Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Random Acts Of Bloggin' A Dead Horse

Howdy and welcome to a rather confused post for today April 22nd 2015...over 2 weeks ago, 3 even, I started this post and several drafts later here we are...I can only apologise for the wonky synchronicity and resultant lack of flowage. it's a bit all over the place...please ignore all dates, apologies, etc, other than indicated specifically as today April 22nd...  

(**apologies for no post for 3 days and then the subsequent synchronicity issues with rest of post as started 2 days ago...appears Interweb dropping-out through the day, possibly bandwidth demand due to school holidays...I can get connected easy as at this time of the morning (0530hrs) but later during the day, no doin'...also, trying to be busy and get my house actually tidy not just not just a complete bloody mess slightly improved...(yeah, it's lookin' way better, newish desk, etc, and look, there's a bit of floor over there, unless I'm much mistaken-Ed) are much mistaken, that's a flooring catalogue what's fallen outta' one of those newspapers...(oh right-Ed)...**)

Gettin' heaps done in my Summer/Flouride/Chlorine devastated garden, eg, re-done completely my 2 main ponds...(yay-Ed)...yep, a few goldfish in each and some cheapy solar lights and it looks great, well at least, gettin' there...and doin' good work with just gettin' outta' the house heaps more often, etc, and do something with a day before it falls fowl of the flow of news..still having all sorts of problems with Interweb connectivity, but yet again it's most likely a combination of local demand for bandwidth meeting the piss-poor availability rather than any specific attempt/s to be rooting about with my computer/this 'ere blog/whatevs...however, have had a third 'scam-spam' email, following on from recent previous ones...(*April 22nd- have had a second 'Toll Road' scam email this week, totalling 4 now in a fortnight*)

Hello United States of America, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Russia, and France...the title refers to the one genuine win that I'll put my hand-up to claim, stake my claim on, the one thing I'd reckon is all about me shoutin' out politely but pointedly, 'hey, what the hell's goin' on with that there then?'...(yeah, when you first put that title to me I thought you were referring to your various alleged attempts at humour-Ed)...sorry, not with you...('wince-some'-Ed), nice, witty Wilde, witty...but first...(*April 22nd- changed title and subject matter, sorry*) 

Kelp Yourselves To Our 'Resources':...and hooray, kicked-off my morning by turning on the radio, currently on ABC Local Radio (as you do every single day, all day, as much as possible, to the point that missing stuff causes you anxiety, even when you're trying to get away from all of the Child Abuse stories with a brief news report about the recently purchased therefore now Chinese owned Ocean Gather Group Beachport and an interview with a woman (sorry, don't know whom from where, but she was a related 'professional' of some description), and she was talking openly about how 'for health and safety reasons and nutrient value, etc, food-grade kelp needs to be harvested live from the ocean not collected off the beach'-Ed)...yay...

And then a lovely interview with former Liberal leader Rob Kerin, appointed by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government to the pivotally prime plum position as head of Primary Resources SA...(I like to call that 'jobs for the boys'-Ed)..I like to put 'fondler' between the 'y' and the 's'...(I don't get th...wait, yes I do, 'boy fondlers' you are naughty...and are you suggesting that Rob Kerin is some sort of paedophile?-Ed)...nup, just stating the fact that as Liberal leader in February 2005 he had the pleasure of my company, in his office in Parliament House, for nearly an hour, as I explained the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up to him, showed him the documents, etc...(and?-Ed)...well here we are Ed, 10 years later, doin' this...

Couldn't Make This Shizzle Up:...coupla' days ago another Domestic Violence incident in the's been relatively quiet since that last idiot moved out/was moved out/whatevs by the Housing Trust, but last weekend it was on context, it's fantastic because I don't have any option but to call SAPol (police)...(fantastic? that's hardly appropriate-Ed)...because as a Housing Trust (Housing SA) tenant, if I interfere with/harass/reduce to a mangled pulp some shitful piece of gutless detritus who happens to be also a HTt, then chances are I'm the one who gets in trouble, even evicted...(and you don't pulp-mangle people anyway, never have-Ed)...shhh, they don't need to know that...

