Sunday, April 5, 2015

Tired From Laying Sleepers, Let Lying Dogs Sleep - Part II

Hello Iran, France, United Arab Emirates, and Germany and welcome to the blog for today, Easter Sunday...I was going to go with Thank Good It's Friday (on Good Friday) but instead went for a quick drive East and then another quick drive West again, fetching The Fletchling, picking-up Child: Quantity One (1) from off the bus...(yay-Ed)...absolutely...and because I've a cracked windscreen I had to hire a car 'cos I wasn't goin' to risk Victorian roads shattering it out at 100kph...(they are deadset shockers some of them roads, like being in a tinny/dinghy at speed on a choppy sea-Ed)...absolutely...also celebrating the support of family whom allowed me the relative luxury of gettin' a hire car for the day...even in a new car it was a confronting drive...

(I think Victorian authorities are trying to improve driver attention by making the roads so deadly dangerous that drivers have to be 100% alert or wind-up bouncing/slewing/ricocheting onto the other side of the road or off into the trees-Ed)...obviously I take your rather facetious point in the manner it is intended, which is to highlight the dangers of those roads, even at the standard allowed 100kph limit...there are sections of that road that have 'Rough Road' and/or '80kph' signs, and they've been there for years in some places...also moves afoot in Sow Straya to lower limits rather than make roads better/safer, more later...anyhoos...

Yesterday (Satdee) spent many hours plowing through some of all the work that needs doing in my fabulous garden...(and there's plenty-Ed)...yes, well, and it was fabulous, it's been a dryly rough Spring into Summer and continues to be very dry...and the Flouridated/Chlorinated/Limestone-saturated tapwater has been devastating on anything smaller than a fruit tree, despite my best efforts, eg, leave water stand to for several days in my 240ltr recycling bin before bucketting onto the garden, etc, etc...not forgetting the absolute luxury of having running 'potable' (drinkable) water...(let alone steaming hot water-Ed)...well indeed, hot water, but what's the point is it's virtually only good for washing in...

(Even then it's an iffy call, remember that 2 loads of washing you did about 6 weeks back?-Ed)...oh yeah...(and it went on the clothesline smelling like you'd just dried yourself-off at a public pool, a very heavily chlorinated pool-Ed)...yeah, like after school swimming carnivals and you'd get home and drag it outta' ya' bag and it'd just reek...and then when ya' water on a warm evening and there's that wonderful smell reminiscent of paint thinners meets tubed-caulking agent...(yummy-Ed)...indeed...

Another Email Scam: has hit my Inbox...last week it was supposedly 'E-Z Pay' emailing me about an alleged Toll Road Invoice...this week it's apparently 'FedEx Ground' who need me to open/download a "Delivery Label attached to this email"...(sounds just like The Border Watch newspapers laughably biased reportage of your 'Court hearings'-Ed) so?...(well it refers to you as simply 'Fletcher', not 'Mr' or even 'Nick', just 'Fletcher'-Ed)...ah yes, and TBW has done that repeatedly, referring to me in the manner that the media report blaggards* and criminals, either with full name and alias in brackets, or as just 'Fletcher'...(*my dictionary has 'braggart' as in one given to bragging, but I've always known it as 'lards' with a 'l' and a 'd'...whatevs)...(it also has 'bragard'-Ed)...whatevs I said...

The Rail Lands Retail Agenda: has been well-ly defined in many previous posts, and if one hasn't read them already, then shame on one...(orrr come on fella', ease off-Ed)...nah nah, just jokin', go' bless go' bless...(yeah yeah, go' bless-Ed)...serrrrrrrrriously though, all the maps/plans for the massive Retail Expansion of the Lakes/Centro/Whatevs Plaza, and the detailed explanations of why Council's lies about their intentional inaction on the site for more than 8 years are, well, lies...(there-in lies the truth, in that there, in Council's lies, lies the truth that Council lies-Ed)...exactly, all this is all already run and done in previous posts, yet still Council persists with their lies...

1)  It is now a decade that Council has had that it gifted by the Rann/Weatherill Labor state government or 'bought' for $1.00 from them, whatevs, it's a full 10 years...right from the off, Council has presented formal plans for massive Retail/Commercial development on the site, and has only pursued works to that end, eg, moving the Rail Easement, but in recent years has flatly denied this agenda...

2)  Council has repeatedly publicly stated that there were mitigating/unresolved issues of "contamination", "the Rail Easement", "the Deed", issues of cost, etc, etc...and all of it Council is apparently disseminating info that they (Council) are not allowed to do any Commercial/Retail development on that site as per the original gift/purchase agreement...this also is absolute bollocks...(by crikey Council's gotta' lotta' bollocks, don't they?-Ed)...indeed they do...Council re-zoned the site to 'Commercial/Retail' back as early as 2007, and it currently sits labelled as "Commercial" in Council's latest 2014 Master Plan debasco (debacle meets fiasco)...

