Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Some Self Justification For The Good Of Humanity, Sort Of

Hello and welcome to the 'all-the-same' The Mount Gambier Independent...I was goin' to go with something 'all-new', but apparently I'm not capable of change...(who said that?-Ed)...no-one, it's just the way it appears it is...therefore I have decided that my li'l sortta' break I've been having for a few months...(breakdown more like it-Ed)...many a true word Ed, many a true word...(spoken in jest? fair enough-Ed)...well that break is now over, and we (that's you and I dear availee) are going back to a full-time blog with posts every day...(alright!-Ed)...is that sarcasm?...(no no, I just reckon that it's the right thing to do-Ed)...fair enough...

I acknowledge that I've been saying much the same thing for several months now, but in my own defense, it's not like the blog is the only thing I've got goin' on, and yet somewhat ironically, so much of what's goin' on is related directly to this 'ere blog...(which itself is a creation spawned from the shizzle that you've been goin' through, where that shizzle was other people's to deal with and they refused to and hence dumped it all onto you, and then of course blame and attack you when ya' actually try to do something about it, and despite the fact that you've always done that calmly and respectfully, etc, etc, then they blame you for the way they attack you...geez, no wonder you're so angry-Ed)...and trying to turn that anger to a positive outcome not just for the sake of my health...(but for the good of humanity?-Ed)...well, sort of, but mostly just because...just because it's there to be done...  

Its kinda' hard to explain, but yesterday I didn't do a post and didn't feel at all bad about it, so as far as I'm concerned, now's the time to re-commit, re-focus, and re-iterate and fulfil my previous promises to continue and even expand TMGI...this also conveniently allows me to draw a line under all the issues that I've promised to cover and then forgotten/failed to do so...(dude! and ya' can't get through a post without randomly changing the subject to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yeah, not sorry 'bout that...(fair enough-Ed)...'cos the St Martins Cover-up ain't nuthin' but The Thang...(indeed, The Thang that brings us all here today-Ed)...absolutely...

I am not a politician or an anti-corruption campaigner or a lawyer or a journalist or an accountant or a media-monitor or not nuthin'...I have no formal qualifications in anything and little if any training in anything else...for the greater part of my life I didn't give/haven't given a stuff about anything much, certainly not politics/activism/etc...(weren't you a member of Greenpeace back in the day?-Ed)...orrr yeah, sort of, but even that was a only attending a few marches, etc, nuthin' even close to what I'm doin' now, albeit doing now as a matter of necessity...(yeah, and what is it exactly that you're doin' now?-Ed)...great question...

I am just a parent doing what I'm sure any parent would do when they find themselves parent of a child whom was in a class of grade 2, 7 year old kids whom were systematically groomed and abused by their teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002, only to then have the Lutherans, SAPol (the police), state Premiers Rann and Weatherill and their wholly corrupt Labor Party, the equally corrupt Liberal Party, ahh heck, the entire South Australian Parliament, the Judiciary, alleged Child Protection Services, etc, etc, etc, by their actions and/or inaction, act so as to cover-up those abuses...(oh, one of those parents-Ed)...

And the media are absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, particularly the ABC, The Border Watch, and The Advertiser...the Sow Strayan media are nearly as pathetic and self-serving as the Canberra press-pack and entirely subservient to the paedophiles that clearly run South Australia...everyone me included uncomfortably accepts that there will always be paedophilia in society because that's just what we are, semi-insane, self-realised, self-aware, mutant apes with no real self-control, but I'll be shrecked if I'll live in a state that is run by child-abusers and their supporters...and that's clearly where we are now, living in SA, a state run by paedophiles for paedophiles...

It is my personal experience that every highly-paid professional in SA operates in the paradigm that you just ignore this pro-paedophile reality and go about your life, your career, etc, getting what you can for yourself and hopefully you never have to deal with any of this institutionalised paedophilia stuff...(yeah, 'cos that's a real career-killer that one, taking on the paedophiles who run SA-Ed)...indeed, and what a searing indictment of the reality of what we are in SA, spineless cowards who willingly subjugate ourselves to the rule of paedophiles, and so obviously to the detriment of our children and our society in general...

