Sunday, March 29, 2015

Post Post Haste: Men-0 Mice-Everywhere

Profusest apologies one and all for non-postage across the weekend, and tonight's very quick (post haste) effort's not gunna' be much better (than none at all) 'cos I am Knackered with, as you can see, a capital K...been unwell for a week and then got a new desk and then there was/is a mini-mouse plague in my house...I was just crackin' wise the other day about the best laid plans of mice and men, yeah? well careful what ya' wish for...(now, when you say "a mini mouse plague", does that mean, 1) a plague of miniature mouses/meeses/mice, or 2) a plague of copyright acknowledged Mini Mouses as per Uncle Walt (Disney), or, as I suspect, 3) that it was a small/mini plague of normal sized meeses-Ed) suspect correctly...

And I will have a whinge thanks about being so crook I literally couldn't move...some fluey thing that really 'got into me' as it were, really sore joints, aching all over, either lying down or standing up...I really wasn't that crook overall, just hurt like 17 bastards...I believe this is in part the (possible) rheumatic-backlash that is the result of my having all that lovely Chemo a decade ago...I can't say for sure, nuthin' to compare it to really, but I understand some of the more toxic chemicals can 'residue' in your joints, etc, and then manifests later as rheumatic pain...and then that combined with a few months of poor diet and sleep patterns, etc...(I told ya', didn't I? I said, look after ya'self a bit better-Ed)...and you're not the only one...cheers...anyhoos, I haven't, and I've paid for it and no excuses but an explanation of sorts...

(Was it the Agoraphobia stuff at all? or the Depression stuff? just not eating propers?-Ed)...oh it ebbs and flows and often overlaps, but certainly and obviously, physical pain/unwellness/whatevs can impact on state of mind, and/or depressive states can affect diet/fitness/etc, and these all interweave, affecting each other...must admit, have been struggling for a few months and not eating propers, etc, and eventually it will take it's toll...

Then I was given a proper second-hand desk, which forced moving of piles of paperwork, etc, off the 2 small card-table style thingies I've been using for the last 2 years...crap everywhere, but at least I've a real desk in place now and am happily clacking away on it...(yay-Ed)...and that was today gone and a fair chunka' tomorro' too I'd wager, lookin' at this bloody mess...and then yesterday was the plague-petit de meeses...happily discovered Zantar the Wonderhound's dry food scattered about the laundry amid a healthy amount of mouse crap and spent 3 hours vacuuming and then re-bagging due to the mouse-head sized holes in the 3 large thick plastic bags...3 hours cleaning all that up and then realised that I had to 'address' the root cause of the problem...(so?-Ed)...

So I put out 2 traps and within an hour had scored 4 poor mices and bugger just remembered that I forgot to reset them traps and I'll just go do that......and I'm back...don't really enjoy this traps stuff...(you bloody ol' hippy-Ed)...I know...but anyhoos, there's my last week all but gone and much of it lost to laying about feeling sorry for myself...which brings me to this...   

I've been advised, again, that I shouldn't expose my weaknesses/sufferin's/whatevs, but it's a big part of doing this 'ere blog that I, 1) choose to do this to help myself address many of the issues covered in this 'ere blog, my own Mental Health issues included obviously, and 2) because I have no choice but to address the malicious and often deliberately erroneous public discourse about my Mental Health and who I am and what I do and how I conduct myself, etc, my credit I have twice this year had people state to me that I'm the calmest most peaceful, gentle person they've ever met...(for a large angry hippy-Ed)...and that's my response, I'm a very angry person who is trying to deal with it all in a relatively peaceful and appropriate way, because that's who I am...

It also serves to offer up the realities of what it costs me personally/physically/mentally/whatevs, and take from that what you will...if people whom dislike me take pleasure in that, whatevs, I ain't having some sort of taxpayer-funded holiday, I'm fighting back, clawing my way back after a series of deeply distressing events/issues, many of them ongoing, and doing that fighting/clawing with the relative support of the Disability Support Pension and Pubic Housing (Housing SA/Housing Trust), albeit 'support' that hovers right on the poverty line (for Australia)...(right on it?-ed)...right on it...

