Thursday, April 30, 2015

Is South Australia An Insult To ANZAC?

Short answer, read this blog...(yeah, that's not so much 'an answer' as a directive, and this voluminous verbosiveness is hardly short, even the short bits-Ed)...well yeah, you're right, and I can only apologise for yet again railing against the St Martins Cover-up, but whatta' ya' gunna' do? just turn ya' back on it?...(seems to work for nearly everyone else-Ed)...indeed...and what I find so truly amusing is that despite what I've put myself through to continue to try to act appropriately in continuing to try and address multiple complex issues, issues that I have in many cases proven beyond debate, proven beyond suein', despite that, the Goodly, the Godly, and the Great still see fit to charge past all of it in their blinkered frenzy to get at me because clearly I'm the problem...(you bastard-Ed)              
Proven Beyond Suein': is a lovely li'l catchphrase that fully encapsulates the realities of what I've blogged about, in many cases repeatedly, eg, the St Martins Cover-up...why is it that I can say 'The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up' pretty much every post and it just stays there?...(umm, because it's a reality that defies the multiple 'defamation threats' that the Lutheran's lawyers, the Crown Solicitor, lawyer Bill DeGaris, etc, have flung at you?-Ed) you mean the multiple written threats flung at me by 'authorities' whilst those same authorities have involved themselves in the cover-up and flatly refused to actually address the abuses, etc, etc? those threats?...(yeah, they're the ones...and where are they anyway?-Ed)...see that pile over there...not sure where the rest are...

Read this blog and deny me the entwining reality that South Australia is effectively run by paedophiles for paedophiles, and that the Lutherans clearly have a great deal of control/influence in that entire set-up...(that's a big call-Ed)...really? 13 years of covering-up the gross abuse of dozens (possibly hundreds) of 7 year old kids in a Lutheran classroom? with the full support of South Australian parliament, Labor and Liberal, including the current Premier Jay Weatherill and his predecessor Mike Rann, multiple Education Ministers, former local Member Rory McEwen, SAPol, the Crown Solicitor, the Teachers Registration Board, the entirely corrupted SA 'Child Protection System', etc, etc, etc? and then not even mentioned by the Federal Royal Commission despite my/parents submissions?...(yeah, that does look a fraction crook, doesn't it-Ed)...                   *(post done across several days..apols for any non-synchronicityness...ness)*

And a belated hello to Malta, Venezuela, India, and Ukraine and welcome to the blog...and if y'all are sensing a dense and sodden fog of furious bloggin', it's 'cos 1) I've just had the pleasure of the company (via the ABC Lateline) of our charming Human Rights Commissioner, Tim 'I So Wanna' Be Christopher Pyne' Wilson...(isn't he the clown whom, immediately prior to being appointed the HRC by the Abbott Liberal government, whilst still head of the rabidly Right-wing Institute of Public Affairs, was calling for the entire Commission to be scrapped?-Ed)...yeah, that's him, whatta' clown...

And like any good idealogue, he completely ignored and/or dismissed as irrelevant or wrong anything which compromised his opinion...(so he does a blog then? sorry, sorry, gourd bless, I couldn't resist that were saying 'his opinion', which was?-Ed)...oh he was jumping all over this SBS journalist/reporter who was sacked for 'tweeting' some unpleasant truths about ANZAC...well done Timmy, you've now made me a defender of this SBS dude...(is it Scott McIntyre?-Ed)...whatevs, I don't care about the whom, it's about the what of what he said and the why he was sacked...and again, there's plenty of alleged experts defending the truths in what was 'tweeted'...

