Sunday, March 8, 2015

Nearly Post 700

(**Altered/edited/completed/whatevs on Sunday 8th March 2015**)
Hello USofA, the United Kingdom, Indonesia and Singapore and welcome to the blog...thanks for your patience with this Show Grounds stuff, but at last here we go...but first...(ahhhhhh-Ed)...fair enough...and apologies for another missed day (**make that 2 days**), but I'm still pushing forward, albeit possibly without any actual 'moving' in said direction...another very, very long day (**days**) of Child Abuse case one upon another and I just didn't want to do this 'ere blog...(still tryin' though-Ed)...indeed, and there's a surge of posts comin' because of the many other things happenin'...but here we go...

And even though I am working hard to get away from the house a bit more, with some success, it's still the case that I spend 99% of my time alone...said it before, I'd love to run into this wonderfully warm and welcoming society that I'm constantly told is Mt Gambier, 'cos all I've experienced is a deeply bigotted, insular, isolationist, excluding, judgmental, 1950's-style conservative mill-town with a palatable 'you're not from here' attitude...a community governed by fear and loathing and corrupt pro-paedophile public officials whom are bang-up for helping the Lutherans and gourd knows whom else cover-up Child Abuse...

There isn't a single public official, not one politician in this town who isn't complicitly involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and behind the 'corruption bow-wave' of the St Martins Cover-up comes a massive surge of public corruption as Mt Gambier City Councillors and there mates/associates continue to openly rort/defraud/steal/whatevs, many $millions of Ratepayer's monies that have been effectively stolen via dodgy, often needless and always vastly over-priced projects by people like former Council CEO Greg Muller, current Councillor and former Mayor Steve Perryman, Cr Des Mutton, etc, etc...

For example, I note that despite the definable corruption of the bizarre 'double-Tender' submitted by Stuckey Electrical re the ludicrous 'Blue Lake Solar Lights Project', they (Stuckey) have begun digging in cables, etc, just near the APEX Lookout...I remind availees that Council, in a foaming fit of fraudulent fiscal farcitude...(nice-Ed)...allowed 2 different Tenders on this one project from Stuckey, one at nearly $500,000, and another at only approx $360,000, and that Council accepted the 'low Tender' and awarded the contract to Stuckeys, but in literally the same breath then said 'oh yeah, but now we're going to negotiate with them up to the higher Tender'...(say whaaa?-Ed) I knows, this is clearly a corrupt process where-by Council has sought to hand this lucrative albeit ludicrous project to their mates at Stuckeys and shreck appropriate process...

As I understand it there were official complaints lodged re this corrupt Tender, but as per any official investigation of corruption in this sad sick pro-paedophile state, let alone this town, clearly these complaints have been waved aside into the pile of official corruption that defines governance in South Australia...(and as you've stated before, when the entire state parliament, former and current Premiers, and City Council, and the Lutherans, and SAPol (police), etc, conspire to set the 'Corruption Bar Index' so low as the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, then what hope? and what else?-Ed)...indeed, when all agree to just look away from something like St Martins, then what other corruption is possible?...(and enter Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...indeed...

And it's just a huge coincidence that Keith Bartley, the man at the heart of the Oxfordshire (England) Abuse Cover-up case, in the news again repeatedly during the week, well he just winds up running the Education Dept in South Australia, and as soon as all the clearly institutionalised Sow Strayn pro-paedophile shizzle fan-slams, he's gone, like a rat out of an aquaduct back to the other side of the planet...(that's just fine-Ed)...where former Premier Mike Rann continues to skulk about, living the high-life on the public dollar as Commissioner to Italy...(and that's also just fine-Ed)...also just fine...(**and further apologies to availees but after 2 days of trying to avoid it, I've sat down today and immediately churned out half a furious post of seething cynicism and cathartic angerings**)...moving on...

Feedback: and more thanks that my genuine concerns about the future of the James Morrison Jazz Academy have been viewed as such, genuine...tomorrow's post re this issue is an absolute beauty...(modest much? and how can you know how good it's gunna' be?-Ed)...'cos I've read this, said I handing to Ed the latest The Border Watch gem from Graham Greenwood...(oh sweet baby cheeses, I see what you mean-Ed)... and on that note, I was gunna' say that no, I have no idea what's happened with the student housing that was reported as being/using the new housing estate in Harrald has been put to me that these are Public Housing, but a fortnight ago there was still a very large real estate 'For Lease' sign out the front, and as of sometime this week just gone so has the sign...gone that is...

