Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Penis, Mightier Than The Sword

Hello Lebanon, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Italy and welcome to the blog...still trying to get to doing a post a day but them damn meeses have had their wicked way all about the spare room as well, and there's (was) half-chewed dog food and mouse pooh all through everything in the laundry...extra loads of washing, etc, etc, and much more cleaning to be done yet...(yay-Ed)...apart from that, the house is a complete mess, including 2 spare desk thingys I now don't have room for...(yay-Ed)...and whilst I'm whinging about all of that, I'd also like to acknowledge my life of extraordinary privilege witnessed by having all that stuff...

Truly though, it's already the end of another long day and blogging ain't in my heart this eve...I'll keep it real but real brief because I ain't got no humour in me tonight and none of us needs another angry St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up rant...so's I'll just mention it for good form, to maintain form, to not disappoint those whom expect me to just so predictable as indeed I just have been...(I didn't see that coming-Ed)...quite, as indeed the St Martins Cover-up has come to dominate and corrupt my life, so It is also what has ultimately driven me to this 'ere blog, and is so much a part of so much that I impart that I cannot dis-weave It from the tapestry of this narrative...nor would I even try...

(And nor should you...every day that the St Martins Cover-up remains unresolved, every day that It Is, so should It be said out loud and with passion and anger and bitter, driving resentment and brooding impending vengeance and so to the Pacifist the only right course this verbose discourse and Middle Class First World Whiteboy whinging dancing amongst the surgical scythings of the well-run pen-Ed)...albeit a keyboard, not a pen...(well yeah, obviously, that goes without saying, it just didn't suit my poetic idiom thingy I was going for there, ya know? 'the pen is mightier than the sword'? a pacifist picks up their weapon of choice, words-Ed)...     

In many previous posts I've regularly acknowledged the support of the society I live in re the Disability Support Pension and Housing Trust (Housing SA), and whilst I haven't changed my genuine position, that time has passed and I feel entitled to say, passed quite some time ago...I haven't just earned the support I receive, Ive poured myself, my heart and soul, into trying to do what I consider is right, and I have paid a great price for it...after 18 years of living in Mt Gambier I feel more distant and isolated than in 1997 when I first started coming here and used to sleep in my car at the caravan park, etc...at least at that stage I could have some sense of optimism about the future, whereas now it's just a wall of abuse and vilification and bias and corruption and deeply cynical pessimism ...(yay-Ed)...

Not quite a full Rail Lands post but here's some of the latest stuff...again I've been availing people of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda (as per previous posts) and explaining the truth about Council moving the Rail Easement and building the $650,000+ drainage pond, namely, that this is to clear the site for a massive expansion of the Lakes/Centro/whatevs Plaza, and provide a drainage option for the huge roof area because Mt Gamboer's drains just couldn't handle the extra flows...I explain the truth that all Council has done with the $4.2million spent on the site, is employ Gambier Earth Movers, who also have direct links to Council, to keep them sweet with $millions of entirely unnecessary earthworks...

If necessary I explain the many other issues involved that confirm the RLRA...for those people whom aren't immediately convinced by the explanation about moving the Easement and the pond, it usually don't take much more convincing than being presented with the completely neglected but iconic Old Rail Station and the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter fiasco, etc, and how these issues demonstrate that Council is keeping the site clear of any other real development and has no intentions what-so-ever of renovating the Old Rail Station...further proof? Council's putting toilets in the Old Signal Box but not renovating the large ones already part of the main Station building and accessible externally...that could be open all hours...(for the Bus Terminus that should be located there already?-Ed)...exactly...

Again I can only apologise for such a stunted version of this post re the RLRA, but there's just so much going on here...(particularly in the deceit department-Ed)...indeed, particularly there, so's this post will morph into a straight dot point post still to come tomorrow...for those locals whom have been sprayed with this bullshit at a constant volume from relatively close range, namely via The Border Watch and local ABC Radio, it doesn't take a lot of work to convince them they've been wholly and routinely lied to by Council, with the complicit support of TBW and the ABC...again again, the corruption and the deceits and the financial realities of what Council have done re the Rail Lands will take a full dot-point post, tomorrow...

You Put Ya' Funding In:...ya' pull ya' funding out...(you put ya' funding in and ya' shake it all about-Ed)...I've completely lost track of what Council is actually doing with their $100,000 budgeted for the 'Public Artwork' that's going on the Railway Tce/Bay Rd corner of the Rail Lands...first it was in of course, then they withdrew it...(I withdraw Madam Speaker, I withdraw-Ed)...indeed...then it seemed to be back in as part of expenditure explanations/costings, then it wasn't, and now I think it is again, back in I mean...gourd knows...what I does know is that Council has done some sort of decisionny thingy and coughed-up 3 designs for this 'art'...

Please find attached the letter by Peter Clarke from TBW Tuesday 24th March 2015 because, 1) it conveniently contains pictures of the concepts/designs/whatevs, and 2) it perfectly encapsulates what I think and a few opinions I've heard...putting aside discussions about 'what is art and what is crap?', Council has given Ratepayers the choice to choose from 3 choices chosen for them by Council, and in my personal perspective, none of them are any good, it's 'noughts', 'crosses', or 'lego land'...I agree with the idea of Option 4) None of the above, thanks very much, let's keep lookin'...

I'll just segue suddenly into the comparison with the recent letter/post re the 'kelp harvesting' at Beachport and the pleasant stream of public awareness re the environmental importance of that seaweed on the beach, let alone the stuff still all at sea, and hence public opposition...not so amusing, the info coming from a Flinders Uni Professor working with the Chinese company who recently bought the seaweed harvesting license, and his observations that 'there's a huge resource here to be utilised', and even when questioned about the food chain reliant on that weed, he babbled about appropriate monitoring, etc...(that's 2 letters in 2 weeks that agree with your thinking on these issues-Ed)...indeed, and I'd thank others to keep my opinions to themselves in future, or I'll have nuthin' for this 'ere damn blog...and back to...

(I believe that the issue of non-local talent being short-listed was addressed in the last Council meeting by former Mayor Steve Perryman with the not-at-all ridiculous observation that the Sydney Opera House wasn't designed by an Australian-Ed)...yes, comparing this to the Sydney Opera House, not at all ridiculous...(also, I think the $100k is Council's budgeted contribution and that there's also $250k attached to the 'Public Art' as part of the government funding agreement-Ed)...yeah, that's true...(but I don't know whether that funding money is committed to this project specifically or has been chewed up on that ridiculous 'activated play space utilising natural aspects'-Ed)...you mean the logs and rocks they've dumped on the site and called a playground?...(yeah, that's it-Ed)...

It's not even the Rail Lands specifically that is the issue here, it's the broader dysfunctionings of Council and this latest round of pseudo-consultation bullshit...there continues to be a storm of words from Council about all the 'Public Consultation' they do, eg, there's apparently to be heapsa' 'PC' re Council's alleged future plans for the Old Station, both of which are of course lies...I'll nail this one down,  

Tomorrow: A Dot Point Railing

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and I very much appreciate availee's patience and support as I struggle forward with some of my own issues...I don't have regular contact with many availees as such, the occasional path-crossing at most, but any feedback has been relatively positive and supportive...and twice this year people have observed to me that I'm the calmest, gentlest person they've ever met...(and that despite all of this bullshit what is here in this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed...cheers and laters...

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