Thursday, March 5, 2015

Post 699 - Stuff From All Over The Shop

Hello Aotearoa (New Zealand), Russia, Brazil, and Japan, and welcome to the blog and today it's definitely the ALDI/Show Grounds Sale stuff...(sure, of course it is-Ed)...after just a coupla' quick points first...(imagine my surprise-ED)...fair enough...again, retrospective apologies to availees 'cos I got nearly to the end of this 'ere post, and realised, again, that I hadn't actually started the promised Show Grounds stuff...sorry...and can I just say what a stunningly beautiful day it is/was today, but we really need some rain...

The James Morrison/Uni SA Jazz Academy: opened yesterday (Tuesday 3rd March 2015) and reportedly a goodly crowd of people turned out for this grand event...(reportedly'? you didn't go?-Ed), why would I?...this is fantastic stuff for Mt Gambier, why would I lower the tone with my presence?...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...and I'll say it again, I know nothing of/about James Morrison apart from the broader media stuff and the Generations In Jazz stuff, and I hope that this course/Academy is hugely successful for Mt Gambier's sake as well as his...

My concerns remain as always that the moment you remove Mr Morrison/the Jazz Academy persons from that equation, all I see is a raft of intensely corrupt politicians and public officers/officials/whatevs who will do whatevs for their own personal gain...(and that whatevs means at least upto and including the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well quite, they've set themselves a very low bar indeed...and in that context it is with genuine best wishes for the Academy that I have genuine concerns that these same selfish clowns will root it up for everyone with their greed-fueled incompetence...

At a local level I've witnessed these clowns drive Mt Gambier into an irretrievably dire financial position with their relentless rorting of the Public Dollar with wholesale Nepotism and Insider Trading and various other rank corruptions involved, eg, altering the Minutes of Council Meetings whilst banning people from recording those meetings so they can get away with the said rank corruption of altering the Minutes...(what is that stench?-Ed)...that, sir, is the putrid stench of rotted dysfunction mired in unfettered corruption...

I complete reject the vacuous declarations as made by Premier Jay Weatherill et al that this Jazz course will be the salve for all of the South-East's economic woes...(deadset? whatta' loada' bollocks-Ed)...indeed, Ray Jay actually stated that 'this is the proudest day of my life'...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...

And I remind availees of that sickeningly sycophantic display at the official announcement press conference, held in Adelaide if you don't mind, the week before the Local Government Elections in November 2014, where the then still Mayor Steve Perryman leeringly grinned at Jay Weatherill and stated 'you said after the Forestry Sale that you'd help the South East out, and with this $1.25m for the Academy you have kept that promise'...(didn't Stevo, as Liberal candidate for the 2010 state election rail against Mike Rann/Weatherill/Labor re the whole Forestry Sale thing?-Ed)...indeed, but apparently $1.25m is a just recompense for that $1.5billion, 120 year disaster...

Not So Reportedly: because maybe, perhaps, I somehow managed to miss it, but when I happened upon a copy of today's The Advertiser, I didn't find a single mention of the Jazz I went through it twice...even now I find it so unbelievable that there would be nothing at all, that I feel I must have somehow suffered one of those infamous domestic episodes of chronic inability to actually see the thing what it is what you is lookin' for, even when it's right in front of you...(which at it's extreme leads to actually forgetting what it was you was lookin' for in the first place-Ed)...orrr, been there dude...seriously though, I am so seriously doubting this non-appearance that I'm gunna' have to re-avail myself of that edition and go through it again...

We're Going Up To The Country Edition: might be an answer...(how so?-Ed)...the Advertiser does a 'Country Edition' that often has some differing content from the 'City Edition' , remember? remember that time in November 2004 when The Advertiser ran a story in Adelaide's edition that identified lawyer Tim Bourne's appointment by the Attorney General's office to the Parole Board, and concerns raised because Timmy was a close personal friend of  and 'free legal advice to' then AG Michael Atkinson, currently Speaker of the Lower House of state parliament...and in mt Gambier's edition that story was replaced with a 'snake bites man' story...

I refer availees to Michael Atkinson's repeated, complicit and corrupt conduct as AG in helping the Lutherans cover-up the St Martins Abuse case, eg, seizing from Flinders Child Protection Service the parent's and children's private statements and handing those to the Lutheran's lawyers to edit/censor...(how corrupt is that?-Ed)...that's SA Corrupt...

(Isn't it amazing, when you scratch the surface on all this paedophile corruption that effectively runs South Australia, every time there's Michael Atkinson sittin' there like a big ol' spider makin' sure this web of paedophile corruption that defines SA remains uncompromised-Ed)...and as yet another scandal is unravelling re Child Care centres in SA, imagine my surprise that it has Michael Atkinson's former wife on many of those Boards, and his current wife Jennifer Rankine as the responsible Education Minister, although of course she's slunk-off to the back bench recently...what a corrupt puts me in mind of this well documented history/behaviour of Families SA as basically 'dial-a-child' for Adelaide's paedophiles...

(I'm concerned about this latest Gaol Expansion bollocks and the same tired ol' rhetoric from Grant District Council Mayor about 'I'll make sure that some local contractors get some of the jobs when it's built, and some more jobs once it's built'-Ed), opposition whatsoever to massive expansions with all of the horrendous social implications that has for Mt Gambier, and then 'Mumbles' Sage wants to spew out this dross about 'be grateful for the handful of jobs'...disgraceful...