Zeitgeist Me Baby: as I seek to add to the collective human consciousness the cussing, cursing, expletive replacing hilarity of 'bocconcini', or as blog availees already know it, 'sweet baby cheeses'...please to be using 'bocconcini' in moments of extreme displeasure, etc...  

Bit Of A Shock: but I'm assured that it's not likely to be a specific 'hacking incident' or anything similar, that when checking this 'ere blog's 'stats page', and under 'Referring Sites' it opened up directly onto several hardcore porn sites...this has sortta' happened frequently before, but it's been only a generic menu sans pictures that then requires you to log on/in and/or sign-up, etc, but this was straight onto actual sites, and not just one but 6-10, one on top of the other...there was also 2 separate sites that opened individually as other 'windows'...again, I'm assured that this is not particularly unusual, but likely to be 'generic trawling' for customers...does concern me though that junior bloggers might get exposed so easily to porn...

Some of it was there again when I turned the computer on yesterday**, but again it's put to me that this is not likely hacking so much as being still 'on' and/or in the 'history' bit when I turned off my computer...I  also note that Facebook is appearing frequently, but again, I'm advised that this is likely to be about the profile of this 'ere blog gaining Facebook's attention via whatevs automatic notification programs, etc, rather than an indication that so-and-so has been reading the blog, etc...other stats are all over the place, but I've only been managing a post every second day recently, so obviously that affects viewing numbers, etc...but I'm still trying, cheers..

Show Sale - ALDI Presentation: was pretty much what you'd expect, with lots of slides about the proposed store design/plan which is their standard store layout...(which is why ALDI choose/prefer 'greenfield' sites, so that they can build from scratch exactly the way they want it-Ed)...indeed, and nothing wrong with that...there were similar slides of internal layouts, etc, all fairly standard stuff, nothing particularly controversial's more what was said that was interesting...the ALDI rep Mr Nigel Uren was keen to address a number of issues that have been circulating, not east of all on this 'ere blog...

As per usual, it's fairly inevitable that issues covered here-in in this 'ere blog will coincide with actual events because that's just what happens, but a coupla' people have stated to me that there were things said in the ALDI presentation that have not been raised publicly/elsewhere, but have been covered here in The Mount Gambier Independent...(must admit, I picked-up on a coupla' things myself-Ed)...truly? do tell...(well last first, those people are reading or are at least aware of what's on the blog/the blog itself-Ed)...obviously...(and that 'people' includes ALDI's peeps havin' a peep-Ed)...ah, good point...

(Furthermore, as you mentioned, Mr Uren was addressing issues not raised publicly, eg, he repeatedly contradicted himself saying that 'this is a vote for a sale to ALDI' but then stating that 'ít's a vote by the Show Society for any sale'...this appears to be addressing the issue of what was promised/the undertaking given to Members by the Show Society President Peter Woodruff at the October 2014 meeting/info session, that they/we would be provided appropriate info and then that the next meeting would be about voting on the specific issue of 1) 'Any Sale', not 2) 'Which Bit To Sell', and definitely not 3) a 'Sale of a Specific Block to a Specific Buyer', regardless of which bit/s to whom-Ed)...well indeed...

I raised this issue in the appropriate question time, and made that point...(quite pointedly-Ed)...namely, that as far as I was concerned, at the October meeting I/Members were given an undertaking that the next meeting was meant to be going back from the clearly inappropriate attempt at step 3), as above, and instead going through the appropriate information/consultation processes before even getting to step 1)...this is not what happened Thursday 19th February and I expressed my concerns about this on the blog, in writing to the Sale Sub-Committee, and in the meeting...said my piece and then put it directly to the Members 'I'll leave it to Members to say for yourselves what you heard/were promised, but that's what I heard'...and not one person contradicted me...(except for that stuff about ít wasn't a meeting, it was an info session, etc-Ed)...indeed...

It still remains unresolved as to how the process got to the point it did where-in that the original October 2014 meeting/info session/whatevs was going to be 'a meeting to vote on a sale to ALDI', and there was no explanation of this at the February 19th 2015 meeting...I further note that the 'Sale Agent' as named on the original document from October 2014 meeting, Herbert Real Estate, they failed to attend either meeting (October 2014, February 2015) to do the 'info presentation' they were supposedly going to provide...

Apologies that I've again gone railing off on various topics, and that this necessitates stopping here and then also doing a full dot-point post for the full coverage in one post...

Tomorrow: Post 700 - Mo' Show Info Mofo

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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