So, if I own my failings/weaknesses/whatevs and then dismantle the realities and stigmas that do inevitably result, etc, it addresses most if not all of the scuttlebutt being spewed about town to discredit me and by association my opinions and by extension this 'ere blog...and that strong foundation allows me to hurl back the odd piece of mild gloatage, but still discuss with balance and authority what effect I consider that this ' ere blog is having, eg, Council suddenly reversing their ludicrous 'No Recording of Council Meetings' legislation, introduced only in November 2014...I am unawares of any airing of this issue that wasn't me and/or this 'ere blog...more on this laters...

I refer as example to the extraordinary recent efforts by The Border Watch newspaper re my alleged charges and associated Court appearance, etc, where they (TBW) are clearly demonstrating a desire to maintain a dialogue about how I'm a bad person and I'm the problem, etc, by knowingly failing to report the truth re those bizarre Court proceedings, even after said truth was established in the Court, with the TBW 'reporter' sitting right there..(whatta' joke-Ed)...absolutely...the truth be hanged, agenda reigns supreme...but by the Laws of Beautiful Irony, by their (TBW's) actions, all they've done is make themselves, the Court, and SAPol (police) look like idiots, and given me and this 'ere blog massive credibility...

Pulling Out All The Stops:...(Can I just say though, before we go, how truly pleased I was to see our very Catholic PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott engaging in debate in the Federal Parliament on the contentious issues of contraception, planned parenting, abortion, and population control-Ed)...what are you on about?...(although I was a bit taken aback with his rather brazen declaration on the floor of the parliament-Ed)'ve completely lost me...(you know, when he proudly stated his preference for and utilisation of the Catholic contraception method-Ed)...sorry, no idea...(you know, you've seen it, that footage of him at the Dispatch Box/microphone thingy, waving his arms about, grinning inanely-Ed)'ll have to narrow it down a bit..(fair was just recently, and he was waving, smiling and loudly declaring,
      "I withdraw...I withdraw...I withdraw Madam Speaker...I withdraw..."-Ed)

But what's even more hilarious, is that that footage, of PM Abbott grinning, gesticulating, and "I withdraw"ing repeatedly, that was in response to Labor's immediate protestations re PM Abbott's comment comparing some Labor stooge to the Nazi, Herman Goering (*April 2nd 2015-apologies, it was 'Goebbels', not 'Goering')...and availees please do go Interwebbing to find footage of this from just last week, and check-out the disingenuous smirk and the arrogance and the pantomime carry-on...what a disgraceful embarrassment...(he looked like one of those car-yard inflatable blower-people who bob and weave and wave their arms of those crossed with a table-tennis ball addicted sideshow clown-head-Ed)...that sir, is exactly what he looked like...

And SNAP!: scrap another mouse for all through the house not a creature was stirring but the air was whirring with the clappy snappin' of a freshly set trap...(well, nuthin' stirrin' 'cept a hippy going to reap the dreadful harvest-Ed)...poor mouses...and that was all of 10 minutes, yeah? since I set that..(not even 10...I'd suggest this suggests further rodentation to be addressed-Ed)...indeed, back in another 5......and done again...

Just in closing, saw a bit of a doco about seabirds that tied in with a long piece on the ABC/BBC Radio re habitat destruction, eg, swamp drainage, and how that sort of development/destruction can (and does) fatally interfere with migratory bird species whom may fly 1,000kms only to find that last season's food source is now a carpark or such, and therefore cannot re-fuel and therefore perish further along their route...there was some stuff about an Irish Tern of some description that Winters on cliff faces in Southern Africa or somewheres, building up their reserves on the abundant and massive sardine shoals, before returning North to nest on the Irish West Coast beaches because the cliffs are just too precarious...they go back to Ireland to breed with security and surety, to be shorebirds, to be shorebirds...(that is just atrocious-Ed)...ta'...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands, I Hope.

(And good luck with that-Ed)...fair enough...and deadset, I just kicked the power cord out and lost half the post and have just re-done it, including this's been a very long day and I'd forgotten that I had to shift where the cord sits when I moved the desk, etc, and pop! it's gone...(yay-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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