Anyhoos, credit where credit's due, 2 police cars rolled into my street within 5 minutes (I/they'd confused the addresses), and when I went out to tell them, it was the young cop whom was at my house weeks ago when I thought he had a go at snatching my documents off me...I apologised for being teary and he said 'that's ok' and off they went to the next street...there was no tension or aggression or anything...(teary? really?-Ed)...yeah, it happens every time...once I get past the rage, so then the sadness...and that I can say "every time" indicates how often this shizzle has happened over the 12 years I've lived here...   

Insane In The Drain: is the politest thing that I can say about the latest Taxpayer-gouging extravaganza that is the alleged 'Drain Consultation' (by private 'consultant group' New Democracy) re ways to pay for the much needed, much overdue maintenance of South East drains...didn't get the exact figures but by current general funding criteria of approx 3% of value, current 'drain maintenance' gets only 0.9% or less than a third of the standard funding...(and only 25% of that actually hits, shifts, covers the ground-Ed)...apparently...and also apparently the recommendations will go/have gone to Parliament for consideration by Labor Cabinet, but Minister Ian Hunter also said Labor won't be moving from the pitiful $2.2m of current annual funding but they're likely to continue draining peoples wetlands, etc, with this massive new drain going to the Coorong...

(So why waste money on a 'consultation' if there's not going to be a change?-Ed) you can say you did consultation...several people called in saying things like 'refuse to pay, it's the only words Hunter will understand', and 'a new drain? can't maintain what they've got', and 'where's all this excess water? we're in the middle of a drought in the driest Spring into the driest Summer', etc,, to pay for 1) a massive new drain to empty yet more wetlands and bores, etc, and 2) the government's most likely solution for dealing with the failing infrastructure, Labor's answer for both is to level yet another levy against landholders...bastards...(Labor that is, not the landholders-Ed)...ah yeah...

And this following Minister Tony Piccolo saying that reducing speed limits doesn't really affect travel times...(bollocks, by sheer definition if you travel at 100kph instead of 110kph, then if you travel for an hour, you'll be 10 kilometres and therefore some minutes behind the peeps doin' 110...spread that over, say, 450kms, the distance to Adelaide from here...allowing for the appropriate breaks, traffic, etc, it would be just over 4hrs at 110kph, at 100 it's nearly an extra 30 minutes-Ed)...and all this bollocks in excusing Labor's continuing failure/refusal to spend appropriate monies on maintaining country roads, and instead reduce speed limits...(and in the same conversation Piccolo tried to justify the ludicrous $160m tunnel under North Adelaide by stating that it will get some Adelaide commuters to work 4 minutes faster-Ed)...that's just plain offensive...

Credit Where Credit's pathetic and 'Dorothy Dixer' as I'd label the recent ABC interviews with Tony Piccolo and that trite piece of work Ian Hunter, the mere fact that these interviews are happening, that these issues are getting covered at all, is down to the existence of the Local ABC...these issues are typically non-existent as far as Adelaide is concerned...and if you, dear availee, are sensing a certain seething loathing pouring outta' this ol' hippy, in the very specific direction of Ian Hunter, then that's because you're not just highly astute, but probably quite attractive as well...he's one of the corrupt pricks from the SARC Inquiry no.52 as per the St Martins Cover-up stuff...

Fell Off My Chair Laughing: to see the new $40million foot-bridge over the Torrens Sewer I mean River ahaha...(no, it is an open sewer...and beyond that a perfect example of just how confected, false, and insanely selfish 'Adelaide' is...that 'River' is an artificial pond created by a weir just down near the Morphett St bridge, and there upstream is the King William St bridge just right there Labor have spent $40m building a superfluous bridge across an artificial obstacle-Ed)...indeed...anyhoos, the new paving is moving and lifting already, and has had to be pulled-up and re-laid...and the brief footage showed orange safety bunting and stacks of 'tiles' and whale oil beef hooked, there they are, more shreckin' grey concrete pavers...(yay-Ed)...and the rank corruption of South Australia is lived large beneath our now uncertain feet as literally a boatload of shitful D-grade Chinese cement pavers are sold around the state and forced on/under citizens by corrupt Councils...

