Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Post 700 Probably - Some Show Grounds Sale Stuff

Hello Norway, Malaysia, Italy, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog for what is officially roughly the 700th post in this 'ere blog...('officially roughly'?-Ed)...bit of a guesstimation because I've lost track of exact number, but a big shout-out to availees anyway...and I intend to celebrate by doing a random, rambling, rancidly angry post about stuff...and unfortunately, due to the fundamentally pro-paedophile, institutionalised corruption evident in South Australia, that's likely to be the content/subject matter/whatevs...

Housekeeping: 'cos I ain't particularly happy with the standard of 'post' I've been producing just of late, whilst dealin' with feelin' a li'l bit over it all (blog-wise)...resultantly I've tried to follow advice from some time ago to ease back a bit, do a post say every other day, or have weekends off, etc, and I've been sortta' trying to do that, but without any real success...as previously posted, putting aside the ongoing issues I have with triggering and then dwelling in chronic, cycling, massively depressive episodes by constantly trawling through this shizzle, doing the blog is often ultimately very cathartic...

Concrete Cocktail Time:...(whaaa?-Ed)...glass of water, spoonful of cement powder, and harden the shreck-up...(fair enough, but I feel that a great deal of your 'strength' as such, lies in your fathomless capacity to empathise and emote and express those things in an appropriate context/tone/whatevs-Ed)...well that's all well and groovy but I don't need to spend my mornin's sobbing into my keyboard as I did this mornin' for reading some recent reportage about the terrible Road Toll in the South-East in only the last 3 months, the suffering and tragedy and sense of pointless loss...I won't go into each case here, but please spare a moment for these families and your own...

And that was this morning, and 4/5 days ago it was a wall of child abuse stories...and even today, the Federal Royal Commission has announced that it's done investigating institutions and it's moving onto some other stuff...(other stuff? what about the bloody Lutherans?-Ed)...great bloody question...apparently, despite my and/or other parent's extensive submissions to the Commission re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up from 2002, and the complicit involvement of current Labor Premier Jay Weatherill, his predecessor Mike Rann, et al, despite that, the Commission ain't even gunna' say the word 'Lutherans', let alone investigate them at all...(what a farcical disgrace-Ed)...and all whom sail in her... 

Weird Shizzle: because all references to 'Facebook' have disappeared off my 'blog statistics page' since I was looking at them and posted about it yesterday...(nothing?-Ed)...not a one...

Show Grounds Sale: from the Mt Gambier Agricultural and Horticultural Show Society meeting Thursday February 19th 2015, as frequently promised...(but not yet delivered-Ed)...fair enough...to cover this in one post, I'll dot point it...

1) How did the MGA&HS get to the October 2014 meeting at which there was going to be a vote on the sale of a specific block (North-West corner) of the Show Grounds to ALDI Supermarkets?...this situation is totally unacceptable, eg, who valued the property at only $1.2million?...(even I know it's worth at least 4x that-Ed)...indeed, a very tidy result for ALDI, had it happened...how did Herbert Real Estate, ALDI, and the MGA&HS decide on this sale price?...the only reason that this attempted sale failed was because it was exposed via Social Media...(including on this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed, but initially and probably majoritively elsewhere... 

2) Theses issues are critical because this $1.2m sale was potentially a disastrous result for the MGA&HS and Mt Gambier in general...(indeed, and I understand why ALDI would be super-keen to jump in at that price, who wouldn't?...but why would Herbert RE and whoevs at MGA&HS put the Show Society in such a terrible position?-Ed)...indeed ya'self, and surely to be further investigated because these errors/failures/whatevs need to be defined and dealt with so that the MGA&HS is never put in such a position again...(word-up mofo-Ed)...

3) The October 2014 meeting/info session concluded with the President giving an undertaking that Members would receive further info about an upcoming meeting re any sale of any part of the Show Grounds...by the next meeting this somehow morphed back into a vote for a sale to ALDI...

4) At the meeting February 19th 2015 the ALDI presentation from Mr Nigel Uren was fairly straight forward, a power pointish run through of which site they wanted, what an ALDI building looks like inside and out, who pays for connecting utilities, employment, etc...a contradictory point I noted down, that Mr Uren stated that the vote was going to be about the MGA&HS selling specifically to ALDI, but then said that it was about doing any sale, and then he went back and forward several times...also, he said ALDI had been looking at other sites and had other options, therefore it wasn't a vote about whether ALDI was coming to Mt Gambier or not...

These things stood out to me because they seemed to be statements in response to things aired/issues raised on this 'ere blog...(whilst it's possible that there was other exposure/coverage/discussion/whatevs that ALDI were aware of but you're not-Ed)...indeed...but others at that meeting put it to me that there was some clear 'blog involvement'...regardless, these things were said, and if that ALDI info was a tad confusing, the presentation from the MGA&HS was only more so...I'm not going to go point for point about whom said what to me when..(don't have the time or space to-Ed)...indeed, but there was so much conflicting info...