From the couple I've seen, the issue for me is that the comments/'tweets' go too far in that they seem to encompass/describe almost all Aussie soldiers en masse as rapists and pillagers, etc, when the realities are far more likely roughly the same as in civilian blunt as it is, some men rape, murder, steal, etc, in any circumstances, war is just another place it for the comments about Hiroshima and Nagasaki being 'terrorist attacks', etc, there's plenty of truth in saying that had the Allies lost WWII their leaders would likely have faced War Crimes charges, eg, for actions like fire-bombing civilian populations in Dresden, Tokyo, etc...I've heard and read accounts from some of those leaders where they themselves acknowledge this...(wasn't it the head of RAF Bomber Command or someone similar who said he'd have been charged for Dresden?-Ed)...yes Ed, yes it was...the winners write history, I told you...  

Anyhoos, and 2)* yesterday evening...had this post half done late yesterday arvo (Wednesday April 29th 2015) when the ABC Radio's Annette Marner ran interviews with some clown from the Sow Strayan Law Society or somethin' or other legal group, and then someone from ASCA SA (Adult Survivors of Child Abuse) talking about what we need to do better to better protect children..(oh boy-Ed)...and without picking the discussion to pieces, it was largely about protecting children in the home from familial and/or domestic abuses...I made one of my rare calls to the ABC, given that I'm banned off the ABC and all, and the callee was very sympathetic to my point re St Martins that a teacher had abused kids and that there'd been investigations by multiple 'authorities' including the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitor hearing and subsequent SARC Report no.52, etc, all of it organised by parents...

(So how'd that go then?-Ed)...well it went wherevs this stuff goes but it weren't to air, not that I heard anyhoos...and joy of joys, welcome back to the ABC Local Radio my bestie Stan Thompson...(I thought you loathed him as yet another explicitly complicit, corrupt ABC employee who has chosen to wholly engage in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and has resultantly repeatedly refused you/parents any air-time what-so-ever, eg, refusing to run anything about the parliamentary SARC Inquiry and Report no.52, etc-Ed)...absolutely, him and Stuart Stansfield are 2 of the senior local ABC employees who have helped the Lutherans and have routinely betrayed me/other parents by pulling the same 'set-us-up' stunt that The Border Watch repeatedly did...furthermore, I personally provided him with reams of sensitive personal documentation and it's all apparently been 'lost'...

(Yeah, but Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield are no more or less complicit than any of the many senior ABC staff you've been screwed over by...and when I say 'you', I of course mean all of the 7 year old children abused at St Martins by teacher Glyn Dorling, the kid's families, and every other child who has been abused, and all abuse that the ABC has chosen to help cover-up-Ed)...indeed...and just to really piss me off, well not to piss me off specifically, but Stuart is currently holding forth about the "First World Problem" of Mt Gambier's water quality and yet another switch to bore water due to yet more 'infrastructure works', and then another in June...(why not do all of this at the same time they did all the mains pipes recently? why onto bore water, off again, on again, etc? surely it's far more efficient to do it all at once-Ed)...indeed, and tons of calls about how atrocious Mt Gambier's water is because of the chemicals, etc...(yay-Ed)... 

And yet another 90 second ABC interview with City Mayor Andrew Lee about Council's Budget and the 4.5% Rate rise and the 'need to sort out debt' and 'doing the heavy lifting due to previous borrowing', etc...(but only months back Council voted to go after a $10million, '$for$' grants/funding pool thingy for a 'Regional Recreation Centre', didn't they?-Ed)...indeed they did Ed, voting to lodge an application for Federal funding, an application that demands Council have $10m immediately to hand 'cos ya' gotta' have the readies, well, ready before ya' can apply...(and what's happened to that then?-Ed)...dunno', it's disappeared as fast as it appeared, I'll check it out...

And yay as a Northern Territory Minister spends $45,000 on a 10 day trip to New York...(and millions of Australians are on the poverty line-Ed)...indeed, here again the glaring reality of the 'born-to-rule' mentality of our current politicians...politics in this country has long been about the entitlement and the fraud and corruption, etc, that comes with it...Mt Gambier City Council is in many of these ways not just typical but exemplary in that it appears to function wholly and solely as a self-involved and corrupt medium for syphoning-off Ratepayers money straight into the pockets of Councillors and/or their families and/or mates...again, proven beyond suein' apparently...elsewhere...