Made My Blood Run Cold:...a recent conversation overheard amongst three 'elderly' men who were here in Mt Gambier apparently to visit their friend at the gaol...(but you've been repeatedly told that all offenders at Mt Gambier Gaol are sex offenders, including many paedophiles-Ed)...yes I have, and furthermore it's been reported publicly that this is done because these are 'low-security' prisoners and the specific rehabilitation courses are at this gaol, etc, etc...

I note that yesterday (*Tuesday) Labor also declared, via alleged Independent Geoff Brock, their second-latest Turncoat (Martin Hamilton-Smith being the most recent), that $360,000 of taxpayers money is going to a Chinese company for their seaweed harvesting business at Beachport...(is that the one that involves corrupt Labor stooges Rory McEwen, another alleged Independent who spent 8 years as a Labor Minister, and Grant King, infamous for many things, including the as yet un-investigated collapse of Greenphone and related missing $millions?-Ed)...well that's a question in 2 parts because 1) yes, they are both definably abjectly corrupt and/or Labor stooges, but 2) I don't know whether they are directly involved in receiving any of this funding...

Also announced, another $4m dribbled out from the farcical $27m Forestry Support Fund thingy that Labor came up with after their rank stupidity, greed, and self-interest in selling off the South East Forestry Estate...I remind availees that the majority of that 'funding' has wound-up at one company, NF McDonnell & Sons Mill...but I'm way more concerned about this language of 'harvesting' re Gather Great Ocean who are investing $500,000 in Flinders Uni seaweed research...when asked 'how big can this business get?', the response was 'huge potential but current legislation means we can only harvest from the beach, but in future...'...

I cannot support open-ocean harvesting, particularly of and/or in already highly endangered Kelp Forests that have been decimated even disappeared from areas along the South East coast of Australia...harvesting from ropes suspended in the water column could be an acceptable industrial process, but there must not be any harvesting of live wild seaweeds, most especially the endangered Kelp Forests which are themselves a critical ecosystem for healthy fish stocks, etc...

FIRB: Joe Hockey has ordered a Chinese buyer to forfeit, albeit via re-sale, the Point Piper mansion (in Sydney NSW) that said buyer has purchased apparently illegally...this is a stupidly obvious and therefore crass stunt to try and say that the Liberal Party really monitors whom owns what re Foreign Ownership, but the reality is that there's virtually no real restrictions, particularly on farmland/greenfield/whatevs purchases...

All Hail Snail Mail: and my humblest apologies that I declared my support for a proposed rise in stamp/postage prices to help Australia Post address an 'imminent critical crisis'...firstly, I concur that it's really very poor governance to allow Oz Post to get to this allegedly critical position that then demands immediate massive increases, how has that been allowed to happen?...and even if this is strictly true and not just an attempted justification, why such huge increases so quickly?...this seems to have gone very, very quickly from virtually nowhere to crisis to proposed increase to massive increase...

Secondly, I mistakenly thought I was supporting that idea of a dual system where the currently standard next-day delivery would go up to $1 per item, with the standard cost (currently 70cents, 60c for pension holders) being slowed to a 3 day me this does seem equitable...lowers costs for Oz Post, but gives customers the choice of a lower rate...must admit, I was not expecting the massive increases as announced yesterday by the federal Liberal government, increases that are clearly 'double-dipping' on this change to is not appropriate to put the standard rate up to $1 and then also drop the service back to 3 day delivery time, and then also charge a further as yet undeclared fee above the $1 to get the current 70c next-day service...(that to me sounds more like 'triple-dipping'-Ed)...well that's because you're damn right Ed, that is triple dipping...

Yes people do use emails, etc, and send a lot less paperwork via mail, but plenty still do...and yes Oz Post has costly obligations to service near and far, but this double increase would hurt businesses who still do rely on snail mail...(and a lot of volunteer organisations and sporting clubs, etc-Ed)...well certainly, and most particularly in Rural/Remote/Regional areas where post is critical...(and documents/signed letters, etc-Ed)...again yes, there are many who will be affected...wind this back to what I thought was happening, as described above, ie, $1 next day and slow the current 70c service... 

Avocca College: has been busted for receiving well over $300million in government for 32,000+ students, but with only just over 2,000 graduates, and many, many former students now have massive debts in the $10,000s but no real qualifications or genuine job prospects...this is exactly the same sort of gross manipulation and exploitation of vulnerable people by these moral-less providers as witnessed with the Job Search Provider's rorts exposed recently by the ABC Four Corners...and exactly on cue, there's Joe Hockey, Tony Abbott, et al, deliberately hammering down on the 'dole-bludgers', deliberately scapegoating the most vulnerable and powerless...absolutely disgraceful...

Just Sayin': that when I had my Court hearing yesterday (*Tuesday 3rd March) re the alleged charges of talking about a government authority allegedly doing what it's allegedly supposed to do, my legal representative, at my request, stated that 'Mr Fletcher wasn't Summonsed to the first hearing (Tuesday February 2015)', to which the Magistrate replied, 'Yes, and a new Summons was issued for today'...(oh bingo, so that confirms it then?-Ed)...well I guess so...I refer to the shenanigans of the last month, particularly the conduct of SAPol and the wholly corrupted The Border Watch newspaper...more.

Tomorrow: Lots Of Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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