And now new rules from Labor to dump juveniles into the adult Court system, at the same time they are axing plans for a new Courts building and closing Courthouses around Adelaide...(along with hospital/ER closures-Ed)...indeed, and this change to the Courts obviously places vulnerable young people at great risk, but that's ok because that's what we do in SA, make our children vulnerable and then prey on them...I note that the entirely corrupted pro-paedophile 'system' constantly ignores/attacks the victims of high-level abuse and protects the perpetrators, for example, the St Martins case or the current local case I can't directly identify because the (schoolchild) victim is the one being harassed and intimidated by SAPol, etc, whilst the paedophile teacher remains untouched...(what a disgrace South Australia is-Ed)...indeed...think I'm just gunna' randomly change subject now...

Jazz Stuff: is popular in Mt Gambier at the moment...(and why not, said as a statement of fact-Ed)...indeed, why not, it's potentially a great thing for Mt Gambier...(potentially?-Ed)...exactly, potentially...unfortunately there's a raft of shonky half-wits involved and as their collective greed and incompetence have thus far proven so drastically damaging for Mt Gambier, so corruptly costly, that it'd be a small miracle if they don't root this up as well...(fair enough-Ed)...I mean, for gourd sake, look at the city, what a retrograde mess...

This is what can go horribly wrong when corrupt people start making promises about 'whatever you want mate', and 'nuthin''s too difficult', etc...(sounds like mouths are writing cheques that the chequebook isn't even being told about-Ed)...well quite...and so's when I hear Mr Morrison proudly stating that he's always been told by Mt Gambier officials 'whatevs you want, whenevs, no probs maaate', it immediately gives me cause for concern about just exactly whom has promised exactly what...(and at what cost to Mt Gambier Ratepayers?-Ed)...exactly, Ratepayers have been shoved out of their own Town Hall without any consultation, etc, and are financially supporting the Academy 'cos Ratepayers pay for the maintenance/running costs of that entire 'precinct', being the Old Town Hall, the Institute, and the farcical Main Corner thingy...

(At least it could be argued that at least Ratepayers get some return for their investment re the Jazz Academy 'cos of the exposure for Mt Gambier re tourism, etc, some income via the students, etc, etc, where-as the Main Corner is just a $600,000+ burden for Ratepayers, with any income largely going to the private business that has the very cheap lease-Ed)...good points Ed, and you're right re our 'off-post' chat earlier, it is important to keep a firm distance between what has proceeded the Academy, Council's decisions re that site, etc, etc, and the positives of the Academy...which brings me back to these concerns...  

In my reality, Mr Morrison/the Jazz Academy have already been 1) stiffed $750,000 of promised funding, and 2) royally rooted around with their student housing...I maintain that, at the original October 2014 Adelaide press conference/launch of the Jazz Academy, Premier Jay Weatherill stated that there was "$750,000" for works to re-fit the Old Town Hall building, etc, and then, alleged Minister for the Regions (whatevs?) Geoff Brock, he stepped up and clearly said, 'and I'm chuckin' in another $500,000 from the RDA (Regional Development Australia)'...he clearly stated "another $500,000" as in extra, not as in 'and part of that $750,000 is made up of $500k from the RDA', or 'including from RDA', or whatevs...which gives us a grand total I'd reckon of $1.25m...(are you sure? 'cos all the recent reportage keeps stating/identifying only $500k-Ed)...my point exactly...