I find it highly bemusing but nowhere near amusing that during the frenzy about the recent Indonesian executions, killing people by way of administering justice, that we 1) barely mention the genocide occurring in West Papua, and 2) all are racing to embrace China where 1,000s of people are executed every year, and in some instances it is alleged for purely political rather than physical crimes...some reports even have accusations of marketting harvested organs from the executed and ideas that this may influence decisions to execute people...whatevs, the reality is that China and the United States of America, amongst others, regularly execute people in the name of Justice...

When you can guarantee me a Judicial system 1) free of politic and influence, 2) that never convicts an innocent person, then I'll think about supporting the death penalty...(I'd have thought that 40 years alone dying in a box somewhere gettin' fed bread and water was a punishment worse than death, so why kill people? apart from the fact that it's cheaper-Ed)...I don't know Ed, it seems to me in many ways like an ego/narcissism/power thing, ya' know? 'look how powerful I am I can order people dead, yay for me'...(sure as heck looks like what's happened in Indonesia-Ed)...damn straight, I ain't never goin' there again, and not as retribution for these executions, but because I don't need to get off a plane somewhere's that might shoot me because my drugs have mysteriously appeared in someone else's luggage...or vice versa maybe...   

And not a word of a lie, as I live and type, Mayor Vickery on the ABC Radio and she's off to China with all the other local corrupt Mayors, Council CEOs, and various other stooges...(whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't just 'scatter-gun accuse' all local Mayors as being "corrupt"-Ed)...yeah, you're absolutely right, that would be inappropriate, I know nought about Mayor Vickery other than what I've read, etc, and have never met her...however, I'm pretty sure I can say it about every Mayor, CEO, etc, I have met and I'm not so much happy to do it but I'm more than prepared to challenge any local Mayor to have at me Sir with whatevs 'defamation threats' they feel they can justify...knock ya'selves out champs, let's all have a good hard look at the gallery of stars what is SELGA...(aren't you being a tad massively triumphal and yet tauntingly abusive-Ed)...why thankyou Ed, one does what one can, but I'm just trying to make a point...

And the technical point I'm rather facetiously making is that I take very seriously my responsibility to be as factual, truthful, and accurate as possible with this 'ere blog...beyond that, I believe that no-one will genuinely, actually try to sue me for anything I say no matter how outrageously wrong because there are so very many truly ugly truths surging to splurge themselves onto the page should they be offered the chance...2 points, firstly, obviously that means I could just make shizzle up for the sake of sensationalism but choose not to, and 2) there's clearly a strong foundation to my broader concerns about issues of corruption in the South East Local Government Assoc, etc...

The Bernard Finnigan Trial appears to have disappeared...('ow's that done then?-Ed)...well you take one very large system, ripe with corruption, and then just not do it 'cos you can...('not do it because you can',  unfortunately makes perfect sense, they can get away with just not doing it because they are the rules, they are the law-Ed)....indeed...last dated media report I can Interweb is dated April 19th 2015...(but that's nearly 2 weeks since the magistrate 'retired' to consider his verdict in this closed, one judge/no jury, one witness, 2 week long case that started, omg, nearly a month ago, after, sweet baby cheeses, 4 years of changed charges, different Courts, etc-Ed)...and apparently not a word in the media...extraordinary other than this is Adelaide...anyhoos, it's gettin' real late so,

Tomorrow: Catching Up On Some Council Stuff 

Some Attempts At Humour In Closing: which I may have used before but just for the heck of 2 cannibal jokes of course, being 'French cannibals are the worst because they'll eat you and the horse you rode in on'...(nice-Ed)...and 'discerning cannibals prefer seasoned travellers'...(ahaha-Ed)...and just for the heck of it...Scandinavian gangsters dispose of their foes by throwing them down the cracks in glaciers where they'll be sleepin' within fissures...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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