I expressed my concerns about this to Committee members personally, and in writing, and politely but persistently at the February 19th meeting...(only to be remarked upon for your restraint-Ed)...indeed...I believe that a lot of this misinformation was a result of the contract/situation/whatevs that the Sub-Committee inherited off the back of the original shenanigans...(shenanigans you say?-Ed)...I say nought sir, for the reality outs itself as entirely undeniable...how the hell did the situation get to where it was in October 2014?...it very much looks like the A&HS were signed up to some sort of contract, a contract that the Sub-Committee had to try and interpret/implement/not compromise and cock-up...

5) The Sub-Committee did their presentation, and there was clearly more questions/issues unanswered/unresolved than had been, and even a couple of other people raised this in the meeting...I believe that it was these few speaking out that turned the vote so solidly to the 'No'...again, I just don't have the energy to cover all of this because there was just so much missing/conflicting info, eg, the Business Plan wasn't finished and therefore hadn't been presented to Members yet, etc...

Another unknown issue raised was the cost of joining the mains water to the site because ALDI needed fire-fighting strength pressure, etc, but this was not directly identified until after the meeting as potentially costing the A&HS some $200,000-300K...this should have been specifically identified before a vote was taken...ultimately though, enough people said 'not ever or not enough info and no where near enough cash, so no', and that was that beastly burden slain and I did take some small satisfaction from playing some small part in that...(yay-Ed)...but there was one last delightful twist in this tale...(nice-Ed)...      

After the ALDI vote was a resounding 'No', President Peter Woodruff asked if anyone present wanted to put a Motion to consider any future sale of Show Grounds land, and not one person spoke...this is critical...when offered the opportunity to raise the issue, none of the people who supported the ALDI sale wanted to put their name to considering any future sale...this was covered in The Border Watch thusly,
   "Members also did not support releasing an expression of interest to the market at this time."
No sale, not never...this should see the matter laid to rest...

That's pretty much it for now but I guarantee that there'll be more to come about this Show Grounds Sale issue in future posts because there's shenanigans afoot...(tally bally ho sir-Ed)...and coverage of what City Council does and doesn't invest in the Show Grounds, eg, the alleged '$20million Regional Recreation Centre' that Council suddenly conjured only months ago that should go on the Show Grounds site...(very bally, all tally, and like totally ho, Sir Dude-Ed)...

Shutting The Gate: before the trains have bolted is no ways to run a railways and indeed they didn't today down Adelaide way...(nice-Ed)...not if you're a passenger on Adelaide's monumentally expensive newish rail system which wasn't runnin' not nowhere's this mornin' because of an alleged computer glitch that kept the main rail yard gates (at Dry Creek) from opening and lettin 'all the li'l trains out to play, causing delays of an hour sometimes longer for rail commuters...

Buzzed By The Fuzz: yesterday just down the end of the road, and again, as odd as it seems given my current shenanigans with SAPol, I think this was just a random traffic thingy because the 4WD paddy wagon was in the process of doing a U-turn at the Gladigau/Wireless Rd intersection when I got there to the stop sign on my way to the laundromat...the driver, the elder of the two who pulled me over 3 weeks ago, looked at me and I at he 'cos he was stopped half across the corner, so I was stuck 'cos I couldn't see past him down the road to my right...I edged forward and onto Wireless Rd and the police 4WD pulled round, but then followed me...(followed you?-Ed)...all the way along to the laundromat, about 500m...

I was just thinkin' to myself...'here we go again, I'm about to indicate I'm pulling over at the laundromat, just as the fuzz flash me their very arresting lights, exactly the same as 3 weeks ago'...and I did indicate and turn into the carpark, but he went up to the intersection, hung a right up Penola Rd, went 100m to the first turn, did another U-turn, came back and went left back onto Wireless Rd and stopped opposite the laundromat, sat there for 30-40 seconds, and then took of East in a leavingly direction...(and you think that was not at all suss?...2 u-turns, follow you, go up the road, turn around, come back and sit right there...and that's not suss?-Ed)...well, when you put it like that...

Just Sayin': that if anything even remotely like this does happen I'm slammin' it down post style...but pullin' stumps here today and,

Tomorrow: My Latest and First Court Appearance

(Only you could have a 'latest' that's also the 'first'...one assumes that that's referring to the lack of Summons supplied by SAPol re the hearing February 3rd 2015, and the subsequent hearing  of March 3rd-Ed)...indeed, and of course there's the wonderful work from TBW, again, failing nay refusing to report the truth because it just doesn't suit their 'get Nick Fletcher' agenda...and of course there's still the latest classic from Graham Greenwood to evisceratingly excoriate...so much ridicule to hurl, so little time...

 I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...     

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