Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Post 701 - You Win Summons Some You Don't

Hello Vietnam, Indonesia, France, and Macau and welcome to the blog...and when I'm not getting 'fuzz-buzzed' in my own street, I like to relax with a 90 second Court appearance, which is why I always use 'Being Summonsed' as my legal notification of choice...'Being Summonsed', it lets you get to the Court on time...(but I thought you found out about this hearing on February 3rd 2015 via that font of public integrity, The Border Watch newspaper, the day after the original hearing? indeed you found out about both hearings via TBW-Ed)...indeed...

I won't have to explain to regular availees what dis-ease I have every right to experience re having anything to do with SAPol (South Australian police) given the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the massively complicit role that SAPol has played in protecting "text-book grooming paedophile"* teacher Glyn Dorling...(and by extension, protecting the Lutherans themselves, and beyond that, protecting the sad sick pro-paedophile state that is good ol' Sow Straya-Ed)...well I fail to see the differentiation between SA, the Lutherans, and institutionalised paedophilia, indeed, I think we've very much put the cart before the horse in stating that it was Dorling being protected, because the massive pro-paedophile corruption of SA has clearly dictated that this cover-up must happen, regardless of whom the perpetrator was...      

(*I use this phrase often because it's how Flinders Child Protection Services described Glyn Dorling to me after interviewing some of the kids and their parents, interviews that us parents had to organise, as conducted at the dedicated interview suite at the Mt Gambier Hospital (June-August 2002)...FCPS stated that the length, breadth, and very specific nature of Dorling's grooming behaviours indicated that he had highly likely researched the psychological, emotional, and physical manipulations/abuses that he committed against our children...FCPS also stated that they were "concerned at how well he's placed himself within the system" to abuse children, namely, "the Teachers Union rep in a privately run religious school in a country town"...I'll never forget that crushing reality that there are good places for paedophiles to hide in the Education System in SA)

And completely complicit in this cover-up are SAPol, whom flatly refused to investigate in any way what-so-ever and dumped the case (July 2002) without even interviewing Dorling, only weeks after the Lutherans removed him from St Martins (June 2002)...and then they turned like rabid dogs on us parents, repeatedly blaming and harassing and abusing us...(sorry, but we've been through a lot of this in this 'ere blog already and I thought this post was going to be about your Court appearance the other day, actually Tuesday eight days ago now-Ed)...fair enough, and it is, but I'm just setting the tone for new availees re why it would be reasonable to say that I'm probably not one of SAPol's favourite people in Mt Gambier...(ah yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

And what does it say and about whom does it say it when a parent tries all appropriate avenues to address the gross and systemic abuses committed against their child's entire class of 7 year old children, and for that endeavour that parent has summoned the displeasure of official authorities and comes to be in direct conflict with their police force...(would that parent be you by any chance?-Ed)...indeed, and having established the broader parameters of that 'conflict' I feel it is appropriate to then express my concerns about having anything to do with SAPol...(again, fair enough-Ed)...

So y'all 'll appreciate my dis-ease when SAPol raided my home on May 8th 2014 and seized my laptop as an 'Exhibit', and it's all about something apparently undefinable I've allegedly said on this 'ere blog somewhere about a government authority I'm reduced to referring to as 'Club GoGo Bananas' and/or the 'Banana Lord'...and then they turn around and say 'our peeps have been a' peepin' at this 'ere blog, and despite all ya' scribble 'bout the shizzle that's drippin' and seepin' and all the rortin' and stealin', well we're goin' right past all that to come get you'...(ah, what it is to be special-Ed)...indeed...

And so I have no problems with being totally paranoid about how I may next encounter SAPol...(yeah, but it'd still have been nice to have been invited to your own Court hearing February 3rd by having a Summons delivered so's that you actually know the hearing is actually on-Ed)...indeed, that's a SAPol visit you don't mind so much...unless of course it's some bizarre shizzle like went down on my doorstep February 13th when a SAPol officer appeared at my home to deliver the same original 'Complaint and Summons' with 'Apprehension Report' attached, that I'd received the day before via my legal advice after they phoned Mt Gambier SAPol to ask for's he rocks up to my home the next day to 'serve' me that exact document (CS&AR), but then appears to try to snatch my documents out of my hands...(did I mention special?-Ed)...

(Just so's I've got this straight-Ed)...sure...(you were raided by SAPol in May 2014, on behalf of the Director Public Prosecutions, and told repeatedly by the 2 Anti-Corruption detectives "expect to be charged" for talking about the Banana Lord/Club GoGo Bananas, but then didn't hear a thing until the day after your first 'hearing' on February 3rd 2015?-Ed)...well apart from a couple of vague answers to the emails/letters that my legal advice sent, and that was August 2014, and since then, yeah, not one thing...(so nothing until someone told you during a phone call Wednesday 4th February?-Ed)...yep, told me that I was in The Border Watch paper on page 2 with a photo re my failure to attend Court the day before...(wow-Ed)...