Yes I'm sure it was a like totes of $1.25m because I remember spitting chips about the Forestry Sale stuff...(wood chips?-Ed)...indeed, when our charming former (then still) Mayor Steve Perryman, when he took to the microphone and grinningly stated to Jay Weatherill. 'you promised to help the South East after the Forestry Sell-off, and with this money you've made good that promise'...(how the hell does $1.25m compensate for selling-off a multi-billion dollar industry/resource that is/was the cornerstone of the whole SE economy?-ED)...well it doesn't, obviously, not even close, and that's my point...I remember thinking exactly that, 'how does $1.25m make-up for the $billions lost? you idiot'...

There was clearly stated a total of $1.25m of state government funding for the Academy and that has dropped suddenly to only $500,000...and then there's the stuffing-about with the student accommodation that had students reportedly supposedly moving into brand new homes in one estate that would be furnished from local stores, etc, but those homes were/are actually public housing, and so then when that inevitably went pear-shaped, it was reported that Mrs Morrison was left to rush about and re-organise that accommodation and those students are now in various homes/houses around town...

Please note that I don't just lash-out randomly at people/authorities/whatevs, or at least I try very hard not to, and I offer as example 1) the rank corruption of the Main Corner Commercial Kitchen Lease that gives the leasee effective control of the entire Main Corner/Town Hall/Institute complex...(all of which is supposedly publicly owned and definitely publicly funded-Ed)...indeed...well just maybe the people running that now have absolutely no idea of the rank corruption/nepotism/whatevs that define the entire Main Corner project, not least of all how it is they came to be running it...they may just be genuinely hard-working, motivated people whom are completely unawares of the corruption that sees them possess an un-challengable perpetual lease for the Ratepayer subsidised facility...

Please further note that 2) I haven't named the realtor whose very large 'For Lease' sign was out the front of those public homes that were stated as being for Academy students, because for all I know they knew nothing about the specifics and were unwittingly caught in the middle of what looks exactly like the usual dodgy Council shenanigans...the realtors have been identified to me as the people whom 'stuffed that up', but there was no specific proof provided...(but how was there a large 'For Lease' sign out front of those homes if they were/are public housing?-Ed)...dunno, dunno, sorry...so many questions and so few actual answers...

Gourd Help Us: to get over watching that chronic betrayer former Liberal leader and now Labor Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith mouthing-off about 'the Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize' or some such bullshit, about sending '22 of our young people' to Gallipoli for the ANZAC stuff coming up in April...1) absolutely hilarious to hear Marty the Turn-Coat Moose dribbling on about 'loyalty' and 'comradeship', etc, etc, having so thoroughly betrayed his Party and the people of his electorate and the people of SA, and 2) we are the Child-Abuse State, so I always find it so very amusing to hear these pricks talk about the great work they're doing for the kiddies...(and that 'so very amusing' is said in the most furious and vengefully sarcastic tone, yeah?-Ed)...indeed...

And good ol' Back-Stabbin' Marty, just another wholly corrupted public official to whom I've personally explained the St Martins Cover-up case, only to have them turn away and either ignore or even defend that Cover-up...(and wasn't he Liberal leader at that time, when you spoke to him in the then Library carpark, when he was in the company of Member for MacKillop, Mitch Williams?-Ed)...yep, to the pair of them, and then nuthin', absolutely nuthin'...

Good Bad News: about a fire yesterday (Sunday) morning at Whiteheads Timber Sales here in Lé Mount de Gambierré sur le Coté de Many Colours...(whaaa?-Ed)...sorry, just bein' stupid...(well can I just say you're very good at it-Ed)...well I've never known you to 'just say' anything, but ta'...(and the news?-Ed)...oh, yeah, $200,000 damage but the business was more or less saved...so, real bad news about the fire, but hopefully increasingly good news about the saving of the main infrastructure and therefore hopefully the future of the business, etc... 

Tomorrow: Rail Lands Stuff

I know I keep promising this Rail Lands Retail Agenda stuff but I've already established the reality/veracity of the RLRA,  and the stuff that Council is spewing out at the moment is largely in complete self-contradiction, so's there's no real sense of rush, but come tomorrow, look out...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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