mt Gambier is effectively served as/by an outreach program actually run by a private business operating in/out of the Riverland-Ed)...indeed...

Not a word against that company, for all I know they do great work in the Riverland, the issue is the structure and the inevitable outcomes/problems with that set-up...even beyond that, why are the Labor state government not providing the same level of Public and/or Mental Health provision as in Adelaide?...and the Liberal Party doing the best part of shreck-all about it* covered previous, Mt Gambier should have an absolute minimum of 3 resident psychiatrists to offer a thorough, 24hr/day Mental Health Service, but the service provision area for the City is 60,000 people, which warrants 6 full-timers...and we got squat, nada, zilch...this lack of local professionals continues to be a major problem with service provision across the board...

*Credit where due, current Liberal Troy Bell recently played a large part in embarrassing Labor into increasing the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme funding and payments...*

Bottomline, we can't get fundamental funds for fundamental Mental Health provision and Adelaide's having a festival or 3 this week and a car race and whatevs...(yay, hooray for Adelaide-Ed)...I watched a couple of laps of the V8s race on telly and saw the Hutt St building from where I watched the first F1 race back in 1980sumthin' a mate's dad's office building backing onto the track, on a sharp double bend where cars had to slow right down then accelerate away, and looking right down into the cars as they went past 30-40 feet away...but I digress...    

It's all well and groovy for Adelaide to splurge squillions on itself, but at what cost to the rest of the state?...for example, Friday, SA Dental Services were on the ABC spruiking what great work they've done in getting their Regional public waiting lists 'wait time' down to 16-18 months, down from the extraordinary 48 months of just 2 years ago...this is clearly fantastic progress, but equally clearly still entirely still unacceptable, not least of all because it's a Regional statistic that is effectively twice the waiting time of Adelaide...again, kudos to the local staff whom routinely juggle cancellations, etc, to help patients around these wait times for emergencies, etc, but there's not much they can do about standard appointment waiting times...

Privatising SA Health: is the real name for the latest Weatherill/Labor Über-plan, imaginatively titled 'Reforming Health'...('Reforming'? more like 'De-forming'...closing more hospitals/services/whatevs...bloody thing should be called 'Dismantling Health'-Ed)...indeed, it's just a farcical distraction from the fiscal realities of what Labor has done to the entire state...(is there anything more hilarious yet more galling than watching Labor's SA Health 'On Earth' Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling bemoaning the state of SA Health Services as being uncoordinated and inefficient and supposedly requiring massive interruption and closures, etc-Ed)...but he/Labor are directly responsible for that, they've been in government since 2002...(my point exactly-Ed)...

And whilst gettin' hold of the the current Royal Adelaide Hospital site immediately adjacent the Botanical Gardens, that super-premium North Tce/Frome Rd site, that is the prime motivation for shifting the RAH, of course it's a lie that Labor intended to build a new High School campus there (of Adelaide High on West Tce?), a lie they are now back-peddling furiously away from...and it was an outright lie the moment it saw the light of day...former Labor Health Minister John  Hill tipped out that particular sacka' cats back when this lunatic project was first announced (5-6 years ago) during a TV interview in the then Rail Yards site, when he stated 'a few boutique hotels' as potential uses for the soon-to-be-vacated Frome Rd site...

I maintain that it's a Union catered Gravy Train in 2 parts, namely 1) building this ludicrous new edifice that has already blown out it's massive budget, I think we're at $2.2billion and climbing, 6 months behind schedule,'s now rumoured to be one of the most expensive things ever built in Oz....(yay-Ed)...and it's well documented that we will pay $1m a day to 'lease' it back and then will buy it back after 30 years, when it needs replacing, etc...these things are all well covered in mainstream media...and then 2) revamping the current RAH site into those 'boutique hotels' which will undoubtedly have luxury apartments attached and Ray Jay Weatherill'll probably get one, and Neon Leon Bignell'll probably, etc, etc...

So it's a win/win/win if you're a dodgy SA politician who's power base relies on Union support, and/or a relative employer, official. etc, etc...with $billions goin' West with the ludicrous DeSalination Plant and now this new RAH, a few people will have made a fortune and the rest will pay, courtesy of a Labor Party whom care only for the Labor Party and even then only so long as that Labor Party is them...this is the Privatisation of SA Health...this 'profit-guarantee contract' re the new RAH means that SA has to find a profit from a system that in every other jurisdiction on the planet runs at a 'loss'...that 'guaranteed profit' has to come from somewhere, and even scything into SA Health ain't gunna' be anywhere near enough...(yay-Ed)...