3)  Contamination:...bollocks, the site was completely open for nearly 2 decades since it ceased formal rail usage...and there were no drainage/pooling/flooding problems either...all that needed to be done was topsoil and landscaping some ups-and-downy bits, etc, and some decent trees...(with a fully renovated Old Station building/museum thingy-Ed)...absolutely...(and a skatepark-Ed)...yes, that...(and a sound shell/shelter-Ed)...yep...(with proper Amphitheatre thingy...and access through to Margaret St and the Aquatic Centre, tennis courts, etc, all over there-Ed)...absolutely, and all things that have found themselves on the recently Council-conjured 'Stage 4'...I note that these articles have '4' in one place and then '3' in another, 'stages' that is...   

3) This is neither a "new committee" nor is it 'steered by new Councillors'...(bollocks! he cried-Ed)...again, I know virtually nothing of Councillor Greco (as pictured), nothing at all about Mark Lovett or Sonya Mezinec, but I'm way, way familiar with the exceptionally dodgy work of the other clowns involved, namely Ian Von Stanke, Frank Morello, and the non-pictured former Mayor Steve Perryman...what I have already seen (at Council meetings) of Ms Mezinec, wife of the Tennyson Woods (Catholic) School Principal, is that she's someone playing very politically, playing very, very much straight down the line with Council agenda, policy, and attitude...

4)  Frank Morello acted as an A-grade Council/Vested Interests stooge in his position as Editor of The Border Watch and in that context has been a defacto Councillor for a decade and has profitted very nicely from it for his troubles, made director of the Sir Helpmann he's just a stooge that is also a Councillor...Steve Perryman is a 'Conflict of Interest' looking for somewhere to happen, and has profitted massively from his position on Council/as Mayor via multiple COIs, Insider Trading, etc...not least of all the dodginesses is the collusion between Steve and Frank re acts/performers from the Sir Helpmann staying at Stevo's motel...(charming-Ed)...sickening...

 5)  The title bit 'Tired From Laying Sleepers' segues beautifully into the second part, 'Let Lying Dogs Sleep' bit, and it's all one lovely description that stems from the issues allegedly within 'the Deed'...('in the Deed' it does sir, indeed it does-Ed)...indeed Ed, apparently/allegedly in the famous Deed of Many Delays, it supposedly says that Council and hence Ratepayers are 'liable for the cost of replacing anything Council removes', that something being rails, sleepers, etc...Council has repeatedly alleged that the Deed and issues with it were delaying any work on the site, and one of the key reasons repeatedly presented was the Rail Easement and the immediately attached/relevant issue of the requirement for Council to replace any removed rails, etc, should a Rail Service return through that site...

Despite years of using this repeated excuse for doing nothing, Council then proceeded to rip-up the rails and sleepers whilst publicly acknowledging/claiming that a) the Rail Easement must remain, but b) that they (Council) still didn't know whether they/Ratepayers would be liable for the cost of replacement...(so they offered 'not sure about us paying to replace stuff' as an excuse not to act, but then act to remove exactly what they now claim they're still not sure about having to replace?-Ed)...exactly, so which is it? was it a complete lie to start with? or is it a convenient excuse conveniently ignored when it suits Council but at great potential cost to Ratepayers?...

(I see your point, but I think it's somewhat redundant-Ed) so?..(well with the moving of the Easement from straight through there into now one long, tight curve, where is Rail ever going to return there? you gunna' have a curved bloody train pulling-up to a bloody curved station?'s all an absolute load of bollocks, the only genuine Easement on that site is the original one, which actually still exists-Ed)...well you've stolen my thunder a bit because my next point was in fact...   

6)  The Rail Easement:...and as you stated Ed, it's a wall-to-wall bollockthon as you have already so aptly's that's that one done...what else?...ah yes, these articles...there is no 'budget' and no 'formal plan' that I'm aware of or have found...Council borrowed $2million, received 2 grants totalling another $2m, and have spent the lot achieving sweet bugger all to a none-existent timetable as and when they feel like above, multiple promised features have not even eventuated...

7)  The drainage issues (as below) I've covered previous, including the very concerning corruption of Council's Minutes re their Meeting March 17th 2015 where-in it has Council's Operations Director Daryl Sexton quoted as responding "Yes" to the questions about drainage, when in the actual meeting he responded "No"...this is confirmation of what I've claimed re Steve Perryman's allegations and Daryl Sexton's reply...

8)  Followed by claims of 'on budget, on time', claims actually preceded by a long list of unfinished 'major elements', and in trots 'Stage 4' for it's inaugural run...previously and as stated in the last article, it's been only 3 'Stages', but Council wants to claim finishing 'Stage 1 and 2', which leaves things they haven't done in the now impending 'Stage 3'...(but Council don't want to do those 3 things-Ed)...sure, that's why they've now invented the mythical 'Stage 4', to push those things to a place/time where/when they ain't never gunna' happen...

9)  The final article is so vastly bollockness that it deserves and indeed gets a post all it's own, so...

Tomorrow: TFLS, LLDS - Part III

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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