Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Hello and welcome one 'n' all to this 'ere blog, arrrrrrrr...(sorry, was that a pirate voice?-Ed)...aiii, sort of, just doing my breathing exercises that are part of the new exercise regime I've been doing of isometric stretches and positionings designed specifically for Buccanneers arrrrrrrr...(oh yes?-Ed)...yeah, it's called Pirates, arrrrrrrrr...(I don't even want to acknowledge that with a remark, but I already have-Ed)...and astute availees may have picked-up from various references across the last 2 years of this 'ere blog, that yesterday was the 10th anniversary of a very, very busy day I had back in 2005...

On April 6th 2005 I had my last of 20 days/cycles of Radiotherapy treatment, following 8 months/cycles of some heavy duty Chemotherapy, and therefore today (being Tuesday 7th April) is officially exactly 10 years since I finished my treatments and the first day of what is now the next 10 years...(wow, 10 years, and after surviving that ol' rockmelon -sized tumour thingy you had right in the middle of ya' chest-Ed)...indeed...and Mama passed away that day too after a decade of full-on dementia...and I was also centre stage for SAPol's (police) raid of a Child Protection Advocates home, yet another attack on the whistleblowers by a corrupt pro-paedophile Establishment in South Australia..(that is surely some sortta' day-Ed)...anyhoos...

Attached below, the third of the three articles/pages from the previous 2 posts...if you want to read the whole lot and haven't already, please go back a post or two and do so...apologies that I've sortta' stuffed-up the synchronicity in that this article is the follow-on bit from the front page, as covered in the previous post, but it's all the same swathe of City Council generated outright deceits, collusion, and corruption that define and confirm the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...I don't care what the 'new' Committee is called nor whom is allegedly running it now, it's the same Mt Gambier City Council stooges really at the controls, and the results will mimic that already achieved...(ooo gourd no-Ed)... 

A Brief Synopsis: would go something like...Mt Gambier City Council was 'gifted' the Old Rail Lands site 10 years ago by the Mike Rann Labor state government and immediately started presenting various formal plans for massive Retail/Commercial development of the site...Council then went past the Rail Lands...(and the Aquatic Centre-Ed)...indeed, and that, and other projects, went past those to do an entirely unneeded new Library and the farcically corrupt Main Corner Project...(I still believe the whole 'new Library' bollocks was also about screening Council's real intentions/agenda re the Civic Centre-Ed)...which was?...(the huge expansion and renovation of Council offices-Ed)...ah yes, pushed the Library out, then spent a fortune on a new one, and simultaneously, an absolute fortune spent massively expanding/revamping Council's digs, and almost nothing said of it anywhere...(more The Border Watch collusion/deceits on behalf of Council?-Ed)...absolutely...

For 8 years Council refused to do anything physically with the Rail Lands site, repeatedly and cyclically blaming 'Contamination', or 'the Deed' and/or 'the Rail Easement must remain', or the cost, etc, all covered in previous posts...Council re-zoned the site to 'Retail/Commercial' possibly as early as 2007, definitely by 2009, as confirmed to me and witnesses at Council's 2013 Budget meetings by Council's Daryl Sexton, and it is currently zoned 'Commercial'...(but hasn't Council recently been talking sumthin' about how 'the Deed disallows any Commercial/Retail development of the site'?-Ed)...something like that, but clearly, given the specific re-zoning, that is not correct...(and your point is further supported by the multiple Retail/Commercial development plans previously presented by Council-Ed)...indeed...

Whilst under immense pressure re the ludicrous Main Corner Project, in November 2011 Council suddenly announced the $10m Parklands Concept Plan...(which looks exactly like all the development plans if you ask me, just with a 'Sound Shell' thingy where previous plans show shopping centre-Ed)...well I didn't ask you, thanks, but that doesn't deny you being correct, because that's exactly what the PCP was/is, a tarted-up and very deceitful version of previous Retail/Commercial plans...(which, as it turns out, was also 100% unfunded-Ed)...absolutely...the $4.2m that Council have already spent was either borrowed as part of Council's extraordinary 2013 Budget decision to double the City's borrowing capacity to approx $12m, plus 2x$1m government grants that weren't even in existence in 2011...there is no 'Budget', they're just making it up as they go along, having spent up to what they've borrowed/received...

