Thursday, April 2, 2015

Tired From Laying Sleepers, Let Lying Dogs Sleep - Rail Lands Stuff

Hello Spain, Kenya, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom...and welcome to a fairly lengthy, fairly cut-and-paste post, but it's unavoidable again given the many Rail Lands issues covered in this extensive coverage (attached)...anyways, as the travelling pastry chef said, 'let's get this choux on the road'...

WARNING: that fake 'E-Z Pay Toll Road Invoice' emails are being used to send 'Malware'...if you receive an unusual or unexpected email from/re 'E-Z Pay' then don't open the email if you can help it and definitely don't open the attachment because it's highly likely a 'Malbot/Spybot/whatevs'...instead maybe ring the company...I got an 'email' with an 'attachment invoice' but I didn't open that, and instead Interwebbed the company, and there on the first menu was the 'malware warning'...

WADA Hell Is Goin' On? the AFL (Australian Football League)/Essendon FC 'Drugs Scandal' goes squashed-pear shaped with everyone pointing blame at everyone else...caught a bit of an interview with WADA (World Anti-Doping Authority) President, former New South Wales Premier John Fahey stating quite rightly that the current lack of prosecution doesn't excuse the fact that Essendon were shooting-up their players...(and it appears no-one's sure exactly what was given to players because there weren't any proper records kept, if at all, and the 'doctor/vet' involved, Stephen Dank, hasn't/won't/whatevs give evidence as to what he injected into players-Ed)...super...

I Have Wood For Beavers: is a self-constructing, hippy-writing hilarity derived from yesterday's alleged 'April Fools Joke' on ABC Local Radio re beavers being trialled as a bio-control measure to deal with all of the waste product left behind after felling of pine-trees, including 2 interviews, one with a man whom claimed to have smuggled 2 beavers into Australia (Mt Gambier) several years ago and now had 6 in his backyard, but needed to give them away because he'd run out of wood to feed them...not knowing what day I was in, it was the story that led me the fact that it was April 1st...

Rail Lands Stuff:...please find attached just some the extraordinary coverage of the latest bollocks from Council...because this is so long, I'll continue tomorrow with plans for a proper dot-point review of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and the multiple lies spewing from Council via a completely complicit The Border Watch...front page after front page, lie after lie, perpetual deceits, a fortune (approx $3million) needlessly pushing dirt in circles whilst pursuing the real Agenda, the RLRA, the massive expansion of the Lakes/Centro/whatevs Plaza right across the site...

No ego, no pride, no debate, the matter is resolved and defined and does not need further discussion or is just what it is, it is the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and it is an undeniable reality entirely lied about and denied by Council, lies and denials as knowingly supported by TBW...(and?-Ed)...and yes, it is my squishy and I love it...I take no joy in being completely right about the RLRA because it's just another corrupt disaster for Mt Gambier...and 'correct' as I am about the RLRA, I take no pride because it's so immediately obvious if you are aware of the basic facts...(fair enough-Ed)... 

And this is what makes the RLRA so easy to explain to people, it's just so fundamentally obvious, clear the space for the building and construct a massive drainage pond for the run-off of that huge roof area...(is that 'The Death Pit of Stupidity'?-Ed)...yep, that be it...

I had family visitation last time that there was a burst of reportage in TBW re Council's alleged plans for the Rail Lands...reckon I posted about it at the time...the reader read it, twice, then with a puzzled frown said to me, 'I just read that twice and it don't make no sense'...(so hilarious if it wasn't so sad...such a screamingly indicative indictment of a wholly corrupt Council running rampant, assisted by a complicit TBW, and what that corruption has cost Mt Gambier and it's citizens-Ed)...indeed...

I know I constantly bang-on about this corruption stuff and what it has cost Mt Gambier, but I don't know how else you're supposed to engage in genuinely seeking to improve the society you live in if you don't address the pro-paedophile institutionalised corruption that pretty-much defines it...(sorry, is that a question or a rant, albeit a fully justified and accurate rant-Ed)...yeah yeah, whatevs, that second one...

Just some quick points re these articles,
1)   I don't really know Councillor Greco, only met him a coupla' times, and I've already posted about my concerns that newby Councillors will be/are being used by/shoved out in front of the corrupt structures/Councillors behind them as stooges/crash-test dummies to try and paint a positive picture on a rotted canvas;
2)   I do really know Cr Greco's clown-headed book-ends in the attached portraits...there's my mate Cr Ian 'Come Near My House Again, Mate' Von Stanke whom dropped the threatening letter to my home (in 2011, previous posts)...and my other mate...(geez you've sure gotta' lotta' mates-Ed)...well certainly at Council I other mate Cr Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello...(I thought he was 'The Ghost' due to his habit of going a pastey-shade of translucent in your presence?-Ed)...well he's both...(ah, a man of many talents-Ed)...

I won't go further because it gets very complicated from there...if you've availed yourself of previous posts re the RLRA and associated issues, the conflicts, deceits, etc, are immediately obvious...other than that, a dot-point go at all this tomorrow...and I'll try to find that other stuff as well...

Tomorrow: More Rail Lands

It never rains but it pours...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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