Friday, March 13, 2015

The Post With No Name

Hello Italy, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Germany, and the USofA, and welcome to the blog...this post follows directly on from yesterday's post re the alleged charges I'm facing for talking about a state government authority allegedly doing what it's allegedly supposed to do, concluding with the alleged complete exoneration of all involved...(allegedly-Ed) everyone else exonerated, but me facing charges for talking about it, charges that even my legal advice cannot explain (all due respect) because the legislation is so vast, so all-encompassing, yet so fundamentally undefined...

(Sorry, but I have to run through that again-Ed)...sure, which bit?...(all of it-Ed)...fair enough...(you're facing charges for talking about how a state government authority has appropriately exercised it's duty with no findings of fault against anyone involved?-Ed)...yep...(so no problems, everything's fine?-Ed)...apparently, just fine...(just fine, and then you get charged for merely talking about it, well posting about it?-Ed)...well it could be both, and that's another issue...(another issue? the whole bloody thing's a bloody issue...this stinks of rampant Fascocracy, to be heaped on the massive pile of openly Fascist governing that defines the apparently paedophile-controlled South Australian Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary-Ed)...slow down big fella'...

Anyhoos, I'm not so sure that laying into the Judiciary about their rank pro-paedophile attitudes and/or corruption, is exactly going to help my cause at this time, not least of all when it's clearly already a grossly corrupted and biased process that has nothing to do with appropriate process or heaven forbid, Justice...(so why be concerned about possibly inciting any further wrath/bias/whatevs?-Ed)...yeah, fair point...

Recently read some stuff about how South Australian paedophiles will be 'closely monitored' for parole breaches, etc, via the use of electronic ankle bracelets...and one of the first 2 'offenders' to be fitted had over 50 breaches...(50? how the hell are they allowed to be walking around after 50 parole breaches? why's he not locked-up again after 2 or 3? 50, that's insane-Ed)...well yes and no...yes it is insane to average peeps like yous and I champ, but it's business as usual for the South Australian Judicial system, just another raft of pro-paedophile insanity in South Australia, the Paedophile State, where an After School Carer gets 3 years for raping an 8 year old in his care...(this state is a bloody disgrace-Ed)...

Sorry, I know I'm venting again but it's been several days of yet more Child Abuse Royal Commission, and charges against an Australian in the Phillipines re Child Abuse and murder of one of the kids, etc, etc...and struggle as I do with it, I still view most politicians through the St Martins Cover-up lense, so's pretty much every interview/article/whatevs is one endured whilst half-thinking 'I've spoken to that prick/prickette/whatevs about St Martins, and they did diddly-squat, in fact worse, they're complicit'...(the bastards-Ed)...well indeed...

And I completely reject the latest SAPol Review of 'Cold Cases' as yet another farcical pro-police propaganda exercise, in some cases pretending to re-investigate crimes they already know the answers to but apparently refuse to solve...(sounds exactly like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...don't it though?...another example, how many times have SAPol dug-up chunks of Adelaide looking for the Beaumont children, missing since the 60's, but when pointed to a specific spot in a specific yard, SAPol dig a hole 30 feet away and say 'nuthin' to see here'...(and there was footage of the National Crime Authority bombing as well, but everyone knows who did that-Ed)...well everyone who's watched Channel 7's Today Tonight who did that story at least 6 months ago...(exactly-Ed)...

And at the time, part of that was the allegations of rankly corrupted behaviour of the then Director Public Prosecutions, Paul Rofe, whom suddenly and inexplicably dumped charges against the bombing suspect Dominic Pierre (name? something like that, apols) which led to a swathe of rumours that Mr Rofe had either accepted a bribe or was somehow otherwise blackmailed/extorted/whatevs, and indeed the Rofester resigned not long after...but of course there was no investigation of that...(oh well that's just fine-Ed)...virtually all of this has been on TV, eg, Today Tonight, and yet SAPol are supposedly going to crack the case/s...       

Call me paranoid, but it had occurred to me that when SAPol raided my home and seized/stole/whatevs my laptop (May 2014), that was not just an act of harassment and intimidation, namely, 'we can march into your home whenever we feel like it, take what we want, offer no reason what-so-ever, etc, etc, and there's sweet bugger-all you can do about it', but that it was also a way to gain untraceable access to my emails, letters, etc, via my own laptop...beyond that SAPol has also seized one laptop-sized bounty of potential DNA material...(ooo ick, too much info-Ed) you idiot, not that sortta' DNA, I mean fingerprints, hair, sweat, blood, etc...(oh oh, of course, sorry, I meant...-Ed)...yes, thankyou, I know what you meant...

(Actually, that's a solid metaphor for your effortings re doin' this 'ere blog, namely 'Blood, Sweat, And Tears'-Ed)...indeed, I've dripped plenty of sweat, sobbed a bucket a' tears, and even bled on it a coupla' times after gardening, etc, etc, but I was more concerned about having 1/3 of an eyelash suddenly showing up at every allegedly unsolved crime in SA for the past 50 years...(but you're only 48, how can you get framed for crimes committed before you were even born?-Ed)...this is South Australia mate...(yeah, I wouldn't worry too much...unless of course you need to be worried-Ed),'tis for want of better airs and graces that I am condemned...(and all them murders you done-Ed)...**The Young Ones BBC TV**

And I randomly segue into a quick paragraph about the splash-back on professional Acoustician Prof/Dr/whatevs Simon Cooper re his self-described very limited testing of Wind Turbine Sound/Noise/Sensation Emmissions at/near Bridgewater Bay near Portland, Victoria...Dr Cooper even got a guernsey on the ABC's Media Watch program, getting a bit of a caning for something it appears someone else claimed about his (Dr Cooper's) study...whatevs, wherever it originated, it's all just anti-Cooper bollocks generated by gourd knows and who gives a damn...(I'd suggest those whom support Wind Turbines might be involved-Ed)...well obviously, but I just don't care who it is 'cos in the long interview I heard with Dr Cooper he at length identified the very limited scope of his study, and that it indicated that there needed to be much more, far more thorough research...(that's the way I heard it-Ed)...