And right there in the vanguard of the Dodgy Pavers Corruption Scandal is the entirely corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, and the insane bastardisation of the Main Street, an insanity that has spewed onto the Flood Plains of Ol' the Main St (Commercial St) Council has wasted/rorted literally $millions ripping up and replacing the sound, stable, settled red-brick style pavers that are/were so perfect for foot-traffic areas because their small width and good 'depth' helps to lock them together securely...the small surface area means that weight is usually spread over several bricks/pavers and this minimises even removes the problems of 'pivot movage'...

Pivot Movage: is what I done just make-up to describe the action of someone shifting their weight across a foot-square concrete paver causing the paver/tile to's happening right along the's fundamental physics that clearly Council engineers /planners/whatevs are completely ignorant to, or they just chose to ignore because the agenda was 'get those pavers/tiles down and the Ratepayers money into whoevs pocket as fast as possible'...I remind availees that the vast majority of those pavers were heavily stained and badly chipped straight off the pallets...these pavers were crap, broken pieces of substandard concrete before even being laid...these were clearly seconds even thirds that some corrupt clown has purchased on the cheap and then corruptly forced on SA, with the rampant collusion of Mt Gambier Council...and this is the corruption that continues to run Mt Gambier into the ground... 

Latest Security/Defence Acquisition: is a pair of teflon-coated, bullet-proof budgie-smugglers for our charming PM Tony Abbott...(sorry, what?-Ed)...yeah, least I thinks that's what it was they was talkin' 'bout...(please explain-Ed)...yeah well, I've heard heaps of discourse about this so-called 'Extra Genitational Support', and Tones is the only one I know who serially strips down to a pair of Speedos...(ah, no, I can see where you've gotten a bit confused...I reckon they're talking about Joe Hockey trying to smuggle his dodgy class-biased Budget through a very hostile Senate-Ed)...ah, so more like armour-plated 'Budget-smugglers' really?...(exactly...and of course not to be confused with that other instrument of Smokin' Joe's efforts to try and flog the dead horse that the 2014 Budget has become, floggin' it furiously with what has become known as the 'Joe-Hockey Strap' is that the main punchline?...

(No, no, I ordered a proper punchline and I reckon that might be it now, those headlights just over at One Mile Ridge Rd...why don't we do the story and finish this 'bit' when the punchline gets here?-Ed)...sure sure, whatevs...we hilariously refer of course to this ludicrous 'Inter-Generational Report' bollocks being constantly spewed-out by PM Tones et al as the Tablet of Truth that defines the fine line between the complete disaster everything is apparently now, and a future like only ever goin' to get like way worse...(we're doomed, doomed I tells ya'-Ed)...the line between disaster and that path to the glorious deliverance unto Fiscal Nirvana, a path that coincidentally just happens to be Liberal Party ideology...(wow, so how coincidentally fortunate for us then that it's the Libs at the helm when their Report reportedly supports the policies they've been floggin' for years-Ed)...sorry Ed, are you suggesting that this Report isn't a balanced and trustworthy indicator of anything, that it's just a preamble to Liberal ideology, a preamble written after the text?...

(Ooo, anyhoos, here's The Punchline now-Ed).........(puff, wheeze, I'm so sorry, wheeze, had a flat tyre, puff, no phone reception out here, cough, hope I haven't kept you waiting? wheeze-TP), no, we saw you coming about a mile off..........well?...(oh right, now then?-TP)...please...(uh-hum...'Oh, when you said Extra Genitational Support, I thought you were referring to Nationals leader and Deputy PM Warren Truss'-TP)..........and that's it?...(whatta' ya' expect for nuthin'? ungrateful prick-TP)...(don't look at me-Ed)......I think it best we all just move on...(fine-Ed)...(suits me.......can I have $10 for petrol?-TP)......sure, hang on, I've only got a fiver, Ed?...(ummm, yeah, here's five bucks-Ed)...(cheers-TP)...yeah, sorry to be so snappy too, been a long day...(no, I understand, none of it's particularly funny, ciao-TP)...

Tomorrow: That Winsome Stuff

That I started today (weeks ago) but never actually got near today, etc, etc...sorry... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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