Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Kelp Me, Kelp Me Now!

Hello and welcome to the blog...**apologies for 2 missed days therefore some sync problems in this post written across 3 days...Council meeting last evening and I nearly forgot to go, but all the usual hilarity, eg, mysteriously reversing their November 2014 decision to ban electronic recording of Council tomorrow, probably**...a bittuva' stop-gap, cut-and-paste, revisionary post dealing with stuff both old and new...and as always it's constructed under a blizzard of Child Abuse stories in the media re the Royal Commission, the charging of Adelaide Catholic Arch-Bishop Phillip Wilson by New South Wales police, etc...

That title is what I think it would sound like if the valuable marine ecosystem around Beachport/Kingston ways had a ways of/a means by to which be/a voice/whatevs for expressing their collective concerns re this latest assault on them, them being our environment...(you've lost me already-Ed)...please, then let me explain...(no no, I understand, I just don't care, I'm outta' here-Ed)...oh hilarious...(yeah, you lost me at hello-Ed)...and like you haven't used that joke like 5 times in the last 5 minutes...(or at least once just then-Ed)...........(hello?-Ed).........

Anyhoos, the title refers of course to the plans to "harvest kelp" from the area by a Chinese company for the Chinese market and the state/Labor support for 'industrialising this resource'...(still don't understand the title and/or care-Ed)...well, if the ecosystems/environment around Beachport/whatevs were capable of 1) being aware of what was headed their way via this 'industrialised harveting', and then 2) of saying, 'hang on that looks like trouble, will someone please help us to be stoppin' this, please', then they probably would be speaking out...(fair enough-Ed)...

And having found their voice, it is to everyone's immense surprise, not least their own, that they sound exactly like gospel/blues/soul/all round legend James Brown...(oh dear, wow, that's a very long-winded lead into a very average joke-Ed)...yes, but it is also a very effective illustrator for defining the reality that if the environment has any voice it is a human one, it needs to be a human one, and one that's shouting passionately...whilst wearing a cape...(so why not James Brown-Ed)...exactly, or failing that, me...(and of course 'the Redmans' of Southport-Ed)...absolutely, good point, and hopefully we all are soon to be found amongst many others...(owww I feel good-Ed)...just like I knew that you would now...

In a recent previous post/s I have cut crook about the looming environmental threat/disaster that 'seaweed harvesting' presents to the invaluable ecosystems that it is both 1) a critical part of, and 2) a critical creator of...that is, 1) live seaweeds provide shelter, safety, food, etc, for marine creatures, and 2) the banks of drift-weed washed-up along the coastline is itself awash with invertebrates, etc, that provide food for birds, fish, etc, indeed all the nutrients and other food sources/bugs/whatevs are a critical part of that food chain...(weren't you just goin' to defer to that letter below?-Ed)...ah indeed, I happily defer to the letter attached below...please availees to be reading and meet you back 'ere shortly.......

....and I concur...I don't know whom these people are what done writ this, but being from Southport there's a goodly chance they are fisher-persons, or were, whatevs, and what they say is 100% correct, even if I'd have personally gone a bit harder about the realities of 'harvesting kelp', particularly highlighting the difference between this and 'collecting' off the happily deferring to the attached letter I can only apologise that I've not been as thorough in explaining/posting the multiplier effects of removing any weed, dead or alive...this letter makes-up for my failures...(yay-Ed)...yay... 

Don't care who's doing it, we must say 'No' to "harvesting kelp" being the removal of any live seaweeds, and there must be proper acknowledgement, recording, monitoring, etc, etc, of the very valuable 'resource' that that seaweed is when left lying exactly where it washes up...(aren't these areas now in Labor's much celebrated, by them, Marine Parks plan thingy and therefore protected from such 'índustrialisation'?-Ed)...dunno', but I'm gunna' go not really that far out on the Limb of Personal Experience and have a wild guess and suggest that those areas most suitable for "harvesting kelp" coincidentally lie outside defined Marine Parks, and/or there are vague provisions that allow the government to just over-ride whatevs legislation if it suits them...(and this project does, suit them that is?-Ed)...exactly...

The Rail Lands stuff is old news on this 'ere blog...I have frequently identified and addressed the various issues at play, and I have called it Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(please insert fanfare here)...and it is my squishy, and I love it...the RLRA refers to the undeniable Mt Gambier City Council agenda/plans for expanding the Lakes/Centro/Whatevs Plaza across the Rail Lands site, an agenda/plan resplendent in a field of Council lies, as assisted by the The Border Watch, whom are perfectly aware of the RLRA but refuse to acknowledge it, etc, etc...sorry, but this gets bumped to tomorrow as being something that 1) ain't goin' nowhere fast, and 2) ain't gunna' get fixed anyways, the damage is largely done...

Great News: because I'm confident the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is about to be resolved...(really? what's happened? has teacher Glyn Dorling been charged with the gross abuses he committed against 7 year old, grade 2 students whilst their teacher at St Martins in 2002?-Ed)...well no, but...(has the entirely complicit South Australian media decided to grow some moral fibre in the shape of a pair of testicles and report the realities of the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...nope, but very nicely put...(ta', I'd like to think it's just the right fusion of rabid contempt, seething fury, and all-encompassing gender-based abuse-Ed)'s hilarious yes, but look, slow down, maybe I've jumped the gun a bit on that 'it's resolved'...perhaps what I should have said was, 'I'm sure that something will happen now to resolve the St Martins/Lutherans case now that one of my SAPol (police) besties, Grant Stevens, well now that he's the new SAPol Commissioner'...that's what I should've said...(well how the hell is that gunna' help?-Ed)...

(Didn't you post previously that you spoke to him when he was head honcho at the Paedophile Taskforce, as per his glowing CV in today's** The Advertiser newspaper, namely 'Grant was the head of the SAPol Paedophile TaskForce back in 2004'...and it was in that capacity and at that time that you spoke to him over the phone (twice) and he indicated that he'd been 'told to drop it (St Martins)' by his superiors? is it that Grant Stevens?-Ed)...well yes it is he as you noted, and yes I did talk to him in 2004 and he did say 'nuh, not allowed to', but I just thought that now he's the boss...(you thought what? that because he's Commissioner now and he knows all about the St Martins/Dorling Cover-up, that he's suddenly going to turn around and resolve the St Martins case?-Ed)...

Well I thought, maybe...(maybe nuthin'...he's where he is because he's demonstrated the ability to look the other way when necessary, eg, when you're head of the Paedophile Taskforce but you refuse to do anything about St Martins-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, sorry, I was just trying to be optimistic, ya' know?...(I know mate, I know...nobody blames you...tell you what, let's pretend that this whole bit about GS is just yet another one of your hilariously scything, politically insightful, sarcastically satirical pieces of observationing, not a naive insanity flying in the face of reality, and just move on-Ed)...okay, but do you think we'll get away with that?...(probably not-Ed)...

The Serious Paragraph: about this stuff is redundant because I've covered all of the critical issues above...

Tomorrow: The Latest Rail Lands

(Osbc-Ed)...oh, you've seen this stuff already then, yeah?...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...I'll take that as a yes then...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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