(So nothing at all?-Ed)...nope...(why weren't you Summonsed by SAPol?-Ed)...dunno'...(aren't they meant to Summons you? how else are you meant to know there's a hearing if they don't tell you?-Ed)...don't ask me, all I know is that when I was served at my home by a SAPol officer on the Thursday evening February 5th it was the original Complaint and Summons with the new one page Summons attached...(hang on, Thursday evening? the 5th of February? I thought you said you were served on Friday 13th-Ed)...both...(I'm getting a headache-Ed)...let me...(please-Ed)...

My home was raided by SAPol in May 2014, and eventually there was a Court hearing re my alleged charges on Tuesday 3rd February 2015, but I didn't attend because I wasn't Summonsed by SAPol and only found out the next day via TBW...(ok-Ed)...and that hearing generated a new Summons that I was served by SAPol on the evening of Thursday February 5th, with the original Complaint and Summons (dated January 7th 2015) that was meant to be served to me so I would attend on February 3rd...(but you weren't served so how could you know? you didn't 'didn't go', you didn't know...and then a SAPol officer lobs at your's Thursday to deliver the 'new' summons?-Ed)...exactly...

And then I went to my legal advice on Thursday 12th and they contacted SAPol Mt Gambier who faxed through the original Complaint and Summons, without the new Summons attached, and a copy of the Apprehension Report...and then the next day Friday 13th another SAPol officer came to my home 'round 0900hrs and tried to serve me this exact document, and I know that because we thumbed through it, it was the CS&AR document from the day before...(and then, on your front step, he tried to take your documents out of your hand to the degree that you had your back half-turned physically blocking him and he was only inches away?-Ed)... you tell it as though you were there Ed...

And then that li'l episode concluded with the officer abusing me, saying 'well if you refuse to be served' and storming-off up the driveway, leaving me standing in my front yard calling out 'where are you going' as he again said 'you refused to be served' whilst brandishing the CS&AR like a sword, and got in his car and left...(wow-Ed) the real Universe, it's the perp what legs it whilst the cop goes "bang! bang! bang! stop or I'll shoot"...(hilarious-Ed)...but in the World According To Fletch, it's the blaggard in 'ís own front yard yelling after a departing  police car...(so, so bizarre-Ed)...I know, right? you couldn't make this shizzle up...

Which gets us to the actual hearing of Tuesday 3rd March, all 90 seconds of it...I'd barely got to the masking tape 'X' on the floor where us plebs and blaggards stand when getting our just desserts for being, well, plebs and blaggards, when my legal rep stated that 'Mr Fletcher wasn't Summonsed to the first hearing (February 3rd)', and the Magistrate just said, 'Yes, and a second Summons was issued and you're here now and what do you want?' which my rep replied 'an adjournment', and the Magistrate said 'yep, April whatevs'...and that was it...90 seconds dripping wet, maybe not even that...(again, wow-Ed)...

It was all over so fast that I was still literally arranging myself on my 'X', swapping sunglasses from head to hand, straightening papers, etc, and wham! blink and you almost miss it...the critical point is obviously that the Court acknowledged that I hadn't been served the original Summons for the original hearing...this is huge...(can't you be arrested via a Warrant for not showing-up to Court?-Ed)...well yes there's that, but it's the actual admission, however brief, that I wasn't served...why not? is a question that SAPol will be answering at some stage in the near future...they could find me just fine when they want to raid me, but in a month couldn't find me to serve me...bollocks...and this also raises the issue of this 'non-serving' being discussed and resolved, or not, at the February hearing...

(Well it can't have been discussed let alone resolved because TBW were apparently there and reported that you'd 'failed to attend'-Ed)...exactly...and that my friend is where we'll finish today because tomorrow I'm going to cover the TBW coverage of these events, and this as the first of a series of scythings that TBW done got cummin' for what they done do...(yeeha-Ed)...their rankly corrupted reporting of this Court stuff illustrates their corrupted agenda to get me regardless of the facts, and the crud they proliferate on behalf of Council is largely laughable propaganda barely compromised by reality ...(and then they whinge when you start a blog, unbeshreckin'lievable-Ed)...indeed...the latest TBW classics...

Tomorrow: Why Report The Truth When Agenda Will Do    

And for today's humorous content I'll defer to our illustrious leader Tony Abbott and his observation that appropriate/all funding for remote Aboriginal communities should be cut because it's not fair on all us others to support these "lifestyle choices" of the people living in these places...(you're shittin' me? he never said that?-Ed)...said it and repeatedly defended it...(wow, the Liberals just can't get enough of targeting and scapegoating the most disadvantaged and powerless can they?-Ed)...I believe the word you are looking for is 'bloody pricks'...(that's 2 words-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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