Council flatly refused the extensive public support to locate the (now) Lady Nelson Bus Shelter at the Rail Lands site...(most suitably, I believe, in a renovated Old Rail Station-Ed)...that would have been perfect, with easy access along Railway Tce/Eleanor St, the Lakes Plaza right there with shelter, food, money, toilets, etc, etc...but no, anything permanent like that would have compromised the RLRA...(and we can't have that-Ed)...apparently not...so's, anyhoos, Council borrowed/received $4.2m then proceeded to push dirt in circles for no other reason than to create work for the contractor mates of Councillors, and have come up with an embarrassing wasteland/wetland and the Death Pit of Stupidity (the massive $650,000 'unfenced' drainage pond on the Rail Lands)...I genuinely wish Cr Greco ever best fortune getting this Council to spend Cent One on the Old Station...   

Also attached below, shonky outta' focus photos I took just this morning showing water pooling in the main grassed area, still flooding despite the crews of Council workers that dug ditches, shoved in plastic drainage piping and then filled and paved it (across the back there), and also flooding by the Old Station platform/building...we had scattered rain from 15-20mm (officially) to localised falls of nearly 60mm, but really, there's been one relatively smallish rain event and there were flooding issues all over Mt Gambier last night, particularly around the Coles shopping centre area...(and still flooding on the Rail Lands?-Ed)...indeed...

To close out this/these latest articles...I have no idea where/when Council has had any plans for a 'corridor' from anywhere to anywhere else, so that all looks like bollocks...and I've already covered the issue re the Old Station building, namely, that Council has no intention of renovating the building because it's in the way for the RLRA, and again, the proof is self-evident, both are self-evident...no work on the Station because the RLRA is the true agenda...the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, it is my squishy and I love it... 

Anyhoos, Sunday night I subjected myself, as much as I could bear anyway, to the extraordinary load of absolute bollocks that was The Adelaide Oval: The Untold Story or whatevs it was called (on telly, Channel 7?)...(ah, yes, fantastic, at last someone explaining to the blinkered, herded, narcissistic Adelaide populace the rank corruption of the Forestry Sale, and what a perpetual financial disaster it was/is for South Australia-Ed)...yeahhhh, no, not anything about the sale of the South East Forestry Estate to '141 Plantations', well not that I heard...more laters...

Smack My Gob: when senior ABC Local Radio person stated last week that there was some great news employment wise...and I said to myself, 'please make it not jobs related to the current clear-felling harvest of our state resource that took 100 years to establish, as 141 Plantations strips the asset as fast as they can...please make it not about that...(it was though, wasn't it?-Ed)...yep, let's get excited about "harvesting jobs" shall we, as our economic future continues to be felled and exported...(ya' know, I find it hard to look at the South Australian Labor Party as anything more than a Criminal Organisation run by paedophiles, acting to protect paedophiles and defraud the SA citizenry of multiple state assets, eg, the Forestry Sale, the Mt Barker re-zoning, the Gillman land sale, the Festival Plaza development of a 22 story building, etc, etc-Ed)...yeah, I hear what you're saying...

(And of course the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well of course the St Martins Cover-up, but that's not so much an indication of the criminality of the Labor Party as it is irrefutable evidence of the rank pro-paedophile corruption that controls both Sow Strayan Labor and Liberal, the entire state parliament, SAPol (police), the Judiciary, the Child Protection system, etc, etc...good ol' South Australia, the paedophile state...(yay, let's have a shreckin' festival shall we-Ed)...I further note that for all of the definable criminality that I have covered in this 'ere blog, particularly re St Martins, the only person facing any charges for any of it, is me, charged for merely talking about stuff that allegedly wasn't illegal anyway...

At this point in time I have still been unable to get specific legal advice as to these alleged charges that I've apparently been 'reported for' at some stage, nor any explanation as to why I wasn't served a Summons re the first hearing of February 3rd 2015, etc, etc...the whole thing's as farcical as the legislation that spawned it...(nor has TBW printed the truth and/or an apology for their grossly inaccurate and biased reportage of the Court hearings-Ed)...indeed, the truth in the news runs a distant second if it even gets a place in the 'Get-Fletch Agenda' race...(yay-Ed)...

I'll pull-up here as it's late already and hopefully that last coupla' posts covers the Rail Lands stuff, but I also note that the only thing Council has proposed for the site is yet another market...(oh no, not another bloody market, really?-Ed)...deadset, another market...anyhoos...

Tomorrow: Some Winsome Wins

A few feedback/housekeeping things seguing/morphing into and out of a narrative from recent Council meetings...(is this the altering Minutes stuff and that?-Ed)...not specifically, no, this is more about the ban on electronic recording of Council meetings, that Council introduced in November 2014, but then renounced at their March meeting...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...     

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