Just Sayin': there was a story on this morning about the disused Dubbo Rail Station which is now renovated and being used as the Dubbo promotion booth thingy sorry don't know exactly what it's called...more tomorrow when I move onto more Rail Lands stuff...(and oh dear, I saw a truck load of pavers going onto the site today, whatta' corrupt bloody disgrace this Council is, $millions wasted and it looks horrendous and there's a massive drowning hazard, it's a shreckful waste of money-Ed)...indeed it is...tomorrow mate...

Who Do You Believe: when SA Labor Treasurer Tom Koutsontonis and Prime Minister Tony Abbott are calling each other 'a liar' re the $190 Pensioner Concession issue, where SA Labor blame it on Federal cuts, and Tones et al say that there's a 10% cut and that other states have sucked it up and continued the PC...again, it's Labor who appear the greater liar because they are fully cutting the PC after relatively minor cuts, and spending $1m on advertising to blame the Liberals...(you know what really pisses me off? this bullshit harassment of pensioners is about a grand total of approx $20million per year for either SA Labor or the Federal government to pay...and I don't shreckin' care who pays, just pay the bloody money, it's an absolute trifle relative to the stress it's causing/will's an absolute disgrace, and the best we get by way of debate is these idiots hurling abuse at each other-Ed)...but we digress...

Following on from yesterday, I'd like to quickly address the wonderful journalism of The Border Watch re my alleged charges and Court appearance, etc...(wow, journalism is a bit of a stretch isn't it?-Ed)...reckon I'll get all the journalism that TBW can muster covered in half a paragraph...on Wednesday 4th February 2015 reported (without contacting me) that I had failed to attend Court, and when I wrote stating that I had not been Summonsed, then printed Friday 6th that I 'claimed' this, and then when it was acknowledged as true by the Magistrate on Tuesday March 3rd, TBW reported (March 4th 2015) the statement by my legal eagle, but not the "yes" response...(airrrrrrr times up, half a paragraph, classic-Ed)...

TBW have failed not once but twice to do basic journalistic functionings, eg, 1) don't contact me despite having all my details, and then 2) when I write sayin' 'not Summonsed' they clearly haven't bothered to check that...(or they knew already and refused to acknowledge it-Ed)...well quite...but on this third occasion on March 3rd, their alleged journalist was in the room when the 'Summons' issue was raised and confirmed by the Magistrate replying 'yes'...('yes' is fairly unambiguous-Ed) not only have TBW failed to accurately report what was said in the hearing by omitting the single most crucial fact, they've then failed to retrospectively acknowledge how this 'yes' confirms my 'claim' that I hadn't been Summonsed...(and that therefore their reportage was also inaccurate-Ed)...exactly, and they ain't gunna' acknowledge the facts because that would compromise their agenda of vilification and discrimination against me...

Whilst TBW could try and squirm away from what they reported in the first article February 4th as merely being sloppy journalism, the second effort on Friday Feb 6th shows a clear disinterest in the truth regardless of what it might be...the second article clearly demonstrates the agenda to attack me regardless of the facts...this third effort (below) has taken that vilification agenda to the point of outright slander and defamation...(aren't you the one who gets threatened with defamation, not the one whom threatens?-Ed)...mate, I ain't threatenin' no-one, it is what it is, it's deliberately erroneous and deceitful reporting designed to attack me personally...

TBW opens again with what they now know as being a proven untruth/lie/deceit/whatevs, namely my alleged "failure to appear", and not just once but twice, then have me again making a 'claim' about my "absence", and then deliberately omit the one fact that proves true my 'claims' that I wasn't Summonsed...what the Magistrate said on March 3rd confirms that it wasn't a "failure to appear" it was a 'failure to Summons'...(and that in itself is a whole other big ugly kettle of shizzle-Ed)...indeed, what's goin' on with that?...and TBW, in knowingly printing a lie that slanders, that right there is a 'defamation'...(whatta' joke-Ed)...indeed, hilariously farcical if it weren't so desperately sad for Mt Gambier...

Please also note the adjacent article re the idea of an East-West bikeway utilising the disused Rail Corridor...(where have I heard that before?-Ed)...right here in this 'ere blog...(oh yeah-Ed)...and in a completely different context, TBW has been grinding out some desperate propaganda pieces on behalf of Council re a market for the Rail Lands...I'll cover this day after tomorrow and a lovely segue into,

Tomorrow: More TBW Rot 

(Gray-Gray goes Cray-Cray?-Ed)...absolutely, tres cray-cray...only a week late, but Graham Greenwood's latest gem from last Friday 6th March...(oo I live this one, can't wait-Ed)...indeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and when I ain't covering the news, I am the news, aiiii...cheers and laters...

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