Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Snacks For Zantar

Hello Pakistan, Turkey, China, and Ukraine and welcome to this 'ere blog...and I'm just gunna' shamelessly plaigarise The Mighty Boosh (BBC TV) for this post title and associated metaphorising about how the Universe has a pet, etc...(um, I don't think it's plagiarising if you openly acknowledge the source material-Ed)...ok, fair enough, anyhoos, the Universe has a pet and it's called Zantar and it's big and it's hairy...

I apologise for confusing the situation by previously referring to Mr Woofs the Wonderhound as 'Zantar' by way of an alias, when yes, it is so, I am the one true Zantar...(no, I'm Zantar-Ed), no you're not...(no, I'm Zantar-Mr Woofs) you're not, and stop that...(no, I'm Zantar and so's my wife-Ed)...ok that's enough...I am Zantar thanks, and if anyone 'round 'ere is the Universes pet, then it is I...and occasionally the Universe likes to reach out, pat Zantar on the head and say, 'there's a good boy, snacks for Zantar'...

Seriously but though, sometimes I've got things happening in my world that seem quite odd, for example, the recent exchange I had with SAPol that ended with me in my own front yard calling 'where you goin'?' after a departing rozzer...I'm quietly confident that in the real world it's usually the Peeler callin' after a scarperin' perp...(whaaa?-Ed)...the cops chasin' a fleeing perpetrator, it's usually the police are yelling at a crim who's runnin' away, not the other way round...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)'s just strange things like that ya' know, nuthin' particularly supernatural or spiritual or whatevs, just odd...and so it came to pass, snacks for Zantar... set the table for this veritable feast of snacks please to be availing ones-selves of previous posts re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...having done that or if you're already familiar with the RLRA, then consider yourself seated, napkin in place, ready to pig-out...(and start bangin' the table-Ed)...indeed...I have been roundly abused, albeit ne'er to my face, for my allegedly incorrect/inappropriate/whatevs statements/behaviours/whatevs re City Council's conduct re the Rail Lands...I have repeatedly stated and maintain that Council has repeatedly straight-out lied to Ratepayers about their (Council's) agenda for that site and have repeatedly lied about the failure to act for over 8 years, and then have continued to lie about what they're doing now...

Council spewing forth lie upon lie upon deceit upon corruption...this is the reality of Rail Lands Retail Agenda, being Council's ongoing plan for massive Retail/Commercial development on that site...and it is my squishy and I love it...and clearly the Universe thinks I've done somethin' right re the RLRA because it reached out and patted me on the head, and said, 'here big fella', snacks for Zantar'...     

Still tidying, ordering, collating, storing, clearing, etc, etc, the large piles of paperwork, etc, and moving stuff round in circles a fair bit still though, but slowly, incrementally winning, and so it came to be that about a month back I knocked a book onto the floor and picked it up and put it on top of some other stuff without looking at it...more stuff piled on that, etc, and then re-sorting that whole stack and so it recently re-surfaced and last night I happened to half-knock it and distractedly picked it up and flicked through it and found this... 

(OMG-Ed)...I know...this here is page 82 of Mt Gambier City Council's 2004/2005 edition of their big shiny Yearbook thingy they produce...not a word of a lie, it literally fell at my feet weeks ago, got buried, released, and then this...I was a little bit stunned, and 24 hours later I find it still to be a stunning find...I myself have had my say, my opinion, but here is the irrefutable evidence literally literally on their own bloody page...

I swear that I have not been aware of this 'document' until last night, but I would not blame availees for thinking that potentially I've been writing with such specific confidence about the RLRA and associated issues because I was working from this document, it is truly that on one page are all of the issues I've identified, specifically explained in crystal clear fashion...(and that clarity shows Council's multiple, repeated, outright deceits for exactly what they are-Ed)...absolutely...

Lie after lie after lie...for years...a decade in fact, of lies, over and over again...front page after front page of The Border Watch...problems with the Easement, problems with the Deed, etc, etc...100% bollocks...time and again Council has stated that they didn't know about these things but this one page puts to the sword that every lie...the Deed is finalised, the Deed is done...

Again only recently, Council has been stating that they're not allowed to do Retail/Commercial on the site as per the Deed...(if I may?-Ed)...sure...(bollocks-Ed)...well said sir...but it's late, I'm tired, and so I'm going to pull stumps here and do a full shredding of this document,

Tomorrow: SFZ Part II

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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