I know I've covered this Privatising SA Health before, but the local news is full of protests at Noarlunga Hospital, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and the Dawes Rd General Repatriation Hospital (for ex-Service personnel, etc)...perhaps/hopefully the whole plan to close the Repat Hospital is one of those nasty political manipulations whereby the government announces shizzle that's 90% Complete Bastardry, then pulls back to only 75% CB...(ah, an ambit Complete Bastardry if you will-Ed)...I will...(announce massive cuts/closures, and then fall back to your genuine position, itself still abject CB-Ed)...exactly...they may yet pull back on closures at Noarlunga too, but I ain't holding my breath...

Many are criticising it's functionality, design, positioning, etc, but to me the new Royal Adelaide Hospital is the physical quantification of the corruption driven mismanagement that defines the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, a corruption and dysfunction that then runs rampant through Local Government to the cost of the community...indeed, our entire political/judicial system, the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judiciary, are by my personal experience, defined by the rank corruption and dishonesty and fraud and pro-paedophile attitudes of it's constituent members...(yay-Ed)...

Yesterday (Saturday 28th), just gettin' onto the Interweb wasn't happening, and this is what regularly happens if I go past my fairly minimal 'access allowance' for the month... (**Sun 1st March - and just got another 'another computer with this IP address on this network' warning/error...currently happens pretty much everyday**...and just again now, it's almost like someone's aware of when I log-on and is loggin'-on as well to watch what I'm doing)...(and they call you paranoid-Ed)...paranoid? is that what they're saying? what was that noise?...(not me, I don't exist-Ed)...then why are you talking to me?...

Cross At Town Traffic: because whatevs moronically misplaced bike lane or deadly undefined painted median strips that are also a turning lane, and/or other strange new line-markings around town, be it cyclist, pedestrian, or motorist, safety is about being personally responsible for your own safety, and then if you're the car driver, the safety of others because of the damage you can do if you shreck-up...for example, when just turning onto Lake Tce West at the top end of Wehl St Sth, I encountered a large parked trailer in the parking lane, no probs, but a woman walking toward it from the opposite side stepped out to the road instead of in toward the footpath/kerb...and then just kept walking at 45% toward me...(but why?-Ed)...

Because there was another woman on her inside, and the pair of them came out and around the trailer instead of onto the wide footpath right there...for some reason they had to walk along the roadway, and then when something trailery got in their way, their kerb intolerance/allergy/whatevs directed they walk out onto the road right in front of caused me to gently swerve, nay veer, across the centre line by more than a metre into an otherwise unoccupied lane, but if there had been another car right there, it would've been down to me to jam on the brakes to avoid nailing these 2 idiots...if I'd maintained my line minding my own business in the middle of my lane, I'd have had one bunny right up the bonnet and through the windscreen and pinged the other off into the trailer...

There was also another nasty accident at Penola Rd/Wireless Rd on Thursday there hasn't been a fatality there yet is down to pure dumb luck...(courtesy of planning by some pure dumb shrecks-Ed)...for crickey sake put a bloody roundabout there and solve the problem as best one can ever hope to do, sans of course the input of morons and people who just make mistakes...a 30kph shunt in a roundabout is far less dangerous than a 60kph T-boning as happens consistently at this wonder more and more people are joining the exodus along Gladigau Rd/Buronga's a far safer outlet onto Penola Rd...but I digress, my overall point is one of personal responsibility and mutual respect to ensure that whatevs stupid traffic plan has been haphazardly slapped down wherevs, we aren't walking into and/or running over each other...

In Closing: saw the Channel 7/9/whatevs on-screen ticker during the relevant news item declaring that British authorities had released the name of a "terorrorist"...(that's terorrorifying-Ed)...  

Tomorrow: The Show Sale Stuff, Honest

Further apols that it took so long, but later today/tomorrow I'm just going to dot point the Show Society/ALDI Sale meeting ...with that matter effectively resolved, other stuff gets priority...however, there are some important points to get on the record, and yet again it would appear that here on this 'ere blog is that 'record'...(but is it resolved? will ALDI just walk away from a $5million+ plot a' land that they nearly snared for $1.28m?-Ed)...fair question, but one for tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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